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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 3

by W. Ferraro

  Finally, the hour was up. Thank goodness for Mac who was constantly looking up to her. It gave her something to focus on; a link to someone, aside from the sexual encounters and acts partaking all around her. When he tapped his watch and gave her the thumbs up, she started toward the stairs, leaving the darkened corner, which was her refuge while being on the mountain. As Lola reached for the railing with her left hand and lifted her foot to step down, her wrist was grabbed by a beefy hand, which quickly let go. The unplanned shift of weight, was all her heel needed to roll. The action caused pain to shoot out from her ankle and had her grabbing for an anchor, anything. The anchor reached out to grab her; but it wasn’t the beefy hand that started the series of events. Instead, a large firm hand, with long fingers that easily wrapped around her forearm’s diameter. Before Lola knew it, another hand was holding onto her waist and her breasts were pressed against a tall, well sculpted, and hard chest above gold drawstring pants.

  “Are you alright?” A deep baritone voice asked. It didn’t sound like the usual New England accent. It definitely had a different ring to it. Lola was still pressed close to that golden smooth chest, even after catastrophe had been averted. She could feel the vibration of his voice under her cheek.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” She answered keeping her face cast downward, knowing the rules. The stupid rules, but rules nevertheless.

  The hand that held her waist moved upward to her chin, and applied enough pressure causing her to look into his face. “Are you sure you are okay? How’s your ankle?”

  She was looking into deep blue oceans behind the rim of gold from his mask. His pupils twitched back and forth as if he looked enough, he would find confirmation of her answer. This close she could see every pore on the lower half of his face. His just shaved smooth skin begged to be touched. Her nose breathed in his scent, and her conscience screamed that such a scent should be illegal.

  Not wanting to look away, but knowing she had to, she pulled back from the warmth of his body, and answered more firmly, “Ankle is fine. Thanks for making sure I didn’t fall down the stairs.”

  Accepting her answer and stepping back to give her some more space, the heroic angry God, rounded on the beefy man, who still stood off to the side.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Lycus? You are lucky she didn’t topple down the stairs.”

  “Well thanks to you, Adonis, she didn’t; no harm, no foul. She, like the rest of us, is so lucky you were here.” With the last part said with obvious disdain oozing out his mouth, the one called Lycus, pushed passed his fellow God. His eyes, once again, met Lola’s, and she suddenly felt the need to cover her exposed skin. Lola found comfort in the sounds of his heavy treads going down the stairs. She was now alone with the gorgeous God of a man.

  “Sorry for his rudeness. Do you need help walking down?” The question asked with a small sexy smile teasing from the side of his, oh so, sensual mouth.

  Before Lola could respond, Jax joined them. “Do we have a problem?” he asked, with his intimidation persona firmly in place.

  Lola was surprised that the question was not directed toward her, but rather Adonis.

  “No, Jax. I just stepped in to stop this Diakonos from falling down the stairs.” Without a look back toward her, Lola watched as his golden muscular form gracefully descended the stairs. When they were alone, Jax turned toward Lola and asked if there had been a problem. Just grateful that the night was over, Lola assured him that she had just tripped and Adonis was nice enough to keep her from tumbling down the stairs. Lola didn’t want to say what led to the misstep, she just wanted this night to be over.

  After gingerly walking down the stairs, Lola followed the other ladies into the changing room. Once she was back in her clothes, and her face and hair cleaned, she left the fitting room and noticed Mac leaning against the hall wall.

  “Hey, just wanted to check on you, you know, make sure the ankle really is okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s good, nothing some Ibuprofen won’t cure.” Lola answered.

  Mac was just about to say something else when Jax’s echoing voice sounding from the other end of the hall. “Yo, Mac, you bugging our newbie?” he asked finally joining them. He too had changed from his suit to a football jersey and a pair of nylon pants.

  “Not me, Jax, I’m just a concerned fellow slave.” Mac answered, knowing Jax could not resist a ball busting moment.

