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Passion, Vows & Babies: Only You, Baby: A Yeah, Baby & Time's Up! Crossover Novella (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Vicki Green

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Rochelle Paige Popovic and Elle Christensen. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Passion, Vows & Babies remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Rochelle Paige Popovic and Elle Christensen, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Only You, Baby

  A Yeah, Baby & Time’s Up! Crossover

  Vicki Green


  Dear Readers,

  Only You, Baby

  1. Keegan

  2. Alex

  3. Keegan

  4. Alex

  5. Keegan

  6. Alex

  7. Keegan

  8. Alex

  9. Keegan

  10. Alex


  More Books by Vicki

  Passion, Vows & Babies


  About the Author

  Dear Readers,

  Welcome to the Passion, Vows & Babies Kindle World! In this combination of my Passion & Vows and Yeah, Baby series, we’ll bring you new books by some truly amazing authors. From sexy stories of married couples fighting against outside forces to keep their happily ever after, to unexpected pregnancies that lead to forever afters… the Passion, Vows & Babies world is full of over the top alphas, sassy heroines, insta-love, wedding bells, and growing families. Although the wide cast of characters in both series have managed to find love, there’s plenty more out there who could use Passion, Vows & Babies in their lives—like the couple in this story!

  If you’re familiar with the Yeah, Baby and Sex & Vows series, you’ll see a familiar face (or more) in this story. I am so excited this author agreed to bring their storytelling talent to the Passion, Vows & Babies Kindle World! However, please keep in mind that this book is entirely the work of the author, and I didn’t have any part in the process of writing this book.

  For more about the world, stop by the Passion, Vows & Babies website:

  Happy reading!

  Fiona Davenport (Elle Christensen & Rochelle Paige)

  Only You, Baby

  a Yeah, Baby & Time’s Up! crossover


  Vicki Green

  Alex Rossi thought his sister Rica was crazy for falling in love so fast.

  Can’t happen.


  There’s no such thing as “Insta-Love”.

  Until he meets an amazing girl who knocks him off his feet. She works at the coffee shop where he spends his days working on his clients reports.

  Keegan Morefield takes classes online and works at the neighborhood coffee shop. Her life hasn’t been easy, and it doesn’t seem like that will change anytime soon. Then one day a customer walks into the coffee shop and they literally take her breath away.

  Instant chemistry.

  He must have her.

  But at what cost?



  My life sucks. Well, not entirely. I mean, I’m taking classes to get a degree to become a Graphic Designer, and just started working at the local coffee shop, in a very, very small town. Yeah, I’m a city girl. So out of my element here. It’s my first day and the girl training me must think I’m an idiot. “So, then you put the cup under here….” Oh really? I thought maybe it would go on the counter instead of under the spout. Oh Lord, help me not to roll my eyes constantly and get through training. By afternoon, I’d learned one very important thing. This place is crazy busy, with college students, mostly, and man, there’s a lot of guys who come in here. Not that I noticed so much, mind you. What caused me to hold back a gazillion eye rolls is all the smooching and goo-goo eyes different couples did throughout the day, forcing me to remind myself I really need this job. Okay, I’m not anti-lust, love, or whatever, but not having a boyfriend – like ever – makes me a bit envious. And horny. And too much of that today was more sweeteningly (yes, that’s a word. I just made it up) sweet than one of the Caramel Macchiatos I’ve been making.

  “Oh my God!” My head whips around to see Lani, one of my co-workers – not the one who trained me – run behind the counter. “There he is! Do you see that guy? Five o’clock!” Three pairs of eyes scan over to the right back corner of the shop. There sits an extremely good-looking guy. Short black hair, five or six o’clock shadow that covers his jawline, and dark brown eyes that are intently looking at his laptop sitting on the table in front of him. “Sigh. He’s here every day. It’s like he lives here. I think I’m in love!” My eyes snap back to her. Really? And why would someone come in here every day? It’s sad. He must not have a life.

  Okay, so I’m not one of those people who believes in insta-love. I’m not stupid. I do know of someone that built a relationship on insta-love, and they’re now married and expecting their first baby but that, my friends, is an exception. That’s just not normal and I know for a fact that will never, ever happen to me. Besides, I’m a procrastinator and an over-thinker so everything for me goes – slowly.

  I continue making a customer’s order, one mocha coffee, nonfat, no whip, when Stacey (yes, the fun one who trained me) walks over and bumps my hip with hers. Um – excuse me? “Keegan, that customer over there needs some attention.” I follow where her finger is pointing then look back down at what I’m doing.

  “No.” There is no way I’m going over to that table. It’s not that he intimidates me. God, he’s just too damn good looking. Okay, so he intimidates me. A little.

  She huffs. “Keegan! He’s been out of a drink for fifteen minutes! Part of your job is to serve our customers but also sell, sell, sell!” Lordy, she is certainly over the top and freaking pushy. “I’ll finish this for you and you go take care of him.” She grabs the cup from my hand, setting it down on the counter, then begins pushing on my shoulders from behind until I’m around the counter. “Go!” she whispers.

