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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 10

by Morgan Kelley

  She screamed for Mathew to stop.

  Jacques got prepared to help his mate.

  Only, he didn't need to. Flynn leveled Mathew with little effort. For a human, he fought like a killer. They slammed off walls, wrecking, breaking, and destroying anything in their path.

  The guardian went flying across the room, taking out the dresser.

  Flynn was in a rage, but he didn't go for his guns. He knew if he killed Mathew, Jolie would be devastated, even if he attacked first.

  “How dare you come at me?” he hissed, his body rippling with energy.

  Jolie wanted to get between them, but she knew the truth. Someone, likely her, would get hurt.

  Jacques moved toward his mate to stand with him. There was no reason why Mathew should be attacking them. If anything, he should be as far from Jolie’s mates as possible. They’d tolerated a lot, and this was proof that he was a loose cannon.

  Despite their training, he was more willing to hurt them than defend them.

  His motives were clear.

  He looked to kill her mates to protect her.

  “Humans,” he hissed, charging Flynn. “You won’t hurt her again.”

  Jolie didn't know what to do.

  This was her fault.

  Flynn hadn’t hurt her. In fact, he was gentle, making sure he didn't press her stomach against his shoulder.

  As she went to move, Mathew buried his claws into Flynn’s body, and they were very close to his heart.

  In fact, they may have hit it.

  Flynn felt the way his whole being stuttered in that one moment.

  Jacques leapt on Jolie’s guardian, pulling him free from their mate. He pinned Mathew with his claws and teeth.

  Still, Flynn fell to the floor.

  Flynn was helpless as the room spun around him before going gray.

  Jolie knelt by him.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I wouldn’t have hurt you. I can’t,” he whispered, his fangs slipping away. “You’re my true love.”

  She was scared.

  He touched her cheek before his hand fell limply to his side.


  Then he was gone.

  ∞ Chapter Seven ∞

  Jolie had never been so afraid in her life. The holes in his body were healing, but he wasn’t waking up.

  Jacques had inflicted enough damage on Mathew that he wasn’t getting up. Instead, he called for the one person they had who could help them.

  If Flynn wasn’t awake, he couldn’t be feed.


  Jolie wept as she held his head in her lap. All the while, she stared over at Mathew.

  He didn't move.

  He was empty too.

  The demoness shimmered into the room, already knowing what was going on. She could hear Death calling for the detective. Finally, her mistress was going to get her hands on Jolie’s mate.

  “Please,” Jolie sobbed, holding him. “Please bring him back to me.”

  Vanth knew this wouldn’t be easy.

  “Death is calling him.”

  Jacques faced her. “No! She can’t have him.”

  Vanth stared at him. “Then you have to offer something death wants more than anything. If you want to save him, you have to offer her a boon.”

  Jolie didn't have anything. “I’ll kill for her.”

  There was sick laughter.

  Vanth prayed their mistress would forgive her. She gave everything she had and blocked Death from her head.

  ‘Tell death you’ll die and the babies won’t be born,’ whispered Vanth through Jolie’s mind.

  She stared at the demoness.

  “If he dies, I go with him. I’ll end my life! I won’t stay in this world without my mates!”

  Jacques stared at her. “I’ll go too. I’ll follow them both to the darkness.”

  The laughter stopped.

  The room shook with anger.

  Then they were bombarded with an icy energy. They knew where it was coming from.

  Death had made her decision.

  Flynn would live.

  He struggled to open his eyes. As he did, Jacques was at his side, carrying him to the bed. As soon as they were on it, he held his wrist to his mouth.


  Flynn didn't hesitate. As he was feeding their mate, Vanth began pushing energy into both of them.

  “Vanth.” Jolie needed to thank her.

  “No,” she said, glancing over at Jolie. “Don’t say it out loud.”

  Jolie nodded before she began dropping kisses to Flynn’s face. They lucked out on this one.

