Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series)

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Three of Diamonds (Hamden Series) Page 23

by W. Ferraro

  “I asked you a question, Lola.” He said harsher than he should.

  “What? You honestly wanted to know how it took me months to comb through books at the library, just to find a Filipino translation for ‘unable to bear fruit’?” Throwing the covers away she got up and walked to the curtain covered window, and held the lush fabric just to give her hands something to do. When he said nothing, and she felt she had control over her tears and anger, she turned to him and unleashed on him further. “How I wanted the coldest, most clinical words, forever imprinted on me just like they are on my mind, on my heart.” Now she was pissed and he was going to deal with her rage. Stalking back toward him, she pointed her finger right at the center of his chest. To hell with waking Boyd, she could not and would not control the octave of her voice. “You want to know why I don’t tell people, including you? Because there IS no reason for anyone to know, that’s why. My inability to have children is as much your business as anyone else’s. No one needs to know why it is symbolic to me.” Hating that she wanted to leave and walk out, but hating it more that she found herself just crawling back into the bed. She rolled over, placing her back to him, feeling suddenly drained and thoroughly exhausted. The pain and misery was swallowing her, and she was willing to let it, but not before closing the subject. “I’m not a puzzle for you to figure out, Wes. Stop trying. I’m not perfect, never claimed to be. But I know for damn sure, I’m not one of your little Goddesses or willing slaves who participate in your pagan rituals. Just leave me the hell alone.”

  That cut him…deep, “It is my business, you are my business,” he growled at her.

  “I’m a fuck…remember?”

  He saw red. Forcefully pulling her to her back, he leaned over her, so that they were nose to nose, “Don’t make this sound less than it is. It insults both of us. Yes, when we started this, I wanted to fuck you, but that changed almost before it began. Do you think I do these things with every woman on legs? Do you think I’ve ever sat and talked with anyone in bed, like I do with you? Do you think I’ve invited a woman to spend the night here with me, with her brother, completely okay with no definite sex on the menu? Not a chance! Before I met you, a bed only had two purposes; to sleep and to fuck.” But even as he spoke with such fury, the look on her face spoke volumes. Her stormy gray eyes were no longer strong and secretive. Instead they were pain filled and unable to control the water in them. If he had known this would be so hurtful for her, he would like to think he would never have brought it up. But even now, he knew that was a lie. He had to know…no he needed to know everything about Lola. He would not feel guilty for that. Though, he would feel bad for opening such a horrific wound and then having his hand control the salt being poured. Speaking softly as he used his thumb to wipe away her tears, “but with you, I’m different. I want to be different.” Finishing softly, begging her to read between the lines at words he never thought he would ever be saying.

  He looked down at her face and without any other reason the desire began to stir in him.

  Lifting himself so he covered her trembling body with his stronger one, he let his lips fall to hers. “I’m sorry I invaded your privacy. I just wish you had told me. You are so fucking beautiful. I go crazy when I’m around you. I want your taste on my tongue and to be in you, sweetheart, all the time. I think of little else. That scares the hell out of me. This is all I know. This is all I am, all I’ve ever been.”

  He claimed her lips. His tongue passed by her boundary, swept in and touched her magnetism. He lowered his hand to bring her shirt up, allowing his fingers to touch her smooth skin, and skim over her belly.

  “Let me.” Was all he said, and all he meant.

  And she did.

  Lola woke to a quiet house. The room was dark from the curtains still being closed. Turning to the clock, she found something waiting for her. There on the bedside table was a carafe of coffee, a cup, the newspaper, a single red rose, and a note waiting.

