Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series) Page 21

by W. Ferraro

  Being close to Wes like this, she couldn’t hold on to her annoyance with him. Her body betrayed her and gave into the feelings only he could cause, and currently was. Already her nipples were tightening and her core was humming with arousal, as his lower half was upturning into her belly. She tilted her head upward for a kiss and was rewarded with one. She didn’t oppose when he deepened the kiss, making it completely inappropriate for being in the wide open in front of a crew of at least thirty construction workers. They were interrupted by the buzzing of Lola’s phone.

  “Excuse me.” She said as she answered her phone.

  Wes watched as Lola spoke quietly on her phone saying, “Let me see what I can do. I’ll call you back.”

  “Everything alright?” He asked, looking at her deep in thought expression.

  “Yeah. That was Jeff, he needs to stay home with Kara. Nancy has been admitted to the hospital with a kidney infection and a couple of stones. He wanted to know if I’d cover his next couple of shifts.” Oh how the money would come in handy. The holidays were coming and Boyd really wanted a tablet like his friends.

  “More shifts is more money…so why the long face?” Wes asked, as he tucked her flyaway hair behind her ear. Boyd rejoined them, still wearing the hard hat.

  “Well, I have to make sure I have someone to watch Boyd. I know Aimee is tied up with these new issues and she has enough on her plate.

  “I can stay by myself, I’m not a baby.” Boyd interjected, with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Boyd, we’ve talked about this. Not now, you can’t.”

  “Why? My friends get to stay home without a grownup. You are just being mean.”

  Wes wondered why Lola was so adamant about Boyd not being alone. But figured now was not the time to ask. Boyd’s constant tantrums toward his sister, were really getting on his nerves. Boyd reminded him so much of Christopher. He would throw a fit, knowing it would get him his way because his family couldn’t stand to discipline him. Rather than step on Lola’s toes, he opted for, “Look, if it’s alright with your sister, why don’t I pick you up after school tomorrow and we go see Blossom.”

  Talk about putting her on the spot. Arching her brow, Lola looked at the taller one, then with a pent up breath, she exhaled and knew her decision was already made.

  Boyd’s tantrum stopped immediately and he started jumping up and down with his hands in a half prayer movement, as he pleaded, “Come on Lola, please.” He was acting as if he had ants in his pants for all the jumping he was doing, the action for some reason made her smile. There was something about his face, in pure genuine joy mode, that she just couldn’t say no to.

  Ignoring the bouncing teenager she looked toward the man who opened this can of worms, “You sure?”

  “Wouldn’t offer, if I wasn’t.”

  Looking from Wes’ handsome face to Boyd’s excited one, Lola found herself saying, “Alright. But there are rules, Boyd.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Rules schmules.” Boyd mumbled to his sister before wrapping his arms around Wes and yelling with excitement, “So we are really going to see Blossom? Do you think she remembers me? It’s been a while since I’ve seen her, I hope she hasn’t forgotten about me.”

  Wes smiled at Boyd’s excitement. He knew how attached he got with the horses, he was glad to see Boyd was as well. “How could she forget a good looking guy like you?” Wes answered, before leaning in closer, mumbling, “better bring some sugar cubes just in case.”

  “Alright, I will!” Boyd yelled, then turned to his sister and gave her the first official joyous hug she had received from him in a long time. She couldn’t help but return it and hold him a little bit tighter and longer than he wanted her to. “Okay, I’m going to go tell the guys.”

  Lola and Wes watched him run back towards the center. He stumbled a few times, but it didn’t hinder his speed or determination. Knowing it was silly, she found herself placing her hands on her lower stomach when she watched Boyd do such a thing. Like always when she lets these thoughts in, she can’t help but feel phantom pains deep down in a place that is hollow.

  “You okay?” Wes asked, watching as Lola’s face went from happy to sad very quickly.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m good.” Taking a breath and reclaiming her composure, “Thanks, I appreciate you doing this. Means a lot to him.”

