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The Night That Changed Rachel (The Randalls Book 2)

Page 5

by Gail Haris

  I’m not ready for this. I guess I have less than five months to figure this out. I’m a teenager! I’m a freshman in college. I don’t have enough income to support myself, so how will I support a baby? This is supposed to be the time in my life that is carefree. I haven’t even finished mourning the loss of my best friend, and now this? This isn’t supposed to be happening. It’s not happening. It can’t be, it just simply can’t be happening. I go back and forth between having a few tears and sniffles to moments of silence. Finally, my stomach growls, loud enough, for Alice to hear.

  “And what do Rachel and baby Randall feel like having for supper?” she asks.

  Baby Randall. Thank goodness Trent and Landon share the same last name and DNA. My stomach growls again. We look at each other and then snicker.

  “Anything at this point.” My hands go to my stomach. I can’t believe, in a couple of months, how big it’s going to grow. I’ll be able to feel movement in there. Weird.

  “Okay. Fast food, it is. Not the healthiest choice for an expectant mother, but you’re a hot mess at the moment.”

  I give her a smirk and then wipe my snotty nose. “Rude.”

  “Hey, a true friend tells you like it is. Besides, I don’t like scaring small children.”

  A true friend. I could really use one of those right now. Inhaling a deep breath, I feel slightly better. I needed a good cry and a good laugh. “That sounds like something Landon would’ve said,” I say, in a soft voice.

  Alice pulls up to the drive-thru window and places our orders. Once we get them, she drives us to the park. Speaking more to myself, I say, “Landon wanted to be a dad. He hoped to have kids someday. That’s why it didn’t bother me so much to claim him as the father. If he was alive, I know he’d do it if I asked him to. Step in and claim the baby, I mean. I don’t think he’d go as far as impregnating me.” I pause to let the weight of my words sink in. There’s no use lying to Alice. I smile while saying, “Well, I don’t know…He might’ve gone through with it. You could never tell what Landon Randall would be game for.” I laugh to myself, thinking about my favorite person in the world. I look over at Alice who’s watching me.

  She reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder. Whispering, as though someone will hear, she says, “he deserves to know.”

  Tears begin to build again, so I look up and stare at the car’s ceiling. “I don’t want to tie him down. I saw Maggie there, and she offered an easy way out for both of us.” I bow my head and wipe my eyes with the palm of my hands. Then I flip down the sun visor to check my mascara. Of course, it’s a mess. I slam the visor back up and huff. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she suggested Landon, because she does suspect Trent is the father. She’s smart. And beautiful. Probably going to be everything he could ever want. He doesn’t need to be bound to me, just because we shared a few hook ups.”

  “Stop it. You’re gorgeous, driven, and intelligent. Any guy would be lucky to have you. Wait. A few? It wasn’t just the funeral? You hooked up after prom, too, didn’t you? I knew it.”

  I nod my head, but refuse to voice any further comments. Instead, I confess something I haven’t told anyone. “When Landon and I first started pretending to be a couple, it wasn’t a big deal. Then high school happened. Landon wanted me to have a chance at real relationships. Every guy I went on a date with was after one thing. I know I gave off the impression that Landon and I had… ya know, for his sake.”

  “Rachel, you can’t base your worth on a bunch of horny teenagers.”

  “But look at you and Noah? I’ve never had a guy treat me like that. He loves you. The rest of our friends that are in serious relationships. Emily and Keaton. Tara and Jeff.”

  “Most people assumed it would be Rachel and Landon.”

  “So that means I was just supposed to be an easy and fun lay for every other guy? Just because they thought I wasn’t a virgin meant I should automatically spread my legs? Then when I did finally sleep with a guy, it was with Trent. You know what he did? Tossed me aside. I never got over that. The only boy to ever love me and treat me with respect was Landon.”

  “I don’t know, Rach. I’m sorry, but all those guys were immature. You’re in a new place now. One thing I’ve learned is you decide who you are.”

  “I don’t know who I am without Landon.”

  “I do. You’re Rachel Abernathy. You’re the smartest and most gorgeous girl I know. And you don’t base your worth on the opinion of others.”