  I hope you accepted my form of apology, if not, I’d be happy to apologize again like that any time you want. Enjoy the quiet. Help yourself to whatever you need. Try to keep your panties on if you watch the game. ~W

  Not being able to help the smile that formed on her still tender lips, she poured herself a cup of coffee and leisurely read the paper; finishing with doing the entire crossword puzzle. She brought the tray back to the kitchen, washing the cup and carafe before leaving them to dry. She opened the fridge and was glad she did. A tall glass held the most delicious looking parfait. Granola, berries, and yogurt tiered repeatedly with another note attached. Smiling as she read:

  Thought you would be hungry, apologies can really burn off some calories. ~W

  Once she finished the delicious parfait and cleaned up, she grabbed her bag and walked to the bathroom, to relax in a hot soak. As she entered the sleek granite tiled bathroom, she noticed a variety of bath salts and oils waiting in a basket for her, with yet another note.

  Whichever scent you choose, it will only enhance your already amazing aroma. ~W

  Opting for a lavender oil, Lola started the hot water and added the oil, filling the room with a heavenly floral smell. The tub filled quickly. Lola shut the water off, and sank into the magnificent warmth.

  After she was sure she was so pruned her skin would never return to normal, Lola exited the tub, wrapping the luxurious white towel around her.

  She walked through Wes’ condo looking around without snooping. His taste was impeccable and it was easy to tell he liked and enjoyed the finer things. From art work to glassware, there was no denying everything dripped money.

  Lola looked through his movie collection, as well as his book collection, but nothing peaked her interest. She found a pair of sheets in a linen closet, changed and made the bed. Before she knew it, she was moving from room to room, cleaning and picking up. Not that there was much of a mess, but she could definitely tell where Boyd had been.

  She found herself looking at the time every few minutes and knew she would be going nuts shortly. This nothing to do stuff was for the birds. Being alone in Wes’ apartment with the curtains open wide made her feel like a small fish in a fishbowl. She found herself jumping at the slightest of sounds and checking the lock was secure on the door multiple times. Ultimately the feelings of being watched began to creep through her and soon the need to get out was overwhelming.

  She decided to take a small walk. Outside in the crisp fall air, she walked along the path that wrapped around the condo complex. There was an observation point looking over the picturesque Green mountains, Lola craned her neck just enough to see Wes’ window. It was a tough look, but if someone was tall enough and knew exactly where to look, then yes, you would have been able to see her. Dread and embarrassment filled her. Why would someone be following her? Why would they stand here on the off chance that Wes would want to fuck her against the window? Maybe this wasn’t about her, maybe this was someone following him? She needed to tell him, but how. Not exactly something you could bring up in casual conversation. Deciding she didn’t want to be here alone any longer, she made her way to the parking lot, constantly looking around and behind her. She reached her jeep, got in, locking it quickly behind her. She pulled out and began driving to the only destination she could think of.

  When she reached Aaron’s Place, calmness began to settle in. She was safe here. No one would harm her. Maybe she should tell Aimee about the note, but that would just make her friend worry and heaven knows Aimee had enough on her plate, adding Lola’s potential stalker might send Aimee over the edge. She entered the center and found her beautiful blonde friend, in her office looking quite frazzled. Yup not a good time, Lola.

  “Lola what are you doing here? I thought you were going to be relaxing in the peace and quiet, which I am very jealous of.”

  No, now was definitely not the time to add anything else to Aimee’s already immense mental load. Trying for as chipper and happy as she could be, “I know, that is why I’m here. Go get o
ut of here. You need a break. Let me know what you got on your plate and I will try not to break it while you are gone.”

  Touched by her offer, “I could kiss you right now for your sweetness, but I’m good, really. After the construction is complete, I see a beach, a drink with an umbrella and a handsome man who speaks broken English in my future,” Aimee said, as she moved from one pile on her desk to another. “Seriously though, what are you doing here?”

  “I told you, I wanted to come spring you. If you aren’t going to leave, then please put me to work.”

  “As disappointed as I am that you aren’t pampering yourself, I secretly want to shout, THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE!’ Murphy’s Law has run amok here. Aimee, fed up with pile after pile, she placed down whatever was in her hands, leaned back in her slightly squeaking chair and decided to make Lola’s ears bleed. “We finally got all the forms and adjustments taken care of that the building inspector signed off on so the construction could continue. Still, that has been the easy part of my week. Without boring you with details, let’s just put it this way, yesterday’s problem was a plumbing issue that I’m sure I will have nightmares about for years to come. I’m waiting for today’s event to occur. The suspense is killing me.”

