The Night That Changed Rachel (The Randalls Book 2)

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The Night That Changed Rachel (The Randalls Book 2) Page 20

by Gail Haris

  “Are you two planning to get married then?”

  “He can still have my last name and us not be married. What time period do you think we’re living in? We like Lance for a middle name, but we’re still debating the first name.” He quickly looks to me. “Wait, should I have not told them the middle name, yet? Was that private?”

  Despite the horrible tension in the room, I manage a smile. Trent looks so nervous. “It wasn’t private. I think we’re set on that one.”

  Denise taps her fork on her plate. “Are you going to have the baby here or there? Do you think I’ll get to miss school? If you have it there, I’ll get to miss more school because, duh, travel time. Have the baby there!”

  “It’s not that far away.” I can tell by Trent’s tone that he’s uncomfortable and annoyed with his sister at the moment.

  “Maybe not. You’re not having the baby, anyway, so it’s not up to you.” She smiles at me. “Rachel?”

  I about choke on my food. I wipe my mouth and clear my throat. “I’m afraid it’s not up to me either. He’ll come when he’s ready.”

  Melissa narrows her eyes at Denise. “Finish eating, Sweetie.”

  My mother clears her throat. “You haven’t really discussed your plans for the baby’s delivery. If you did want to come back home for the delivery, we should begin planning.” Pausing from cutting her turkey, her eyes twinkle with excitement. “I could turn my craft room into a nursery. You may want the crib in your room, though.”

  They had made it clear they weren’t going to be a part of this. I lean toward her and whisper, “What’s going on?”

  My mom clears her throat. “I overreacted before. I’m sorry. That’s all I can say, and now, I’m trying to make it right.”

  “We have plenty of room here.” Melissa grins at my parents and holds a hand out. “In fact, y’all could come stay a few nights here as well.”

  A thick tension fills the room. Why would she offer to let them stay? The house is huge, and there is room—but still. Trent smiles at both our mothers. “We still have time. Rachel and I will figure out what works best for her and the baby.”

  Melissa’s voice strains with fake cheerfulness. “Not that much time. Babies don’t always come when you expect them to, and they don’t wait for you to be ready. You know, Son, we have the guest house as well.”

  My mother carefully places her silverware down. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she speaks in a sugary sweet tone. “Rachel, honey, you might be more comfortable at home.”

  Melissa’s voice gets a little higher and louder. “Home. This is like a second home. She was here just as much growing up. And there’s the guest house. They could have their privacy, but help would only be a few feet away.”

  Richard speaks up. “Lance, huh? I think that’s a wonderful middle name.”

  Alice grins at him. “I do, too! That’s perfect. What are some ideas for the first name?”

  Before Trent or I can speak, my mother can’t seem to let the whole ‘where the baby will stay’ issue go. “Either way, you’ll have to move back here. You’ll need help.”

  Trent responds in a defensive tone. “I’ll be there to help her.”

  My mother gives a dramatic sigh. “You’ll both need lots of help. No offense, Trent, but how many babies have you raised?”

  I nod in agreement. “Yes. We will need help. We’ll both have classes to finish.”

  Melissa dabs the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “Also, Dear, what about your classes? Are you planning to finish this year out or put it on hold?”

  My mother drops her fork onto her plate. “How are you going to attend class and take care of the baby? That’s too much for you. Hold off a semester and then go back to school.”

  “I’m not putting off school. Don’t worry. I’m going to sign up for only online classes and not take over twelve credit hours.”

  Trent takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I can complete most of my spring semester online as well. Maybe I can find an internship down here.”

  Richard speaks in a firm voice. “Trent, son, don’t let a good opportunity pass you by. If you can get a better internship in Lexington, then do it. We’ll help with Rachel.”

  My dad straightens in his seat. “Yes, we wouldn’t want golden boy here to miss out. Especially over one little mistake.”

  Richard narrows his eyes. “How is my son supposed to provide for his child, if he doesn’t get the necessary skills and education?”

  My fork and knife clank, as they drop to my plate. “First of all, I don’t need Trent to take care of me. I’m more than capable. Second, Trent and I are partners in this. We’re going to do the best for both of our futures and for our baby.”

