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Symphony of Light

Page 21

by Jack McKinney

  Marlene! he thought, leaning out as though to catch a glimpse of her. But there were only Earth's oceans and clouds now, and stars winking into view above him. And he made a promise on one of them: a promise to return after he had found that jinxed ship and its long-lost crew.

  Scott listened a moment more, choking back his sadness, and hit the Alpha's thrusters, boostering up and away from the world he had helped to liberate, one he hoped he would see again...

  Far below, Lunk, Marlene, and Annie had climbed into the battered APC and were headed down to the festival grounds to pick up Lancer and Sera. There were wisps of sunset clouds in a warm-looking sky, clear all the way to tomorrow. The Moon was rising, brilliant and seemingly closer than it had ever been. Lunk glanced up at it and said:

  "You know, sometimes I think that's the most beautiful sight in the whole world. And I don't know why anyone would want to leave it behind."

  Annie saw the VT's contrails caught in the western sky's final moment of color and sighed.

  "And it might be a long time before anyone leaves it again." She smiled. Marlene put her arm around Annie and hugged her close.

  "Good-bye, Scott," she said softly. "May you find what you're after. May all of us."





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