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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 17

by W. Ferraro

  “I’ll get it!” Wes could hear Boyd through the closed apartment door. Moments later the door opened to Boyd’s face with a huge toothy grin plastered across it.

  “Wes!” Boyd called out, as he aggressively and clumsily hugged Wes around the middle.

  “Boyd, my man, how is my favorite extra chromosome rocker?” Wes asked happily, returning the young man’s hug.

  “So, where are we going? How are we going to get there? Will we be in your car? Or do I have to drive with Lola?” Boyd rifled off question after question, not bothering to stop for breath.

  Wes laughed at Boyd’s enthusiasm. He was just about to answer when Lola came out of the small hallway. Wes watched as she walked toward him with her beautiful smile. She was dressed casual in form fitting jeans and a flowing top the color of eggplant. Her rich black hair was pulled to the side where it cascaded down over her shoulder, exposing her neck, inviting immediate thoughts of how responsive and tender that spot was on her. With her ever present intricate eye makeup, she looked like she should be on a magazine cover, not going to a house party, where the menu contained ballpark fair.

  “Hi.” She said, as she walked up to him, unsure if she should greet him with any sort of affection, even though she wanted to jump on him since she could now smell his wonderful scent.

  “Hey, Sunshine. You look fantastic. Not going to be fair to the other females there.” He whispered as he leaned in and kissed her chastely on the cheek, fully aware of their audience.

  “Ewww.” Boyd said, as he left the doorway, opting to return to his current level on the game console.

  “Do I look alright? I didn’t know what I should wear.” Lola said looking down at her top and wondering if she should have went with her black t-shirt.

  Unable to control the smile that formed on his lips, Wes leaned in. He spoke softly against her lips, placing his hand so it cupped her cheek, and said with sincerity and a touch of jest, “I personally prefer you with nothing on, with just your gorgeous skin and beautiful ink to entertain my sight, but I don’t think I’d like you to go to my friends’ like that.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think anyone would appreciate that.”

  “That’s the problem, Sunshine. My friends would appreciate it too much, and I’m just not up for that test of my control.” He said, this time with less humor in his voice, as he finally claimed her lips in the kiss he has thought about since he spoke with her last night.

  Lola tried to process his words, but honestly, once his warm lips and skillful tongue came into contact with hers, she lost all ability to think. She wanted more and he damn well knew it; especially if his wink was any indication before placing one last sweet, light kiss on her electrified full lips.

  “Definitely not ready for that challenge.” He said as he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.

  With a rather loud clearing of his throat, Boyd asked, “Are you two done yet?”

  Wes and Lola looked at each other and smiled at the question.

  “Yes, we’re done,” Wes answered. Then turning to Lola, he said quietly, “for now.”

  The trio walked down and toward his Lexus. Once all were secure in their seats, Wes drove toward the Finn household. Conversation during the ride contained details about Boyd’s monster marathon night at Aaron’s Place, Lola’s promise to take Boyd back to see Blossom and, of course, when Wes would be back to play Guitar Hero with Boyd.

  Before twenty minutes had passed, Wes was pulling into a driveway next to a huge white house that looked standard from the front, but when looking up toward it from where Wes parked, it looked anything but standard. The enormous house was flanked by a deck that ran its whole length. Lola noticed that immaculate yard looked professionally landscaped and with the combination of the lake beyond it, this would be a photographers dream for backgrounds. Wes led the way up the stairs to the massive deck, where alternating on every third step was either a beautiful potted mum in hues of red or orange, or was a pumpkin. The touch only added to the picturesque scheme of the home. Lola watched as Wes didn’t knock, only opened the door and walked right in. Boyd had no problem following right behind, while Lola brought up the rear. They walked in to complete chaos.

  Babies crying, one toddler teetering around, while another crawled at high speed to catch up. Men of all different ages were watching a college football game and yelling at the enormous flat screen, unwillingly accepting the refs call. Even a young girl, wearing a full on princess getup skipping around as if everyone wore tiaras and gowns.

