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Passion, Vows & Babies: Only You, Baby: A Yeah, Baby & Time's Up! Crossover Novella (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Vicki Green

  Shaking my head with my smile still firmly on my face, I get out of the shower, brush the snarls out of my hair, and finish getting ready for work. I almost hate going, not spending time with him, yet I’m sure he’ll be there working on his laptop. Then again, my cooch could use a break. My smile widens as I walk out of the bathroom.

  Walking into the kitchen, my senses are filled with delicious aromas. Bacon. Eggs. Sausage. Cue stomach growling. My eyes snap to his when I hear his low chuckle. I walk over to the table just as he sets a plate full of food down. “Eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” He winks and walks over to the counter and grabs two glasses of orange juice.

  “So bossy,” I say sarcastically then load my fork with eggs, closing my eyes from the taste as I take a bite.

  “Yeah, well, I can show you bossy.” My eyes open quickly and look at the smirk on his rugged handsome face. “Now eat. You don’t want to be late.” I nod and start eating in earnest. The silence is nice, not at all uncomfortable, even though there’s so many things I’d like to ask. What does he work on all day? Where is his family? How in the hell is he still single? Is he really a douchebag incognito, some kind of prick that he’s hiding so well? What the hell am I missing? I squint at him as he eats.

  “So….” I blink a few times and look down at my food. “When are you off work this weekend?” That’s so not what I was expecting. Although, I have no idea what to expect.

  “Um, tomorrow.” I eat another forkful wondering why he’s asking.

  “And what time do you get off today?” Well, I’d like him to get me off shortly after I leave work.


  He holds up his fork, full of food. “You’re not sure?”

  “No. I’m sure.” Why is he asking me? What does he have planned? Oh! Maybe he’s planning sex! Does one plan such a thing?

  “Good. Pack a bag before we go. We’re going on a trip.” Wait! What?

  “A trip?” Setting down the fork on the plate, I swallow hard, suddenly losing my appetite.

  He takes a bite then swallows. “Yeah. I want my sister to meet you.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal. It’s totally a big deal! He stops again, mid-bite. “Is that a problem?” Being with you – no. Nervousness about meeting your sister – HUGE!

  “Uh – no. That’ll be – fun.” I shrug, mimicking him, trying to play it cool. He reaches over and covers my somewhat shaking hand on the table.

  “You’ll love Rica. And she’ll love you. Trust me.” He smiles. He starts eating again and I’m left trembling. Suck it up, Keegan! Sheesh! She’s just a woman. Nothing to be nervous about.

  I’ve been an orphan all my life. Not close to anyone. Never been in a relationship. Never had anyone truly care about me. Always been on my own. Independent. Struggling. Trying to find happiness and a good life. Never able to trust anyone. And I’ve given my body, my heart, to a young, brutally handsome man. Now, he wants me to meet his sister. Lord help me, I’ve never been more nervous.

  “So…. You’re going out of town? With Mr. Sexy over there?” Lani and I follow Stacey’s eyes over to Alex, who’s diligently working on his laptop at his favorite table. “I gotta hand it to you, Keegan.” My eyes snap back to Stacey as she fills a large cup with a mocha Frappuccino. “You’ve got guts, my friend. Just meeting him a few nights ago. Already moved in with him. And now, you’re gonna spend the night and meet his sister? Yeah, I had you pegged all wrong. You’re braver than you let on.” Not really. I just hide it well. I hope.

  “So, you think it’s a bad idea.” I state. Not a question.

  She shrugs as she puts the lid on the drink. “No. I didn’t say that. Here you go.” She gives the customer their drink and takes their money. I wait, a bit impatiently, as she finishes then turns to me and smiles. “You’re lucky. You find the right sexy god of a man, move in with him, and get to meet his family.” She makes me feel lucky. Then why am I so nervous? She grasps my arms. “Next, you’ll be having his babies.” Wait! What? My mouth drops open as she walks around me.

  “Um. No, I won’t,” I say, crossing my arms. It’s not that I don’t want to have kids. I do. But I’m too young to start a family. Besides, what if it doesn’t work out with us? Then I’ll be fighting to survive on my own with a child. I know it can be done. I’m not stupid, but I’d rather have a degree and a much better job if that ever happens. I’d want to give my baby the best life possible, especially since I didn’t.

