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Wolf Tales III

Page 4

by Kate Douglas

  She whimpered, not a sound of pain but of longing. Her muscles grabbed his finger. Held him.

  Lost in a haze of pure lust, Jake licked and nipped and sucked, matching the rhythm between his mouth and probing finger, taking Shannon with him. His thoughts floated free, his need, his physical and emotional arousal, his wonder, all coiling and melding, bringing him to the edge of climax.

  Jake hovered on the precipice, held fast by sheer will alone, but his mouth and hands took Shannon over. Her body tensed, her knees locked against the sides of his head. He felt her scream before he heard it, sensed her orgasm seconds before her body went rigid. Her back arched, her pussy gushed, filling his mouth with her unique tangy taste.

  Jake’s cock felt ready to explode, his balls ached, and suddenly, inexplicably, his mind caught her mental touch. Shannon’s orgasm, her need, her surprise, her unbelievable response to Jake’s lovemaking.

  He held her there, right at the peak, far longer than he’d ever held another woman…kept her in the throes of her orgasm, her muscles clenching, heart pounding, while their minds fed, one from the other.

  Finally, Jake brought Shannon slowly down, still caught in the wonder of that brief communication, licking her gently between her legs, sliding his finger out of her backside, then stretching her legs limply along either side of his body. Jake leaned over and found his jeans on the floor beside the bed, fumbled for a condom and tore the wrapper with his teeth. He took his cock in his hand, almost afraid to touch himself, he was so close to coming.

  His hands shook so that he could barely sheathe himself, but he finally managed to get the condom over the head of his weeping cock. He’d never regretted more the use of protection. Disease was not a factor—his Chanku genetics made him impervious to human bacteria and viruses—but until he knew whether or not Shannon was Chanku, Jake couldn’t risk impregnating her.

  He’d heard the guys say they didn’t think they could get a human woman pregnant once they became Chanku, but no one really knew for sure. None of them had been willing to take that chance.

  Smoothing the condom down the length of his cock gave him a moment to regain control. When he was safely covered, he wrapped his fist around the base and pressed the broad head of his cock against Shannon’s sex. She was so damned hot and wet, slick with her juices, with his saliva. Slick and ready and waiting. Her body jerked when he touched her, so sensitive and ready for him. Jake thrust his hips forward, slipped into her fast and deep, and buried his full length to the root.

  Adjusting himself between her legs, filling her even more, Jake raised his head and met Shannon’s bemused gaze. She looked at him with wonder in her eyes. Wonder and a look of confusion. Then she raised her hand and touched the side of his face, a simple gesture that left him feeling almost giddy.

  Jake thrust hard, going as deep as he could, pressing his cock against the hard mouth of her womb, then slowly withdrawing. Again he filled her, and once again withdrew. He kept his gaze locked on Shannon’s, watched her face, the expression in her eyes as once again he brought her to the edge, teased her with each thrust, then reached between their sweaty bodies and found her clit.

  Shannon’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth formed a perfect “O” and she clutched his hips with surprisingly strong hands. Stroked his thighs, cupped his buttocks much as Jake had held hers. He rocked within her slowly, riding out her climax, still holding on to his.

  Moments later, her breathing once again almost steady, Shannon smiled at him, a secretive, almost teasing smile. She rubbed her hands over his ass, stroking the skin in ever tightening swirls, finally discovering his balls.

  Holy shit! Jake clenched his butt muscles in reaction and ground his teeth. She almost had him, almost forced him to come. Those perfect fingers cupped his sac and gently squeezed, then one slim finger traced the line to his ass, swirled around the taut muscle long enough to take him right to the limits of control. Swirled and then dipped inside, deep, hard and fast.

  Jake shuddered, thrust hard and froze with his cock pressed up tight against her cervix. His balls tightened in their sac, his lungs quit working, his heart most likely stopped. He felt the hot rush of orgasm, the sense of everything coiling into one tight spurt of seed blasting from his balls, down the length of his cock, filling the end of the condom.

