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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 6

by W. Ferraro

  “Whenever I get to lay eyes on you, is a moment I consider nice.” He whispered so close to her ear; if he just extended his tongue out, he would have easily speared the small hoop that was there.

  Before she could think of a retort, she watched his tall form exit the room.

  Now, what the hell did he mean by that? Lola didn’t want to think about Wes Thompson any longer than she had to, but she also knew she wouldn’t be able to think of much else. She was stuck in this thought, when Aimee popped her head back in to the conference room, waking Lola from her mental stutter.

  “Lola, come on, we’re waiting on you. Just leave that stuff, we’ll clean up afterwards.” Aimee said as she looked at her reflection quickly in the mirror on the wall, as she smoothed down her hair.

  “Aimee, I think I better just stay here. You go on. I wouldn’t be doing anything but standing there with nothing to contribute.” Lola said, praying for the reprieve.

  “No way. You promised. I need you there to help with my jitters. Matt Travis makes me nervous.” Aimee said, not telling Lola what kind of nerves she was feeling. Aimee forcefully pulled the tray from Lola’s hands, placing it back on the credenza and pulling her along in her wake.

  “Right this way gentleman, hope you are up for a walk?” Aimee said, trying to keep her eyes averted from Matt’s.

  Lola hung back, allowing Aimee and Jerry to lead, followed by the visitors. But even after only a few of steps, she realized she should have kept pace with Aimee. From here, she had an unobstructed view of Wes Thompson’s ass. Even under his expensive looking casual clothes, Lola could tell the strength that was present there. His gait was smooth and masculine. Lola enjoyed how the bright sunshine showed how light his hair was. His close cut, gave an almost military look, but he was no jarhead. Lola was lost in thoughts of hard muscles under golden skin, large white couches and a private party for two when she collided with said hardness. With an oomph, Lola was caught around her arms by strong but gentle hands, before she landed on the ground.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” Lola responded, causing a faint expression of familiarity on Wes’ face. Oh, how perfect would that timing be for him to remember that now?

  Lola gave her head a curt nod of thanks, and walked away to take haven next to Jerry. Lola listened to Aimee explain the reason this location was picked and her thoughts of what the building and grounds should look like after completion of the process. Lola tried to focus on the professionalism and grace Aimee had, but she just couldn’t. She was falling victim to the blue eye stare coming from the other end of their loosely wound circle. She silently prayed he would still be in the darkness, or at least realize their connection when she wasn’t around.

  Aimee pulled Lola from her thoughts. “Lola, was the one who suggested the equestrian center for another program and activities for the kids. She has done a lot of research on the connection between horses and children with special needs. She even went as far as approaching and swooning, the most successful riding instructor in this field, until he agreed to lead our program here at Aaron’s Place,” Aimee said, pride filling her voice. She continued, “Without Lola around here, Aaron’s Place would not be what we always dreamed it would and could be.”

  Matt looked toward Lola, wanting to acknowledge her involvement for the wonder it was, but also, since Lola seemed important to the foundation, and ultimately Aimee, a little brown nosing would go a long way. “Congratulations, Ms. Nash. Sounds like you’ve done a service to this foundation and its potential. Wes, over here, is quite the horse lover himself.”

  Matt and Adam engaged Aimee and Jerry into questions and ideas for the project. Giving Wes an opening, he walked over to Lola, allowing them a bit of privacy.

  “That is some wonderful praise, Lola. You mean a lot to this organization.” He said, as he stood in front of her, stopping her from looking at any of the others and focusing on him.

  Still no response. Wes prided himself on his self-discipline and patience, but Lola was grating it, and at an amazing pace.

  “Look, you can’t ignore me forever. I will wear you down, and you will actually have to talk to me, especially now that we will be working closely together.”

  Was he really this arrogant? The fact that he had to be the most attractive man Lola has ever set eyes on, was a moot point.

  “How, exactly, did you come to that conclusion of us working together hot shot? I’m a volunteer, not an architect.” Lola answered snidely, knowing she was being completely rude, but she had to pop the balloon of his ego.