  Jax smiled knowing his eyes missed nothing. Mac hadn’t been able to keep his eyes in any direction that wasn’t Lola’s. Once the club was closed down, Jax didn’t usually stick his nose in any ones business. Since always being the last to leave, he knew all too well, many of the Diakonos’ would indulge themselves in physical gratification. How could you not, seeing all that sex and fantasy shit that went on behind these walls, he thought. But, coming around the corner and seeing Mac standing with Lola, just did not sit right with Jax.

  “How’s the ankle, Diakonos?” Jax asked.

  “Good. Fine.” Lola answered, just wanting to get out of here. “Thanks guys, I’m going to head out though.” She said, effectively walking away from both men.

  “Well, part of the service we provide here at Olympus is an escort to your vehicle. We can swing by the office, pick up your cash and we will have you out the door before you know it.” Jax said from next to her. With his long legs, it didn’t take but a moment for him to fall into stride with her. Doing as promised, he waited as Lola signed for her envelope containing her cash and walked her to her Wrangler.

  “So, will we be seeing you again, around here?” Jax asked, as he stood leaning his back against her Wrangler and crossing his ankles as if he had all the time in the world.

  Lola climbed in, placing her bag on the passenger seat, and throwing the thick envelope on top of the bag. She turned his words around in her head wondering if she could bring herself to do this again. So, she answered him honestly, “Don’t know.”

  “Well, if you want to come to our union meeting, it’s next week.” Jax stated plainly, as he moved to stand in the space of her open door.

  The audacity of this place never ceased. She found herself shouting at him, “There is a fucking union for this shit?”

  Jax was about to continue the jest when they were interrupted from a shout from the door. “Jax, I ain’t getting any younger. I want to go before the sun comes up.” A female figure wearing a pair of purple plaid pajama pants and a black hoodie pulled up over her head.

  “Yeah, I’m coming, keep your pants on.” Jax yelled back, then turned to Lola, “You are way too easy girl. Lighten up.” Stepping back, he closed her door with a wide white grin against his dark skin.

  Lola rolled down her window, “You’re an ass, you know that?” She said, unable to hide her smile or her laughter.

  “I’ve been told that before, come to think of it. I better go, heaven forbid, Tawne doesn’t get home before the sun comes up.”

  “That’s Tawne?” Lola gaped.

  “Yeah, my little sister sure can transform, can’t she?” With a thump of his large fist on the window frame, Jax walked off toward Tawne.

  Lola drove out of the parking lot and headed toward home. The only good thing about driving this time of night, was the roads and highways had very little traffic. She made the forty-five minute trek in just over thirty-five. She entered her apartment quietly, acknowledging Aimee sitting on the sofa before peeking in on Boyd. She returned to wearily ask Aimee how he did tonight.

  “Lola, your brother is never a problem. Sweet as rain, he is.” Aimee stood stretching her tall body, ridding herself of kinks from sitting too long. With a quiet goodnight, Aimee headed out the door and across the hall to her own apartment.

  “So, I received a call, about another gig at Olympus. Did you get called?” Rebecca asked Lola as she sat and took a sip of her coffee.

  Lola stopped midway from placing the bowl into the cabinet. When she went back to emptying the remaining things in the dishwasher, she knew Rebecca was
waiting for an answer. Closing the door with her foot, she poured herself a cup of coffee and refilled Rebecca’s cup. Lola took a sip of the bitter black brew, looked to her friend and said, “Yeah, I’ve received a couple of calls actually. I just don’t know if I’ll go back.”

  “Why not? You told me on top of your pay you walked out with almost four hundred in tips.” Rebecca asked bewildered.

  Rebecca had a point, Lola thought, especially since her jeep now needed new brakes. That money would certainly come in handy. The problem was, she just didn’t know if she could do it again. The first time she had the dream about those eyes staring down at her from their place above her, was enough to unnerve anyone. But, since she lost count of how many times she has had the same dream, she just didn’t want to get stirred up in the fantasy again.

  “Come on, I’ll be there this time. I’ll even ask Tawne if she’ll let us work together. Come on, please, for me.” Rebecca asked with her cute little cherub face tilted as she batted her eyelashes and tucked her hands in close to her chest folding them as in prayer.

