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Don't Game Me (Game Lords Book 2)

Page 17

by Zoe Forward

  He was losing his mind. Why in the world would a backpack make her suspicious?

  It wasn’t Becca. She wouldn’t have disappeared in Phoenix to come back to San Diego and dress up for Comic-Con.

  He followed the Leia.

  Within yards of catching up to her, a man stepped into his path. Jake halted to avoid a collision and bit back a groan as he concentrated on the intruder. What now? He pasted on a smile and shook hands with a guy he vaguely recognized from undergrad, bumbling through conversation while keeping one eye on Leia.

  Time to cut the chitchat. “Listen, I’d love to chat more, but I’ve got to go give a presentation. Give me your card. We can catch up later or something.”

  The guy’s hands fidgeted while he produced a card.

  Jake snatched the card and jogged off in the direction the Leia had gone. His watch said it was presentation time, or at least time to be in the Green Room preparing. His gut said follow the cosplay Leia. Just to be sure it wasn’t Becca.

  This was stupid. He had to let Leia go. Where was Ballroom Four?

  No maps or signs anywhere obvious around him. None of his team nearby. Where the hell were they? They never left him alone in this type of crowd. He fingered his cell phone, tempted to text Emma.

  Damn it. He could find a ballroom without help.

  Logic said they had to advertise the big presentations. He just needed to find a poster. Costumed enthusiasts packed every corner of the convention center. A trio of Spidermans almost steamrolled him.

  He headed north, but every few steps someone recognized him. He shouldn’t be out here running the risk of getting mobbed. He asked three people who requested his autograph if they knew the location of the ballroom, but none could help.

  Maybe this was the wrong direction. He pivoted and dodged a hulking blue-faced man and a green-skinned woman but crashed into a petite person in costume.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, struggling to keep his balance and hers.


  His heart rate accelerated, and waves of heat crept up his neck as he glanced down at his accidental victim. Becca in the Leia costume stunned him speechless.

  It was Becca. Here.

  Rage built in his brain.

  “What’re you doing here?” they asked simultaneously.

  “You first.” He hadn’t let go of her arm after he helped her regain balance and had no plans to do so. She wasn’t slipping away, not after the past three days.

  “Let’s pretend we didn’t see each other. Forget about it.” She pulled at his grip. “I’ve got to go.”

  “No. Don’t you realize the hell you’ve put us through over the past few days? Your brother is losing his mind. You disappeared after stealing financials. We find out Symphis might be involved. That you slept with me because some eGaming shithead told you to. No way in hell are you going off to do whatever insanity you have planned. You’re coming with me. We’re going to talk about this. But I’ve got a presentation”—he glanced at his watch—“in fifteen minutes.”

  “Jake, I didn’t…” She glanced around. “It’s not safe for me here or for them to potentially see you with me.”

  “You’re in costume. I could barely tell who you were.”

  “But you did, which isn’t good.” She cocked her head. “What kind of presentation are you giving?”

  “Puff bit on the VR goggles today. And first time reveal of specifics on Tori’s fantasy game we’ll be releasing at the end of the month.”

  “That’s so exciting.” He could feel her smiling through the mask, even though he couldn’t see it. Her enthusiasm distracted him. He almost let her go.

  She asked, “Why are you out here in the exhibit hall and not getting ready?”

  “On my way there.” Wherever the hell Ballroom Four was located.

  “Where are your people?” She glanced around. “You’re alone?”

  He couldn’t tell if being alone was a good or bad thing to her.

  “Emma has to be three steps behind you.” She pulled at his hand again. “I can’t deal with Emma right now. You have to let me leave. I’m doing something to get out and keep all of you safe.”

  “You’ll have to take a little detour on your road trip and come to my talk. If you try to escape, I’ll make a big fuss.” He gazed down at her through the mask. “I’m betting you don’t want a fuss.”

  When she didn’t move on her own, he waved his arm to get her in motion, allowing her to slightly take the lead.

  After a few yards, he noticed she limped. He grabbed her elbow, halting her. “What’s wrong? Why’re you limping? Did someone hurt you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not. You can barely walk.” He glanced down the white dress to the heeled boots. Sexy boots, but impractical at this type of convention. “Did I hurt you when I bumped into you?”

  “No. It’s the shoes. I’m not good in heels, even if they are boots. They’re part of this ridiculous costume. I’ve probably got a mega blister.”

  “Take them off. Go without.”

  “What? No.”

  “You’re hurting,” he said, pointing at her shoes.

  She shrugged.

  He unhooked her backpack from her and slung it over his shoulder. He scooped her off her feet and stalked toward the info desk he spied a few yards away.

  “What’re you doing? Put me down. This is so not staying under the radar. Captain America over there has his cell phone on us.” She hid her face in her hands. “Aquaman just got a picture too.”