  With a smile that was both gorgeous and full of dirty intent. Wes winked at Lola, turned his body toward the others and said, “Matt, I know we had talked about the handling of the design and my participation, but in light of this new info, and as you said, my own feelings on riding, I’d like to handle the design myself. I’d also like to request, with Ms. Amico’s approval, of course, that Ms. Nash have full involvement of the entire process.”

  He didn’t!

  “I think that is a wonderful idea. Of course!” Aimee answered, unaware of the fury burning inside her friend.

  She didn’t!

  “It’s settled then. Let’s get you that donation check we talked about, and get the ball rolling on your expansion,” Matt said, enjoying the joy that radiated off Aimee’s beautiful face. The quartet walked off, heading back to Aimee’s office, without knowing Lola or Wes hadn’t followed.

  Turning back to Lola, Wes said, “That is how a hot shot like me, came to that conclusion, partner!” With that parting shot, Wes walked toward his associates, with a smile and a new bounce in his step.

  “Come on. Please, Lola. Just this one shift, that’s all I ask. I don’t want to lose the spot, and if I call in, Gitta will replace me faster than you can snap. The only reason she didn’t fire me last time, was I promised her fresh meat, that’s you by the way.” Rebecca pleaded through the phone.

  She couldn’t. She just couldn’t go back to Olympus knowing he would be there. It was bad enough he had set up this ridiculous schedule, through Aimee of course, of when they could meet to discuss the first round of designs for Aaron’s Place. Falling short of getting down on her knees, wrapping her arms around Aimee’s legs, and telling her she would not let go until Aimee told her she didn’t have to work with Wes Thompson, Lola had tried everything to get out of the partnership. All Aimee could do was praise her and tell her that because of her, the expansion was going through and she should lap the rewards of it. Honestly, Lola just wanted to wash her hands of the whole thing. Until, of course, Wes Thompson’s involvement was finished, anyways.

  Rebecca’s nonstop begging in her ear, brought Lola back to the present. “Please, Lola, I’ll even give you all my tips from the next shift I work. Please, I’ll never ask you again.”

  Knowing she wouldn’t take Rebecca’s money, and hating her own flaw of having easily manipulated guilt, Lola knew she would do it. She would hate to be the reason Rebecca lost her job. She knew Rebecca needed the money almost as much as Lola did.

  “Fine! But I swear, if you ever ask me again, you no longer will be able to breathe out your nose, got it?” Lola immediately pulled the phone away from her ear to save her hearing from all the hoots and squeals of delight that was coming through.

  Just have to get through a couple of hours. Just have to get through a couple of hours. Lola was hoping if she said it enough times, she would actually start to believe it. She pressed the button, one moment she noticed Jax opening the door, next Lola found herself swept off her feet, squeezed in a hug to rival a boa constrictor, and giggling as Jax sang about how happy he was to see her.

  “Okay, you can put me down now,” Lola said, righting her clothes when she reached the ground.

  “I was so stoked when Tawne told me you were working tonight. Where you been girl? Don’t you like us anymore?” Jax asked, with his best puppy dog face. But, he thought he knew the reason why Lola hadn’t been around.
Some could come in, work and wash it off when they left, others, like Lola, apparently couldn’t.

  “Well, to be truthful, I had to stay away from you, Jax. I was afraid seeing you would bring back all the stalking tendencies I have where you are concerned.” She said, batting her eyelashes quickly.

  “Girl, don’t tempt me.” The friends walked in talking quietly about what’s been going on. Lola was happy she met Jax and Tawne, they really had become good friends to her. Lola headed toward her temporarily assigned dressing area, put on the gauze dress and accessories that awaited her there. After running the brush through her hair and applying her makeup, she headed out into the hall. Tawne was once again heading the brigade. Lola hung back, wanting to speak with her privately.

