Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series) Page 22

by W. Ferraro

  She missed nothing. He didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse. “They can be changed easily enough.”

  Now, what the hell did that mean?

  Feeling Boyd was neutral territory and more safe, she answered, “”Well you know, Boyd, is going to go nuts over the notion of staying at your place. Are you sure? I can just drive him to you tomorrow morning or directly to Seth’s house.

  “No way, I want you in my bed. Besides, you can maybe demonstrate how you feel over the Patriot’s defensive line again. I remember something about panties dropping,” he said huskily, as he nibbled on her earlobe.

  Feeling his tongue on her lobe made her body begin to sing. Hoping she was having at least a small amount of the same effect on him, she answered in a whisper “There is something about defending the red zone that makes me wet.”

  “Wet for me, remember. To be continued,” Wes finished as Boyd bound toward them.

  “Did you see me with Sadie? Can we get a dog?” Boyd asked, grabbing for Lola’s pretzel.

  Lola choked on her pretzel as she cringed at the thought of a dog.

  “Dogs are fun, Boyd, but a lot of work. I, myself, have been thinking of getting one. But, I’m not home enough to take care of it.”

  “I could take care of it for you. Did you see me with Sadie? She loved me. I could walk her and feed her and play with her.”

  “Way to go, Slick. Nice can of worms you just opened.” Lola said, enjoying Wes being put on the spot by Boyd.

  After many more promises of perfect care, Wes laughed, put his hands up and said he surrendered. “Look, let’s put the dog on the back burner for now, okay? I have something else to tell you. Because of my constant pleading and overall nuisance I made of myself, Lola has granted you passage to go to the Pats game with me tomorrow. What do you think of that?”

  “REALLY!?!” Boyd screamed, as he tackled Wes who looked thankful he was sitting down. “Don’t be thanking me, she said you could go.”

  “But only because you kept bugging her.”

  Casting her eyes downward, his lack of confidence hurt. She wanted the credit for him going, but she wasn’t going to spoil Boyd’s good news.

  “That was bad of me. I, honestly, didn’t mention anything about it. She thinks you deserve to go, so she is making it happen. As easy as that. She is the one that deserves your appreciation.”

  “Really?” Boyd looked from his idol to his sister, still not believing the words.

  “Not only that, but you and me buddy are going to hold down the fort while she is working…at my place.”

  “What if I fall asleep?”

  “Not a problem, you both are staying the night there. I’ll come by and pick you up before Lola leaves for work. I just have some personal stuff to do.”

  “I get to stay at your place? Really Lola? Oh this is so awesome!” Boyd screamed as he hugged his sister tightly.

  Smiling and laughing at his strength and clumsiness, she did say, “There are rules, Buddy-Boyd. You will be respectful, your regular bedtime rules apply and you will not go nuts. Capesh?”

  “Capesh! Oh this is great. I can’t wait to call KP.”

  Just for good measure he hugged his sister again. She would take his hug and his kindness any day of the week.

  Gitta hated to put the picture away. It had become such a part of her daily fantasies and nightly realities; she couldn’t be caught with it. It was not the employee profile shot, but rather the one of Ms. Nash’s interview. Gitta was grateful for the camera feed all throughout Olympus. It helped her stay ahead of any unexpected visitors; such as the one she was about to receive. She heard the footsteps coming, she grimaced before putting the look of pleasure and happiness on her face, as she put the photo safely in her bottom drawer.

  “Hey, Gitta. I need a file.” He asked.

  “Of course. Is everything alright? Have my records caused you to question something?” She asked curiously but secretly loathing the man’s audacity. “Is there a file in particular?”

  “Lola Nash.”

  Interesting! What could he want with her file?

  “Here you go. Anything I can help you with, Wes?”

  “No. Just something I need to do myself.” He said shortly, before finishing, “I’m taking the file, I will return it in a few days.”

  “Of course.” Very Interesting.