  “Oh, my love, I nearly lost you.”

  Jacques pulled his wrist free. “Flynn, thank God you’re safe.”

  “I wouldn’t have hurt you,” Flynn muttered, as his body healed.

  She was well aware. “I know, my love. I know.”

  Jacques glanced over at Mathew. “What were you thinking?” he asked, his eyes bleeding black. He’d never been so angry at the young vampyre. He’d risked their mate.

  It was unacceptable.

  Jacques jumped from the bed, landing not far from the guardian in training.

  He was furious.

  They’d warned Mathew multiple times that Flynn wouldn’t hurt either of them, but he was so focused on their mate’s humanity, that it didn't matter.

  There was no trust, and they couldn’t have this happening. Flynn was rougher around the edges. When it came to Jolie, he was tougher and less calm.

  They accepted him as he was. Flynn wouldn’t hurt any of them. He couldn’t. Jolie was his soul mate.

  Unfortunately, Mathew was too attached.

  This time, he’d crossed a line, so they had to stop it from progressing.

  “I thought he was hurting her,” he whispered, trying to hide behind his hair. “I heard her scream, and she was fighting.”

  Jacques understood, but he couldn’t ignore it. “Mathew, he can’t hurt her. First, he never would. Flynn is the most loving partner I’ve ever seen.”

  Mathew stared over at them with malice on his face.

  Jacques saw it, and it registered.

  “You’re terminated as a guardian. It’s over. You’ve spilled the blood of the people you were supposed to protect.”

  There was a gasp, only it didn't come from Jolie. She was silently holding Flynn against her body as he recovered.

  Mathew was shocked.

  “You attacked our mate. It’s done.”

  “I’ll leave,” he whispered.

  Jolie simply stared at him. “Mathew.”

  He didn't want to look at her. “I’m sorry, Master Flynn. I didn’t want to hurt you. I just…”

  Flynn pulled away from Jolie. “Mathew, wait.”

  The vampyre looked over, and he was scared. Flynn towered over him, he’d had blood, and Mathew hadn’t. He may be human, but he was half a killer.

  Mathew dropped to the floor to his knees. “Please don’t kill me,” he whispered. “I’ll go.”

  Jolie watched from the bed.

  She wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen. By all rights, Flynn could kill him. He’d attacked the mistress’s mate. Flynn could end his life.

  Jolie wouldn’t stop him.

  Mathew had made a huge error.

  As Flynn stopped in front of him, he could see Mathew shaking at his feet.

  “I’m sorry, Master. Just make it quick.”

  Flynn did something no one expected. He dropped down to his knees and placed his large hand on Mathew’s shoulder. “I forgive you.”

  Tears filled Jolie’s eyes.

  Jacques crossed to the bed, and sat beside his mate. He watched the entire thing unfold.

  It touched him.

  Mathew lifted his head, trying not to flinch. “What?”

  “I know why you did what you did. I was angry, and you don’t trust me. You’re afraid of humans, and I get it. I won’t hate you for this. I forgive you.”

  Jolie wiped
at her eyes.

  “I will teach you that not all humans are untrustworthy, and I will prove to you that I’m never going to hurt my family, even if I’m furious. She’s meant to be mine, Mathew, as is Jacques. You don’t have to worry about me hurting them.”

  Mathew didn't know what to say.

  “You’re also mine. I won’t hurt you or punish you for this, even when you could have killed me.”

  Jacques was proud of his mate.

  He was proud of Jolie too. While Flynn had every right to punish the vampyre, he wasn’t.

  She’d chosen well for them.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re my family. I swore to protect you. I promised you the day I met you that I wouldn’t hurt you. I won’t. You can get up.”

  Mathew moved slowly until he was upright.

  He fully expected this to be a trap.

  Flynn patted him on the arm. “Go to your room. Chloe will be in to feed you, and you’re going to go to death to heal. I’d offer you blood, but I’m not at my best right now.”

