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Fixing Justice

Page 13

by Halliday, Suzanne

  Tori woke to a dream hangover. Oh God. There was nothing worse than rolling out of bed feeling foggy and disoriented. Crawling from the warm cocoon, she stumbled into the bathroom and flicked on the unforgiving lights. “Bad idea,” she muttered, quickly turning off the offensive lighting. She turned to the mirror above the sink and did a quick morning assessment.

  Hair? An absolute mess. Huffing irritably, her fingers snagged through the tangles, sweeping the brown locks back from her face. It didn’t matter how carefully she styled her hair because after a night of tossing and turning, she managed to resemble a wind tunnel mannequin. She would never be one of those women who woke up looking perfect and flawless.

  Making a quick ponytail, she went through the motions of a morning routine with a minimum of effort; brush teeth, cleanse face, and apply moisturizer. She didn’t like to waste time on anything more complicated. She was who and what she was and no amount of fussing was going to change that. The under eye shadows were a result of having her sex drive unleashed, by a master no less, only to end up without a way to manage the unfulfilled aftermath. She was still annoyed by Alex’s untimely interruption.

  In the dead of night, after she’d awoken from an erotically charged dream, Tori slipped quietly from her room to retrieve the paperback romance she’d lost track of after Draegyn had taken it from her hands. Maybe reading for a while would help her brain empty so she could get back to sleep. Although she looked everywhere, the book was nowhere to be found, forcing her to simply tough it out and pray for sleep to return.

  And now here it was, way too early in the morning to be up and about. This seemed as good a time as any to hit the hotel fitness room before the regular morning rush. In her present frame of mind she didn’t want to compete for time on the equipment. No, what she wanted was to be left alone to work up a serious sweat and clear away the hangover cobwebs.

  Checking out her reflection one last time, she grabbed a pair of ear buds, her phone, and after hastily scribbling a short note to let Draegyn know where she was, headed off to the workout facility. Because it was so early, she had her pick of machines, settling on an elliptical she knew would give her a fierce workout. Scrolling through her playlists she found something that would definitively have her up and moving.

  Three quarters of an hour later, with thighs on fire and her arms set to explode, she yanked the earphones out and eased into a cool down rhythm. It felt good to push her muscles and it really did go a long way to helping restore focus.

  No urgent messages. Good, Drae though as he flung his phone aside and made for the suite’s kitchenette. He’d found Victoria’s note letting him know she’d gone to the fitness center the moment he’d stepped from his room in search of coffee. Knowing he was alone, he hadn’t bothered to fully dress, preferring to suck back something dark and hot before jumping in the shower. The old sweats he’d pulled on hung low on his hips and actually did more to emphasize his manhood than conceal it. As usual, he was dealing with a morning hard-on that seemed to be mocking him.

  Ah, let’s see now. What’ve we got, he wondered while spinning the elaborate carousel crammed with every single cup brew imaginable. Absently rubbing his abdomen while he thought, Drae tried to concentrate on the task at hand and failed miserably. His night had sucked balls. Far from restful, he’d been plagued all through the long hours, when he should have been sleeping, with vivid images of Victoria writhing in his lap and the way the skin along her thigh had prickled at his soft touch.

  He hadn’t helped the situation any, he reflected grimly. No, fool that he was, he’d picked up Victoria’s romance book and taken it with him when he finally got off the phone with Alex and retreated to his bedroom. He was curious, especially after the racy passage she’d read to him. In the end, he’d read the whole damn thing. Aside from the sometimes-mawkish story line and the you-had-to-have-seen-it-coming-ending, he enjoyed the tension between the two main characters and found the love scenes nothing short of hot.

  Reading that book had given him a step-by-step blueprint of what an erotic seduction looked like in her head. Something he really didn’t need to be thinking about. Leaning his hips against the counter while waiting for the coffee to brew, he sighed. Nothing he did seemed to take the edge off what was a growing need to take the woman invading his thoughts and dreams and make her his and his alone. The very idea fucked with his head in every way it could. He’d never, ever felt that way about a woman before and frankly until now thought such feelings were a load of crap. Romantic fodder for the foolish. How far the mighty have fallen, he thought.