  When he left, Gitta waited a few moments before picking up her phone and sending the text,

  Interesting development. Meet me at the usual to discuss.

  When her phone buzzed back a moment later with a confirmation and time, Gitta could not help but smile and think that this might be just what someone would need to knock Adonis off the mountain.

  “You seem awfully happy tonight, Lola. Anything you feel like sharing?” Hank asked as he watched his favorite bartender, and friend, bounce around with an extra spring in her step.

  “What are you saying? That I’m not a usually happy person?” sashaying her hips to the music, as she blended the order of frozen daiquiris.

  “Oh, you’re happy enough, if you consider a lioness in heat happy.” He answered, trying to hide his smile behind his beer.

  The “oohhhs” rumbled from around the bar, and everyone watched as Lola stalked toward Hank.

  Knowing everyone was listening for her reply, she made sure she said loud enough, “You do know what a lioness demands when she is in heat, don’t you?” she leaned toward Hank, crouching down and low as a lioness would do to hunt. “She insists on being mated with, every fifteen to thirty minutes for four days!” She pounced half way over the bar, effectively causing him to lean back and fall off the stool. Hank fumbled to right himself back on the seat. Once positioned, she finished with her play, “so I will take your description as a promise, I do hope you are UP for the challenge.” Lola stood on a crate, and leaned over kissing Hank on the center of his forehead with a loud smacking pucker.

  As the night went on more sarcasm was delivered, as well as sexual innuendos and many laughs. Lola loved her job. But she couldn’t help but wonder what Wes and Boyd were doing; if Boyd was behaving, and if Wes was regretting his offer for them to stay, or, if he had anything planned for them tonight. Thank goodness Boyd slept like a rock, Lola would be horrified if he caught her and Wes going at it. Get a grip! You still have a few hours before last call. You keep thinking about Wes and his bedroom and all that you’ve done, you are going to need a change of pants.

  “Hey, Lola, a guy over there wanted you to have this.” Mary said as she passed a folded piece of paper to her.

  Lola took the piece of paper and read the words. Her hands shook as comprehension dawned.

  “Mary, who gave this to you?” Lola asked, knowing the color had drained from her face, as she scanned the bar.

  “The guy over there, in the…oh, he must of left. Is everything alright?”

  Lola looked back down at the note, rereading the words.


  “Uh?” trying to shake both the vivid memories of her up against the window and the thought of someone actually seeing her. “Oh...yeah, everything’s fine,” as she quickly crumbled up the note, threw it in the trash and went back to mixing drinks.

  Lola tried to put the note out of her mind, but she just couldn’t. Someone knew. Someone saw. She tried to act normally, interacting with the regulars and filling table orders, but she just wasn’t herself.

  After last call, inventory, and the till counted, Lola was eager to leave. She felt herself looking around making sure no one was in the parking lot waiting for her or would jump out at her. When she reached her jeep, she quickly got in and locked the door before pulling out. Feeling completely paranoid, she kept looking in her rearview mirror. When she was sure no one was following her, she headed off toward Wes’ place. As she pulled into the visitor parking, she looked up at the massive condo complex to the top floor. Looking up from her car, all she could see was his office and kitche
n. Lola tried stretching her neck more toward the passenger seat trying to see the great room or his bedroom, but still nothing. She remembered looking at the houses in the distance and on goings of far off life, concentrating on the blinking of the lights. She is sure no one could see what they were doing, and in such detail To ensure herself, she made a mental note to walk around the building tomorrow, in the daylight. All she wanted right now, was to be inside, safely with Wes.

  As she rode up the elevator she considered telling him about the note, but then decided against it. How would he react? Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she could see fear in her own face. The knowledge that someone knew what they had done, like she was a whore and her pleasure was for a price. Embarrassment and dread played across her face. Quickly followed by anger. What if he knows who it is? The bell chimed announcing her arrival on his floor. She found herself reluctant to step into the hall. She drove here with intent of needing to be safe, now that she was here, perhaps her original thought was wrong...or was it?