  “Wow! Did someone take their pessimistic pill today?” Lola asked, but she did feel bad at the lousy luck her friend was having.

  “I just can’t help it. Maybe I need a sexy lover to take my mind off of things.” Aimee winked and wiggled her eyebrows at Lola, enjoying her tease.

  Careful what you wish for, Lola thought as she smirked.

  Aimee rolled her eyes, because again, she was denied the colorful details of Lola’s sex life. “Are you sure?”

  “Quiet is overrated, put me to work before the offer expires.”

  “Can you go to the kitchen and facilities take inventory, and make a list of what is needed to be ordered? I’d like to put the delivery order in by the end of the day.”

  “Sure, I can do that.” Lola winked and said with a smile, before she left to do as she was asked.

  When she returned thirty minutes later, Aimee was sitting in her chair, with her hands in her face, hunched over her desk.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “One of these days, I will learn to keep my mouth shut. Karma is a BITCH!” Aimee crumbled her face in a mock cry. “Lola, that was Trevor Coleman’s wife, he had a massive heart attack last week, he didn’t make it.”

  Taking the seat that she vacated earlier, wanting to be optimistic “Don’t worry Aimee, it will work out. We have time to worry about an instructor. Have no fear, I’ll figure something out. I’m sure there are other people that would love the job.”

  “You are such a liar. But I do hope so, friend. For the kids’ sake.”

  When Lola had spoken to Wes earlier, and mentioned she would be at home, he was disappointed she had left his place. But it made sense, considering the late hour and Boyd having school tomorrow.

  She was folding a load of laundry on her couch when Wes and Boyd came in just before nine. She turned to see the duo walk in with ear to ear smiles on their faces.

  “Hey, Buddy-Boyd. How was the game?”

  “Lola, it was AWESOME! It was the BEST time in my whole entire life. I can’t wait to go back. Aidan said I can go again next year.”

  Lola was thrilled to hear he had a great time. The joy on his face was true and his cheeks were red from obvious wind burn that accompanied the mustard stain on the front of his sweatshirt, “Boyd, what’s that on under your sweatshirt?”

  “Busted, dude.” Wes chuckled.

  Boyd did not seem the least bit upset at being caught. “Check it out, Wes bought me a jersey. Isn’t it cool? Aidan has the same one. So does Dylan. He’s my favorite player.” Her brother proudly showed off his authentic team jersey. Adorning the front was the number of one of the best wide receivers in the league, and a New England favorite.

  “Well that was nice of Wes. I do hope you said thank you.” Lola prayed he remembered his manners, but also switched gaze to the gorgeous blonde man in the room. Hoping he was translating her look correctly. She’d discuss that with him later.

  “Wes said he wanted to. He said he’s my friend. He said when a friend wants to do something nice for you, you let him. It is kind of a man thing, you wouldn’t get it.” Boyd explained to his sister as if it was the most obvious reason in the world.

  Wes raised his eyebrows and put that sexy as sin smirk on his face. He mentally responded to her subliminal question.


  “Okay, Boyd, it was a busy day and I’m sure you are jonesin’ on sugar and junk food, but you have school tomorrow, so in you go,” she directed with a few nods of her head, him to his room.

  “Thanks, Wes! It was so much fun.” Boyd said as he hugged Wes again for the millionth time. “Good night.” To Lola’s surprise he also stepped toward her and wrapped her in a big embrace, “Thank you for letting me go. You’re the best, too.”

  “You are very welcome. I love you, Boyd.” Lola whispered, returning his hug and kissing his temple. “Good night.”

  Once alone, she looked at Wes again, crossed her arms over her chest and waited.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You know what.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Wes feigned innocence.

