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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 40

by Morgan Kelley

  It was low, deep, and made Jolie blush.

  “Anyway, what can I do for you?” she asked, taking a seat on the bed beside the other vampyre mate.

  “We’re going to the priestess to get a little extra protection. We need something to ward Jolie,” Flynn stated. “Can you help?”

  She laughed. “No, I can’t. You know Fate won’t let me intervene. If I do, she’s going to tug on those strands and make this all unravel.”

  Jolie didn’t like it.

  “Mistress,” Flynn said, “please. Anything at this point.”

  She crossed her legs. “Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, the humans tried to protect themselves against all the things that went bump in the night. In order to block the creatures that hunted them, they marked themselves.”

  Jolie listened, and let Flynn do the negotiating.

  This was his domain now. Death was enamored with him, and that meant he was safe.

  “Hardly, Jolie. If I could figure out a way to take him to my bed, I would. Flynn is a delicious morsel, aren’t you, pet?”

  She slapped him on the ass.

  Flynn didn’t even flinch.


  “I digress. Anyway, they marked themselves to ward away all the bad things.”

  “Like a tattoo?” Jacques asked.

  Death disappeared and reappeared beside Jacques.

  He jumped at the suddenness.

  “I could eat you alive,” she whispered, running her hands across the vampyre’s body.

  He began shaking as life leached from him.

  “Stop,” stated Flynn. “I’ll pay the cost. Leave him alone. He’s claimed as mine.”

  Death took her hands off his body. “Yes, I can smell you all over him. If you’re willing to feed me, so be it.”

  Jolie wanted to panic.

  She’d seen Death feed before.

  It wasn’t pretty.

  Jacques gasped for breath as the gray tinge to his skin began dissipating.

  Death approached Flynn. As Jolie was about to protest, she couldn’t speak. Instead, she was forced to watch as Death jumped, wrapping her legs around Flynn’s hips. Before he could say anything, her fangs were buried in his throat.

  Jolie wanted to weep.

  She began crawling across the bed and toward her mate when Jacques stopped her.

  Flynn was stronger than they were. He would be the only one Death wouldn’t kill just for shits and giggles.

  As Death drank, Flynn never looked away from Jolie. His eyes stayed locked with hers.

  It was his way of coping with the pain.

  While everyone believed it to be erotic, it simply felt like fire melting his flesh.

  As he dropped to his knees, Death kept feeding. She was brutal, and his throat was nothing but a torn mess. When she was finished, she released him.

  Flynn fell to his back, his chest barely moving.

  “He was delicious. I have to go.”

  When she disappeared, three sheets of paper appeared on the bed. Each one had a design, and their name.

  Jolie couldn’t wait.

  She was off the bed and racing to Flynn.

  “Oh, my love,” she whispered, staring down at his ruined neck. His eyes were empty.

  Flynn was suffering.

  Jolie leaned down and placed her lips against his. As she kissed him, Death rose up in her and ebbed from her body into his. As it did, he began to heal.

  Jacques cradled Flynn’s head in his lap as Jolie worked her mojo. As she was finished, Flynn blinked.

  Then he gasped for that breath.

  Jolie took his face in her hands. “Thank you, Flynn.”

  She knew what he sacrificed.

  “You should have let her feed from me,” Jacques stated, brushing Flynn’s silky hair from his cheek.

  “You wouldn’t have survived,” Jolie stated. “I’ve seen Death feed. You wouldn’t have made it.”

  Jacques loved the man in his lap.

  Flynn was a continual blessing in their lives.

  “I’m okay,” he muttered, trying to clear his head. “That sucked.”

  When he sat up, Jolie curled into his lap. “I know, my love. I know. Thank you for that.”

  He didn’t mind. He’d do that over and over again to keep them safe. They were his mates.

  They mattered.

  “Death left us a little token,” Jolie said, picking up the papers. “I’ll call Mambo and warn her. It looks like we need a tattoo artist tonight too.”