  A soft, female voice coming from the foyer, broke through his musings. “Hi. I’m back,” he heard Victoria say. Turning expectantly toward the sound, when she stepped around the wall blocking the door from his view he wondered if the gods were having a good laugh at his expense as, coffee forgotten, he experienced a free-falling sensation when all the blood in his body rushed into his cock. One look and he was a horny teenager with raging hormones that no amount of age and experience could control.

  Even though he knew the answer, the very turned on voice in his brain hollered, What the fuck is she wearing? His head exploded at the sight she made. Dressed in a skintight pair of workout bottoms with the top rolled over exposing her entire abdomen, he found her belly button an outright provocation. Add to that the short crop top barely covering the perfect globes of her breasts and he was almost gasping for breath. As if on cue, his sex surged and grew tight.

  Tori stopped dead in her tracks the moment she spied Draegyn standing across the big living area wearing nothing but an indecent pair of worn sweats that did absolutely nothing to conceal his swoon-worthy attributes. Muscular shoulders above a perfectly sculpted chest covered by a smattering of light body hair, made her mouth water. For real. If all she did was stare at his magnificent torso, that would probably be enough. Luckily, the entire delicious package was on view making it impossible to stop the downward trek of her gaze.

  There was something about the way his brawny arms hung at his sides that sent a shiver skittering along her nerve endings. Every time she found herself in his embrace, she felt soft and feminine, a perfect counterpart to the powerful virility coming off him in waves. She watched, mesmerized as his hands clenched, a sure sign that he was following her thoughts as she greedily drank in the sight he made.

  As if the bare chest wasn’t enough to strike her deaf and dumb, the tufts of blonde hair below his navel leading into sweats slung low on his slim hips made her mind go completely blank. The barely leashed power she’d come to associate with this man was on full display in the tense, controlled line of his body. She knew there was no way to ignore or look away from the clearly obvious erection bulging in the front of his sweats that grew larger with every second. She stared fascinated at the way the soft material clung to every inch of his swelling flesh. It was all so erotic making Tori painfully aware of her bra-less nipples peaking and throbbing inside her cotton top.

  She heard him hiss making her gaze swing to his eyes at that critical moment. Her gasp of startled awareness split the air when she caught sight of the aroused flush on his chiseled features and the way his ice blue eyes had turned dark and stormy. Whatever was going on in his head either got decided or was pushed aside when he stalked across the space separating them, his eyes locked on hers, a look of carnal intent etched on his face. Automatically dropping what was in her hands, the sound of a water bottle and her phone smacking on the tile floor barely registered when he reached out and hauled her forcefully into his arms.

  She had enough time to reassure herself that she wasn’t dreaming before his mouth crashed down onto hers and all sensible thought flew out the window. Oh dear lord, she thought. His mouth was hot and demanding as he crushed her against him in a fevered kiss that stopped at nothing. When he licked along the seam of her lips, she whimpered softly, letting the tip of her tongue touch his a second before she surrendered to an open mouth ravishment that stole her sanity.
  Wrapping her arms about his neck, she pressed against him as best she could until two strong hands cupped her bottom and lifted her into a mind-blowing embrace that reinforced with astonishing swiftness the appeal of the male body she’d just been scrutinizing. She could feel every ripple along his abdomen as she clung to his massive shoulders, sending a flood of aroused, wet warmth to her aching center.

  There was nothing about what was happening that wasn’t wild and electric. Slamming her body against a wall as he ground against her spread thighs, Tori fed desperate moans into the mouth greedily feasting on her own as her hips bucked against him. Grasping and clutching his neck and shoulders in an ever mounting frenzy to get as close to him as possible, she was having a hard time keeping her shit together as he drove them both into a storm of powerful need.

  Holding her in place, his hands slid under her short top to curve around her aching breasts as a deep groan rumbled out of his chest and into her mouth. Losing herself in a tidal wave of sensation, Tori sucked his tongue deeper as her fingers dug into the skin of his shoulders. A purely feminine, female grunt of satisfaction broke through the silence when he shuddered under her rough, demanding touch.

