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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

Page 19

by W. Ferraro

  “Hi. Everything okay? I was not expecting to see you until later after I left here.” She whispered, aware of the many ears around them.

  “I just couldn’t wait to see you. So I thought I’d come over and walk you out when your shift ended.” Wes answered back, unashamed and keeping his volume normal, opposed to her whispered tone.

  Did he leave Olympus for her? Lola’s heart began to hammer in her chest. What would such an action mean? Could this mean more than she was willing to admit? Having him near, only intensified her already electrified state of arousal. Just the mere anticipation of what was to come, was enough to bring her close to the crest of an orgasm, add in the incredible site that was him and she might as well ring out her panties now. She was sure if she acted on the thought that were running through her brain at this moment, her boss, Cal, would completely disapprove.

  “Thinking inappropriate thoughts?” Wes asked, watching as her pupils dilated and the faintest of blushes covered her cheeks.

  “Don’t know what you mean,” She said, knowing he didn’t believe her for a moment. “Can I get you something?”

  Wes just smiled at her offering. Oh, the things he wanted to order from her, but he also respected her enough to keep his risqué retort to himself. He asked for his usual scotch, and sat back and watched her work. He watched as she mingled with her customers, knowing most by their first names as well as personal info regarding each one. She talked and joked as she did her job with stellar quality and amazing ease. Wes found watching Lola in action behind the bar was one of his new favorite past-times. Hell, watching Lola do anything could be entertaining for him. Wes ignored the constant vibration coming from his pocket, knowing who was calling and why. Tonight, Olympus was just a part of ancient lore and his sexual appetite would be served in his bed, with Lola.

  Time went by quickly until, there were only a few filled seats at the bar, a couple of occupied tables staggered throughout and the band disassembling their instruments. Wes remained silent as she went about doing her job, ensuring he wasn’t intruding on her attention to her customers. But within his silence was immense concentration. He mesmerized every move she made. From her preference in type of dexterity depending on the glass shape she held, to how she placed money in the till; singles always in first, all the way to how she involuntarily tucked her hair behind her left ear, roughly five times every four minutes. How her clothes pulled from her movements and how certain parts of her bounced. The least favorite part of this was watching all the other sets of eyes noticing the same bounce. Wes was never a real jealous man, protective yes, but jealous no, especially, considering his lifestyle’s preference for variety. Nonetheless, multiple times while sitting here, he had wanted to rip more than one man’s eyes out of their sockets. He had a need to stand over the bar, pull Lola in by her neck and kiss her to declare his claim, prove his superiority, and mark his territory. He knew she wasn’t aware of the attention she was calling to herself by speaking and answering with her sarcastic, seductive mouth of hers. The way her tongue would pop out to wet her lips, or the way she would sassily blow a kiss as a parting mocking jab, right before bending over and showing her certifiable prime A cut ass to fill a glass with ice. Not one male at the bar missed her body in this position, hell he was sure the males across the room had radar for when her ass was in the air. Nostrils flared, sitting positions were adjusted and vivid immoral thoughts were played; all while she was completely unaware, or was just so cruel that she didn’t care that she left many men at least half mast and aching. But, Wes somehow found the strength and control to remain seated, and enjoy the view.

  “How’d we do Peaches?” Cal asked, as he rested his old weary bones on one of the stools.

  Lola turned to her boss and friend, with a smile on her face she said, “Good. Another night of madness that will, hopefully, reap you mega moola. I tell you Cal, I don’t know how you bring people in. It seems your crowds grow bigger and bigger each weekend.” She went back to counting out the money, unaware that Cal and Wes, exchanged a look and smile at her obliviousness. “I was just going to fill in the restock form, once I balance the till.”

  “Sully is finishing up front for me, you go get out of here and I’ll take care of the inventory,” Cal said, watching as Lola stopped in her tracks and looked at him confused like.

  “I can do my job, Cal.”

  “Peaches, that is one thing I know for sure. But this man here has plans for you that I’m sure he’d like to get to,” Cal uttered, indicating Wes with his slightly shaking arthritic filled hand.

  Lola’s eyes grew, she looked from Cal to Wes, back to Cal. Not knowing what to say, she opened her mouth to begin and then closed it quickly, multiple times.

  “Now come on, wait any longer and I may recant my offer and make you work late. I’m feeling generous, so put this poor guy out of his misery. He’s been here for three hours already.” Cal said, reaching over and taking one of the plastic stirrers and putting it in his mouth to chew on, craving his trusty cigarette that he’d given up at the insistency of his daughter and granddaughter.

  “It’s okay, Lola, Cal approves. You can admit you are aware I’m in the room,” Wes said, jokingly, making a note to himself to thank Cal with a bottle of his favorite poison next time he sees him.

  “Wait. What do you mean hours? How long have you been here? I only saw you, maybe, an hour and half tops.”

  “Oops, sorry Thompson, guess I should have kept you being here over an hour before you even left the front, to myself.” Cal over exaggerated faux embarrassment for selling Wes out.