  He still didn't get it.

  “But why?” Mathew asked.

  There was no hesitation from Flynn. “Why not?”

  “I tried to kill you.”

  “Yeah, and you sucked at it. That’s going to be the other thing we discuss.”

  Mathew didn't say anything more. He was afraid to push his luck. “Thank you, Master.”

  Flynn offered him his hand.

  Mathew stared at it as if he was crazy.

  “You have to trust me, Mathew. If you can’t learn to, you can’t stay here. You’ll make yourself a nervous wreck.”

  He took the offering. “Thank you.”

  Mathew headed to the door. “Am I fired?” he asked, not looking back.

  Jacques was staring at his mate.

  This was Flynn’s call.

  “We’re going to discuss that. It’s Jolie’s call. We’ll let you know.”

  Mathew nodded, and headed out with Vanth right behind him. She was on patrol, and her main subject was the young vampyre.

  When Flynn turned, Jolie was on him. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  He nearly stumbled until Jacques caught him.

  “Oh, Flynn, you are my hero.” She left kisses all across his face, his neck, and even his forehead. When she was done, she stared into his eyes. “Why?”

  “You can teach loyalty with pain or kindness. I don’t want him to be afraid of me. I want him to respect me. There’s a disconnect with Mathew. He hates me because I’m human. I won’t give him more reason.”

  Jacques led them to the bed.

  “I’m sorry I manhandled you, Jolie. I hope you forgive me.”

  She hugged him. “I’m sorry I screamed and fought. I was so mad at you. I wanted to be angry. I can’t be now. I’ll stay here when you go to the club. I trust you, Flynn. After what I just saw, I believe in you.”

  He was touched.

  “Thank you.”

  Flynn crawled onto the bed. He was weary. His whole body hurt. The last little bit of humanity was shining through, and not in a good way.

  “About him being ousted as a guardian,” Jolie began.

  Jacques sighed. “Well, I want to go on record saying that he shouldn’t be allowed.”

  “I agree,” Flynn whispered, as he closed his eyes. “This was proof enough for me.”

  Jolie leaned against him as she began stripping off his bloody shirt.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “I do know,” Flynn said, “but you won’t like it.”

  She was aware.

  “He’s not even close to ready. I think having him tag along is fine, but he’s not getting the title. He nearly failed at the last council, and he just tried to kill me. He should have seen Jacques not reacting, and gone from there. A good guardian reads the room and reads the cues. I can’t go into a building and start shooting because I think there’s danger.”

  She agreed.

  As did Jacques.

  “Flynn is absolutely right. I didn't attack because I knew you wouldn’t hurt her. I could feel your energy. I scanned you and you were angry, but you were still in semi-control. Mathew wasn’t.”

  Jolie weighed her options.

  “So, he can accompany us, but he’s not going to be the guardian in training?” she asked.

  “Baby, you have to decide,” he offered, as her fingers ran over the pink scars on his chest. It felt so good, that Flynn wanted to drift into the peace.

  “I say we vote.”

  They both looked at her. “What?”

  She laughed. “I nearly lost you. Had Vanth not helped me,” she began, telling them all about it, “you would have slipped away.”

  Flynn didn't like it at all.

  This all played into his suspicions.

  “Death wants these babies born, and there has to be an ulterior motive.”

  Jacques agreed.

  “We need to find out what it is. She didn't save me for shits and giggles. She saved me because you’re an incubator.”

  She agreed. “But for what?”

  Her hand went to her midsection.

  “We need to find that out.”

  That was on her list of things to do, right after voting about Mathew.

  “About my guardian?” she began.

  Flynn lifted his hand, signaling thumbs down. “He stays part of the family, but he loses the title until he’s better at the job. I’m not rewarded if I’m a shitty detective. I’d get fired.”

  Jolie glanced over at Jacques. “My love?”