  “Yo, Wes, you should have just seen the crappy call Syracuse got penalized for. Hey, who you got with you?” A tall handsome blonde haired teenager asked from his perch on the back of the large couch. At the mention of the question, you could practically hear a pin drop. Heads turned and even the babies stopped crying in their vibrating seats.

  “Everyone, this is Lola and her brother Boyd, friends of mine. Please don’t make them regret their willingness to come with me.” Wes said, but specifically looked at Dylan, his decade old friend.

  At their introduction, life presumed to what it was before their entrance. Boyd stuck close to Lola, uncomfortable with all the new people. Lola placed her hands on both his shoulders, giving him an encouraging squeeze. Just then, the woman Lola remembered that introduced herself as Mae, came over to greet them.

  “Hi, Lola. Hi Boyd. So happy Wes brought you. Please make yourself comfortable. Hope you’re hungry. Lynne, our housekeeper, has made enough food to feed an army.”

  With some quick introductions, Lola found her and Boyd thrown into the pandemonium. Lola found herself with a sweet little girl crawling to her feet asking to be picked up. Lola couldn’t help but accommodate. Boyd was now sitting on the couch, next to the Finn’s middle son, Aidan. They actually go to school together but don’t have any classes together, but that didn’t seem to be standing in their way. They animatedly started in on a conversation varying in topic from the latest video games, their current scores on said video game and then about the football game on the TV.

  “Sorry about that,” said a tall, willowy woman that came hurriedly over to Lola, trying to extract the toddler from her arms. “Daisy wants to be picked up constantly. I swear she is never going to walk, because she always finds someone willing to carry her.” Once the now giggling toddler was in her mother’s arms, the strawberry blonde extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Robyn. You’ve already met my daughter, Daisy. I’m Seth’s sister.”

  “Yes, I’ve seen you a time or two down at Cal’s. Nice to meet you.” Lola responded as she pulled on a golden curl on Daisy’s head.

  “And who are these gorgeous little angels?” Lola asked turning to the two infants in matching pink bouncy seats on the table.

  “Angels? I don’t know about that, perhaps their horns are holding up their hallows, who knows, I’m too tired to tell anymore.” Came from the slight blonde woman who was currently holding a pastel bottle to each suckling mouth.

  “You are doing fine, Natalie. You have two, and you are still upright, I say that is an automatic win.” Claimed Robyn.

  “I remember when Boyd was little, I never thought he would sleep, but surprisingly he did one night.”

  “There is hope, then.” Natalie said with a sweet smile. “I’m Natalie by the way, I belong to the dark haired one over there, and these two little things are his fault, I’m positive. Fault number one is Ria and fault number two is Cat.”

  “Fault one and two? No way! More like Daddy’s Precious Princesses!” came from the doting Dad that looked tough and manly, but was not above making completely ridiculous faces, sounds and speak in baby talk to get his two daughters to giggle. “We haven’t been formally introduced, I’m Dylan and these three beauties are mine.” Said the classic tall, dark, and handsome man.

  “Three, I think you need glasses, my love. Twins are enough for me.” Natalie said, wiping one of her daughter’s mouth with the burp cloth.

  “I was including you in the coun
t, babe.” Dylan said, leaning over and kissing his wife, just because he could.

  “Oh, will you two get a room. Aren’t you done with the honeymoon phase yet?” asked Mae sarcastically.

  Lola watched as the one walking toddler, clumsily walked to Mae and asked to be elevated as well, “And this little tank is Cody.” The dark haired little boy looked just like his mother except for his extremely green eyes. At the mention of his name, he thought this was the appropriate time to play shy, so he nuzzled in close to his mother’s neck and peaked at Lola ever so stealth like.

  “Hello, Cody! You are going to be busy with all these girls around, aren’t you?” Lola said as she lightly tickled his chunky pant covered thigh. When she was rewarded with a large happy smile, Lola continued to attack him playfully.

  “Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” came from the running fire haired princess. “I stepped on one of Cody’s toys and now I can’t get my shoe to fit right.”

  Looking down at her daughter, Mae noticed that her shoe was broken right at the arch of the dress-up heel. “What you do to footwear, should be illegal, Sweetie. Come on over here and I’ll see if I can fix it.”

