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Dangerous Influence (The Harcourte Vampyre Society Book 5)

Page 45

by Morgan Kelley

  ‘We can never return.’

  He was well aware.

  ‘Paris, mate?’ Jacques asked, making the mental plans to get them a jet, transfer all their accounts, and end their lives there in New Orleans.

  Flynn knew Death had one other suggestion. ‘We hit Ireland first. Death told me there’s something family related that we have to handle first.’

  ‘I’m good with that. We leave tonight.’

  Flynn knew there was no choice. He was going to miss his job and his partner. None of them were safe for now. Until they could walk the streets, it would have to wait.

  As they pulled up to the house, the men rushed in.

  It was time to evacuate.

  They had very little time.

  Their lives depended on it.

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *

  Wednesday Afternoon

  Death had finally set her free.

  Her heart was beating, her muscles stretched, and her first intake of breath told the tale.

  She’d survived.

  As she sat up in the bed, alarm filled her. Not only was she alone, but she wasn’t in their room.

  Jolie was someplace new.

  Scanning the room, she sought out anything that would tell her where she was.

  On the dresser was Flynn’s guns and holster. It helped her stay calm. He was near. She could smell him.

  That was all she needed to relax.

  There was no way they’d let her get hurt, and this had to be where they were now staying. While she was with Death, Jolie knew the shit must have hit the fan.

  For now, she, and her babies, were safe.

  Jolie looked around the beautiful country room, and she smiled. The bed was huge, and it was surrounded by antiques and cut flowers.

  Wherever she was, Jolie felt safe.

  Really, that’s all that mattered.

  Reaching for her mates, Jolie could feel them downstairs in the grand house. That was good enough for her. What she needed, no craved, was to be near them.

  Sliding from the bed, Jolie found a fuzzy pair of slippers waiting. In fact, they’d dressed her in some delicate white flannel nightgown.

  It made her heart skip.

  That was love.

  They never missed a small detail.

  The men in her life were surrounding her with soft things to balance out the pain and cruelty that Mulduk had forced on her.

  They were definitely her soul mates.

  Moving through the room, she opened the door to head down the stairs that led to what she suspected would be the family room.

  That was where she’d find them.

  When she arrived, Jolie had been right. The men in her life were watching the flames in the fireplace as they lounged on the couch.

  “Hello, baby,” Flynn said without even turning around.

  “I missed you both,” Jolie admitted, moving around the couch to sit between them.

  “Welcome back,” Jacques stated.

  “It’s good to be back.”

  “How do you feel?” Flynn asked, glancing over at his mate. “We were worried about you.”

  She told them about Death.

  The men weren’t surprised.

  “I hope you didn’t touch the men,” Flynn stated. “If you did...”

  She laughed. “I was well behaved. Why bother when this is my reality?” she asked.

  Both men took their time kissing her.

  They were waiting for her to ask where they were.

  Jolie must have been in their minds.

  “I’ve been here before. It feels familiar.”

  She was right.

  Jolie had been here once long ago.

  “We’re in Ireland. We’re laying low.”

  She understood why.

  “I killed him,” Flynn admitted. “We’re marked.”

  Jolie rested her head on his shoulder and held his hand. “What choice did we have?” she asked. “They took Mina. Is she okay?”

  “She’s out getting supplies with Percy. She’s better now. We opted to bring him more for her protection than yours. I think he’s smitten with her,” Jacques offered.

  That pleased Jolie.

  Still, they had unfinished business.

  “Flynn, your job…” she began.

  He cut her off.

  “It means nothing if I don’t have you both in my life. We’ll figure out why we’re here, get the next piece to the puzzle, and call it a day.”

  She kissed him. “Yes, boss.”

  He grinned.

  “The Tueur won’t find us here,” Jacques offered. “We can lay low, as Flynn likes to say, and maybe we’ll figure out what’s going on.”

  “The family...”

  “We disbanded them. They’re all over the states by now. We made sure the lesser members had money, and we sent them to homes. The Tueur will leave them alone. They want us.”

  She relaxed.

  “I think Ireland will do us all a lot of good.”

  He agreed.

  “We’ll travel, live, and celebrate our lives,” Jacques offered, hoping to make Jolie smile.

  He knew what she was thinking.

  Flynn had just lost one more part of him—and for them.

  “Dusk is falling soon,” Flynn offered, standing from the couch. “We should make our plans.”

  Jolie stared up at him. “And they would be?”