  “Fine. But this is the last time.” Lola said, throwing the dishcloth at her friend and taking another sip of her coffee.

  “Did you get it?” Aimee asked as Lola walked through the door. Boyd bound up off his seat and raced to his sister. He wrapped his thick arms and hands around her. She hugged him back and ruffled his dark hair. She looked down at his face and that is when she noticed the shiner.

  “Boyd, what the hell happened?” Lola asked as concerned rocketed through her.

  Boyd stepped back and walked back toward his vacated seat. Knowing Lola wouldn’t accept having her question go unanswered, he felt his own anger resurface.

  “Some mean kid was making fun of Shauna. Saying her mother did something very bad to cause her to have a kid with Down syndrome. I told him to not talk about Shauna’s momma. He then said that I was a loser because I have Down syndrome and he was glad he didn’t have it because he didn’t want to be fat or ugly like me. I shoved him because I was mad and then he hit me. Mrs. Crowley came over and pulled him off me.” Boyd pulled on his shoelace before he continued.

  Lola walked over to her brother and freed his hands from their usual defense mechanism. She looked to Aimee, who was making herself busy cleaning up.

  Lola always said she would be honest with Boyd, but this was one of those moments, she didn’t know if she should cheer or cry. She hated the stereotypical reaction of some people who didn’t know enough about Down syndrome or other disabilities. To Lola, her brother was just as intelligent as most of his peers and he was a normal teen who is obsessed with video games. Knowing her own anger toward the ignorance of society caused her to check her own emotion. So, she settled for humor, “if you look like this, I’d hate to see what the other kid looks like.”

  That did it. Boyd smiled and hugged her. Lola stood and walked toward the kitchen. She turned and said one of her favorite sayings to him. “You Buddy-Boyd, continue to rock that extra chromosome.”

  “You didn’t tell us, did you get the bartender job?” Aimee asked.

  “Yes, I start next week.” Lola answered. She was very excited about the new job that promised steadier hours and a guaranteed paycheck. She knew she would still need to work at the Hawthorne Hotel, but now she wouldn’t have to do a fourth tour at Olympus. The additional two Rebecca had talked her into, was enough for her. She was grateful for the money, but for other reasons, she knew she needed to close that experience, effective immediately.

  Cal’s was bumping. Lola had been working here almost six weeks and she loved it. The pub had a great set of regulars, and offered live music on the weekends, to bring in the bigger crowds. Cal, her boss and the pub’s owner, had just added on a huge addition, and was doing a soft opening tonight before the official one this upcoming weekend. The band was rocking and the lines were three or four deep. The noise from the crowd proved everyone was having a great time, and Lola’s pockets were quickly filling with tips. She was meeting great people and building a good rapport with the customers.

  Lola’s feet were dancing to the beat and her hips were shaking to the bass. The band was incredible. She filled drink order after drink order. She could make any combination cocktail as easily as she could fill a draft pilsner or unscrew a bottle top, all while continuing a conversation with some of the patrons.

  “Why don’t you just go talk to her?” Lola asked of Kevin, one of her regular patrons, as she filled an order of five mojitos.

  “I’m working up to it. It should be illegal to look that good in a leopard print dress, Lord have mercy. What do you women do, wake up and think of all the ways you can drive a man crazy with need?” Kevin asked as he took a log pull from his Guinness.

  Lola had not seen the woman that Kevin had been drooling over, but given the number of people, she was lucky she had seen Kevin.

  Lola continued to tug at the hem of her black shirt, trying to tuck it back into her pants. However it was a losing battle, every time she reached up for a glass or bottle, it just road up again, exposing her midriff. Not that Cal had a dress code, but she still insisted on dressing appropriately. Just because she worked in a bar didn’t mean she should skank out. Granted she was far from small, in fact technically she would be considered plus size, but she generally liked her figure. She knew how to accentuate her curves and feel sexy without embarrassing herself. She would be lying if she didn’t know that a small peak of her bright red bra was sticking out her top.