  He’s been here practically all night!?! Lola wasn’t sure how she felt about that or what that meant. Did something happen at Olympus? The early questions bounced around in her brain again but then she looked in his eyes and was snared by arousal and promise. That was all she needed to get her ass in gear and take Cal up on his offer. Thanking Cal, placing a kiss on his forehead, Lola left Wes and Cal, and went back to retrieve her bag and coat. She returned a few minutes later. Wes was alone. He rose when he saw her, walking toward her to break the distance that he could no longer stand.

  “Ready to get out of here?” He asked in a husky tone.

  Lola merely nodded and walked out through the front, saying goodnight to her remaining coworkers and few straggling customers, completely aware of the intimidating erotic force next to her. They passed through the doors, down the steps, and out into the parking lot.

  “Is your jeep locked?” Wes asked.

  “Uh, yeah, why?”

  “Because you won’t be needing it tonight.” And then he was on her. Using his longer stride, he whirled in front of her. He placed his hands on both sides of her waist and pulled her into him. His lips claimed hers, demanding entrance, which he was immediately granted. His tongue sought and answered. Between her thin top and open coat, and his t-shirt he had no problem feeling her rigid nipples against his chest, just as she could not deny what was poking her low on her belly.

  Lola dropped her bag, and wound her hands around his neck, pulling him closer. She needed him now. Her moisture was pooling in her panties, and with each passing second of his touch and kiss, she knew the gush was about to release.

  “As much as I’m all for taking you here right now, fuck who saw us, I want you behind closed doors. I plan on fucking you until the sun comes up. Do you have a problem with that?”


  “Good. Get your ass in my car, now!”

  They both quickly walked to his nearby Lexus. Wes opened the door for her, and as she was climbing in and placing the belt across her, he said, “You may have a problem walking in the morning.”

  “I’ll crawl.” Lola said with the finality of the click of the locking mechanism.

  “As long as we are on the same page, Sunshine.”

  They stumbled into his door, in a wave of limbs and a tangle of lips on newly revealed skin as their clothing was being removed and dropped along their trail. Neither
could tell where they ended and the other began. He was everywhere on her, and she melted into him. Wes directed their path to his bedroom as he was touching and caressing her luscious soft skin, holding onto curves as his tongue and lips appreciated her nakedness. Once they reached his intended destination, he quickly switched the recessed lighting on and maneuvered her so they were standing between the end of his bed and wall of windows. The dark sky sparkled with sporadic glows, signaling life beyond these four walls. She felt incredible under his hands and complete desire to brand her rocketed through him.

  The warmth of his breath fueled her overheated system. God, how she wanted this man! She wanted the unrivaled release which she knew was within her grasp and all the feelings in between now and then. His kiss should be illegal. His touch should be outlawed. His body should be illicit. And, oh, how she wanted to serve her time for criminal action of enjoying him and this.

  “Please. Now. I need you. Now.” She begged as he squeezed her bare breasts together.

  “Say it Lola.” He instructed. He needed to hear her. He enjoyed her moan as he pinched hard, her nipples.


  The head of his cock secreted a drop of moisture as it prepped for the most primal of mating, in response to hearing that one word coming from her fuckable mouth.

  “I want to take you up against the window. I want your breasts pressed against the glass so that there will be no denying what I’m doing to you.” He pinched her nipples tightly, for emphasis of his desire to put on such a show. Her moan of pleasure seeped into his skin, triggering the blood to rumble in his veins. “But before that, I want your taste on my tongue, and your scent on my face.” He pulled her toward the window, positioning her just as he wanted, facing the unending night. Placing a kiss on her lips before dropping to his knees in front of her. With the cool glass at his back and her hot body in front of him, he delved in. His mouth found the spot just where she needed it, tonguing it feverishly. This was not about seduction, this was about getting off and having her moisture saturate his face.

  Lola was now leaning into the glass, with flattened palms. The sensation whirling through her was like nothing she had ever experienced before; between his mouth and his now present fingers inside her.

  Wanting to get even more of her, he lifted one of her thighs, having it rest on his shoulder, allowing him immense access to the feast of a lifetime.

  “Oh, FUCK! Oh...”

  Closing his eyes and escaping further, biting at her inner most places pulling gently with his teeth at her engorged tissue. “Oh God! YES! Right there!”

  He nipped at her a little harder and used three fingers to touch the spot arched up high, giving him a reward of, “FUCK...WES...I need you HARD...NOW!” Moaning in between each word, she panted.

  Between her quickened breath, her vocal moans of delight and the dirty talk coming from her, the urge to make her combust consumed him. His three fingers were between her folds thrusting at jackhammering pace while his tongue licked and sucked at her clit. He extended his pinky and began to caress her hidden bud causing her hips to buck into his face at an alarming rate. With delicate pressure, he wiggled its movement and was rewarded when the damn broke and her moisture ran fast and free. He drank her greedily.