  Unable to resist, Wes lifted his hand so it cupped her cheek, while the other hand linked a finger through her belt hole , effectively pulling her towards him until they were chest to chest.

  “As happy as your appreciation means to me, I want to spend some time with Boyd. He is a great kid. You know it wouldn’t hurt you to let someone else help you, and him, out every now and then.”

  His words upset her. He made her feel like she was helpless or worse off when it was just her and Boyd. No one would make her feel this way. As the feeling of annoyance washed through her, Wes noticed on her face, letting out a deep sigh as he looked to the sky. “What did I do this time?”

  “We are just fine on our own. We don’t need help or handouts.” She snapped at him, trying to pull herself away but his grip was to secure.

  “Christ, Woman! You really are infuriating, you know that! I never once doubted your ability to handle anything that comes your way. All I said was, I’d like to spend some time with him. You shouldn’t be so defensive, like you are right now, when I, or anybody else, offers to help.”

  She watched as the blue of his eyes grew clear and cold like he was looking directly into her soul. His cheeks flushed red and his temple twitched; God he looked sexy right now. He was sex on legs every moment of every day, but seeing him angered only made her want him that much more. Didn’t matter where they were, didn’t matter how she felt moments ago, seeing him; she wanted him. Would it always be like this? Would she experience this with anyone else?

  “I want you.” She whispered, as she stood up on tiptoes and began kissing him inappropriately.

  Wes quickly lost sense of where they were. When he reached for her breast, squeezing and emanating a vocal moan from Lola, is when his senses returned.

  “Unless you want to be fucked on a piece of construction equipment that has the S&D logo, I suggest you take these kissable lips, this suckable tit and your fuckable ass elsewhere, or so help me God, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” he added with biting her full, swollen lower lip.

  After hearing his threat to do such an indecent thing, she surprised herself by being utterly disappointed he stopped. Great, Lola! You may have just crossed the point of no return.

  The week had gone by in a blur. Lola had worked seven nights straight, three of those days, double shifts. Needless to say, by Saturday morning, she was exhausted. Boyd woke her in his normal fashion of demanding her to get up so he could play his video game. Dammit, I knew I should have put it in his room. If she was sure he would not wake up in the middle of the night to play it, she would consider moving it. But she just couldn’t count on Boyd not doing it. So she was stuck with the constant, early wake up calls.

  As she stood at the counter, pouring herself a freshly brewed strong ass cup of coffee, she couldn’t help but yawn one after another. She jumped at the sound of the door knock behind her. Knowing it could only be one of two people, it was not a surprise when she opened the door to find Wes standing there looking sexy as all get out. She’s had vivid dreams of him in loin clothes, to his tux from the gala to his satin gold drawstring pants, all resulting in her waking; wet, aroused, and in the need of the kind of relief that only Wes could give her. She bit her lip as she thought of it.

  “Good morning, Sunshine. God, you are a sight for sore eyes.” Wes said. After leaving Boyd in Aimee’s care last night around seven, he headed to Olympus and dealt with a situation he should have dealt with a while back. The decision was made, now was time for the fallout to come. But he couldn’t think about that now, he wanted to focus on these few hours with Lola and Boyd.

  “Everything alright?”
Lola asked concerned.

  “Nothing you need to worry about.” Ever! Wes smiled when she did in response. How could someone look so beautiful rumpled as she did. Here she stood in a raggedy not quite white anymore t-shirt and shorts that had seen better days, but he thought she looked amazing. Beauty was easy to enhance, most females were even pretty good at it, but Lola…she was miles ahead of everyone else. She had natural beauty that went far beyond her beautiful skin and gorgeous smoky eyes. His grandmother had a saying, “Anyone can smile with their mouth, but it takes a genuine soul to smile with their eyes.” Until he met Lola, he thought he knew what the saying meant, but now, he knew he was completely wrong. No one speaks with their eyes as Lola did. Wes rubbed his thumb across her scrumptious mouth, before capturing it with his mouth for a long, slow and passionate kiss.