  Damn. He ached. The need to plant his seed at the mouth of Shannon’s womb left a visceral pain, overshadowing what was, in every other way, the most perfect fuck he’d ever experienced.

  Chest heaving, hips still thrusting of their own volition as his seed spilled into the damned condom’s reservoir, Jake felt Shannon’s mental shout of triumph, heard her joyous exclamation in his mind as she reached yet another climax of her own. Saw the wonder in her eyes when she finally realized they had done more than just have mind-blowing sex.

  They had joined both mentally and physically, had found the ultimate pleasure, a pleasure shared equally only when both were Chanku.

  They had linked. For the first time in his life, Jake had linked mentally with a woman during sex. Shaken, he could only stare into her forest-green eyes and wonder if she understood what had just occurred between them.

  Arms trembling, heart thudding in his chest, Jake leaned forward and kissed Shannon gently on the lips. When he carefully separated from her body and moved to lie beside her, Jake realized this was only the beginning. If he didn’t screw things up, he could share the same feeling with this amazing woman every day for the rest of his life.

  Could share it without barriers, with only their flesh meeting, their bodies merging, their minds one. It scared the holy shit out of him. He’d never brought anyone over before, never taken the responsibility of teaching another Chanku about his or her unique heritage.

  That had been Luc’s job. Luc and Ulrich Mason’s. Jake hadn’t wanted the responsibility, hadn’t needed the emotional involvement that occurred when you showed someone an entirely new world, a world they’d been entitled to, yet barred from—until another Chanku led the way.

  Jake wanted it now. Wanted the challenge, the commitment. He wanted Shannon Murphy.

  He raised himself up on one elbow and stared into the bright green eyes filled with trust, glowing with wonder, and knew he faced his greatest challenge.

  Keep Shannon safe. Protect her at all costs, teach her the joys and the secrets of Chanku.

  How would he teach her when he couldn’t tell her? Shit. Until he knew for sure that she was Chanku, he couldn’t say a word.

  Somehow, he’d figure out a way. He had to. But most of all, he had to make Shannon love him. After this one night, Jake knew he would rather give his life than ever give her up.

  Chapter 3

  Tia Mason shoved both huge wolves out of her bed and swung her legs over the side. “C’mon, boys. It’s almost six. We need to head back to the city.”

  The beasts sprawled limply on the plush carpet, tongues lolling. “Lucien? Tinker? Get your butts in gear. I think I hear Dad and the rest of the guys moving around out there.”

  The home belonging to the Montana Chanku pack was huge, the San Francisco pack’s rooms in a wing away from the main part of the residence. Still, Tia’s Chanku senses seemed to be in high gear this morning and the low rumble of voices at the far end of the sprawling home was almost audible.

  Maybe a night of sex with two absolutely gorgeous men had something to do with it. Tia stretched her arms over her head, lifting her breasts with the arch of her back. She ached everywhere, but damn, it was worth every single one of those sore muscles.

  Especially the ones between her legs. She felt her pussy clench in response, realized both wolves had turned suddenly wide-awake eyes in her direction.

  “No. Down boys. Behave.”

  The darker of the two wolves licked his muzzle, wrapping his long tongue over the top. At the same time, he let Tia see exactly what he was thinking of doing with his long, amazingly mobile tongue.

  The image of what he’d done with it the nig
ht before caught Tia in midstretch. She felt the thick wash of moisture flooding her pussy, the sharp spike of arousal in her sex.

  With great difficulty, Tia brought her suddenly raging libido under control and glared at her mate, Luc, the wolf with all the ideas. He opened his mouth in a full lupine grin, his laughter and love spilled into her thoughts, totally disarming her…for the moment.

  The larger of the two wolves, his black coat glistening with golden highlights, yawned and shifted. The change from beast to six-and-a-half-foot tall, gloriously naked African-American male was almost instantaneous, the mouth filled with sharp teeth slipping easily into a wide, perfectly human smile. He leaned over and kissed Tia, his mobile lips bringing her right back to a level of arousal she really didn’t need so early this morning. There was too much they needed to do.