  He grinned wickedly. “Shopping. I feel like playing pack mule for the mother of our children.”

  Jolie took his hand.

  The happiness didn’t reach his eyes, and she saw it. Flynn was angry.

  He was on edge.

  That didn’t bode well.

  Something was coming.

  It was a matter of time until it found them. When it did, Flynn was going to be ready for it. With Rinnon up his sleeve, they weren’t going to know what hit them, and he was glad.

  The war was coming, and they had no choice but to fight.

  For their lives.

  For the babies.

  For love.

  ∞ Epilogue ∞

  Paris, France

  He was not amused.

  Trapping and killing Jolie Harcourte was harder than he thought. It should be easy.

  It should be done.

  Yet, it still wasn’t.

  As his first in charge of the foot soldiers sat in his presence, he could tell the man was nervous.

  “I’m disappointed.”

  “We will find her. Do not worry. We have people working on it right now.”

  “Only, that won’t matter. She’s disappeared, and we didn’t see them take her from the house,” he added.


  The dark haired man smiled and steepled his elegant fingers in front of his face. “I want every Tueur searching for her. This war isn’t going away. Jolie Harcourte can’t stay invisible for long.”

  “But the babies…?”

  “We will find her and kill the children she carries. We have time on our side. We have a few months yet to track and kill her. She’ll make a mistake.”

  His right hand vamp stood. “Very well, sir.”

  “Oh, and if you fail?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “I will kill you.”

  The vamp nodded and headed out.

  This was dire, and they all knew it. The birth of those babies meant the end of their reign.

  The boss didn’t want that.

  At all.

  Coming Next:

  Dangerous Sacrifice

  Book Six in the Harcourte Vampyre Society

  Other books by Morgan Kelley:

  Standalone books

  The Junction

  Serial Sins

  The Blood Betrayal

  Romance/FBI Thriller Series

  Elizabeth, Ethan, and Callen

  The Killing Times (book 1)

  Sacred Burial Grounds (book 2)

  True Love Lost (book 3)

  Deep Dar
k Mire (book 4)

  Fire Burns Hot (book 5)

  Darkness of Truth (book 6)

  Devil Hath Come (book 7)

  Consumed by Wrath (book 8)

  Redemption is Here (book 9)

  Dead Shall Speak (book 10)

  Pledging to Die (book 11)

  Slay Bells Ring (book 12)

  Past will Haunt (13) Flashback Novel

  Choices will Destroy (14)

  Blood shall Run (15)

  Act of Blood (16)

  Stalked by the Past (17) Flashback Novel Feb 2017

  Secrets are Buried (18) Feb 2017

  Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series

  Greyson and Emma Croft

  Celestia is Falling (book 1)

  Vegas is Dying (book 2)

  Christmas is Killing (book 3)

  Love is Bleeding (book 4)

  Heaven is Weeping (book 5)

  Hell is Burning (book 6) September 2015

  Justice is Dying (book 7)

  The Justice Series

  Greyson and Emma Croft spinoff series

  Dark Justice (1)

  Lost Justice (2) March 2017

  The Littlemoon Investigations Series

  Julian and Tori Littlemoon

  Blood Red Rage (book 1)

  Lost & Broken (book 2)

  Unthinkable Games (book 3)

  Truth is Found (book 4)

  Haven of Nightmares (book 5)

  Forbidden Secrets (book 6)

  The Carter Chronicles Trilogy

  Callista, Nathaniel, and Lucas

  Sinner Repent (book 1)

  Sinner Realized (book 2)

  Sinner Reborn (book 3)

  The Oracle Chronicles Series

  Nathaniel Carter and Avalon Miller

  Oracle Rising (book 1)

  Oracle Seeing (book 2)

  Oracle Saving (book 3) January 2017

  Harcourte Vampyre Society

  Jolie, Jacques and Flynn

  Dangerous Revelations (book 1)

  Dangerous Choices (book 2)

  Dangerous Misery (book 3)

  Dangerous Retaliation (book 4)

  Dangerous Influence (book 5)

  Dangerous Sacrifice (book 6) Dec 2016


  All the couples in one book

  Illegal Fantasies-

  Behind Closed Doors(1)

  Romance Under Arrest- winter 2014

  Behind Closed Doors(2)

  Holiday Reinforcements-

  Behind Closed Doors (3)- winter 2015

  Please feel free to visit her at her blog at

  Please feel free to visit her at her website, or visit her blog at

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  * * * H a r c o u r t e * * *




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