  He agreed with Flynn. “He’s not even remotely ready, and all the training in the world won’t help him until he learns the basics. You don’t attack the mistress’s mates. He needs to be aware of everything that goes on around him, and you were actively trying to stop him. So, I vote with our mate.”

  They watched Jolie, knowing she had the power to veto them.

  “I agree. I’ll give him a day and then talk to him.”

  Flynn held her hand. “I’m really not feeling so great. I need to crash.”

  Jolie leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. “Can we talk about this club thing tomorrow?”

  Flynn didn't want to, but he owed it to her. They saved him, and they also booted Mathew.

  “Yes, when I wake up.”

  Jacques tucked the man in. He was going to suggest a bath for him, but Flynn hated when they carried him around. He was a large man, and it was awkward for him.

  They watched him sleep.

  “That was a close one,” Jolie admitted.

  “Yes, my love, it was.”

  She didn't say a word.

  “You’re worried.”

  “Yes, I am. I don’t want him going to that club with just Tommy tomorrow.”

  He understood.

  “Jacques, can you talk to him?”

  “I can,” he offered, “but I think you need to trust our mate. I have a feeling that he’s going to meet you halfway on this one.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He stared down at their mate.

  Before this moment, he might not have agreed, but now, he’d seen a different side of him.

  “Yes, I’m very sure.”

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Saturday Afternoon

  The darkness was falling away, and slowly, she began surfacing back toward the light. Jolie scanned her surroundings, only to find Flynn gone.

  Immediately, she sat up in their bed.

  As she glanced around the room, sometime in the night, it had been repaired. The dresser was gone and a new one was in its place.

  The wall was fixed.

  The blood stained material was gone.

  The family had fixed what was destroyed. Now, she needed to do the same. There was still a wall between her and Flynn. It was growing, and not because of Mathew.

  It was because of the club.

  As she slid from bed, she k
new where he was the second she moved closer to the bathroom. The door was ajar, and Flynn was showering.

  Her heart quickened in her chest.

  She loved admiring him while he was naked.

  There was something about the water droplets running across his tan flesh. She wanted to chase them with her mouth.

  Entering the room, he immediately glanced over at her. The predator in him was awake, and he was on guard.

  Jolie couldn’t blame him.

  After last night, she would be too.

  “Hey,” he said, soaping his chest up. “Did you rest well?” Flynn asked.

  “Yes and no, but I’m better now.”

  He lifted a brow.

  “You’re up early.”

  He shrugged. “I was hungry. I had to find something to eat. Actually, someone would be the better choice of words.”

  Her heart skipped.

  Flynn didn't drink from anyone but her and Jacques. Okay, maybe his partner, or one of their donors in a pinch, but generally, he was a two vamp feeder. If he was snacking around behind their backs, that was a bad sign.

  “I see.”

  “What’s there to see, exactly?”

  Jolie stood there. She wanted to walk out, but she couldn’t. She’d nearly lost him last night, and she wouldn’t let anger put another brick in the wall.

  “We need to talk, Jolie.”

  Before he could say anything more, she blurted, “You drank from someone else, Flynn? Why?”

  He stared at her. “What?”

  “You fed, but not from us. Are you still angry with me?”

  He faced her. His body was completely healed, and he was incredibly erect.

  “Actually, by fed, I meant that I got energy from Chloe. I was feeling a little weak when I woke up, and I wanted to be at full strength so I could feed you this morning.”

  She blinked, trying to process what he was saying. This whole thing had her tied up in knots.

  “I won’t drink from anyone but you two, unless I’m at death’s door and have no other choice. I made that commitment.”


  “Jolie, you have to trust me by now.”

  “I’m afraid.”

  He didn't understand. “Why?”

  “If you go to that club alone, you’re going to die. I’m going to be alone, and I wasn’t lying last night. I’ll go to death if you or Jacques dies. I wasn’t kidding. I can’t face an eternity without either of you. I won’t do it.”


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