  But damn, Tinker had certainly used those lips in all the right places last night. Her nipples puckered, begging for a repeat performance. Tia bit back a groan.

  Tinker slowly, thoroughly, ended the kiss. “Always in a hurry, missy. You need to learn to relax. It’s still early.”

  The second wolf, his thick coat an unrelenting black, yawned and stretched. His black claws raked the plush carpet and left furrows in the thick nap. He turned his head, and in a most un-wolflike manner, winked at Tia.

  Then he shifted. Not quite as tall as Tinker, his skin a fair counterpoint to the other man’s dark chocolate, Luc had the same rock-hard muscles, the broad shoulders and narrow hips characteristic of all the other Chanku males Tia had met.

  The Chanku she loved. It boggled the mind, made Tia want to laugh out loud, to think that a mere couple of weeks ago she’d never even heard of Chanku outside her mother’s fairy tales—and as the old joke went, now she were one.

  Unfortunately, she’d learned quickly that being Chanku carried with it risks unlike anything she could have imagined. Thank goodness her father was safe, for now. The presidential cabinet member intent on creating a breeding farm for shapeshifters needed to be stopped, but now that they knew his identity and plans, they’d won a large part of the battle.

  Tia felt a gentle presence in her mind. She glanced at Luc and realized he was listening to everything she was thinking.

  “Tinker said it’s bad manners to snoop in someone’s thoughts without permission.”

  Luc grinned. “Yeah, Tinker would know, wouldn’t he?”

  Tinker sat on the bed next to Tia. “You know how sorry I am, Luc.”

  Tia sighed. She’d learned of Luc’s role in her mother’s death by stealing into Tinker’s thoughts. She knew Tinker felt terribly guilty, even though it was something Luc should have told her on his own. She covered as much of Tinker’s big hand as she could with her smaller one. “It’s not your fault, Tink, and it all worked out for the best.” She gazed steadily into Luc’s brilliant amber eyes. “I thought Luc had learned his lesson—that you don’t hide important things from the ones you love.”

  Luc shook his head. “I didn’t realize you knew about the breeding farm. I thought you were asleep when Cheval was talking about it. I would have told you, you know.”

  Tia shook her head. “When, Luc? You have to learn to share things like that with me. It’s important. Not knowing stuff could get us killed.”

  “It’s hard to change old habits.” Luc leaned close and kissed Tia, his lips soft and warm against hers. “I want to be there to protect you.”

  She refused to be dissuaded, though it was really hard not to kiss him back. Pulling away with a sigh, Tia managed a halfhearted glare in Luc’s direction. “The point is, what are we going to do about it? Is Shannon safe?”

  “I need to call Jake. He didn’t check in last night, as far as I know. Someone would have told us.”

  A soft tap sounded at the door. AJ Temple opened it just a crack, saw they were all awake and stepped into the room. He still looked rumpled, as if he’d just crawled out of bed. Tia wondered if AJ and his lover Mik had enjoyed each other as much as Tia and her two men.

  “G’morning. Tia, your dad wants you to call your friend and see if Jake got there. He hasn’t reported in. Ulrich tried Jake’s cell phone but it’s turned off and he’s not answering his messages. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Tia grabbed a robe and tied it around her waist. She turned to glare at Luc. “You and I need to talk. I’ll be right back.”

  Luc blew her a kiss as she left the room. Tia was glad he couldn’t see the grin on her face.

  The long table in the dining room was almost filled. Anton Cheval, leader of the Montana pack, his mate, Tia’s cousin Keisha Rialto, and Stefan Aragat, another Montana Chanku, already had plates of food in front of them. Alexandria Olanet, Stefan’s mate, was pouring coffee at the sideboard.

  Tia said a general “good morning” as she and AJ entered the dining room, then she greeted her father. Ulrich Mason looked none the worse for wear, considering they’d only rescued him from his kidnappers a few hours earlier. She smiled at Miguel Fuentes, or Mik, as everyone called him, who was loading two plates with food. Mik handed a plate piled high with bacon, eggs and fried potatoes to AJ, and the two men sat down at the table.