  “Hey Lola, about time we saw that beautiful body of yours. The men were starting to get unbearable without you here.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Not possible, with you, the sexy siren of patent leather around.” Lola said, watching her friend enjoy the compliment. Unlike the last few times, Tawne’s hair was bright orange opposed to the purple from before. Lola was absolutely sure the sight of her, filled many men’s fantasies. “Look, I need a favor, but I can’t explain why I’m asking.”

  Tawne looked at her friend, and knew that she would do whatever Lola needed, if it was in her power to. “Shoot, girl.”

  “I need to work the bottom floor. I cannot go up to the mountain. Please.” Lola said, before applying her mask. The rattle in her stomach was so loud she was sure Tawne would ask what that horrible sound was.

  “Gitta’s instructions were for you to work the lower floor, so that shouldn’t be a problem. But, you do know if you are requested, there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. Just keep out of view of Lycus. He’s been inquiring about you the last couple of weeks, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

  Lycus, even the name sounded sleazy. Even though it had been a while since she worked, she always made a point to go out of her way to avoid him. She was in no rush to feel unclothed when he looked at her, even more than she already was. Not to mention, that he was the one that almost caused her to tumble down the stairs, and didn’t do a thing to stop it. That was all the knowledge she needed, he was to be avoided.

  “That won’t be a problem.” Lola said quietly.

  She went into the club and soon it was bumping. The members entered and took their places, then the Gods. She made sure she stuck to the back of the crowd, tucked over by the bar. With so many people in front of her she could barely see any one of them. But of course, then she saw the tall, closely cut head of Adonis. As if he felt her presence, he turned his head toward her direction. Lola was grateful for her quick reflexes and quickly ducked down on the pretense of fixing the heel of her stilettos. When the golden dressed attendees climbed the stairs and went about doing whatever they do up there, Lola felt herself somewhat relax. The once busy lower floor was starting to dwindle in numbers, as people headed toward their entertainment for the remainder of the evening. Lola had to admit she was a tad bit curious as to what was down the tunnels, but not curious enough to try to find out. Even though it wasn’t as hectic, it was still steady enough to keep her busy. She quickly got into a rhythm with the bartenders. Lola was happy she was working with Mac. Besides Jax and Tawne, Mac was really the only other person here she trusted enough to talk to. Between orders and pickups, Mac caught her up on everything that had been happening at Olympus over the last few months. Knowing every time she had to deliver a drink, she took a chance of Lycus seeing her. Going on the rules of Olympus, she made it a point to keep her head down.

  She was waiting at the bar, while Mac fixed an order of three jack and cokes for her, knowing they were in the home stretch of the night, she started to get a little giddy. Another night at Olympus almost completed, without incident. Mac handed her the glasses, she placed them on her tray and walked with purpose to their destination. She had just reached the table when she heard the voice.

  “Look who it is. Diakonos! You’ve kept me waiting. I hate waiting. Come be a good little slave and climb the mountain. It’s lonely up there I’m looking for some entertainment.”

  Lola’s skinned crawled as his dark eyes penetrated through her. She knew she needed to follow his orders, but she also knew her job title was protection enough from being his entertainment.

  “Come!” he said, as his lips caused a wicked smile. The way his cheeks flushed gave Lola no doubt that his word choice was definitely a double innuendo.

  Lola followed him, as she concentrated on the stairs. Being sure her footing was secure with each step. When they reached the top, Lola was surprised to find the mountain was almost empty. Lycus sprawled on the white circular sofa closest to the servant corner. There were two beautiful women draped in miniscule lingerie of gold, entwined in an acrobatic display of sexual nature. Such a display, Lola would think, would cause a crowd of men to watch, but apparently at a sex club, it’s just another hookup. Lola didn’t want to stare at the beautiful female bodies that were in throes of sexual pleasure, but her options were very limited. She could feel Lycus’ dark creepy eyes staring at her. And she was afraid to look directly at him, in fear that what she saw out of the corner of her eye, would confirm what he was doing to himself, while looking at her. As bile started to rise in her throat at thoughts of watching the sleaze relieve himself at her expense, it was then she saw him. Over in the far corner, opposite her. His tall form, in gold satin pants, leaned against the railing as he looked through the large windows of the building. This would be the only location in the club that you would be able to see the view beyond the lights of the far off city of Dunstan. Its lights twinkled, blending with the brightly lit starlight sky. She watched as his muscles twitched in his back, how the fluid flex of firm flesh rippled at even the slightest shift of weight.