  “It’s only a matter of time.” She singsongs as she walks out from behind the counter.

  Maybe so, but let’s hope that time is a long ways away.

  The work day seemed to go by a lot faster than usual. Life’s cruel joke. I was hoping it would go slow so I could have more time to convince myself this will be fun.

  “Are you ready?”

  I look up and into his gorgeous sparkling eyes as I walk out of the employee room. “Yes.” I smile and walk into his arms. He holds me in his strong loving arms and kisses the top of my head. This! This is where I belong. All nervousness fades as long as I’m with him.

  That changed as soon as we pulled into his sister’s driveway.

  He talked about her the whole way here. How she and her husband, Luke, fell in love in the most unconventional way. Apparently, their parents are Italian. Luke isn’t. I guess there was some kind of contract her parents had with her, with a substantial amount of money on the line that his sister wanted to use to help those less fortunate. In walks Luke, who had his own sordid past, but they fell in love, got married, and had a baby girl, Emma, who is almost a year old now. Sounds a bit like a romance novel I read once. He also talked about his three brothers, what they do for a living, and his parent’s restaurant and accounting firm. I think I’ve learned more about him in the five or so hour drive than knowing him for only a few days. It was very – informative. Now, I’m not sure what I’m more nervous about, meeting Rica and her family or someday having to meet Alex’s parents and brothers. Both sound just as intimidating.

  I don’t get too much time to worry about it as he drives into a larger town. Much like other towns I’ve passed through, there’s an older more run-down part and then scenes begin to change to newer more well-kept buildings. Larger houses and business buildings appear until we’re in a nice neighborhood. He pulls up to a gate, lowers his window and punches in a code. The rod iron gates open slowly, which makes me wonder how safe they really are. Anyone could go in, in the time it took them to fully open and for Alex to drive inside. Cue butterflies and a flight of nerves as he drives through a small community of mansion looking houses. Well, compared to our small town and older buildings.

  When he turns down another street, a smaller area of houses appears. We pass by a tree-lined park, kids playing with their babysitters and/or moms and dads. It’s quaint and definitely more appealing and a little less daunting. Down another street that turns into a cul-de-sac, family homes surrounding it. It’s – nice, pleasant, what I would imagine homes like these in a neighborhood to look like. He pulls into a driveway of a charming but modest home. Somehow it looks as though it was once in a romance novel or maybe that’s what my mind conjured while reading. I feel his hand pick up mine and look over at him and into his eyes.

  “You have nothing to worry about. They’ll love you – and you them.” I nod, knowing he’s most likely right but it’s not entirely helping. “Let’s go.” He leans over and kisses me once, then again, and I watch him get out of the car.

  “They’re just people, Keegan,” I whisper to myself as I open the door. “That love Alex and want only the best for him.” I mumble as I step outside. “The very same that will judge and interrogate me within an inch of my life to make sure I’m good enough for him.”

  “You ready?” I turn toward Alex, a huge smile on his face, take a deep breath and nod, putting on my own smile. “Come here.” I walk around the front of the car, noticing he’s holding both our duffle bags in one hand, reaching the other
out to me. I take it and those butterflies turn and flutter when he pushes his fingers through mine. I look up at him and smile as he looks down at me with such emotion filled eyes. Suddenly, my nervousness is gone, replaced with knowing that no matter what they think of me, I’ve already fallen for this wonderful man. Only what he feels for me matters.


  He’d barely rang the bell when the door flies open and a woman with long dark brown hair runs out and throws her arms around him. Even if I hadn’t known we were at his sister’s house, the resemblance would have told me they are siblings. As she steps back, he tugs on my hand. “Rica, this is Keegan.” I expected a polite hello. What I didn’t expect was for her to walk over and pull me into a hug. It took me a little off guard.

  “Welcome, Keegan!” Her exuberance is endearing and a bit contagious. “Please, come inside.” My hand falls from Alex’s as she puts her arm around me and leads me inside. I look over my shoulder at his smiling handsome face. He shrugs and walks in behind us. “We’ll have such a great time. Did Alex ever tell you about the time he put glue in my hair.” I let out a laugh as we walk into the living room. I love her already.