  “You know I can’t pay you for that jersey. What possessed you to buy it?” Lola asked exasperated.

  What did she care how he spent his money. He wanted Boyd to have it, along with Lola having the gift he bought her as well. She better get used to him spending his money freely, or they will be arguing quite often once he tells her what he’s been thinking.

  “It’s a gift Lola. Just like the kid said; when someone wants to do something nice, you let them. End of story.”

  “Wes!” she moaned and for the first time not in ecstasy but rather in frustration. “Now every time he wants something he’s going to think all he has to do is ask for it and he gets it.”

  “Sunshine, he didn’t ask for anything. He was with Seth and Aidan, while I took a trip to the pro shop. I came back with the jersey for him, no grand scheme, no means to shut him up; just me doing something because I wanted to. Give the kid some credit. He accepted his gift, now I want you to accept yours.”

  He bought her a gift? “What?”

  Wes was sure, catching Lola off guard, was beginning to become one of his new favorite things to do. The other also included Lola, but that wasn’t about catching her off guard, that was about slow stimulation until volcanic eruption.

  “I bought you a gift.”

  “Why?” she said curtly.

  Oh how infuriating she could be but still gets his blood pumping.

  “Because I wanted to, dammit! Now are you going to accept it or not.”

  She was curious; annoyed, irritated, and feeling more indebted, but curious nonetheless.

  “What is it?” she tried to peek as he pulled a small bag out of his pocket.

  “Oh, now you want to play nice, well maybe I’ve changed my mind.” He challenged.

  She rose to such an occasion, “FINE! What did you buy me Wes?” She asked overly sweet bordering on obnoxious, as she batted her eye lashes and cocked out her hip.

  He could play this for a bit, “No, I don’t think you deserve it. Perhaps I can find someone else who will like it.” Acting as if his feelings were truly hurt while he placed the bag back in his pocket.

  Lola broke the distance between them, trying to take the bag from his grip.

  “No! No! You can’t have it. I’ve changed my mind.” God she smelled good this close to him.

  Looking up at him with big doe eyes, and an extended lower lip, she pleaded, “Please…sir.”

  He laughed out loud, “Oh you sexy little she-devil.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lovely lips.

  “Please, may I have my gift?” She asked softly.

  “Well since you asked so
nicely, yes you may, as long as you pay the toll.” He held the bag out, when she went to grab it, he pulled it back out of reach.

  She willingly went up on tiptoes and leaned in to his mouth. Extending her tongue out, she licked the crevice of his closed lips. When he opened for her, she took control of a hot demanding kiss and soon lost focus of the earth below her and the force of gravity holding her to it.

  When the kiss ended, she held her hand out for the bag. Lola opened the bag pulling the small piece of fabric out and yelled sarcastically, “Oh, you are hysterical!”

  Wes smiled from ear to ear while he looked at the girl he couldn’t wait to see in that barely there thong that had Patriots Girl stitched across the small front. “I figured when you drop them, we can be sure where your loyalties lay.”

  “Oh, there will be no doubt where I lay for loyalty.” She purred.

  “Damn straight.” He promised, before he claimed her lips again.

  Three weeks have passed and what a whirlwind it has been for them. First him being called out to Syracuse and Phoenix on business, then Lola picking up extra shifts at Cal’s, and Boyd being sick with a bout of the stomach bug. It seems like forever since the night of the football game when she gave him a promise about the panties he bought her. Thoughts of that promise raided his mind constantly. He wanted to stay with her that night, but she asked him to go. He did, said he understood, but the truth was, he didn’t. Then to add insult to injury, when he got home that night, he couldn’t even smell her on his pillow because she had changed the sheets. He thought how he would remind her the next day how she is never to change their sheets again, but he never got the chance. During their time apart they had talked on the phone multiple times a day, but that wasn’t the same as having her close; smelling her scent, touching her body, or slamming into her on the primitive of levels. This was where he wanted to be. This was his goal, and finally he achieved it.


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