  Tia leaned over and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. “Where’s a phone, Dad? I’ll call Shannon now. It’s late enough in the morning in Boston, she should be up.”

  Anton Cheval handed a cordless phone to Tia. “Good morning. I hope you slept well.”

  Tia felt her skin flush. She’d hardly slept at all, not with both Luc and Tinker finding such inventive ways to keep her awake.

  Anton’s knowing grin made Tia blush even harder. Stefan laughed out loud. “Don’t let him embarrass you, Tia. It’s not like the four of us weren’t doing the same things as you guys.” He leaned close to Anton and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, “Next time, I want to be the bottom.”

  Anton choked on his coffee.

  Tia dialed Shannon’s number, laughing along with everyone else. When the answering machine picked up, she left a quick message with the phone number in Montana. “No answer. I wonder where they are, so early in the morning?”

  Luc and Tinker entered the room. Both men looked freshly showered and, as far as Tia could tell, good enough to eat.

  “No word from Jake?” Luc grabbed a plate and handed one to Tinker.

  “No.” Tia poured herself a cup of coffee and slathered a blueberry muffin with cream cheese. “Should we be worried? Should we fly back there and check on them?”

  “Not yet.” Luc leaned over and kissed Tia on his way to the table, clearly staking his claim in front of every other male in the group. “Let’s give them a couple more hours, then we need to think about heading back to San Francisco. We can make our plans from home base.”

  Anton Cheval cleared his throat after his coughing spell, wiped his streaming eyes, and glared at Stefan. “The jet is ready whenever you feel you need to leave. Just let Oliver know so he can bring the car around.”

  “Thank you.” Ulrich toasted Anton with his cup of coffee. “I would like to ask Oliver for a lift to the airport whenever the rest of you are ready to go. I feel a trip to Washington DC is in order about now. I have a strong desire to visit with Secretary Milt Bosworth.”

  “Dad, do you think it’s safe?”

  “We’ll go with you.” Luc grabbed Tia’s hand.

  Ulrich shook his head. “No. This is something I need to do on my own. Less risk of anyone finding out about us. Besides, I want the rest of you available in case Jake needs help.” He turned his attention to the leader of the Montana pack. “Cheval, you and yours have been more generous than I ever imagined or expected. Thank you.”

  Cheval dipped his head in acknowledgment. “We have much to learn from one another. We are, in essence, recreating an ancient culture, an entire species in fact, with very little history on which to base our knowledge. It’s imperative we work together, help one another, share what we know whenever possible.”

  “Agreed.” Tia’s f
ather took another sip of his coffee and smiled sadly. He grabbed Tia’s hand in his. “I wish your mother had lived to see this.” He gestured with his other hand, encompassing the entire room, the ten of them together. “For years we wondered if there were others like us. We knew of Keisha and her mother, but no one else. Then you were born, but we didn’t know for sure if you were Chanku. A few years later I found Luc, then he found Jake. Mik and AJ joined us. There’s no reason to wonder if we’ll find others. Not any more. Now we know they’re out there.”

  His cell phone rang. Ulrich stood up as he reached in his pocket to take the call. He left the room, talking quietly. When he returned a few minutes later, Ulrich was smiling. “That was Jake. Bosworth’s men grabbed Shannon, but Jake got to her in time. They’re in a motel on the south side of Portland, Maine.” He laughed and pointed a finger at Luc. “We’re buying Jake a motorcycle. You know that Beemer he’s been drooling over? Seems he really needs it to get Shannon away from the bad guys.”

  “He what?” Luc slammed his coffee cup down on the table. Then a slow grin spread across his face. “Where’s he taking her?”

  “Remember that cabin he bought a while back, somewhere near the Canadian border? I’m not really certain where it is and I wasn’t about to ask when he called, in case someone’s monitoring our calls. Anyway, seems as if that’s the perfect place to keep Shannon safe.” Ulrich was grinning broadly when he sat back down at the table.

  Tia frowned, not quite sure what was going on.

  “It is perfect.” Luc nodded in agreement. “Deep forest, very few people. Does he have enough of the supplement?”


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