  The dance floor was packed and the band was rocking. Lola found herself more dancing than walking in the small area behind the bar. She was singing along to the song about a redneck woman, just enjoying herself. Hank, one of the regulars, never gave up the chance to flirt with Lola.

  “Anytime you want to entertain someone with that sweet sounding mouth of yours, you just come see old Hank here.”

  “But then what would I do with the other fifty-nine minutes left in the hour, Hank?” Lola said sassily, winking toward the salt and pepper haired man.

  That earned her a couple of wolf whistles and a couple of laughs. This was just one of the reasons she loved working here. Cal, her coworkers and the customers, have all gone out of their way to make her feel welcomed and part of their family. Lola enjoyed the flirtatious repertoire that she had built with many. In fact, Lola enjoyed flirting with most men, because she knew it was just that, flirtation. She did not intend to get involved with anyone. She had goals in life, and nothing was going to stop her and Boyd from making every one of their dreams come true. She had promised Boyd she would make him happy, and dammit, she fully intended to keep that promise.

  As the intense pace of the night started to break, seats opened up at the bar. A previously vacant seat was now occupied. Wiping her hands on a towel, she headed over to take the next order.

  “What can I get you, hun?” Lola looked up to find a very attractive woman sitting in front of her. She sat elegantly on the stool with her long caramel hair down and her low cut leopard print dress displaying her fabulous rack. So, this must be the girl Kevin has been drooling over. Lola saw the appeal; she was a very sexy woman. Lola was also not surprised when she gave her order.

  “I’ll have a Slippery Nipple with a Screaming Orgasm chaser. Wes, either of those peak your interest?” The leopard print vixen asked the man next to her. Lola’s eyes moved to her date, Wes, as the lady in the leopard print called him, and froze. She would know those blue eyes anywhere. His skin still looked soft. Even from this distance she could smell his scent as it surrounded her, subconsciously confirming her suspicion.

  Just the sight of him had her body responding, suddenly very warm. She could feel her nipples harden and a tingle begin to make itself known, deep inside. Get a grip!

  She was proud of how quickly she recovered. With a smile in place, she waited for him to give her his order. Glenlivet 12 on the rocks, figures. When she pulled the bottle of scotch down, she thought back to when she first starte
d and noticed the expensive scotch as part of the inventory. She wondered why Cal kept such an expensive bottle on hand, now she knew the answer. Of all the bars in all of New England, why does he have to be in this one?

  She placed Ms. Leopard Prints order in front of her and watched as the knockout picked them up off the bar, winked to Wes, and said in a purr, “Thanks, sweets.” And walked off swishing her ass.

  Lola placed his rock glass down in front of him, with more force than she meant to, immediately she looked up and regretted it. The deep blue of his irises sought hers. Recognition? She was afraid he would slip up and their secret would be out. No, not “their” secret, rather, his of participation and hers of employment.

  Before Lola had a chance to tell him how much, he was handing her a crisp bill, “keep it.” His voice sent a shiver up her spine. It flowed out in such an intimate volume, she was sure he could bring a woman to the brink just by his voice.

  Knowing it was cowardly, but taking it nevertheless, she accepted the exit he offered. Without another word, she walked down the bar and threw herself into another order. She stuck the bills into her left bra cup, and squeezed her eyes shut as the stiff paper grazed against her already stimulated nipple.

  The evening went by quickly, before Lola knew it, it was closing on last call. There was now only a handful of people left in the bar. The band had since stopped and was now packing up their equipment.

  “Hey Lola, Cal said one of us could head out, so if you want to take off, I don’t mind closing up.” Jeff said as he started taking inventory of what needed to be brought up from the storage room.

  “Oh, I don’t mind staying Jeff, if you want to get out of here and see that beautiful newborn baby you got waiting at home.” Lola said as she walked over to the large tough looking man that was such a marshmallow when it came to his new daughter. She pulled the elastic from her wrist to put her long black hair up in a messy knot. She just needed the weight off her neck.


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