  Flynn still didn’t speak. His body was tingling, and not in a good way. As Jolie grabbed her phone and headed to the closet to get changed, Jacques finally spoke.


  “I’m okay.”


  “Because you’re half of my heart. Without you, we wouldn’t be complete.”

  Jacques hugged his mate. Gently, he left a kiss on Flynn’s rough cheek. “I love you too.”

  The man grinned. “And you should. I’m one hell of a catch.”

  Jacques laughed.

  It appeared their mate was okay after all.

  Now, if they survived what was coming, that would be a huge miracle. Jacques was hopeful.

  After all, it couldn’t get worse.


  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Jolie sat in the back of the Hummer curled against Flynn, and she couldn’t have been happier. As Jacques drove them, her other mate kept her safely against his side. Every few minutes, he’d leave a kiss on her forehead, cheek, or neck.

  It helped Jolie forget what was going on around her.

  ‘You smell really good,’ Flynn offered.

  ‘So do you.’

  Jolie ran her hand up his leg.

  ‘Can I ask you something?’


  ‘When she touches you, what do you feel?’

  Flynn wasn’t surprised that Jolie was curious. If the shoe was on the other foot, he’d want to know too. True matched mates didn’t stray, and another woman’s—or in this case Death’s—touch should turn him right off, and it did. Something else turned him off. It was the idea of some man sucking on Jolie’s neck. It made him want to hurt someone.

  ‘Does it feel good?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes and no. At first, there’s this wave of pleasure. Then there’s nothing but fire and brimstone. The entire time, I’m thinking about you. That’s the only way I’ll get through it.’

  ‘I love you so much, Flynn.’

  He was well aware.

  ‘I won’t ever leave you, Jolie. I know you worry, but you can stop. You’re my mate, and so is Jacques.’

  ‘Til death do us part?’

  He glanced over and grinned. ‘Yes.’

  Jolie had wedding on the brain.

  One day, she hoped she could work it all out. She wanted what humans and vampyres had. Jolie wanted it all. It wasn’t enough to simply be mated. Jolie wanted a wedding.

  But to whom?

  “We’re here,” Jacques said, pulling into a parking spot outside the shop.

  When they got out, Jolie was escorted into the small Voodoo shop between two very cautious males who were taking no chances. They were all over her.

  Honestly, she didn’t mind.

  When Jolie saw Mambo, she embraced the woman before leaving kisses on her cheeks.

  “Hello, Jolie! How are you, little one?” asked the woman affectionately.

  “I’ve had better weeks, Mambo. Like I told you on the phone, I’m hunted, and I need your help. I need some spells or amulets to protect me and the babies,” she said, touching her belly. “Were you able to get the tattoo artist?”

  “I was. He’s setting up in the back.”

  “Thank you, Mambo.”

  “Not so fast,” she said, pointing at the men. “Do I need to ask how you both managed to impregnate her?” asked mambo in amusement. “They feel distinctively like both of you.”

  “Lucky?” an
swered Flynn as he grinned.

  “Boy, you are funny. We’ll see how much you are laughing when men come sniffing around your little girls,” she said, grabbing a box from the counter.

  As she approached Flynn, she suddenly stopped and dropped the box. The contents spilled onto the floor and at Flynn’s feet.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, bending to pick it up.

  She grabbed a handful of herbs and threw them at him.

  Flynn hissed, bearing his fangs.

  “Shit! That burns! Knock it off!”

  “You reek of death,” she said pointing at him. “You’re not the man you were. What are you?”

  “I’m Death,” he answered simply.

  Mambo began backing up. “What have you done?”

  Flynn tracked her with his black gaze. “I am doing what it takes to save my mates.”

  “Mambo, please,” Jolie said, moving toward the woman. “It’s Flynn. I swear he won’t hurt you.”

  The woman didn’t look convinced.


  Despite her gut feeling, she’d promised to help the woman, and she would.

  “Give me the symbols.”