  I’ve slept with Trent four times total. The first time was almost two years ago, when I lost my virginity to him. I don’t regret a single minute of it. I only regret what happened after. He was a little intoxicated, and I might’ve taken advantage of the moment. Which is one of the main reasons why I’m now terrified to tell him that he’s the father. What if he thinks I got pregnant deliberately?

  The other three times were this year. Technically, Trent and his precious, golden girl, Maggie were on a break. Turns out, America’s sweetheart couldn’t handle Trent during Landon’s death, so they separated during the worst time of Trent’s life. It was the worst time of my life as well. After the funeral, we were there for each other. The second time was my prom night. Realizing I’d slept with him, not caring whether they’d been together or not, makes me ashamed of myself. The last time was right after I’d graduated and was out celebrating at a party. It’s always been when he’s drinking or extremely emotional. That’s the only time he will let himself be with me. The feel of Alice’s warm hand wrapping around mine pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “I’m here for you. You know that, right?”

  “I know. Thank you.” I squeeze her hand back.

  After I eat, I decide a shower will help calm my nerves. I go to our floor’s showers. Communal showers are the worst. The sound of laughter, both male and female, has me rolling my eyes as I pass the shower curtains. Hope they’re using protection.

  As the hot water cascades down, easing the tight muscles in my shoulders, I allow myself five seconds to just feel. Not think. Just feel the steam and heat coming from the shower. I massage shampoo into my hair and turn my head up toward the pressure of the water. The suds trail down my body. I try to block out all the sounds around me: of a couple, clearly, having sex, of girls gossiping, of laughter, and finally, the throbbing ache in my head.

  How am I going to tell my parents? I know they’ll be disappointed—but to what extent? I’m still dependent on them for money, even with the loans I took out for my education. Worst case, I’ll be shunned and forced to seek employment.

  How do I lie to Landon’s mom, Melissa Randall? Maybe I should be vague and tell her I’m pregnant with her son’s child? That’s not a lie. Do I really have to tell the Randalls, which son? I hate to lie to them, while they’re still coping with the loss of their child. This is a huge bomb I’m about to drop.

  When I get out of the shower, I check my phone. Two missed calls and a new text message, all from Trent. I’m too exhausted, mentally and physically, to deal with him right now. Yesterday having missed calls and a message from him would’ve been a dream come true. Yesterday would’ve meant he was calling because he wanted me, but, today, it means he’s not calling because he needs me. No, he wants and needs answers. Or he feels some obligation to me since he thinks I’m carrying his nephew.


  Oh God. I know that tone. Alice is nervous about what she’s about to say. Clearly, she’s been thinking, while I was in the shower. Taking a deep breath, I turn and meet her concerned blue eyes.

  “Rach. I don’t feel right lying to Trent. We’re at a really good place in our relationship. I love you both.”

  “I get that. You know, this is about more than just tying him down. I’m also protecting him.”

  “How? And how do you know he doesn’t want to be tied to you? You’re automatically making assumptions about him. It’s not fair.”

  “I’m seventeen. I’m a minor.”

  “I’m aware. And
he knew your age before he slept with you. That’s no excuse not to tell him. There is no excuse to keep this from him.”

  “Fine. Give me some time to process this on my own, first. Then I’ll tell him.” She crosses her arms, and I can see the doubt floating around her. So I plead with my eyes for her to understand. “Please?”

  Alice must see something there because she nods, and then takes her laptop and holds it under her arm. “I’m going out to the lounge to work on some homework, wanna come?”

  “Nah, I think I’m going to bed early.” I crawl under the covers and snuggle into my pillow.

  “Okay,” she whispers. “Are you…” she stops and searches my face, “Are you okay, Rachel? I can stay in here.”

  “I’m fine.” She doesn’t seem convinced, so I add, “I’m not peachy by no means. New place. New school. Plus, new baby. Ha. It’s a lot to take in.”

  “I get that.”

  “I bet you do.” And she probably does. Alice probably understands, better than anyone, how overwhelmed I’m feeling. It’s been almost a year exactly that she was in a new place, new school, with a whole new family.