  Thankful the glass was solid, her cheek and chest pressed against it until flat, as she continued to reel from the amazing orgasm. Wes slowly slithered up her moistened body, stepping around her so he stood behind her. Enjoying his warm, hardened body and his cock pressing into her back, she wiggled her ass into his throbbing member and silently pleaded for him to enter her. Before she could finish the thought, he bent his knees and entered her fast and hard, before going motionless.

  “FUCK yeah! That’s it baby. Your pussy was made for me.” His pace began slow but soon the glass was no longer her salvation of respite but a surface to counter his thrusts. With no way to grab on to the glass, Lola used her flattened palms to brace herself, but his thrusts just pushed her against the clear shield, he stopped when she was completely flush to the cool glass.

  “I want everyone to know what I’m doing to you.” He said in her ear and slowed his pace as his hips moved circular causing exquisite pleasure.

  With her nipples against the cold window, her position created even more havoc on her nerve endings. If anyone looked in their direction, they would see everything of hers. Even as her brain processed the possibility being slim, it didn’t bother her, but rather fueled the sensations ripping through her. What were the chances someone would see them? Any other moment in time this would be such a turnoff to her, but here, with him, the small possibility added to her desire and the sexiness of their tryst.

  “I love fucking you! I love having my cock in you. It is the only place where I want to be.” He said between broken breath and jackhammering thrusts. “Tell me this feels good. Tell me you want me fucking you.”

  “I want you! I want this! Don’t stop.” She moaned out her response.

  “I’ll never stop.” He promised under his breath, as he bit down on her shoulder.

  “Oh God, oh God!” Lola screamed feeling the start of her orgasm rip through her.

  “Fuck yeah!” Wes followed behind her, losing and releasing more than he was willing to admit.

  When they both had strength to move the short distance to the bed, they collapsed on top of it, still trying to catch their breaths. With her on her stomach and Wes on his side, he playfully placed kisses along her shoulder, as he lazily let his finger follow the trail of the dripping red on her tattoo.

  “I wanted to do that since the moment I got your text.” He spoke softly, yet absently. Enjoying the feel of her warm soft skin, he lazily traced the words scrolled along her back. “Tell me about this tattoo, Lola. The truth. Start with what the words, ‘hindi hubad prutas’ mean.”

  She suddenly felt completely exposed and completely naked, which was quite ironic considering she was. Unsure if she should tell him, since she vowed never to confess her sins to anyone, but something about this sex God made her want to tell him. She’s held this in for such a long time, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to lose her shield, though under his magical, protective, wondrous touch, she knew she wasn’t.

  “I told you, pointed to a picture and voilà, man drew on my skin, end of story.” She answered, purposely concentrating on the stitching of the comforter below her.

  What was it that she wasn’t telling him? “It seems to me it is an awful intricate design for a drunken selection.”

  “Look, I told you, whether you believe me or not, is your business, but my story isn’t changing. Now am I here to discuss ink or to screw?” Knowing her words were harsh, as evident by his widened eyes, she moved her arm downward until she was cupping his sac.

  She was irritated. Definitely more to the story than she is telling, but he’ll file it away for now. After all, the woman had a point. The fact that she wounded him by not being honest with him over something as visible as her tattoo, bothered him.

  “A beautiful woman tells me to screw her, well, what am I to do but oblige.” He rolled over on top of her and began to kiss a line down her spine, licking her natural curve, and appreciating her hill and valley. He reached her ass and began giving it the same attention. First one cheek, then the other. Dipping his finger, then his tongue, on the crevice line between.

  “I want you this way.” He spoke huskily.

  Lola’s eyes opened wider, at the obvious intent of his words. Was he asking what she thinks he is asking?

  “Let me fuck you like this. I promise, it will feel good. I’ll make it feel good.” He said as he kissed each one of her cheeks.

  When she remained silent, he crawled back up her body, until he covered her like a blanket. Swiping her long soft hair out of the way, he nibbled on the back of her neck all the way around to her ear, where he sucked on her lobe.

  “Have you ever?”

  Lola shook her head.

  “Did I make you
feel good when I went down on you by the window?”


  “Do you remember all the sensation I made you feel?”

  “Yes, it was incredible.”

  “Do you know, right before you flew apart, I was fingering your ass?”


  Wes chuckled, he knew she was too lost in the moment to know exactly what he was doing, but her body enjoyed it. Her reaction proved it.


  “Really. Look, I’m not masochistic, if you don’t like it I’ll stop. But remember, this is about pushing your limits.” He let his voice drop off on the last part until it was no more than a whisper and continued to nibble her sweet neck.

  He was right. So after a deep breath she found herself nodding her head in agreement.

  Her consent thrilled him, as proved by the smile that spread on his face. “First we need to make you as relaxed as possible, and that is exactly what you are not at the moment, considering the rigidness of your spine. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Wes stood and walked out of the room, before returning quickly with a glass in his hand. “Here, drink this.” When she was hesitant, he smiled along with a genuine laugh, “It’s just water.”


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