  Jolie handed her the papers.

  “Follow me.”

  They headed into the back room. “Tonight, my nephew is here. He will be doing the tattoos for you.”

  Jolie approached the man and offered her hand. “Thank you for your help. I’m Jolie.”

  “I’m Roger, and it’s no biggie. I like helping Mambo out. She’s a gem.”

  “Yes, she is,” Jolie agreed.

  “Who’s up first?” Roger asked.

  He set up his needles and the ink.

  “She is,” Jacques stated.

  “Okay, hop up onto the desk, Jolie, and take off your shirt. Mambo said to place the symbol over your belly.”

  The men around her growled at the idea that she was taking anything off in the room.

  Jolie began laughing. “They have issues, ignore them.”

  She did as he asked, and right before she was ready to sit on the table, Jacques scooped her up in his arms.

  “Here you go, my love.”

  Jolie kissed him.

  Roger began tattooing.

  Only, the ink wasn’t taking.

  “Um…I’ve never seen this before.”

  Jolie didn’t know what to do.

  “Here,” stated Flynn, moving toward them. “Give me that bowl.”

  Mambo did, and then stepped back out of his reach. To say that she looked worried would be an understatement.

  Flynn pulled a knife from his boot and shoved it through his wrist.

  Everyone flinched.

  Mambo and Roger gasped.

  Flynn didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. Instead, he let his blood drip into the copper bowl as he opened and closed his fist.

  “Add ink to it and try again. It’ll work now.”

  “Uh, sure,” said Roger, staring at the man.

  They all watched the black murk drip from his arm. It was the same consistency as Vanth’s blood.

  “I’ll try and go fast,” Roger said, as he dipped his needle into the ink.

  He began tattooing Jolie.

  As he did, Flynn removed the blade, and immediately, he healed.

  Mambo went to speak, only Flynn stopped her with a wave of his hand.

  She glared at him.

  Jolie watched as Roger tattooed the symbol over her belly. It wrapped beautifully around her bellybutton.

  Jacques studied the design.

  “What do they mean?” he asked.

  “They each hold a different charm,” Flynn answered. How he knew, he wasn’t sure, but he just did. He was simply going to go with it.

  Why not?

  “Death specified each one for the individual who will wear it.”

  That made Jacques nervous.

  “Death, huh? Is this safe?”

  “Yes,” Flynn offered.

  Apparently, it made Mambo nervous too, but she was still trapped in Flynn’s hold.

  “What does mine mean?” Jolie asked Flynn.

  He moved closer to her body. When he was beside her, Flynn nibbled on her ear.

  “Yours signifies the earth mother and her seduction. I guess you would call her Gaia.”

  Jolie was having a difficult time thinking as Flynn teased her ear.

  Flynn was being bold.

  “It’s lovely,” Jacques offered as the pattern began emerging.

  “It will keep our babies safe.”

  Jolie was beyond curious. “And what about Jacques’s pattern?”

  “His symbolizes Caswallawn the Celtic protection God. The outer ring is a defense enchantment. Death knows that he is your guardian, and she’s gifting him with that strength.”

  “Okay, and what about yours?”

  “I don’t really need one,” Flynn admitted. He knew the truth, but he wasn’t allowed to say anything.

  He was trapped between two worlds.

  Jolie’s and Death’s.

  “I can’t be killed.”

  “I want you to have one,” she stated.


  Flynn mentally crossed his fingers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m very sure. What does it mean?”

  “My symbol is also woven with a protection enchantment, but it’s the battle symbol for Smertios, who was a Celtic war god. He was brutal. He was a killer. He was very protective of his loved ones.”

  Flynn was trying to give them hints.

  Once that tattoo was on him, Death would have them locked to each other even more.


  She glanced over at him.

  “Flynn, what’s wrong?”

  “Are you sure you want this tattoo on me? Who knows what can happen?”

  She got it.

  He was trying to tell her something.