  Time stopped the second she felt his thumbs sweep across her swollen nipples. Longing, deep and intense, gripped her senses as he kept up the sensual caress. Wrenching her lips from his, she burrowed into his neck, biting feverishly at his flesh, while he molded her breasts. Pushing her top up and ripping it over her head, Draegyn stared down at the naked flesh gripped in his strong hands and then into her eyes. The look he gave her left nothing to the imagination. When his mouth moved downward, she gasped and cried out as firm lips closed around an aching, pebbled nipple, sucking her deeply into his mouth. The sensation of his wet mouth on her aching flesh and the sounds they were both making, acted like a match held to a pile of kindling. She went up in flames and not even an interrupting phone call was going to stop the fire raging between them this time.

  It wasn’t until she felt herself being lowered to a mattress and registered the shaking hands removing her pants that Tori realized he’d been guiding them to the bedroom. They hadn’t spoken a single word. None were necessary. It didn’t matter who or what had started the raging inferno playing out, all she cared about was the way he made her feel as he devoured her mouth and massaged her flesh. My God. She wanted him inside her. Now. Wanted to know what it felt like to absorb this god of a man in her body.

  When he stepped back to shed his sweats, she had a moment of doubt as the full measure of his size and girth was revealed to her hungry eyes. She knew he was big. There was no disguising that fact each time his arousal made contact with her body, but she was not prepared for the reality. She wasn’t ignorant of the male physique. Not by a long shot. But the way his sex stood out from his taut abdomen and the sight of muscled thighs that did more than just suggest strength and power, made her quiver with uncertainty. She felt so small next to him.

  She raised approving eyes that she knew were tinged with apprehension and his understanding smile was her undoing. Excitement, pure and carnal, raced along her spine. What she saw in his gaze suggested he was going to enjoy taking her. Moving purely on instinct her hips rolled in an invitation as old as time. She would think back later and know with certainty that was the moment when all control, hers and his, snapped.

  Drae had seen a lot of things in his life but absolutely nothing prepared him for the burst of red-hot lust that gripped him when Victoria walked into the room. The workout outfit that was little better than a second skin had taunted his control, but it was those big brown eyes devouring his body that turned what had been a manageable throbbing ache into something a lot more dangerous. He watched as her tongue flicked along the pouty lower lip of her mouth, as though she could taste him, and had all but leapt across the space between them to get to her. There wasn’t a nerve in his body that hadn’t tightened as she mapped every inch of his flesh. He couldn’t wait to strip her naked and avail himself of her sweet little body.

  He wasn’t sure how long they stood there eyeing each other but when he noted her nipples, pebbling beneath the thin crop top, all sense took a hike. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was trembling so badly, he could see her skin vibrating. The space between them melted away in the blink of an eye as he simply gathered her to him. Within seconds they were caught up in a head-on sensual collision that had him groaning into her mouth. He felt a wild, primitive beat pound in his head when he lifted her petite frame until her legs wrapped firmly around his hips. Drae loved how perfectly they fit together as he bucked against her to intensify the pleasure. By the time he got her top off and started suckling like a dying man at her breasts, he was well and truly lost. How he maneuvered them down the hallway and into his bedroom was a complete mystery. All he knew was a driving need and growing desire to get her naked and underneath him as quickly as possible.

  It had never been like this before, not with any woman. Drae hardly knew what he was doing as the need to possess her took over. After he stripped off her clothes and saw her fully naked for the first time, any hope of taking things slowly vanished. When she rolled her hips at him, he knew he’d never keep himself in control. The way his sex exploded at the sight of the soft brown curls between her legs and the perfect handful of breasts with their deeply flushed nipples changed everything.

  She’d stared unabashedly at his raging hard-on, and when eyes filled with desire lifted to his, he caught a brief moment of vulnerability in her gaze that brought the primal man inside him roaring to life. He knew what that look meant. Knew she was trembling because she wanted him so badly and knew his size had shocked her. He never gave much thought to his manhood, figuring it was what it was. But seeing it through her eyes only made his dick throb harder and grow impossibly firmer.

