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Love Finds a Way

Page 20

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

He repositioned her jaw again, but to no avail. When he tried to give her mouth-to-mouth, it didn’t work. Everything confirmed his worst suspicions: a small piece of the offending fruit must be stuck in her throat. He went into immediate action and was able to dislodge it using the Heimlich maneuver. His initial burst of praise and elation faded at once when Wendy still didn’t breathe on her own. Fearful for her life, yet relying on his faith, he began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation again.

  Breathe, Wendy honey…. God, please make her breathe….

  Though she started breathing, she still didn’t regain consciousness. “Wake up, beautiful lady. I haven’t told you what I came to say.” Kyle quickly examined her to be sure nothing was injured. He prayed earnestly, “Oh Lord, this is not the way I planned for things to be. I had a whole speech prepared for Wendy, and now I may never get the chance to say what’s on my mind. Please, Lord—let her be all right.”

  Wendy’s eyelids popped open. Someone’s lips had been touching hers. They were soft and warm. She thought she’d heard a voice. Had someone called her beautiful? Kyle stared down at her with a look of love and concern etched on his handsome face. Where was she, and why was he leaning over her? She was sure she must be dreaming. “Wh–what happened?”

  “I was coming to your shop so I could talk to you about something very important,” Kyle explained, gently stroking the side of her face. He leaned closer and kissed her forehead, his tears falling to her cheeks. “I saw you slip and fall on the ice. You choked on that apple.” He pointed to the small piece, just a few feet away. “Thank God you’re alive!”

  “I was just finishing the apple when I walked outside to get the mail. I—I—”

  Kyle placed one finger against her lips. “Shh … Don’t try to talk right now.” He probed the back of her head gently with his fingers. “As amazing as this may seem, there’s not even a lump. Does your head hurt anywhere?”

  She smiled up at him, tears gathering in her own eyes. “No, not really. I think I just had the wind knocked out of me.”

  “You looked so helpless and beautiful—just like Snow White, lying there beside that Red Delicious,” Kyle said with a catch in his voice. “Only your apple wasn’t poison, and I thank God you responded to the Heimlich maneuver, then mouth-to-mouth resuscitation so quickly.”

  “Mouth-to-mouth?” she echoed, bringing her fingers up to lightly touch her lips. “At first I thought I was dreaming. Then I opened my eyes and thought I’d been kissed by a very handsome man.” A shiver ran up her spine, and she knew it was not from the cold. “And you must be Prince Charming, who came along and rescued me.”

  He nodded. “I know God sent me here today, but I sure didn’t think I’d be playing the part of a paramedic on my day off.”

  She smiled up at him. “You’ve rescued me from a whole lot more than a fall to the ice and an apple stuck in my throat.”

  “Really? What else have I rescued you from?” Kyle asked, never taking his eyes off her smiling face.

  She swallowed hard. “Your kindness, patience, and biblical counseling have all helped. I was reading my Bible right before I came outside, and God’s Word confirmed everything you’ve been trying to tell me.”

  “I’m so glad,” he said sincerely.

  “Thanks for saving me,” she whispered as she sat up. “I—I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but I think I might be falling in love with you.”

  “You took the words right out of my mouth.” He bent his head down to capture her mouth in a kiss so sweet it took her breath away.

  “Oh, Kyle,” she murmured when their lips finally separated, “if you keep that up, I might be forced to call 911.”

  He laughed heartily. “Guess I’d better get you inside to the phone, then, because now that God has finally kicked some sense into my stubborn head, I’m liable to keep kissing you all day long.”

  Wendy drew in a deep breath and leaned her head against his strong shoulder. As they entered the barbershop a few moments later, she murmured, “Thank You, Lord. I think I can learn to trust both You and Kyle now.” Her flushed cheeks dimpled as she smiled. “And thank you, Dad—our matchmaker 911.”


  WANDA E. BRUNSTETTER is a bestselling author who enjoys writing Amish-themed as well as contemporary and historical novels. Descended from Anabaptists herself, Wanda became deeply interested in the Plain People when she married her husband, Richard, who grew up in a Mennonite church in Pennsylvania. Wanda and her husband live in Washington State but take every opportunity to visit their Amish friends in various communities across the country, gathering further information about the Amish way of life.

  Wanda and her husband have two grown children and six grandchildren. In her spare time, Wanda enjoys photography, ventriloquism, gardening, reading, stamping, and having fun with her family.

  In addition to her novels, Wanda has written Amish cookbooks, Amish devotionals, and several Amish children’s books as well as numerous novellas, stories, articles, poems, and puppet scripts.

  Visit Wanda’s website at and feel free to e-mail her at



  The Journey

  The Healing


  A Cousin’s Promise

  A Cousin’s Prayer

  A Cousin’s Challenge


  Kelly’s Chance

  Betsy’s Return

  Sarah’s Choice


  The Storekeeper’s Daughter

  The Quilter’s Daughter

  The Bishop’s Daughter


  A Merry Heart

  Looking for a Miracle

  Plain and Fancy

  The Hope Chest


  A Sister’s Secret

  A Sister’s Test

  A Sister’s Hope


  Going Home

  On Her Own

  Dear to Me

  Allison’s Journey

  White Christmas Pie

  Lydia’s Charm

  Love Finds a Home


  The Simple Life

  A Celebration of the Simple Life

  Inspiring Thoughts from the Simple Life

  Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Cookbook

  Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Cookbook, Vol. 2

  Wanda E. Brunstetter’s Amish Friends Cookbook: Desserts


  Rachel Yoder—Always Trouble Somewhere Series (8 books)

  The Wisdom of Solomon

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  Wanda E. Brunstetter, author of much-loved Amish fiction, delves into the lives of three extraordinary women. Glenna Moore, a gambler’s daughter, makes her own gamble by trusting a young reverend. Schoolteacher Judith King learns a lesson in love. Widowed mother Bev Winters discovers unexpected kindness—and love—in her new employer.

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