  “Will it hurt you?”

  He wordlessly shook his head.

  “Will it hurt us?”

  Again, he did the same, but with some hesitation.

  “Will it amplify what you’ve become?”

  He nodded.

  This was a tough situation. Flynn was their ace in the hole. He couldn’t die, he was stronger, and he was their link to Death.

  “Jacques, what do you think?”

  “Flynn, will it help you keep Jolie safe?”

  He nodded.

  “Will it take you from us?”

  He shook his head.

  “Then I say do it. We need him to be strong, my love. Flynn being ready for battle will be a plus in our column.”

  Jolie shrugged. “There you go.”

  Flynn had tried. He only hoped that when they met the new him, they’d still love him.

  After a few minutes, Jolie was done.

  Without hesitation, she moved to Flynn’s lap as Jacques took off his shirt. As his pale flesh rippled, there was a wave of lust flooding her body. She was snapped back to reality as Flynn leaned in to whisper into her ear.

  “I hope you look at me like that when I’m not paying attention,” he said softly, taking in her scent.

  “I do, Flynn, every day. Trust me. When I see your body in its tanned perfection, you, too, make me dizzy.”

  He licked her pulse.

  It was getting hot in there.

  “Later, we’re going to have some fun,” he promised, reading Jolie’s mind. “You’re a pervert, and I’m a lucky guy.”

  Jolie didn’t answer. Instead, she pulled his face to hers by burying her hands in his hair. When she slammed her mouth to his, her fangs pierced his lip.

  She fed.

  Jolie was so hungry.

  When she was finished, and they broke apart, he was grinning. His fangs were out, and he was sexy as sin.

  “I want more of that,” he admitted.

  Jacques interrupted them.

  “You need to think about where you’re getting your tattoo, Flynn, and not getting lucky
,” he stated. “I’m almost done.”

  Jolie took that as her cue. If she stayed against Flynn, someone was going to have sex.


  In the room.

  On that table.

  So, slipping out of his lap, Jolie went to examine her other mate’s chest. It was an amazing design, and she hoped it worked.

  “Is this even hurting you?” asked Roger. “The chest is one of the worst places on a man.”

  Jacques focused back on him. “No, it doesn’t hurt at all. It tickles.”

  Roger went back to work, and it occurred to him that they weren’t normal. He’d heard ‘Death’ mentioned a few times, but he though they were just kidding.

  Now he was beginning to wonder.

  The skin should be shredding, as he colored in the tattoos in black, but when he touched the fresh tattoo, it felt like it had been there forever.

  “Can I ask a question?”

  Jacques focused on the young man’s face. “Yes, go ahead. If I think you should know the answer, then I’ll give it to you.”

  “What are you?”

  Jolie’s laughter whispered over everyone’s body in the room.

  “We are the undead, Roger,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “Oh, okay.”

  He wasn’t shocked. He knew Mambo dealt in weird things. This must just be one of them.

  “You’re next,” he said, finishing Jacques’s tattoo.

  He began stripping, and Jolie couldn’t help but watch. This much sexy in a man should be illegal. She had two opposites, but they both called to her.

  “Where do you want it, baby?” Flynn asked.

  “On your back. I love watching you shower in the morning. I can check out your ink, and your ass.”

  Jacques laughed. “You’re nothing more than her man toy. How embarrassing that must be.”

  Flynn laughed. They busted each other all the time.

  “Yeah, that’s priceless coming from the original I replaced.”

  Jacques opened and then closed his mouth. “I think you do have a point.”

  Flynn shook his head. He really loved his family.

  As he hopped up onto the table, Roger began doing his job. All the while, he watched Mambo glaring at him.


  It was too late for her to stop it. He was already inked.

  “You’re a very bad man!” she said, pointing at him.

  Everyone stared at him.


  “You know damn well that getting that tattoo is going to change you even more. You’re going to be more powerful, more dangerous, and likely a different person. You’ll be unstoppable.”


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