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Taurus (Guardians of the Stars Book 1)

Page 19

by Kim Faulks

  The shadowed wolf howled. The sound ripped through the forest and slammed into me like a hurricane.

  The dark wolf whimpered. The beast was hurt. Odessa was hurt. Still the predatory wolf kept coming, raking the demon with savage claws. The demon’s black cloak moved, exposing a beast of three legs as the creature fell.

  A ravenous growl filled with hate and horror. The sound shattered the air followed by a scream from the demon that chilled the blood in my veins.

  The sound consumed my thoughts, leaving only one as the bloodthirsty wolf bit. I slapped my hands over my ears while my dragon bellowed. Run, run. Run!

  The crunch of bone pierced my fingers to burrow inside my head. I couldn’t look away as a thin shard of white bone pierced the demon’s chest, followed by another as the shadowed wolf slashed with misted claws.

  The demon won’t survive. Nothing could. How can you fight a shadow?

  The prophecy came to life in the space of a heartbeat as the ravenous shadow swallowed the demon. Crying, screaming. My brother’s screamed for me. I closed my eyes reliving the vision. Cold, frozen forever in stone….

  The sickening shredding to flesh filled me. The demon’s body jerked under each unsatisfied blow with no life of its own.

  The misted wolf stilled, then opened its massive jaws to drop the demon’s remains at Victor’s feet. Glowing red eyes found me as the shadow turned. For the first time in my existence I felt my dragon quake with fear.

  Victor lay on the ground, unable to move as the blurred beast circled his motionless body swinging its predatory gaze through the crowded trees.

  It’s protecting him.

  The thought swept through my mind like a hungry storm. I turned my gaze to what was left of the three-legged beast and swallowed the bile.

  Dear God, that thing is protecting him.

  My heart refused to beat. Until, slowly my brother opened his eyes. The gush of water between his fingers turned to a trickle. He raised his chin as the dark wolf dropped its head. The mist fought to catch up with the movement as the beast nudged his hand. Tendrils slipped from the monster’s mouth to lick his wound. Victor hissed and stared into the beast’s eyes.

  The Bloodletter sank like a stone as I clambered to my feet. Claws turned to nails, long thick feet turned to my own. Pink flesh swallowed crimson scales as I shifted back to human form. I edged closer, my gaze trained on the shadowed beast. Crimson eyes from the shadowed wolf found me. Black lips curled and I glimpsed hell itself within those massive jaws. I raised my hands, taking one slow step. “I’m not going to hurt him. He’s my brother. I’m not going to hurt him.”

  The growl deepened, still the movement, until Victor whispered. “Marcus?”

  Blue eyes pierced me as he turned his head.

  “I’m here. You’re okay.” I kept my gaze fixed on the beast and whispered. “You’re okay.”

  My brother turned back to the hulking shadow. And out of the shadow came tiny hands reaching through the wolf’s wide mouth. Arms followed her hand, then her head and the tumble of blonde hair. The wolf’s jaws popped and strained as the beast birthed the tiny wolf.

  I caught a glimpse of blood as her blonde hair parted. Odessa’s shoulders slipped free, followed by the rest of her body to hit the ground beside Victor.

  The shadowed wolf lost form, slipping into nothing more than tendrils of black mist. With one drawing breath Odessa dragged the mist into her body. No. My knees trembled at the sight. I stumbled closer as her legs buckled. Blood trickled down her neck as she turned her gaze to Victor, then fell to the ground.

  A haunting sound slipped from Victor’s. The high pitched wail sent shivers along my skin. I’d never heard such pain—such torment. Victor clawed her against his body, and her lifeless arms fell to the side.

  Blood covered her cheek. I caught a glimpse of bone where her nose had once been and my stomach rolled with the sight.

  “No, no, no, no!” Abrial’s words tortured me. I reached for her, grasping her arm as she lunged.

  She spun and bared her teeth. Her green eyes wild as she wrenched her arm from my grasp. “Let me go!”

  I felt the thud as she hit the ground and reached for Odessa.

  “Mine.” Victor snarled, spearing her with a frigid stare. A cold wind whipped through the trees, chilling me to the bone. Storm clouds gathered overhead. I stared into his icy gaze and knew rain was coming—drops so big they would sting as they hit my skin. My brother’s pain would wash us all away. “Leave her! She’s mine.”

  The wolf in his arms gasped. Victor dropped his gaze and blinked. A pent up sigh failed to escape. I stared at her blonde hair and her tiny hands, yet all I saw was a wolf of shadows.

  And that memory would haunt me for the rest of my days.

  Victor lifted his head and blinked through thick tears. “Why would she do that? Why would she risk her life to save mine?”

  “I don’t know.” I whispered. “I don’t know.”

  The crunch of steps echoed all around us as those who remained of the Bloodstone pack stepped from the trees. I scanned the faces and the bodies of the fallen. Maddy gripped her baby tight and rushed toward Odessa. Her cries filled me like an incoming tide. There’d been too many deaths, too much heartache. How would we survive?

  One of the women neared the charred remains of the Echo pack leader. She wrenched her foot backwards, then swiftly kicked him in the head. Brittle blackened skin flaked away on her boot. His head lolled, then cracked, separating from his body.

  But we have survived.

  The sheriff cradled his severed head, he’d finally found a way out after all. But they weren’t the only one who meant Abrial harm.

  “Hurron.” Abrial whispered. “He’s gone.”

  I caught her shudder as Xael spoke. “That’s not all. The demon took Zadoc. I couldn’t stop him… I couldn’t help him. I chased the bastard back here before….”

  Silence sliced like a sword and her words sank deep. “Did you hear me, Marcus? The demon took our brother!”

  I hope you enjoyed the first book in this heart-pounding new Dragon Series.

  I can’t wait to show you the next in line… so, here’s a taste of what’s to come…


  The Guardians of the Stars, Book II

  Victor Kane followed his brother into battle against the Echo pack, but it wasn't his brother who bought him back—it was the one they call the lone wolf—the seer—the strange one—Odessa.

  Victor's the second of twelve. Dragon-born in the sign of Aquarius he carries all the traits of his sign—the good and the bad. He's the guarded one, the one with a cool head, the one his family turns to when all hell breaks lose and his family needs him more than ever. His brother is missing. His family is torn. But his world is consumed by the wolf, Odessa. Why would she risk her life to save him? Why would she care?

  Odessa is damaged, sliced from a demon's blade meant for the dragon. But although Victor's safe, her demons still consume her. The evil she's done has come back to haunt her, and Odessa will not only have to fight to survive—she must also protect the one she loves—her dragon—Victor.

  Family. Honor. Love.

  What happens when those three collide?

  Who will be left standing?

  Who will be left heartbroken?

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