  The table is quiet again.

  Denise turns to Alice and speaks as though there’s no tension at all in the room. “Does this mean they were ‘together’ back in the spring? How long has this been going on?”

  My father looks as though a light bulb just popped up over his head. “Yes. So, it does… You know what you did to my daughter could be considered rape.”

  Richard’s voice is firm. “Quinn. Don’t even go there.”

  “Dad, there’s the Romeo and Juliet Law.” I turn to Trent and whisper, “weren’t things easier when Landon was the father?”

  Denise’s eyes go wide at my last comment. She shakes her head and turns back to Alice. “Why are we such an effed up family?” Alice shrugs, and Denise mimics her movements. Then she asks, “So, how’s Noah? He’s coming back in December, right? Merry Christmas to you.”

  Way to keep the conversation awkward. Melissa doesn’t even look up from her plate. Poor Alice. But a little part of me is glad the conversation has shifted to her. She tells us that Noah is doing well, but ready to come home. He should be here, early December, and that would be the perfect Christmas present.

  I excuse myself from the table, telling everyone I need fresh air. I step out onto the patio and take in a deep breath of cool air. I walk over to the porch swing and watch the sunset. I hear the door slide open and then close. The sound of leaves crunching under feet get louder until I can finally see who’s come to join me. My dad. Great.

  He sits down next to me. Despite his harsh words, the heat radiating from him and the smell of Old Spice comforts me. His long legs stretch out. I stare at his beat-up boots and the denim jeans he’s probably worn for five years now.

  “I’m sorry, Baby doll.”

  “Huh?” I whip my head to look at him. He still stares out at the sunset, but I can see a slight glisten in his eyes.

  “I want to tell you a story. Think you got a little bit of time for your dumbass Daddy?”

  I snort. “Yeah, I think I can spare a minute.”

  “Lumberton is named after the family that basically built it. That family has lived here for generations and are, still to this day, the wealthiest family here. They’ve always held all the cards. Now, this may be just folklore, but supposedly, the family was cursed for their greed. They stole land that was Native American burial grounds and turned it into farm land. They also claim that the original Lumberton, who settled here, had taken a bride from a Native tribe. That she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Over the years, the Lumberton family tried to be more generous with their fortune and gave some of the land back. Some say, though, that it was too late. Over the years, plenty of folks believed in the curse, but over time, people began to forget. Bad things just kept happening to the family, generation after generation. The family, of course, kept most of their fortune but tried to become generous and friendly with it. Which some say is part of the curse. The fact that they’ll always remain wealthy and beautiful, but have misery follow them.”

  “Wow. I didn’t even know this. Is this true?”

  “This is the stuff you won’t find in no history books. Most of a town’s history isn’t recorded correctly, anyways.”

  “You said the Lumbertons are still the wealthiest family. I don’t
even know anyone with that last name.”

  My daddy turns to me and gives me a small smile. “That’s because she’s not carrying that last name, no more. Now, she’s a Randall.”


  “Yes. I knew her when she was Melissa Lumberton. She believed in the curse with all her heart. She couldn’t wait to get married, thinking it would end the curse.”

  I bet she does believe in the curse now, more than ever. How could she not?

  My father gets a smile on his face that I’ve never seen before. He looks wistful. “She stole my heart. Melissa went to the private school, of course. I went to public. We met at a milkshake diner that used to be here. I was standing at the juke box, and she came up to me. I couldn’t believe that a girl of her class and beauty was talking to me. I knew who she was, of course. Everyone did.

  She just walked right up to me and said hello. She helped me pick out some songs, and I bought her a milkshake with the last bit of money I had left in my pocket. I still don’t regret it. She agreed to meet me there that weekend. So, I went out and picked cotton all the next day, so I could buy her a milkshake and burger. I was head over heels. I didn’t give a damn what her last name was. She was the sweetest, most beautiful girl I’d ever laid eyes on.”

  I feel my chest tighten. “What about Mom?”

