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Wolf Tales III

Page 22

by Kate Douglas

  Jake grinned, took Shannon’s hand and led her out into the room. “Gentlemen, I believe Baylor’s room has the biggest bed.” He swept Shannon up in his arms, catching her surprised gasp with another kiss.

  Then he carried her down the hall to the room with the biggest bed.

  Trembling, Shannon wasn’t quite certain what to expect, but Jake set her in the middle of the oversized mattress while he shoved his sweats down over his lean hips. Baylor lighted a few small candles while AJ and Mik stripped off their jeans and crawled onto the bed next to Shannon. Bay undressed as well and settled at the foot, between her feet.

  Shannon realized she was trembling, whether from nerves, arousal or anxious anticipation. The room quickly filled with four large, extremely sensual naked men, all intent on sex, all focused on Shannon.

  She glanced from face to face, saw nothing but smiles and warmth, but when she lowered her gaze, the size and power of each man’s erection was enough to make her shiver all the harder.

  Then Bay picked up Shannon’s right foot and began to gently massage her instep. “Tonight was amazing,” he said, looking at her foot as he spoke. There was a sense of awe in his voice, as if he still couldn’t believe what he’d done. “I had no idea what to expect, but it went beyond my wildest fantasies.”

  Bay’s thumb traced a firm path across the top of her foot, this time sending exquisite shivers of pleasure through her body. “Oh, Bay! That feels heavenly.” Shannon hadn’t known what to expect, either, but it certainly hadn’t been this!

  Bay’s fingers continued to work their magic. There was nothing overtly sexual about his touch, but the shivers she felt seemed to race all the way up her leg directly to her sex.

  Mik took her left hand in his and began to rub it with the same intensity as Bay. AJ did the same to her right.

  Jake sat beside Baylor and picked up her left foot. His long fingers wrapped around her ankle and the ball of her foot, gently pressing and stretching the sore muscles and tendons.

  No one went near her sex, no one touched her breasts or any other part of her body. The tension thrumming throughout Shannon’s body melted away as the men gently massaged her hands and feet and talked among themselves, their soft, sexy voices enough to make Shannon’s insides melt. She closed her eyes. The self-imposed darkness heightened her senses, made each caress even more intimate.

  After a few minutes, Jake said he remembered a jar of scented oil he’d seen in the bathroom. He found it and passed the jar around. The room filled with the seductive scent of vanilla.

  Jake’s hands moved to her calves. Then Bay’s did the same, while AJ and Mik worked on her arms. Shannon groaned aloud as her thighs and torso received the same treatment.

  She was almost asleep when someone rolled her gently to her stomach and the massage continued. Strong hands kneaded her back and thighs, worked lovingly over her buttocks, her shoulders. Warm lips followed some of the strokes, a kiss here, another there. She’d lost track of which man massaged what part, and in this half-awake state was only aware of sensation, of warmth and pressure and the slow, gentle movement of bodies working close to hers.

  Mouths and tongues, fingers and lips, the occasional brush of a swollen cock against her side. She was gently turned again. Warm mouths found each breast, gently suckled her nipples, rubbed the soft underside and stroked her belly. Large hands pulled her thighs apart, lips traced the line from navel to groin, from her knee along her inner thigh.

  It all had a dreamlike quality, arousing, seductive, sensation building with each kiss and touch. She felt something warm and satin-smooth brush her lips. Shannon parted her lips and stroked the smooth, hot flesh with her tongue, recognizing the firm head of someone’s cock, licking up the salty flavor of pre-cum. Not Jake’s. She already knew she’d recognize his flavor anywhere. Not Baylor either. She knew his as well.

  AJ or Mik. Did it matter which one? She opened her mouth wider, took him all the way to the back of her throat. Licked his full length when he withdrew, twisted her head and took his sac into her mouth, rolled the hard balls inside with her tongue.

  She heard a low, heartfelt groan. Shannon grinned around her mouthful. The scent alone was an aphrodisiac. Clean, musky male with an overlay of vanilla. She licked and nipped, then released him. Warm lips touched hers, a tongue licked the seam of her mouth, invited her to open once again.