  He tasted of coffee and mint, and she thought it was the greatest taste in the world. It was then she noticed the cardboard tray containing two large coffee cups and a bag of what could only be bakery delicacies.

  “You are awesome. But you will be my hero if it is a black coffee.” Lola said taking the tray from him and turning to place it on the counter.

  Wes chuckled as he entered the apartment the rest of the way, closed the door behind him, and enjoyed the view she offered of her glorious butt. “You think I would ever forget your non-girlie taste, toward what I consider the fourth best tasting thing in the world.”

  Lola turned around, with an arc of her brow, intrigued at his listing. “Fourth? What are your top three?”

  With an instantaneous sexy smile, he lowered his voice, backed her between the counter and refrigerator, caging her in with a hand at each side of her waist. Leaning down so that his lips barely touched hers, he said, “Number three is Glen Livet. There is nothing better than the smoky taste that burns just like a lick of fire on your throat. Number two is a woman. They are sweet like the finest chocolate, salty like the best of guilty pleasures, and spicy like an intense inferno on the palate. But my favorite taste, one that I would give my life for, just to have a another hit of…is you. The moment I have your flavor on my mouth, I feel like I’ll never again know what it is like to be satisfied. I can’t concentrate when you are near, almost as if my subconscious knows you are there and demands nothing less than a taste. If I thought a deal with the devil would keep my supply coming, I’m willing to sign my soul over and meet Lucifer now.

  What the hell is someone supposed to say after hearing something like that? The fact that she was no longer wearing dry panties was a moot point. Lola was completely and utterly speechless.

  “Muffin?” Wes asked, as if he didn’t just say to her what he did.

  Muffin? What the hell is a muffin? Lola’s brain was fumbled and frazzled right now.

  “Are you two done? I’m starting to get sick.” Boyd said, as he stuck his finger toward his mouth while making sounds to imitate vomiting.

  “My man, you don’t know what you’re missing. Come get a muffin. I got an extra-large blueberry just for you.”

  “Wes, that is too much for him. Half, Boyd.”

  “Lola, he’s a growing boy, let him eat the muffin.”

  Annoyed that he would step on her toes…again. “Boyd I said half! Not that it is any of your business Wes, but Boyd needs to watch his sugar and that muffin is way too big.”

  “Trust me, Wes, sometimes it is just easier to do as she says. She can be a really big b sometimes.” Boyd rolled his eyes, taking his muffin back to the couch.

  “Boyd! Watch it.”

  “Not cool, my man. You don’t talk about a woman like that, especially your sister. After all, she puts up with your smelly butt,” Wes said, trying to seem repulsed, but the immature retort made that somewhat hard.

  After they each enjoyed their breakfast, Wes talked them into joining him for a walk at Quincy Park. It was a beautiful autumn day and Wes knew there was a street fair happening at the park. Lola agreed to let them go if the toilet and bodily function jokes she was subject to at breakfast stopped, especially since they were going to be in public. Both Wes and Boyd agreed, after another round of what they swear was the finale.

  By the time they reached the park, a good amount of people were there. The different street vendors kept Boyd occupied as he had to look at everything and question every person as to why they were selling their items. Most were good hearted about it, but one lady rudely told Boyd to go away. Before Lola could come to his defense, Wes did, saying, “ignorance is just as hurtful as violence.” He then wished the woman good luck with selling her junk. Boyd was completely star struck. Wes walked on water in the younger man’s eyes. Lola’s heart grew.

  After watching some street performers and grabbing a couple of hot pretzels, Boyd met a playful golden retriever, and with permission of her owner, played fetch with her. The young woman, was blatant in her figurative drooling looks as she kept peeking at Wes, but he was nothing but polite. While Lola and Wes sat on a bench enjoying their pretzels and watching Boyd enjoy his canine friend, Lola decided to talk to Wes about a matter that had been plaguing her for days.

  “Boyd really had a great time this week. Between the horseback riding, the movie and then the go carts, I don’t think a week will ever be as exciting for him,” hoping he understood her appreciation for all the things he has done with Boyd.