  When she reached the door, she pulled out the key he had given her earlier, so not to wake Boyd by ringing the doorbell. Closing the door quietly behind her, she entered the darkened room, but was startled when a deep, husky voice came from the corner by the window.

  “I like seeing you walk through my door.”

  “Hey. You startled me.”

  He clicked on the light next to him, sending a warm glow into the room.

  “You okay, Sunshine? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  She swallowed hard and answered, “Nope, haven’t seen anything.” It wasn’t a lie, she hadn’t seen anybody staring in the window with binoculars, but she needed to get her nerves under control. “How’s Boyd? Everything go alright?”

  Wes noticed immediately something was not right, but knew if he pressed her now, she would just clam up and he planned on her opening up to him tonight. About everything.

  “He was fine. Kicked my can on Madden, gorged himself with pizza and soda and was out cold by ten.” Shaking his head, Wes chuckled before finishing, “you aren’t kidding, he sleeps like the dead,” as he chuckled again, “snores like a troll, too.”

  She smiled and laughed at his observation, “Yeah, he does.”

  “You want to watch a movie or would you like to just go to bed?” he asked softly, curious as to what the odd look on her face was.

  Hot water sounded like the perfect cure to warm her from the inside. “I’d love a nice long hot shower, then bed, if that’s alright.”

  “Shower sounds great! Do you mind some company?” Wes asked, raising from the chair and padding barefoot to her.

  Wes in the shower, yes please! “Sure.” Perhaps it will help her rinse away the feeling of paranoia. She was sure, if anyone could make her mind go elsewhere, it would be this man.

  Soon they were below the spray engulfed in each other. With the cool tile at her back, and her foot up on the side seat, Wes entered her. She reveled in his slow and steady pace. There was no rush to this, it was purely about enjoying one another’s body.

  Her hands cupped his ass and kneaded the firm muscles. She tipped her head back allowing him the most access to her neck. He placed long, slow open mouth kisses there, while he pulled, pinched and caressed her breast.

  As her climax began to build she tried to meet his thrust by rotating her hips slowly. The increased friction, was incredible.

  He felt it, too. He lowered his mouth to the breast he lifted upward. He began slowly licking and sucking, but soon the intensity was too much that she crested over the peak and cried out.

  “I think you have another one in you.” Wes said, as he began a frenzied pace of hammering into her.

  It was too much. The sensation was threatening to tear her in two. Quickly she was building again. Her nerve endings were igniting and ready to overload her system. Then Wes lowered his finger between their bodies and applied it to her swollen nub. Her clit recognized his touch and she flew apart, no longer able to hold her own weight. He held her upright against the wall, increasing his pace.

  “I can’t!” She yelled, close to tears.

  “Yes you can. Focus on the feeling and the motion of me going in and coming out. All your cream, coating my cock…claiming it.”

  Oh God! It was almost psychedelic; a kaleidoscope of feelings. The spectrum of color and sensation was too much to bear, yet fueled her body to demand another need.

  “Touch yourself. Do exactly what I did just now. But use your finger. Bring yourself to the edge and let go.” Wes demanded, as he too was falling to the feeling and incredible friction.

  Lola lowered her hand. Her clit was tingly to the touch. She just wiggled her finger and the catastrophic damage it was doing to her sanity was worth it. As she increased the pressure of her fingers, his thrusts did too.

  Soon they were both screaming their completions and melting to the floor, where the water continued to fall, washing away all evidence of their encounter, along with most of Lola’s unease.

  Ten minutes later they were both in his bed, settling in for some sleep.

  “Your hair is beautiful. Suits you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.”

  “Wes, do you mind closing the curtains?”

  Thinking it was odd that she would ask such a thing, but of course, he would do it. “Sure thing.”

  When he rejoined her back in bed, she seemed as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.


  “Yes.” She answered and placed a hand on his cheek, “Thank you.”