  Just as the little girl was going to take a seat, a wonderful Irish accent filled Lola’s ears, “Megan, come here, I’ll see to it. Your Mommy has her hands full with Cody at the moment.”

  “Lynne, it is okay, I always have a limb available for my Megan.”

  “Oh I know you do Sweet Mae, but let an old woman feel useful around here.” Said the smiling elderly woman, who ushered the little girl to the high seated counter over in the kitchen.

  Mae was about to say something kindhearted about Lynne to Lola, but she turned to find Lola involved in a specific game of peek-a-boo with Cody. Mae thought Lola was such an attractive woman to begin with, between her gorgeous face and envious figure, at least in Mae’s mind, but to see her interact and play with Cody, she just lit up. Mae watched as smiles and giggles poured out of her son. Soon, Daisy was involved as well and the kids were loving Lola. Mae turned toward Wes, but found he was just as enthralled watching Lola’s interaction with the smallest of their group. Mae and Wes’ eyes connected and as if their conversation was as loud as everyone could hear them. Mae smiled and winked to her friend, whom she was sure just witnessed an unknown dream of his.

  “Mama” came from Cody, but not toward the woman that was holding him, but rather the one playing with him.

  “I’m sorry, this is his new thing, calling everyone, ‘Mama’. He just said it the other day for the first time and I almost passed out, then he called both Lynne and Megan ‘Mama’ too, and I realized he is just making sounds.”

  Mae was sure she saw a split-moment expression of extreme pain before Lola, stated simply, “It happens.”

  Soon plates were filled to overflowing capacity as mostly everyone went outside, enjoying the still beautiful weather, to eat on the spacious deck. Lola had just sat down next to Wes, at a table where Robyn, her husband Bryan, Seth and Mae were sitting. The kids sat over at the other table, and dived into their piled high plates.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Wes leaned in closely toward Lola.

  “Uh-ha. All your friends are super nice. Boyd seems in his glory with Aidan. Thanks for inviting us.”

  “Thanks for coming.” Using his hand at the back of her neck he pulled her in close as he said, “Well, this kind of coming anyways, I’m hoping to make you come the other way soon.” Finally cutting the gap, he leaned in giving her a completely inappropriate kiss.

  “Yo, Wes, my friend Michael can’t go next Sunday, so can Boyd take the ticket?” Conner asked around a full mouth of food.

  “Ticket for what?” Boyd and Lola asked at the same time.

  “We are all heading down to the Patriots game at Gillette next Sunday. Me and Aidan, Wes, Dad, D, Uncle Bryan, Liam.” Conner continued to explain.

  Wes looked at Lola and said, “I’m okay with him coming with us, but it’s your call.”

  “Yeah, I wanna go.” Boyd said excitedly as if he was the deciding factor.

  “It will be so cool. We are going to tailgate, cook burgers and bring some yard games to play while we wait.” Aidan said talking excitedly to his new friend.

  “Boyd, I don’t think so.” Lola said to her brother, but then to the group, “But thank you for the invite.

  Seth chimed in, trying to help. “The ticket is already paid for, either we use it or it goes to waste. Are you working? We don’t mind keeping an eye out for him.”

  Mae also tried to help, “The males over the age of two are going, but us girls and the little ones will be here. We decided to do our own football party. We would love for you to join us. That’s if you aren’t working.” Mae added quickly, wondering if that was the reason for the denial.

  “No, she doesn’t work on Sundays, that’s our family day. But I want to go, I’ve never been to Gillette before.” Boyd pleaded to his sister.

  Boyd’s statement was just another reminder of not only the things Lola couldn’t do for Boyd, but also Boyd’s adolescent misunderstanding of reasons behind why she couldn’t; he thought she was just mean for not bringing him, while she knew the real reason was money and time.

  “Boyd, I said no. We will talk about the reasons later.” Lola said, staring at her brother trying to mentally signal him not to have a fit.

  “You never let me do anything! I hate you!” Boyd shouted, as he stood quickly, knocking his chair over, bumping the table, causing multiple drinks to splash over their rims, as he ran into the house and slammed the door behind him.

