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Valkyrie - the Vampire Princess 2

Page 5

by Pet TorreS

  “Think of an animal that you wish to be.”

  “Uh ... what should I do now?” I asked,.thinking quickly.

  “Did you think of one?” he asked.

  “Yes!” I responded rapidly.

  Vincent got up and stood in front of me.

  He held my arms gently.

  “Close your eyes and control the strength of your mind, with the purpose of your desire to be accomplished.”

  I did everything my master - father ordered me.

  Then I narrowed my eyes and focused on what I wished to be.

  Seconds later, my body became a dark image, an animal with fur and yellow eyes.

  I had turned into a black panther.


  My father and master exclaimed, pleased with my choice. I was an extraordinary animal.

  Everybody in there was watching my performance.

  I walked from one side to other, rapidly, my claws held firmly onto the ceiling wall. I only stopped making my acrobatics when I felt tired.

  Then I stopped walking in the middle of the great room and came back into my human form.

  It required an extraordinary amount of energy and I had little left.

  Chapter 20

  I walked toward the halls of the castle. The silence was a constant presence there. I locked my steps and put my hand on the wall, trying to keep my body up. I felt weakness. I needed blood. I needed to consume the blood of the ‘pre- vampires’.

  My thirst for blood was such that I was having mirages of blood everywhere, on the wall, the ceiling and on the floor.

  After that I decided to go through the door that separated my father’s castle from the ‘pre- vampires’ town.

  I disobeyed my father’s orders. He told me I should always be accompanied by someone and I should never walk alone there.

  I paced through the deserted streets of the place and saw no creature walking by me. In that case I continued my journey. I was attentive to everything around me, and then I looked from one side to another as I still was apprehensive at my surroundings.

  I saw a nightclub, a kind of club.

  There were several of them. I did not think I would be running a risk of going in there. I thought only of blood. I stopped walking at the nightclub door and put my black hood over my head to hide my face. My eyes had changed color and my teeth grew out so I easily sensed the smell of blood.

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to better feel the irresistible aroma of blood.

  I finally plucked up the courage and entered the site through the main door.

  It was a dark and narrow place. It was packed with pre- vampires. They would gather there to dance and drink. They had the same human needs. I slowly infiltrated the crowd, looking straight, so they would not notice my face. Further along there was a female pre- vampire doing acrobatics on a swing fixed to the ceiling. She was in little clothing. It was part of her show to let her coveted body be seen.

  Several creatures paid attention to her show. I continued walking and stopped in an aisle where there were only two creatures talking together. I thought that was a suitable place to satisfy my appetite for blood. I remained standing in the corner waiting for the right moment to strike.

  I was waiting for my prey to be alone. I had no practice in hunting the animals. When I did it the first time I was in the company of my father.

  Everything had been perfect.

  At that moment I looked at the entrance to the aisle and saw another creature approaching me. It didn't seem to be one of them, that is, a pre- vampire.

  Its face was covered like mine. There was a black hood on its head.

  I turned my face down and stared at the floor. It was a way I found to go on unnoticed by the stranger approaching. But it did not help me because the figure in black stopped walking in my direction, very close, and then I could see its dark shoes. I had no desire to raise my head up and see what it was.

  I thought I had been discovered. I just did not yet know by whom.

  It was when a withdrawn voice revealed to me the owner of it.


  I lifted my face and stared up at its face, its gaze more precisely.

  That was the only look that had the power to intimidate me, so I did not react. My thoughts began noticing the forms of his face.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised. “Are you alone?”

  “I need blood ...” I responded.

  My throat almost closed.

  “You cannot stay here!”

  He turned his back to me.

  “Let's get out here!” He said looking straight ahead.

  Even before we walked on, we were surprised by a handful of pre-vampires, coming toward us. Now we were their target. Eros moved backward and I did the same.

  But the creatures were getting closer. Eros used his mind’s force as he launched upon them a strong wind that made them move backward.

  This delayed their approach, but it didn’t make them stop coming again.

  Eros took me by the waist and went up with me. We were up high and we flew over the pre- vampires, since we were not in the aisle, but in the hall, where everyone was.

  We went down among them, everything seemed normal. Then we realized they turned against us.

  They came upon us, and this time it was not half a dozen, but hundreds of them.

  “Why are they this way?” I asked holding Eros’s black cape.

  “I don't know,” he answered with his eyes upon the crowd of pre-vampires.

  They wanted me. It was clear when five of them held my arm, pulling me to them.

  “We just want her!” One of them said with a distorted voice. The pre- vampires didn’t possess their voices equal to ours or humans. They spoke growling, as if they were dying at that moment.