  “Good night, Rach.”

  “Good night.” I reach up and turn off my lamp. As I lie back and close my eyes, I hear the door shut. I wish for a peaceful sleep, but instead, my mind won’t stop reminiscing about my first time with Trent. I lost my virginity to him the beginning of my sophomore year of high school. He was a sophomore in college, at the time, and home for Labor Day weekend. I was sixteen, and he was twenty. It was wrong, in the sense that I was a minor and he was four years older than me. My parents would kill him if they ever found out. His parents would kill him if they ever found out. He beats himself up over it still. I see the guilt in his eyes. He holds so much guilt and regret when it comes to me and his brother and sister. But, he doesn’t need to feel guilty about what we did. I don’t regret it. I’d been in love with him since elementary school. And, as much as I hate it, I think I still am.

  I feel myself sink further away, back to that momentous night.

  As I lay on my pink, fluffy comforter, texting Landon, I pout over my current life dilemma. Trent is confused about my relationship with his brother. We’re best friends and have been since elementary school, and Trent needs to know this. Landon realized he was gay in middle school and panicked. I thought he should say to hell with everyone else, but he couldn’t do it. Terrified someone would see through him, he said he was going to try and date girls, off and on. Like that was going to work. They’d figure it out if he didn’t start trying to make moves. So, I told him he could start telling everyone I was his girlfriend. Now in high school, I’ve progressed to his supposed ‘hook up’ buddy. That way, I can occasionally date, when we’re ‘on a break.’ We’re best friends, so, of course, nobody suspects anything. In return for being his beard and best friend, he always notifies me about all things Trent Randall. Unfortunately, this little arrangement is bringing me closer, yet further away, from Trent. My phone rings, and I quickly answer.

  In a bored tone, Landon says, “Trent’s going to the party tonight.” I gasp and squeeze my phone tighter. “Rachel, please control yourself.”

  “I am.”

  “Ugh, please. I hear you panting.” Landon groans. “Alright, if we’re doing this, get ready.”

  I do a happy dance in my room and finally rush all my words together. “Pick me up in a couple of hours?”

  “You’re ridiculous.” Landon chuckles.

  I huff. “You don’t want to get there too early. Only losers show up to parties before it gets dark. How you’ve managed to stay popular, all these years, is beyond me.”

  “How you’ve managed to stay popular is beyond me, Sweetheart,” Landon states.

  “Because of you, duh.” Landon loves it when I give him all the credit to our popularity. We’ve caused all kinds of chaos through the years. Teachers quickly caught on and tried to keep us in separate classes. High school has been our first-time sharing classes since elementary school, and it’s been an experience for everyone.

  I end the call and hurry to make myself ‘Trent presentable,’ or as Landon has termed it ‘Tresentsable.’ I shave, pluck and lotion my tanned skin. I pick out my best and sexiest outfit. I style my highlighted brunette hair to perfection. I carefully apply my makeup to give me a sultry, but not slutty appearance. I spray on my favorite perfume, Romance by Ralph Lauren. I stare in the mirror and admire my work. This is the best I’ve ever looked, so if Trent doesn’t notice me tonight, then this fantasy is a lost cause.

  Landon walks into my room and whistles. I beam at him. “You look pretty handsome yourself. Rawr.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “Do you think Trent is really worth all this trouble? After all these years of pining, why not just tell him? If he doesn’t have enough sense to be with you, then screw him. There’ll be another guy who will be worth all this extra effort. Worth your time. Maybe it’s time you stop being my cover-up, because I’m hurting your chance at a real relationship. Trent or any other guy isn’t going to go after you if they think you’re my girl.”

  “I am your girl, Landon Randall. And any guy I’m with is going to have to accept that.”

  “You know what I mean, Rach.”

  “Yes, he’s worth the trouble. He hasn’t noticed me the way I’ve noticed him because he’s four years older. He sees me as a kid sister. Tonight,” I strike a seductive dramatic pose, “he’ll see me as a woman.”