  The kiss was deep, searingly hot, exciting. She thought about opening her eyes but the fantasy of nameless mouths and hands, of tongues and cocks and pure sensation was much too wonderful to end.

  Someone worked between her legs, licking, suckling, finding each sensitive spot that craved attention, and satisfying the need. The rich vanilla scent grew stronger. She wondered if someone had decided to heat the oil, and had her suspicions confirmed when warm drops spilled across her chest.

  More oil dripped onto her neatly trimmed thatch of pubic hair. She felt it run down the crease between thigh and sex while some dripped directly over her clit then mingled with her own juices. Her pussy clenched when the warm oil found its way between her swollen labia.

  Strong hands raised her knees, pressed them back against her chest. Oil dribbled over her perineum, strong fingers slipped back and forth in the slick crease between her buttocks.

  A tongue lapped at her sex and she hoped the oil tasted as good as it smelled. Fingers pressed against her anus as the tongue swirled deeply inside her pussy.

  One of the men must have shifted. No human tongue could go so deep, find so many sensitive spots and she realized it was so, recognized the coarse coat of a wolf against the back of her thighs.

  Just as the sensation of wolven coat and searching tongue began to make sense, the finger pressing against her butt slipped through her tight sphincter muscle and was quickly joined by a second. Shannon’s world narrowed, centered on the burning heat of fingers thrusting in and out of her tight anal passage, of the long tongue licking and stroking deep inside her sex.

  Her right hand was lifted, the fingers opened, then carefully wrapped around a swollen cock covered in the sweet oil. The same happened with Shannon’s left hand. Awash in sensation now, she gripped each cock tightly, and slowly, steadily stroked all the way out to the crowns of each, then back to the thick nest of coarse hair growing at the base.

  Shannon opened her mind to the sensations, the minor differences in each man. She had no idea who she held, what male she pleasured, only that their thoughts began to mingle with hers, mindless images of pleasure multiplied as each man shared, one with the other, then included Shannon in their sensual link.

  She drew them closer, closer until she could reach out with her tongue and stroke the satiny head of first one, then the other. The images in her mind grew more intense, more defined, and she knew that AJ was on her right, Mik on her left. She searched deeper with her thoughts, entranced now by her mental ability to define the nature of each man by their touch, almost as if they carried a specific fingerprint linked to their arousal, their own sensuality.

  Ah…Jake had shifted. His tongue filled her, stroked the sensitive tissues, held her at the edge of climax. Bay was the one who penetrated her darker passage, who stroked in perfect counterpoint to Jake’s tongue.

  The pressure built, the sense of impending climax as each of them came closer to their peak. In Shannon’s mind she saw how Mik took Bay’s cock deep down his throat, bringing Baylor ever closer to climax. The images, all of them, linked together, expanded, one upon the other. Brighter, more powerful, until Shannon’s mind was bursting with sensation, with the combination of Mik and AJ and Baylor, growing, expanding, climaxing.

  Mik stiffened, his cock grew even harder in her grasp. AJ did the same. Shannon heard their groans, felt the warm streams of semen hitting her breasts, her belly, as she stroked each man through his climax.

  Bay cried out, his fingers slipped free of her body and she knew he’d come as well, but Shannon resisted, held at the brink of orgasm by Jake’s tongue, his unspok
en desire that she wait.

  Her eyes still closed, her mind open, Shannon heard the raspy breaths of three satiated men, heard her own heart thundering in her chest, felt one last, long sweep of a wolven tongue between her legs.

  The wolf crawled up her body, nuzzling her belly with his cold nose, licking the spatters of warm ejaculate from her torso, but when he reached her lips it was Jake, the man she loved, who kissed her. Jake who thrust his cock deep inside, who shared the feeling of her ripe and ready sex clasping his cock, who brought her to climax with one powerful penetration.

  His body was hard and rigid in her arms, his heart pounded against her chest. She heard his shout of triumph as he filled her, felt his love, his possession, his need to own her heart and soul.

  Shannon smiled when she sensed something else, something unexpected and therefore treasured. Jake’s pride. Pride in Shannon as his mate, in his fellow packmates for their easy acceptance of his chosen partner, in Baylor for his successful shift and easy acceptance of the Chanku way.