  A choir was saying the same phrase at the same time:


  I felt them pull my cape in despair, a group of them tried to bite my arm. Everyone was coming at me at once.

  Everyone in that room was trying to do the same.

  They wanted my flesh, my blood...

  Eros pressed me against him. He only believed in protecting me, since they did not want to do anything with him.

  “Do something! We need to get out of here!” Eros ordered impatiently.

  “I cannot!” I screamed without trying to.

  “You can do it!” he insisted.

  I closed my eyes and let my mind act for me. A flash filled the room, like a burst of fireworks. A navy blue light had left everyone stunned. They staggered from one side to the other, almost blind.

  I did not know how I did it. It was all very fast. I realized Eros and I were already outside the town of pre-vampires.

  We were safe on top of a huge rock in the woods in the vicinity of my father’s castle. Both standing, relieved to have escaped from those cannibals in time.

  “I do not understand why they wanted to devour me,” I said observing Eros looking at the horizon. It seemed he avoided looking at me.

  “They want your blood,” he said, in the same position.

  “They were told you're the daughter of Vincent!” he continued. “Just I don’t understand how.”

  “And what does it means to them?” I asked.

  “Eternity!” he stared at my face. “They want to drink your blood to be like us.”

  “Because they're not eternal?” I asked.

  “They are only creatures that will last a hundred years, nothing else. They have no powers like us and they have no eternity,” he explained.

  I approached him. I wanted to look at his face as he spoke although part of his hood was covering his face, but the colors of his eyes were expressive.

  “To become like us ...everyone must drink the blood of your father...or you.”

  He stared at me reinforcing what he said.

  “Why does Vincent transform them into 'pre- vampires'?”

  The name 'Vincent'
sounded best to ask that question, instead of using the words ‘my father.’ I was referring to the creature that turned human beings into those ugly creatures and not to what generated me.

  “If they stay here in their human forms, they would not survive for many hours. This is where Vincent bites them and makes them as they are, that is, mortal creatures that exist for a short time.” He paused. “Vincent doubles their lifetime, making them resistant to certain things.”

  “So do only my father and I possess powers to turn people into vampires?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes,” he said and walked to the side, out of my way. “Now do you understand the power you have?” he asked.

  “I feel like a monster!” I whispered.

  “And you are,” he said looking back at me.

  I felt revulsion within me, for being a monster.

  I sat on the floor with my knees to the side. I was weak. I still needed blood. My body reacted strangely and every moment that passed I lost vivacity.

  Then I put my hands on the stone to support my discouraged body.

  Eros realized there was something wrong with me.

  “I need blood ...” I said unconsciously.

  Eros didn’t think twice. He approached me and was standing in front of me. He extended his left arm, wrapped the cuff, leaving his pulse exposed.

  “Drink it!” he ordered and held out his wrist for me to drink his blood.

  “I cannot!” I shook my head at him, reinforcing my words of denial.

  I was afraid something bad would happen to him and I would lose him forever.

  “Drink it! I fed a few minutes ago,” he insisted.

  Eros had killed his thirst by blood with a pre- vampire, shortly before he was with me in the hallway of the club.

  “My blood still runs hot in my veins!” he said.

  “I'm scared...of losing ... you,” I confessed, gazing into his gray eyes.

  “Nothing will happen to me! Just I'll be a little weak!”


  “Come on!” he ordered.

  I looked at his wrist for some seconds, until I had the courage to do what he had ordered me.

  My lips touched his cold fist. I was encouraged by the fresh blood that ran in his arteries. Within moments my sharp teeth penetrated his flesh.

  His blood ran down his pale skin, marking around my lips. I was sucking his sweet blood with such despair. I couldn’t hold my lust for blood.

  Eros was writhing around. He felt great pain and discomfort at my bite and then he pressed his lips followed by his short groans. When he sensed it was time to stop me, he brutally pulled his wrist away from my lips.

  With his other hand he held his bloody wrist and pulled the site of the bite. It was a way to prevent his blood going down and diminish his pain.

  I sat down, reinvigorating my energy as I felt better. I was delighting in the blood that ran through him.

  When I felt fully conscious and powerful, I looked at him.

  His weakness controlled his body. He was worn for minutes, until he returned to his normal state. Immediately...he was again the same as before, with his erect posture, as if nothing had happened to him.

  Chapter 21

  Everything was fine. I had the strength to stand up and resume my routine.

  Before we returned to the castle and joined the others, I wanted to discuss another subject, questions that were saved in me and I needed answers.

  “Why aren't you attracted by our species?” I asked.

  He did not expect me to mention this subject. His face responded to my question more quickly.

  He grimaced at me.