  Wiping my hands on my apron – which is black and totally not my color – I walk around the tables until I’m standing in front of his. Now, I’d thought he was good looking from the distance behind the counter but up close – I pull the dishcloth hanging out of my back pocket and start fanning myself. My eyes widen, scouring what I can see of his body, as I lick my bottom lip. Is it hot in here? I jump when his phone vibrates on the table. He picks it up, and I watch as he brings it to his ear.

  “Alex Rossi.”

  Alex Rossi. His voice is silky smooth, deep, yet a bit rough. Very masculine. Very sexy. My heart begins to speed up and my palms become sweaty. Could I be having a panic attack? Is twenty-one too young to have a stroke? His long fingers play the keys on his laptop like a fine instrument. I lean a little to my right to look at the screen. What is that? The stock market? Without looking up at me, he stops and closes the lid. That’s odd.

  “Yes. I’ll have that ready later today and email it over. Yes, Wyatt. I know. Have I ever let you down before?” He chuckles, and it sends shivers down my spine. What in the fuck is happening to me? I freeze when his eyes snap to mine. Did I say that out loud? One side of his mouth turns up into a grin and what a sexy grin it is. He looks tall, from what I can tell while he’s sitting, his legs stretched out under the table. “May I help you, gorgeous?”r />
  Holy shit! I’m leaning down looking under the table! I’m mortified! Okay, calm down, Keegan. Deep breaths. Act cool. “Oh! I’m sorry. I thought you had dropped something.” I stand and watch him lean down and look for himself. “Can I get you something else to drink? Eat perhaps?” He sits up and I try not to fall as my legs weaken from his glare. His eyes scan down my body – slowly, intently, down – stopping at my breasts then down, down, down, and then they make their way back up until they reach my eyes. That was the hottest thing ever to happen to me. I’m gonna have to write this down in my diary when I get home.

  “Bottled water and banana bread.”

  I blink. “Excuse me?”

  That sexy grin appears again. “Water and banana bread.”

  I nod like a freaking bobble head. “Oh, yeah. Right.” I laugh, almost hysterically. “I’ll just….” I turn and powerwalk back around the tables and behind the counter and right up to Lani – because she seems to be the nice one. “Table in the corner. Bottled water. Banana bread. I have to….” I didn’t give her time to say anything or finish my sentence. I just walk past her, out from behind the counter, and into the small employee room. There’s no way I’m going back over to that table and make a fool of myself again. God he’s dreamy.

  When I come back, after gathering myself, he’s still there so I decide to ignore him and how my heart beats faster every damn time I think about him. How each time he answers his phone, his voice would cause shivers to run through me. How hearing his fingers pound on the keys of his laptop makes me want to look over and watch him concentrate on what he’s doing. Yeah, I’m trying really hard to ignore him.

  By early evening, I’m cleaning behind the counter, and I’m so ready to get off and go home. I must say, it’s not a difficult job but my feet hurt. I just want to kick back, drink a beer, and relax. I’ll hit the books tomorrow. No, I should really study tonight. I’m such a party girl on a Friday night. Sigh. What astounds me is Alex is still sitting at that same table working. Doesn’t he ever go home? I’ve noticed him looking at me all day, which hasn’t helped my concentration at all.

  “Hey, Keegan.” I look over from cleaning a table when Stacey walks over. I’d been avoiding cleaning tables anywhere near Alex but had no choice when I’d made my way a few tables away from him. “A couple of us are going over to Encounters. Wanna come?”

  I look up from my hunched over position and shake out of my daydream. I’d been imagining Alex behind me, holding onto my hips while his cock slams in and out of me. Damn, that was a good dream. “What’s Encounters?” God help me if it’s a gym! My body is already exhausted.

  She laughs. “It’s a small bar down the street.” I hate being the new person in town, sounding stupid about the places around that I haven’t either noticed or been to yet.

  “Um…. I’m really tired.” I respond. And I think I might need a shower, for more than one reason.

  “Aww! C’mon! I’ll buy you a drink.” A free drink. Hmmm. That does sound good. “You’ve had a great first day on your new job, time to celebrate!” Well, I guess I could go and have just one. She’s right. I do deserve to have a few moments out before I have to study, and she’s pushed me all day. I think she owes me a drink.

  I stand up straight and smile. “Okay.”

  Six o’clock came quickly and after freshening up in the bathroom, I run my hands down my white low-cut shirt, adjust it so my girls don’t spill out, and purse my lips, pressing them together to smooth out the lip gloss I’d just applied. I’d feel a bit better if I could have taken a shower first but I guess this will just have to do. It’s only one drink.

  I was ready to tell her I don’t have a car and ask if I could ride with her when she starts walking down the sidewalk. Shrugging, I follow with Lani at my side. I learn quickly why we’re walking when we reach the corner and wait for the traffic light to change. I look across the street and on the corner is Encounters. The light changes and the walk sign flickers so we cross. I’m always a little nervous walking into a new place yet it’s exciting at the same time. New town, new co-worker friends, sorta, and a new life. As we get close to the sidewalk in front of the bar, the music grows louder from inside.