  Landon rolls his eyes and sighs. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him and say into his shirt, “I love you. And, again, I am your girl. I really do mean that. Just not the way people think.” I grin up at him. “I want to be his girl, too.”

  He laughs and untangles my arms. “You sound like such a slut. But I get the sentiment behind it.” He sighs and grabs my hand. “Then let’s go get him.”

  “Whoo!” I cheer, as Landon uses my hand to twirl me around.

  I practically skip out of my house and into Landon’s Jeep. Although I’m extremely nervous, I’m also hopeful. From what I know, Trent is still single. Landon said that Trent texted and was about to leave their house to go to the party. My pulse is racing. I’ve spoken to Trent plenty of times when I’m hanging out with Landon. We’ve even cuddled together while watching movies. But I’ve always been his kid brother’s friend. Tonight, he’ll notice me differently, I hope.

  We pull into the driveway of the house, where the party is being held, the same time as Trent.

  “Oh my gosh what luck. God is on my side tonight.”

  Landon rolls his eyes. “We knew he was on his way. This isn’t fate—this is just good timing. And I don’t think God encourages underage girls to lust after college boys at house parties.”

  “Then why did he make Trent so perfect.” I sigh.

  Landon gives me a blank stare and then shakes his head. He mumbles something like ‘hopeless.’

  Trent hops out of his SUV, smiling as he walks around to greet us. My heart melts. Those perfect pearly whites set with that defined strong jaw. His sapphire blue eyes and wavy black hair are almost too much. He has a face that deserves to be displayed on billboards, movie screens and magazine racks.

  He playfully grabs Landon by the back of the neck and gives him a gentle shake. “Talk about perfect timing. Y’all ready to party?”

  “I’m ready for anything that involves you,” I mumble to myself. Landon whips his head around and scowls at me.

  “Have some self-control,” he hisses, in a low voice.

  Deciding that it’s completely appropriate to hug someone you haven’t seen in a while, but have known your entire life, I wrap my arms around Trent’s strong, solid body as I casually ask how he’s been. He returns the hug, and I swoon, feeling those muscles flex against me through his shirt. I inhale his woodsy cologne and the familiar smell of the same laundry detergent scent as Landon. He pulls away sooner than I wanted, but continues to speak to me about school.

Trent Randall. Is. Talking. To. Me.

  I mean, yeah, he’s talked to me. But this is outside of the Randall’s house. And there’re other people he could go talk to. But no. He’s talking to me. College sounds amazing with scattered class schedules, parties, and the freedom of living on your own, while having your parents still pay your bills.

  When we enter the house, he’s pulled away from us by a crowd of former football teammates. I almost want to pout and pull him back to me screaming, ‘I saw him first.’

  Landon leads me by the elbow to a group of our friends and whispers in my ear, “Play a little hard to get. You must maintain some dignity after all.”

  I stick my tongue out at him, and he does the same to me. Grabbing his shirt, I make a show of sniffing and then sigh. “You both smell similar.”

  Landon snatches his shirt out of my hand and places his hand over my face to push it away. “That’s because we’re both too lazy to do our own laundry, and Mom buys our cologne for us. My dad probably smells the—oh, don’t even go there.”

  “He is a hot older man.”


  “I do have a thing for older men.”

  “Older, yes, but Trent is hardly a man.”

  “He’s man enough for me.”

  Then, with a mischievous grin, he whispers, “Don’t force me to not take you back.”

  We always joke about our fake relationship. How, one day, we might not take the other one back. I fake gasp, and we burst out laughing. “Shut up. You’re lucky if I’ll go back to you.”

  He wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear, “I am lucky to have you. You’re probably the only girl I will ever love.”

  “Awe, Lanny. I love you.”

  “Alright, we’re getting too sappy. Time for drinks.” He tugs me toward the makeshift bar on a kitchen counter.

  After an hour of being social, and not with Trent, I decide to wander around the house and look for him. I find him playing beer pong with a group of guys. I recognize a few of them, but the majority are new faces. As I’m easing my way toward the table, one of the guys takes interest in me. He stops playing and comes over to where I’m standing at the end of the table.


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