  “The warm blood flowing in the vein of humans is a challenge for me. It makes me hot too!” he responded looking to the side. “Their heartbeat ...Everything is fantastic!”

  He continued. I sensed an excitement in him when he described his expectations. It made me not feel well.

  How I hated being a vampire!

  I had none of those features described by him.

  “We have nothing of it! We’re cold! Our hearts don’t beat any longer ...” he said without enthusiasm.

  I lowered my head lamenting all things said by him. How difficult it was to hear that.

  “It means you are lost to me,” I said disappointed.

  He moved closer and touched my arm with his cold fingers.

  “See it! I feel nothing when I touch you! We're cold!”

  I lost the ground with his words.

  He dropped my arm and made a short retreat.

  “There's something more I need to know ...” I begged.

  But he waited attentively for my next question. This moment he would be prepared.

  I moved in front of him, looked into his gray eyes to prove the veracity in his answer.

  “Have you already felt attracted to me?” I stared at his eye’s pupil. “When I was human?”

  Discomfort invaded his stance. He had no enthusiasm to answer me.

  “What difference does it make now? Why do you want to know that?” he asked.

  “I need to know!”

  He sniffed before answering.


  His answer seemed honest, and then I could see it in his fearless eyes.

  His ‘YES’ came to my mind as a good thing and bad at the same time.

  Good - because I knew one day he'd wanted me and I had been present in his thoughts...

  Bad - because I would never be desired by him again, everything had been in the past.

  “When?” I ordered, wishing he could go into detail of exactly when he felt desire for me.

  “Twice...” his voice was low.

  “When? Tell me!” I insisted.

  He walked toward me, in silence. I had no idea what he would do. Now it was his turn to stand in front of me. He stared into my eyes, raised his hands up and held my head. Then an energy that accompanied his hands made him show me the two times I insisted on knowing.

  They were going through my mind as if I was again reliving those magic moments.

  THE FIRST TIME occurred at the Rock and Roll concert.

  When he touched his face on my neck, rubbing his lips on my delicate skin, it was a way to keep him under control. My blood was exchanged, half-human and half- vampire, that way my smell would stop him craving human blood. I didn’t attract him in this aspect.

  “Are you okay?” I asked seeing his strange reaction. I had never seen him that way, uncontrollable.

  “The smell of your blood makes me calm,” he responded as soon as his face came away from my neck. I felt his cold breath, almost stopping.

  THE SECOND MOMENT came minutes before I become a vampire.

  He put his lips on my neck.

  My heart’s beating and my heavy breathing came up to his ears like a pleasing melody, an invitation to sink his teeth into my trembling flesh.

  Then I looked up at the dark ceiling. A strange feeling came over my body. A burning sensation went through my flesh. It seemed I was on fire, and then I closed my eyes to allow myself to abandon in Eros’s pleasant bite.

  Being bitten by a blood sucker should be somewhat unpleasant and Eros made it ... Tasty.

  It was easier for him to make me see the scenes, what had happened.

  If he could describe them, they would not come across as perfect.

  At the end of the images in my mind, he removed his hands away from my head.

  More than ever I wished to become human again, that was my goal, to stop being a vampire. I just didn’t know if it would be possible and what it would cost me...

  One thing was certain. I was willing to pay some price to have that privilege.

  Becoming human and winning the presumed love of Eros.

  “I would exchange my immortality for your love!” I said, even more passionate.

  Eros said nothing. Just put his hands on my face, making a circular motion and I saw that as a manner of affection. The expression on his face seemed lo
ving. He was grateful for the deep love I felt for him.

  Perhaps no one loved him in such a way as I loved him.

  He removed his hands from my face and went up into the air. Then he disappeared almost immediately.

  I stayed there for some time, memorizing all our conversation.

  Chapter 22

  So I put my feet into my father’s castle. I was approached by Valeska. She was standing in the main room. I came up to her humbly.

  “Where were you? I was looking for you!” she asked and smiled at me.

  “I went for a walk.”

  I hid the facts from her. I did not want anyone to know I was beyond the vicinity of the castle, disobeying my father’s orders.

  “Why were you looking for me?” I asked, looking at her face.

  “It's nothing important. I just wanted to have a chat...”

  “I also need to talk to you,” I said.

  “What is worrying you?” she asked.

  She put her hand on my shoulder excitedly.

  “Come to my bedroom....there no one can hear us.” she said lowly.

  Then she opened her bedroom door and put me inside. She came in and closed the door again. Her room was like mine, it had the same objects. We sat on her bed, facing each other.

  “I've been with Eros,” I confessed to her.

  “How was it?” she asked, perplexed.

  “I asked him all I needed to know,” I answered and my voice was sorrowful.


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