  “Tell me something,” he said, as he turned his face in her hand, placing a kiss on the middle of her palm.

  Oh, please don’t figure it out!

  “When was your hysterectomy?”

  Lola shot upward. OH GOD! He knows! How does he know?

  Her silence confirmed what he had found.

  “Please don’t hide from me. I want to know. I want to know everything there is to know about you.” He spoke, as he lifted her chin up causing her downward cast eyes to look up at him.

  “How did you know?”

  “You know I didn’t buy that story of a drunken selection.” Wes whispered. “Please, Lola.”

  Lola looked into his blue eyes; those hypnotic depths that were clear and comforting, sexy and desire filled. They belonged to someone that has come to mean so much to her, more than she wanted to admit. His face no longer haunted her, but rather it was what she sought in a crowd or within her dreams.

  “I was twenty.” She looked to the curtain-covered window, realized she was safe from prying eyes, then looked back to the set of blue. The feelings that she tried to bury all those years ago but never truly did, came back as if it just happened yesterday. She felt the sweat bead on her forehead and her hands go clammy. Wiping her palms on the sheet a couple of times, she decided to tell him everything. “It was to be a routine procedure. The morning of, when I arrived at the hospital, I found out that my doctor had a personal emergency, and that another surgeon offered to take my case. It wasn’t the first time I had this done. When I came to from the anesthesia, the nurses had told me everything went well. The doctor signed off on me to go. A few hours later, I was in a lot of pain and bleeding very heavily. I called the hospital, explained I just had the procedure, they instructed me to come back.” Lola stopped, afraid to look at him, afraid for what she might see on his face. Yes, what happened to her was tragic, but she could not handle pity…not from him. Knowing he wouldn’t accept her not continuing she softly spoke. “After a slew of ultrasounds and other tests, it was discovered that the surgeon not only nicked my fallopian tube, but also my cervix. They tried to go in and cauterize it, but it was no use.” Quietly begging her body to not crumble from the memory, she took a breath and revealed the coldness of another human being. “They said I would continue to bleed and the only option was to have everything removed.” Resistance to all the emotions overtaking her, she
let the tears spillover, “but you know what the worst part was. When the little Filipino surgeon was telling me that I was never going to have children,” the last word coming out in only a whisper. Wes unable to not hold her any longer, pulled her huddled form into his chest and listened as she finished. “She made me feel like nothing more than gum on the bottom of her shoe. No remorse, no sympathy, just clear cut facts,” taking a breath and trying to stop the cascade of tears, “Anyway, after the surgery I decided rather than bear the scar on the inside, I would bare it on the outside as well. It is there, I know it is there, but I can’t see it. Just like I know I’m empty inside. ”

  Lola pulled away from Wes. His comfort only told her he felt pity and that was something she would never accept. He didn’t push her or attempt again, but was hurt. He wanted nothing more than to bear the pain with her, but couldn’t, she wouldn’t allow it. Lola stiffened her back, shook her head and wiped away her own tears. Nothing more was said. Unsure of what to do or say, all he came up with was, “I’m sorry this has happened to you.”

  She did not respond.

  Wes watched as her pain radiated across her beautiful face, then disappeared and anger showed its ugly head.

  Turning quickly to Wes, pointedly staring at him, “Now, please tell me why you felt the need to hack into my fucking privacy?”

  Feeling a little guilty, he sank his head. “I’ve kissed and touched every inch of that tattoo, Lola. Not to mention I asked you about it, countless times, you only told me that ridiculous story. So, I researched the phrase as well as the meaning of the apple blossom. I put two and two together.” Lifting his head and reaching out for her once again, “Why did you feel you couldn’t tell me?”

  Her eyes narrowed as she drew her hands farther away from his touch. “So, you wanted me just to come out and say I tattooed my sterile status across my back?”

  Ouch! I guess I deserved that. Whether he believed it or not, he was now starting to get a little pissed, at how little she trusted or thought of him, with something as important as this happening to her.


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