  By the time I sit on the couch and she brings me a Coke, she sits across from me on an oversized chair and tells me all about what a mean but loving big brother Alex is. “There are so many stories but overall, he’s the one that brought Luke and me together.”

  “Well, that was after he helped tear us apart of course.” I look over my shoulder at the most handsome man walking into the room. Light red hair, matching scruff covering his firm jaw, and the greenest eyes. My eyes snap back to Rica, watching the gleam in her eyes as he walks over, kisses her forehead, and sits down next to her in the chair. I can tell it’s difficult for him to tear his eyes away from hers but then he finally looks at me and smiles as he puts his arm around her.

  She smiles at me but her thoughts are clearly on the man next to her. “Yeah, well – he did do that.” He reaches over and takes her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “But after he realized his mistake, he is the one that got us back together.”

  “That’s only because you would have haunted me with those lost puppy eyes for the rest of my life.” All eyes move toward Alex when he walks in. He immediately sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. “I mean – there’s only so much sadness a brother can take.” He winks at me then looks at Rica. “Besides, Emma deserved to have her daddy in her life. Speaking of which, where is my niece?” As if the little girl had heard Alex’s voice, crying commences from upstairs.

  “I’ll get her,” Luke says as he begins to stand.

  “Hell no! I’ll go get her.” Alex stands abruptly, and it warms my heart how anxious he is to get Emma. He leaves the room and I take a drink of my soda, the silence a little uncomfortable.

  “So. Tell us about yourself, Keegan.” My eyes snap to Rica and I purse my lips.

  “Oh, nothing to tell. I’m taking college courses and working at a coffee shop.” I shrug, my life sounding so boring compared to hers. They have a house full of love. A family. Something I’ve never had.

  “Emma.” My eyes move up to Alex and the cutest little girl in his arms. “This is Keegan. Isn’t she beautiful?” Immediately I feel the heat of a blush fill my face. “She’s mine but I’m willing to share her with you.” Mine. He sits down next to me and sets Emma down on his lap. God! There’s something about a strong man holding a little girl that just melts your heart. Her eyes are sleep filled but there’s a smile on her precious face.

  “She usually doesn’t take to strangers right away. Give her a minute to….” Rica stops abruptly when Emma wiggles out of Alex’s arms and climbs onto my lap, putting her head on my shoulder. I’m shocked but wrap my arms around her, inhaling her baby scent. “Wow! You must be great with kids! This is so unusual for her.” I don’t tear my eyes from Emma, loving how soft her skin is and her sweet little body in my arms. I’m mesmerized by her adorable little face. Her big eyes as they move up to mine and her cute little giggles. I watch as she moves her little foot and places it on Alex’s leg like she needs to be touching him. It’s more than apparent how much she loves her uncle. She turns her head full of light red curls at Rica.

  “Ba ba!” she says while her foot bounces on Alex’s leg.

  “Right away, Princess.” Luke stands smiling, walking around the couch and out of my sight. She laughs and giggles. Definitely a daddy’s girl and has him wrapped around her little finger.

  “That reminds me,” Rica says as she stands. “I need to start dinner. You two….” She looks at me then at Alex. “Relax.” She leaves the room and I look down at Emma, who’s staring up at me.

  It wasn’t long before Luke brought Emma a bottle then shortly after we went into the kitchen for dinner. It was – pleasant, something I’ve not been a part of before. Lots of laughing, telling of childhood memories from Rica and Alex to stories of Rica and Luke’s wedding and then Emma’s birth. I was content. Happy. Feeling all the love and emotions. But I have to admit a bit jealous. Not having a family filled me with sadness but with all the love here and having Alex’s arm around me, holding my hand as we talked in the living room after dinner, it gave me so much happiness just being here – they made me feel like I was part of their family.

  “Night, lovebirds.”