  “I’m glad. We had a lot of fun. He really is a great kid.” Wes answered, taking a hefty bite out of the salty treat.

  “So, I was wondering, do you still have that extra ticket?”

  “Ticket?” Wes asked, watching Boyd now rolling on the ground with the dog.

  “For the game tomorrow?”

  Turning his attention from the boy dog duo to Lola, “Yes.”

  Phew. “If you’re sure he won’t be a problem. I know he would really like to go. But, I insist on paying for his ticket.”

  Anything for her brother. The woman was one of a kind. “I got them as promo from the company, so nothing to pay for.” Not that he would take money from her. When she looked at him like she didn’t believe him, he added, “really, I didn’t buy them.”

  “Well, then let me give you money for his food...or gas...or parking. I insist.”

  “Okay woman, now you are just insulting me!” Wes exclaimed half joking and half serious.

  “Gee, I wouldn’t want to do that. The mighty Adonis.”

  Hearing her call him that, made his lightheartedness and humor vanish. He wondered if she knew the blood in his veins turned to ice.

  “I’m sorry. Stupid of me.”

  They sat there in silence for a moment, before he put his hand around the back of her neck, and squeezed gently. “My fault. Just not used to it being brought up in casual conversation when I’m not at Olympus. My apologies.”

  Lola just nodded her head. She didn’t know what else to say, so she took a small bite of pretzel.

  A few quiet moments went by, until Wes broke the silence, “Really, you don’t mind me taking him with me?”

  “No. You’ve gone above and beyond with him this week, and I know he would love it. He has wanted to go for a long time,” Toying with the pretzel that she no longer had any appetite for, she squeezed tighter on the soft dough in response to her feeling she let Boyd down. “I just never could take him. Not from lack of trying. But if you feel he would be too much trouble, it’s fine, he doesn’t need to know you changed your mind.”

  “He’s no trouble. Thank you, this means a lot to me.”

  “Well, I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for him.” Lola watched as Boyd continued to play with the dog. “Thank you for offering to take him. He doesn’t get a lot of invitations such as this outside from Aaron’s Place.”

  Wes twirled that around in his head before asking, “So, what are you going to do with the day tomorrow? You usually have Sunday’s off.”

  “I don’t know, I’ll probably go to Aaron’s Place. There are always kids there who would love some one-on-one interaction. But
the idea of truly being by myself has its merit too. Honestly, it has been so long since I have had a whole day to myself. Who knows, maybe I’ll call Jeff and just tell him to take another day home with Nancy and Kara, and work.

  Wes listened at her indecisiveness and came up with a suggestion. “Well, I have an idea if you are willing to hear me out.” When she turned to him with curiosity etched on her face, he leaned in close and said, “We will be leaving early tomorrow morning, why don’t you and Boyd spend the night at my place. You can sleep in, then take a long bath or do whatever you want. I kind of like the idea of knowing you are there when I leave. Maybe it will be the best of both worlds and you will be there when I come back, too. I’ll just leave you the key.

  Whoa! Lola was speechless.

  “Look, with the key you can come and go as you wish. No label, no stigma, just a choice for you.”

  She chewed on the idea for a few moments, and thoughts of his incredible bathroom with gigantic whirlpool tub called to her. But what would this mean? “Really? Are you sure, you trust me?”

  “Are you going to steal anything?” he asked quickly.

  “No! Of course not.” giving his arm a gentle push.

  “Then what’s the problem?” he winked in response to her adamant answer.

  The problem was she wasn’t used to being indebted like this to someone. And that is exactly how she felt, like she couldn’t ever repay him for everything he has done for Boyd. Not to mention herself too. It hurt her to think that this sex between them was probably quite run of the mill for him, but for her, it goes beyond anything she imagined and surpasses her wildest expectations. She was afraid she, herself, was becoming a sex fiend.

  “Don’t you have standing…plans for tonight?” She asked quietly, afraid to make eye contact.


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