  Daddy pats my knee. “I love your mother. But there’s something special about that first love. Maybe it wasn’t love. Maybe I was just captured by Melissa’s beauty. I could’ve fallen under the spell of the Lumberton Curse. Who knows? But your mom gave me something, no other woman can compete with.” He puts his arm around me and pulls me close to his side. “She gave me you, and that’s the greatest love I’ve ever known.”

  I feel my eyes burn as I lay my head on his shoulder. “What happened between you and Melissa.”

  I feel his chest rise as he sucks in a breath, and then he slowly releases it. “Richard Randall happened,” Dad deadpans. Then he sighs and continues, “I’d been dating Melissa for a couple of months when we ran into Richard at the same milkshake and burger joint. Richard was a big athlete at my school. He wasn’t exactly a jerk, but he was definitely a jock. I was on track, but I wasn’t anywhere near his size. I would’ve been more like Landon. Richard and I used to be best friends when we were kids, but drifted to different crowds by high school. Ha. That day he decided we were best friends again. He came over to our booth and shot Melissa a smile. He asked me if I remembered some bullshit assignment and then introduced himself to her. He left us, but hung around the diner with some of his friends. Later, when Melissa went up to the juke box, I sat there and watched him go to her. I watched him make her laugh and blush. She didn’t go out with me again. She was busy. I wasn’t too surprised when, at my senior prom, Richard showed up with Melissa. Of course, she smiled at me and said hello. I still remember what a knockout she was when she walked in, but I came out ahead. Because I have a woman who loves me, despite all my faults and a beautiful daughter who I’m proud of.”

  I turn and hug my dad. He gently pries me loose and meets my eyes. “I’ve acted horrible. I’m not proud of myself. Even though I’m over Melissa, I’ve resented Richard ever since. Worse, I let my anger and hate toward the Randalls come between us. I’m sorry, Baby doll. I don’t begrudge rich folks, but I don’t want to go into the story about them, because I don’t want to hurt your mother. I saw the way you looked at Trent. It’s how I used to look at Melissa. I never had any issues with Landon, because I knew you didn’t love him that way. But Trent. It was me and Melissa, all over again. I was just so damn terrified he was going to break you. I pray you find happiness. Maybe there’s enough other bloodlines that the Lumberton bloodline is, finally, diluted enough that you and him can find peace. It sure as hell hasn’t been looking good for Melissa.”

  I settle against my father’s side. Are the Randalls cursed? I’ve never believed in folklore, but the family has seen more misery than anyone I’ve known. Stranger than any curse, though, is the idea that my dad and Melissa dated. That’s beyond weird. Now their kids are dating. Small towns really are messed up.

  When we return to campus, after Thanksgiving break, we only have two weeks left of the semester. I registered for all online classes for spring semester. I’m not sure where we will be, but I know, for sure, I can do this. Everyone thinks school and a newborn will be too much, especially since I’m so young. You know what I say? Because I am so young, I have the energy for it. That may change, after nights of no sleep, but I sure as hell am going to try. I am going to prove to everyone and to myself, I can do this. I’m more than a pretty face dammit.

  Alice enters the dorm room with her soccer bag.

  “If the season is over, why do you still have practice?”

  She tosses her bag and says, “we have to stay in shape. Anyway, I managed to get a few of the same classes with you for next semester. I know nothing about babies, so I know I won’t be much help. I’ll try. But I feel like I can help you more with classes.” She pauses, and I watch as a huge grin slowly spreads across her face. She puts her hands to her face and squeals. “Rachel! I’m an aunt. You’re carrying my nephew.” I give her a duh look. Tears begin to form in her eyes. “It’s just now registering. I’m sorry. I’ve been excited that you’re going to have a baby. I’ve been so caught up in how this might change your life and wanting to help. I guess I’ve also been so focused on your relationship with Trent that…I-I didn’t connect the dots completely. Sometimes, it’s still hard to believe Trent and I are siblings, full-blood related siblings. Your child and I share DNA! I’m going to be an aunt…” she whispers the last part.