  Rica’s singsong voice from the upstairs hallway makes me giggle as Alex and I walk into a bedroom. I start to open my mouth to say something when I’m pushed against the door, closing it with a loud slam, his mouth covering mine as he pins my hands above my head with one of his. “Fuck! I’ve been wanting to do this for hours,” he says against my lips then kisses a trail over my jaw and down my throat. A moan tries to escape my lips as he raises my t-shirt above my bra, kissing the swell of my breast. “Let your moan go, my love – scream if you wish.” Pulling the cup of my bra down, he sucks in a nipple, and I shamelessly rub up and down against his hardened cock, wanting – no needing him inside me.

  “Ungh! Alex!” I try to be quiet but he’s not making it easy.

  Suddenly, he releases my hands, grabs my waist, and my legs wrap around his slim waist as he lifts me. He captures my mouth as he lays me down on a soft mattress then is quick to remove my clothes. I watch with the barest pants of breath as he removes his. Even after making love several times now, looking at his huge engorged cock it amazes me how it fits inside me, fills me, and how much I ache for it. His piercing brown eyes have darkened to almost black as he looks down at me. He climbs on top of me. His hard, strong body covers mine like a cloak when he pushes inside me with force, his hands cupping my head as he leans down and pays tribute to each nipple. Gripping his arms, I find myself squirming beneath him, my legs moving over his waist of their own accord, my feet pushing against his firm ass, trying to get him to move faster – harder.

  “Fuck! Keegan!”

  He screams my name. It echoes in the small room. But as my release hits me hard, I fight to keep my eyes open and watch him come undone. He leans down and kisses me hard then stands, lifting me with him. Gently, he lays me back down, my head against the pillow, and he pulls down the covers and climbs in beside me, covering us. He pulls me into his arms. I’m lying with my head against his broad chest, hearing his heartbeat against my ear – I’m finally home.



  “I love her.”

  It’s been four of the most wonderful months of my entire life. Keegan achieved a graphic design degree, one she’d been working towards since before we met, got a new job working from home for some big web design company, received her official driver’s license, and got a cell phone, her first. Finally, my house is now a home. I’ve gotten several more clients and we’ve visited Rica and Luke a few times now. I couldn’t be happier and I know she is too. I rarely even work at the coffee shop anymore and I even knocked down a wall, extending the office to make room for two desks and got her everything she needed for hers.

“Have you proposed? She hasn’t said anything to me. If I find out that….” Rica’s tirade goes on for a bit. I let it because I’m smiling so hard at how much she and Luke, and Emma, love Keegan.

  “No, sis. Not yet. But soon.” Actually tonight but I’m not telling her that.

  “Good.” Silence is not always golden. “You know once you do, you’ll have to tell Mom and Dad. They’ll be even more pissed because you haven’t even brought her to meet them yet.” Yeah, there’s that. “I know! Luke, Emma, and I will go over the same weekend. You know they have a soft spot for Emma so maybe it’ll smooth things over for you and Keegan.” What is she up to? She’s never this nice and willing to take the heat for me. I don’t trust her.

  “And….?” I know she has a hidden agenda.

  “Oh, you and Keegan just have to keep Emma for a weekend so Luke and I can get away.” Seriously? I knew there’d be a catch.

  “Is that all? Fuck! You have a deal!”

  So started what I believed to be the best day of my life.

  “I need to run out and get copy paper and ink for my printer. Do you need anything, Alex?” Keegan yells from the kitchen.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

  Fortunately for me she needs to go into town. I might have hidden the extra copy paper we had. That’ll give me time to get everything set up.

  By the time I’ve taken a shower, the sauce is done, noodles are cooked, and the salad is prepared and in the fridge. I slide the cookie sheet of rolls into the oven and smile. The lights are dim in the living room, wine poured, and candles lit everywhere. She should be back any minute, and my heart is racing, my palms sweaty.

  Twenty minutes later, the cookie sheet with the rolls is setting on the counter, the sauce on low, and the noodles drained and back in the pot with the lid on to keep them warm. Me? I’m pacing the floor in the living room. What in the hell is taking her so long? I stop abruptly. My heart lodged in my throat. What if she’s been in a car accident? Maybe I should go into town? No, then I could miss her if she’s okay. Pulling out my cell from my back pocket, I look up her contact and am ready to call when the doorbell rings. Why would she ring the bell instead of pulling into the garage? Quickly, I walk to the front door and open it, almost falling over by who is standing on the other side.


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