  “Diakinos! I want you to come sit we me.” Lola forced herself to look at Lycus. He sat, stroking himself slowly. He bit his lip, as his manual self-gratification brought him closer to the brink. “Come over here, even though it’s against the rules, I’ll let you take over for me. I bet you could suck me off rather good.”

  She was afraid she was going to be sick. She stepped backwards, until her barely covered ass was against the railing. He used her predicament to his advantage. Lycus stood up and stalked toward her, not letting go of his raging hard on, never breaking stride of his manual pumping. He was in front of her, close enough to rub his erect member against her. Lola turned her head to face the wall, knowing it would be moments before she retaliated.

  “That’s right, you are closing your eyes because you know it will feel good. I can make you feel good. I bet you fuck like a whore.” He said as he leaned down to touch his disgusting lips to hers. Lola lifted her hands to his chest and pushed with all her might, closing her eyes as she did. She knew given his husky size that he would be difficult to move, but when she barely pushed, he flew backwards and landed on the couch. Lola was stunned. Opening her eyes quickly she saw why he moved so far. In front of her Adonis stood, looking down at the one called Lycus. His chest heaved as he stood over the other man. With his eyes covered by the mask, keeping some of his face hidden, there was still no denying the fury that was present.

  Jax was quickly heading up the stairs. She was frozen in place. She just watched as the two golden clad men stared at each other.

  “That’s it Lycus! You just never learn! What the hell were you thinking, she’s a Diakonos, not an Oikatase!”

  “Fuck you, Adonis. She wanted it. I’m a God for fuck sake. If I want them, I get them, regardless of your stupid titles. You know some of us actually come here to fuck. When was the last time you had anyone on your cock? All you do is sit up here and stare off into space.”

  Jax was in front of her, quietly asking if she was all right. When she slightly nodded her head, Jax turned, hiding her behind his much larger body.

  “Adonis, I’d like permission to take her down.”

course.” Adonis answered, ignoring the protests and verbal garbage coming from Lycus. He approached Jax, and quietly asked, “Diakonos, are you alright?”

  Being taller as he was, gave him an advantage very few people had over Jax, he could see over his shoulder. “Hey, are you….” the words froze in his throat. She looked up at him, through her mask, and his body sizzled with recognition. Lola! Everything became a little bit clearer about her opinion of him, but that was a subject for later. Knowing it was Lola, which Lycus practically molested, the urge to confirm she was all right grew tenfold.

  “Lola!” he said quietly, as he tried to reach her over Jax’s shoulder.

  Jax’s eyes widened at Adonis calling her by her name. Now was not the time to get to the bottom of their acquaintance. “I need to get her down, man.” Without acceptance or acknowledgment, Jax ushered Lola down the stairs. They reached the floor and kept on going until they were through the doors and alone.

  “Hey, girl, you okay?” Jax asked knowing the asshole known as Lycus was the worst kind of representation of Olympus. She was shaken, but she seemed generally okay.

  She quickly nodded her head and left Jax in the hall, as she went to change. She was outta here. As she stripped off her coverings, the pit of her stomach ached. He knew. Unequivocally knew. The embarrassment of being discovered, like that, especially, gave her the much needed spark to put some pep in her step, and just put as much distance between her and Olympus. Not even bothering to pick up the slip of a dress that was thrown on the floor, Lola threw her bag over her shoulder and headed out.

  She reached the hallway in time to find Jax arguing with someone. Their voices were quiet enough that she could not make out what they were saying, but not enough to miss the importance of each ones point. Knowing she needed to walk by them for refuge of her jeep, she hung her head and picked up her pace to pass without disturbing them


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