  “This is a fun place,” Stacey says as she opens the door, the music plus chatter filling my ears instantly. “You’ll love it!”

  As we walk inside there’s hardly any room to walk. I expected it to be crowded since it’s Friday night. “It’s so much fun here!” Lani yells in my ear, still, I could barely hear her. Okay, I get it. It’s a small town and probably the only bar around for miles. Stacey pushes her way through the crowd, and even though the bar isn’t very big – quaint really – she manages to get us through to a very small area at the end of the bar counter.

  “Damn, you almost need to be a football player to get around in here.” I mumble, not that anyone could hear me if I talked louder.

  “What’ll ya have?”

  I could, however, hear the very good-looking bartender’s voice. I look over my shoulder to find a curly blond haired, very muscular, blue eyed guy smiling at – me? “I’ll have a chocolate martini,” shouts Stacey, but his eyes never leave mine. “She’ll have a strawberry daiquiri.” She points at Lani. “And she’ll have….” I can see her look at me from the corner of my eye then smile at the gorgeous bartender.

  “Light beer. Bottle, please,” I scream. I’m not sure he heard me until he gives me a wink. My heart couldn’t be racing any faster but I’m not sure if it’s due to the gorgeous eye candy or I’m getting claustrophobic. I watch as he mixes liquor for Lani’s daiquiri and puts it in a blender, then mixes and shakes Stacey’s martini, lining the rim of the glass with chocolate and making a design with it in the middle. My thirst gets the better of me until he reaches into the large glass fridge behind him, pops off the cap of a Bud Light and sets it on the counter in front of me.

  “That’ll be….” he begins to say when he’s interrupted.

  “On me. Put it on my tab.” That sexy voice! It couldn’t be.

  Stacey, Lani, and I turn our heads simultaneously and look at – Alex Rossi. The bartender nods, looking a little sad, and moves on to finish the others drinks. Alex leans forward from the stool next to me, picks up my beer, and hands it to me. I take a very long swig. “Thank you,” I finally manage to say.

  “My pleasure, gorgeous. Here, sit.” He pushes himself off the stool with ease, and he’s definitely tall as he reaches his full height. I look up at him – yes, up – and smile.

  “I’m good. Thanks.” I start to take another drink when I feel strong large hands on my waist then I’m lifted up and placed on the padded cushion of the stool. “Oh!” I’d about dropped my beer bottle during the flight. The lighting fades a little as his large muscular body shadows me. He pretty much has blocked the girls from my sight. I look up – yep, still up – and into his dark eyes.

  “You worked hard on your first day. Time to get off your feet.” His words say one thing but looking into his eyes, there’s a totally different meaning. Pushing my legs together, I feel the throbbing and wetness between them. I give him a smirk.

  “So, you do leave the shop sometimes.” I smile, sweetly, and take the last swallow of my beer.

  He turns his head and looks at the bartender who is giving the girls their drinks. “Tony. Another for this beautiful lady.” Oh my! Wait! Tony? “So….” He turns around with a beer in hand, setting it next to me on the counter. Impressive. “You’re new around here.” Small town indeed.

  “Yes. And you work a lot at the coffee shop. Just what are you doing on your laptop all day?” I look into his dark eyes, his body so close to mine that I can smell his musky cologne. God. He’s even more gorgeous up close and personal. I can feel the heat radiating from him, or maybe it’s the crowd. Maybe it’s me.

  “It’s just work.” Uh huh. I swear I saw the stock market on the screen. Is that what he does? He reaches out and pushes some of my hair behind my shoulder. “You’
re very beautiful.” I swallow hard at his words. His eyes leave mine and move to my lips then down to the base of my throat and land on my exposed cleavage. They linger there for a moment, my body reacting just from the intenseness of his glare, then they slowly move back up to mine.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, but even with the loudness of the bar, he hears me. We stare into each other’s eyes for minutes, seconds, I’m not even sure. I swallow again, pick up my beer and take a long drink. Holding the bottle with both hands, I lower my brows in question. “And what kind of work do you do?”

  Suddenly, the crowd grows louder. Some sports game is on all the TVs hanging throughout the bar, and he’s pushed from behind, crashing into me. His arms immediately wrap around me. That amazing musk scent surrounds me, his body heat mingles with mine, and the feel of his strong arms make me want to stay right here, forever. He moves back but a bit, looking down at me. His eyes have darkened to almost black. I can’t think of what to say without sounding like I’m easy. Take me home with you and make passionate love to me.

  “My feet really are killing me,” I whisper, hoping he’ll take the hint. His eyes move to my mouth, my eyes, back and forth a few times, my chest unabashedly heaving from my heavy breathing. Before I can take a breath, his mouth is on mine, pressing hard, eager, leaving me breathless. Damn, can he kiss! I bring my hands up to wrap around him, needing to hold on to – something. One arm moves around his slim waist, the other stuck due to holding the beer in my hand. He doesn’t take his mouth from mine. Instead he moves his head the other direction, deepening the kiss, and takes the bottle from my hand. Placing my now free hand on his large bicep, his arm moves around me, pulling me closer. Who needs oxygen?


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