  I smile and squeeze her hand. “You’ve been focused on everyone but yourself, that’s why it never occurred to you. Which is why you’re going to be an incredible aunt.”

  “I’m getting new family every year, huh?”

  I roll my eyes at her lame joke. “It would seem so.” Life is full of surprises for all of us, I guess.

  I’m eight months pregnant. I now have to leave extra early to give myself time to make it to my two jobs and classes. I now only work the register in the cafeteria. They didn’t want me in the dish room for fear I’d slip on the wet floors. I agreed, and because I’m so tired, getting to sit and scan cards is perfect. I spend the next few days focusing on my finals. Bexley, Alice and I, sometimes, study together. I still visit the support group and, occasionally, will hang out with Maggie afterwards. She even brings Parker with her. I think he has become more than just a supportive friend. She finally talked to her parents, and they’re slowly working on their relationships. Trent is not a fan of our newfound friendship and is still angry with her. While I don’t want those two to have any one-on-one time, I also would like for him to forgive her. Trent holds so much guilt over the past. He apologized for stringing her along when he knew he was in love with someone else. He’s still upset over the elevator incident. She snapped and behaved poorly, and it’s time we all forgive each other. That’s how we can start healing. This has become the hardest part of growing up. I’ve learned too early from my own experiences and from others, that the pain that comes with anger and resentment only hurts ourselves.

  I’ve invited Trent to the support group, but he says he doesn’t have time. I think he’s just not ready yet. Trent and I don’t spend nearly as much time together because, with him being a senior, his finals are even more stressful. After he graduates with his Bachelors, he’ll have to complete another three years for his doctorate, and I’ll have three more years as well, so we should both finish school at the same time.

  I’m in my room and studying, when there’s a knock at my door. I slide out of the bed and waddle over. I peek through the peephole to see the man who’s been on my mind. I slowly rub my very large belly and whisper, “it’s Daddy.” I feel my sweet dragonfly move, and I smile. As soon as the door opens, Trent takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately. He pushes his way in, while still holding onto me,
and kicks the door shut behind him. When he releases me, I gasp for air.

  “We can’t keep doing this. I’m going crazy trying to find time to see you and finish my studies. What are we going to do when Dre arrives?”

  My heart plummets because I’m already assuming the worst. We won’t have time for each other. Then I register what he just called our son. “Dre?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been calling him that. It’s short for Dragon. I didn’t want to call him Drag.” He runs his hand through his hair and fidgets. “Rachel. I think we should…” He licks his lips and then searches my eyes. “I know this might be a rush for you. And we said we’d date and take things slow, but I want you to move in with me, so we can be together more. I mean, what do you think?” A shy smile creases his face. “Then maybe, someday, we can find our own place to finally call home.” He wants to move in together.

  I half-laugh and half-cry out yes. I wrap my arms around him, but he pushes me back. “Was that a yes? I can’t understand what you’re saying. The laughing and tears are confusing me.”

  I wipe my eyes and try to gain control of my voice. “Yes!”

  He smiles and nods. “Yes? Really?”


  He wraps his strong arms around me and kisses my forehead. Then he runs his fingers through my hair, as he holds me. After a few moments, he asks, “How soon do you want to move in? I’ve been going crazy since we’ve come back.”

  I look up into his beautiful blue eyes. “How soon can I?”

  He quickly releases me and grabs a suitcase from my closet. He begins rushing around my room, packing my things. I watch stunned and amused. After a few minutes, I join in and begin gathering my belongings. Once I’m packed, except for the big items, we exit my room, both wearing big goofy grins.

  Climbing into Trent’s SUV, I call Alice to tell her I’m moving in with Trent. We promise to have lunch together, tomorrow, to go over everything in more detail. She wants a play by play.

  We pull into his driveway, and he turns the key shutting off the ignition. I unbuckle my seatbelt, but Trent stops me. He hops out of the vehicle and runs around to my side. He opens my door and helps me out. When we get to the front door, he stops me. Heaving dramatically, he lifts me into his arms, and I slap the back of his head. He kisses my lips and steps over the threshold. Gently, he places my feet on the floor, then pretends to have thrown his back out.


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