  His hand came out to trace a single finger across her lush mouth, down her neck, and between quivering breasts begging for his attention. Drae hiked up onto the bed, coiling his hand around her ponytail and tugged so he could have access to the long column of her neck. She shuddered under his hands, groaning out his name in a voice choked with desire. “Draegyn, Draegyn.”

  He devoured her neck with long slow strokes of his tongue while she shook in his arms. Each time her back arched, he ground his hardness against her. It was like a magnificent symphony, the way she tasted, the small whimpering sounds coming from her throat, her small soft body moving against his much larger, harder one. It was - perfection. Every inch of his body was pumped up and throbbing with arousal. The sensation of her delicate fingers digging into his flesh brought a grunt of pleasure from deep inside him.

  He was lost. Completely. Rolling her beneath him, he spread her legs with his powerful thighs as she latched onto his chest with her hungry mouth. Fireworks went off behind his eyes with each nip and bite as her tongue and lips drove him crazy. Groaning something that sounded like ‘fuck,’ he reached between them and knew he was a goner the moment he found her hot wet center. Somewhere in the heated inferno engulfing them, Drae knew he should slow down, take his time, and make love to her the way she deserved. The way the hero in her romance book had done, taking here with patience and sensitivity. Neither of those two things was in the room with them right now though. A wild, primal compulsion had taken over, finesse be damned.

  Putting both hands under her bottom, he pulled Victoria into position. The room spun as he opened her for his possession. His first thrust into her body was met with a sharp cry that quickly faded when he bit down hard on her neck. Groaning in an agony of pleasure, Drae tried to hold back while her body adjusted to his presence, but she was so incredibly tight and wet that he couldn’t help himself. The way her passage fit around his twitching staff melted his brain. Nothing had ever felt so good, so right.

  Slow and easy became nothing but empty words as he pulled back and slammed into her again and again with a ferocity that stunned him. With each stroke she whimpered and shook as her thighs moved restlessly ag
ainst his. When he shifted his weight and brought her legs around his waist, he sank deeper into her hot, clutching body. The sensation of her inner muscles squeezing along his shaft as he pounded into her was beyond anything he’d ever imagined. Grunting with each forceful thrust, he set up a merciless rhythm highlighted by the sound of his sex being sucked into her dripping wetness.

  The whole thing became a seething storm of desire that built sensation upon sensation, with Victoria grasping at the sheets while she writhed and bucked under his relentless thrusts. Bringing them both to the edge, Drae groaned deeply when, buried deep inside her, he felt the initial flutters of her orgasm start to pulse along his cock. “Oh God, Victoria”, he cried as her sheath squeezed and tightened around him like a fist. With her heels dug forcefully into his haunches she went ballistic underneath him, grinding against his marauding body, screaming in helpless abandon as an explosion detonated deep inside her. He almost blacked out from the blinding pleasure she gave him as her orgasm lengthened and impossibly, deepened.

  His eyes never left her face as he watched her come undone and luxuriated in the sensation of her fierce inner muscles contracting along the length of his pulsing cock. Unable to slow his own completion, Drae felt a thunderbolt of pleasure rocket from his feet, up his spine and into his groin as he drove into her with one mighty thrust after another. Pumping his hips, he convulsed as the whole experience coalesced into one long, shuddering orgasm when he emptied into her. Time stood still as he shook and bucked wildly, dimly aware of her soft cries of wonder.

  The sensual storm that had overpowered them didn’t lessen in intensity for a long time after that. Drae rolled onto his back, bringing Victoria with him, as she lay sprawled in a boneless heap upon him. He was aware of the warm, sticky wetness, where it clung to both their bodies. Something about that bold awareness struck him between the eyes with a powerful slap of reality. Not only had he taken her with an animalistic ferocity that made him cringe, he’d done so without any thought of protection. He was stunned by the realization of how he’d behaved. A tirade of self-loathing accusations attacked his consciousness. What the hell had he done? Jesus Christ. She deserved better than to be fucked by an out-of-control madman.


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