  So tightly linked, Shannon was reminded of Jake’s hidden vulnerability, his need to feel wanted, to be loved. Both of us, my love. We both share those same needs.

  I love you.

  And I love you. Shannon finally opened her eyes. She wasn’t quite certain why it had been so important to keep them shut during this first time together with all four men, but deep in her heart was the sense that it had been the right choice.

  She glanced to her left, at Mik, propped up on one elbow smiling at her. AJ, to her right, still lay flat on his back, his lungs pumping like a bellows. Bay leaned up against the headboard, but the smile on his face told Shannon this was something he’d never grow tired of.

  Jake still sprawled over her body, a welcome weight that probably kept her from floating off the bed. Shannon had a sudden image of a basket of puppies, all of them sprawled and tangled together, and she started to giggle.

  It didn’t feel appropriate, giggling after the best sexual experience she’d ever had in her life.

  The more she tried to bite it back, the harder she laughed. She caught Mik’s eye and realized he was biting his lips. Jake raised his head, frowned, then snorted.

  In seconds, all of them were laughing, giggling, wiping tears from their eyes. Holding their sides, roaring with laughter and sharing an overwhelming sense of joy.

  Chapter 15

  Shannon awoke later, dreaming she was on a boat rocking on rough seas. Instead, gazing through sleep-swollen eyes, she saw Jake kneeling beside her with Mik’s cock deep inside his mouth. Baylor knelt behind Jake, his face twisted with what could only be described as unimaginable lust. His hips thrust forward then tilted back as he slammed rhythmically in, then pulled out of Jake’s ass.

  AJ suckled Jake’s erection. His cheeks hollowed as he drew Jake’s swollen cock deep down his throat. At the same time, his hands were busy with both Baylor and Jake, carefully massaging each man’s sac.

  Mik pleasured AJ, his head moving slowly up and down over his mate’s erection. All four men, their faces contorted with expressions of pain and pleasure and unmitigated lust, appeared to be totally caught up in their own pleasure as well as each of their partners’.

  Shannon had never seen anything quite so amazing, nor been aroused so completely by a visual such as this. Her fingers stole down to the waiting heat between her legs and she stroked herself, unintentionally finding the same rhythm as Baylor. The same rhythm each man shared.

  Bay’s fingers dug into Jake’s lean hips. He grunted now with the force of each thrust, his balls slamming close against Jake’s each time he buried his cock deeper, harder.

  Each time Bay rammed home, AJ’s fingers stroked him and Bay groaned.

  Shannon hadn’t seen Jake on the bottom before, had only seen him cover Bay, something she’d found so arousing she used the image to fantasize, to bring herself to climax.

  This aroused her even more, seeing the man she loved as the recipient of Bay’s cock, watching Jake pleasure Mik. The scene was both dark and addictive, from the rigid expressions on each man’s face and the slide of powerful muscles beneath smooth skin to the musky scents of each man, the sounds they made, all melding together, building, spiraling higher with each second that passed.

  Almost afraid to open her mind, Shannon was seduced by the need to experience, the overwhelming desire to be a part of this while still remaining apart. She linked to Jake, just his mind alone and arched her back with the jolt of profound pleasure she found.

  He acknowledged her presence…barely. Shannon stayed with him for just a moment, experiencing the burning thrust as Baylor’s cock speared deep inside his bowels, the dark pleasure when he withdrew. She tasted the smooth crown of Mik’s cock and realized his was the one she’d suckled earlier.

  Emboldened now, Shannon tentatively tapped into the group consciousness of all four men. Lust slammed into her. Powerful, all male, carnal to the extreme. Need and desire, the sense of competition so inherent in strong men, and over all, pleasure so wondrous and a love so deep it brought Shannon to tears.

  Lights flashed behind her eyes, electricity sparked in her mind and raced to her toes and fingers. She thrust deep inside her clenching sex, pinched one nipple with her free hand, twisting painfully as orgasm claimed her.

  Shouts, groans, the combined power of four strong and vital men reaching a simultaneous peak, carried Shannon even higher. When she finally fell, it was with a boneless, mindless drop into pure pleasure.