  Knowing every face was on her, Lola quietly got up, “I’m so sorry for his outburst,” as she followed Boyd inside.

  Lola walked into the Finn house to find Dylan and Natalie, eating while playing with the girls. Lynne was eating in the kitchen as she made something that smelled delicious. Lola quickly searched for a sign of which way Boyd went when she saw movement through the double-sided fireplace. She quickly walked past the massive fireplace to a front foyer, where a piano resided in the corner and a red leather couch was kitty cornered. Boyd sat on the couch with his feet up as he pulled at his shoelaces, effectively breaking one before he started in on its match.

  “Boyd, I am so sick of this! You cannot speak to me like that! Wes invited us here to his friend’s house, with expectations of you not embarrassing him.” Lola tried to quietly scold her brother so no one would hear them.

  “Aidan and Conner are my friends too.”

  Geez, is that all he got out of that? “I’m happy you made some friends, but they were Wes’ friends first.”

  Lola was just about to tell Boyd to pack up they would have to leave when Wes found them, “Boyd, my man, that is uncool! I expect that kind of behavior out of a little kid not a young man. Regardless of how you feel about her decision-making, Lola has the final say. End of discussion.”

  For as angry as Lola was at Boyd, she really didn’t like hearing anyone, especially Wes speaking to him like that. Haven’t they already gone around this circle before?

  She was just about to say so when Boyd focused his attention less on his shoelaces and more on Wes, “But, YOU said I could go.”

  “Doesn’t matter what I say, it is what she says, Boyd, period. She is the boss, not me.”

  Apparently not liking Wes’ less than stellar ability to get Lola to overturn her decision, Boyd came back with, “But I want you to be my boss. I want to live with you.”

  “Oh please, you have got to be kidding me!” Lola said completely exasperated.

  “Boyd, doesn’t work like that my man.” Wes said.

  “You’re her boyfriend. Why can’t we live with you, instead of in our stupid apartment.”

  “Boyd! That’s enough!” Lola scolded.

  Wes got down on his haunches in front of the young man and said, “Look Boyd, regardless of my relationship with your sister, she will always have the final say in anything that has to do with you. You are just going to have to get used
to it.”

  “I hate you too, Wes!”

  “Sorry you feel that way. I guess there is nothing else to say.” Wes stood up, grabbed firmly onto Lola’s hand and pulled her along in his wake, through the house, and back out to their dinner plates.

  “What are you doing? He’s upset!”

  “And you need to stop treating him like a baby.” Wes said as he pushed Lola gently into her seat, as he took his seat next to her, effectively caging her in between him and the railing.

  “How dare you!”

  “What!?! Tell you that you aren’t doing anything wrong, that he is just playing you to get what he wants? Trust me.”

  Lola was just about to tell Wes where he could stick his fork, when Boyd came out, sat back down, said he was sorry and finished eating as if nothing happened, as did everyone else

  Soon Lola was reminding Wes that she needed to get going to get ready for work and get Boyd settled with Aimee for the night.

  “We are so glad you came, Lola. Please come more often. It seems our boys are new best friends.” Seth said, as he engulfed Lola in a bear hug, before handing her off to his wife.

  “Yes, Lola, please come by. You and Boyd are always welcome. Please remember our invite for next Sunday too, we would love to have you or both you guys.” Mae said pulling first Lola, then Boyd, into a warm hug. She turned back toward Wes and said, “Are you coming back for leftovers and to watch the other game?”

  Wes sweetly kissed Mae on the cheek and said, “I can’t, plans.”

  “Oh that’s right, your standing Poker game. I don’t know why you are so addicted to that game. Do we need to call Gamblers Anonymous? You never miss a game.”

  “No need to call anyone, I’m good, I promise.” Wes answered back, leaving another kiss on her other cheek. Then walking over, doing the same to Natalie, each of the babies and lastly, Megan.

  “It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for a wonderful day. And again, I’m sorry for his outburst.”

  “Lola, sweets, look around, with all these kids, we handle fits of all sizes multiple times daily. No worries.” Seth said, over his wife’s head, as he hugged her from behind.


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