  Her body stilled, though the muscles in her pussy continued their rhythmic contractions. She pulled her slick fingers free with a brief pause to stroke her throbbing clit. A broad hand grabbed hers, moist lips and a wet tongue licked the juices from her fingers. Shannon opened her eyes and grinned at AJ, who sucked at her fingers with a look of pure bliss on his face.

  This time, there was no laughter, just a quiet contentment brought on by total satiation. However long it would last didn’t matter. The pack would be there to see that no one went unfulfilled.

  Bay lay across Jake’s back, hugging him close, stroking his chest and belly, then gently cupping Jake’s balls in the palm of his hand. Finally he pulled out and headed for the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, Jake snuggled close to Shannon and Bay returned to the room, crawled into bed and tucked himself against Shannon’s other side. She was aware of AJ and Mik crawling off to their own room, then nothing but the sound of quiet breathing and the steady beat of three hearts…three hearts beating as one.

  Shannon crawled out of bed around midmorning, took a quick shower and slipped into a clean pair of sweats. Her body ached in spots she’d ignored for years, but each sore muscle was a reminder of something wonderful she’d done with the pack the night before.

  Saturday night? One full week since Jake rescued her. Shannon heard a noise behind her, turned around and saw Jake peeking around the corner of the bedroom door.

  “Good morning, lazybones. I was just checking on you.”

  Shannon pushed her hair back out of her eyes and threw her arms around Jake. “Good morning to you, too. Happy anniversary!”

  Jake leaned back, still wrapped in Shannon’s arms, and cocked one eyebrow. “Anniversary?”

  “Hard to believe how much has happened in one week, isn’t it? You rescued me just a week ago.” She reached up on her toes and kissed him, then backed away before Jake could take the kiss any further. “In fact, it was more than a rescue. You saved my life, Jake. I was in such a terrible downward spiral.”

  Jake’s arms settled around Shannon’s waist and he rested his chin on top of her head. “You weren’t the only one. And the rescue works both ways. C’mon. The guys have been talking. I want you in on the conversation.”

  He took Shannon’s hand and tugged, pulling her out into the main room.

  Shannon felt as if she’d walked into a Playgirl photo shoot. Bay was stretched out on the sofa wearing his black slacks and white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to e
xpose his forearms. The shirt was unbuttoned, allowing a suggestive glimpse of his muscular chest and the dark whorl of hair linking his nipples, trailing down to disappear beneath his waistband.

  His feet were bare. In fact none of the men wore shoes. Shannon decided there was something both subtle and sexy about bare feet.

  Mik sat near the wood stove with a paperback novel held loosely in one hand. He wore faded blue jeans, but had skipped the shirt. Shannon sighed quietly, grateful for small favors. Unlike Bay, Mik’s chest was perfectly smooth, a deep bronze shade defined by spectacular muscles and two perfectly flat nipples. A narrow trail of black hair ran from his navel down his flat stomach and disappeared beneath the unsnapped fastener at the top of his zipper.

  Shannon licked her lips and had to swallow back a soft moan. She remembered following that same happy trail with her tongue. After last night, she’d never be able to look at Mik without getting turned on.

  Her gaze slid down to AJ where he sprawled on the floor, his back against Mik’s legs. AJ made Shannon think of cowboys and horses and dusty rides, but when he turned and smiled at her, all she could think of was the blissful look on his face when he’d licked her juices off her fingers.

  Shannon sighed again, turned to Jake and shook her head ruefully. “All they wanna do is talk? Damn.”

  Jake grabbed her hand and tugged her to one of the overstuffed leather chairs. He sat down and pulled Shannon into his lap. “Mik called Luc awhile ago. They’re trying to figure out what’s the best approach for Bay. We need to get him as far away from contact with the missing agents as we can, and somehow get him honorably discharged from the agency. Ulrich is thinking of putting Bay on the Pack Dynamics roster as an employee. In a few months we’ll open an eastern branch with me as head, and Bay can transfer back here.”

  Shannon frowned. “Transfer back? You mean Bay has to leave?”


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