  He glanced down. The memory of her naked and of each sensation she’d unleashed from him during their last night together flashed through his brain. But it hadn’t been real. It’d been good…better than good. Mind-blowing. He’d felt things… Not going there. He shoved the unwanted emotions down deep. This woman used him and didn’t trust him. He was keeping her with him until he could get her to the FBI, for Noah’s sake.

  At the info desk, he waited several minutes through someone demanding admission reimbursement but didn’t understand the info desk kid couldn’t help her. He ignored Becca’s fervent whispers he put her down. Finally, when the irate woman ahead of him marched off, he requested of the attendant, “We need a Band-Aid or two.”

  The teenager behind the desk gawked. “Aren’t you the guy from NJ Legacy?”

  He held back an agitated snort. “Yes, and I have a presentation beginning in a few minutes. We need a Band-Aid.” If the kid asked for an autograph, he’d unleash his irritation.

  “I’m fine,” Becca protested. “Put me down. I can find my own foot first-aid. You need to get going, or you’ll be late. It’s time we go our separate ways.”

  “We either do this now, or I’ll carry you into the talk and make you sit on the stage until I’m done.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.”

  An unladylike snort escaped her. She crossed her arms. “Fine. Get me a goddamned Band-Aid.”

  Her dramatic stubbornness pushed his need to fight.

  The teenager said, “The medical station is on the other side of the building, but I think I saw something in this desk.” He searched through drawers, finally emerging with one generic bandage. Perfect.

  “Thanks.” Jake glanced around. No free chairs to be found nearby. He set her on the smooth desk and took off her boot.

  “I can’t be on the desk.” She squirmed to get down.

  He threw an arm across her lap. “Stay still. Stop being difficult.”

  “It’s not like I broke a bone or have a bleeding laceration. No need to call 911. It’s just a run-of-the-mill blister.”

  He knelt, removed her boot and sock. “We’re going to need a bigger Band-Aid.” Her blister trekked along the side of her foot and down her little toe.

  She pulled her foot out of his grasp. “Give me the bandage. I’ll put it on.”

  “No. Give me your foot. I’ll do it.” He held out his hand.

  “What kind of
burr jumped up your ass? It’s just a blister.”

  The teenager behind the counter giggled.

  She blushed, apparently forgetting they were in public.

  “Becca,” he gritted out in warning. She slapped the bandage into his hand. He would not notice the softness of her skin or the delicate arch of her foot. He wouldn’t dare think about kissing up to… Focus on the blister. He peeled and placed the bandage. “We need another.” He glanced at the teenager who shrugged a “no.”

  “I’m not going to go gangrenous and lose a toe. I need to get going. You need to forget you saw me here.” She hopped off the desk.

  He caught her arm a few feet from the desk. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  She fisted his shirt and pulled him close to facilitate direct eye contact. At a whisper, she said, “This is my chance to get out once and for all. There’s someone here who can help me. Yes, this is about the Stadium and Symphis. They killed my wedding date and forced me to steal the financials. You have to let me disappear. I’m doing this for you, for my parents, and my brothers.”

  He didn’t seem surprised. He already knew.

  Tori must’ve told them. Becca wasn’t surprised.

  “No.” Jake’s nostrils flared, and the squinty eye he gave her warned if she lit the match to detonate the argument he itched to have, then World War III would ensue. There’d be videos taken. Her cover would be blown because the mask would come off, no doubt.

  He commanded, “I’m doing this presentation. You’re going to stay until the FBI gets here.”

  God, he was handsome in those jeans and button-down shirt with his reading glasses pushed up into his hair, probably forgotten. How she wanted to fall into his strength and the security he offered deep beneath the bluster. But it wasn’t real safety. Nothing was at this point. Reality was, people were dying. “Even Tori hasn’t really escaped. Going public isn’t the answer. I’m sorry. This is for the best.”

  “What’re you going to do? Disappear? For how long? The rest of your life?”

  “If needed.”

  “You’re going to leave behind your parents…your dad when he might not be himself for much longer? I don’t buy it. What the hell happened between us? Did you decide the best way to distract me from the fact you hacked my company’s system was in bed?”

  Her heart skipped a few beats in response to the hurt in his tone. She searched his eyes, seeing pleading there and something else. Her heart wanted the something else to be an affirmative on missing her as much as she’d missed him. The past few days had been hell. Aside from fear and living on the edge, she cycled between hating him and fantasizing about him.

  “I had to do what needed to be done.” She choked out the words necessary to push him away. “Now’s the time for you to do what you do best when it comes to relationships. Walk away.”

  He tightened his grip on her elbow. “It’s not that simple.”

  “Yes, it is. It happened. It was a one-night stand. Okay, technically it was two nights. But still sex, no strings. That was our agreement. You’ll forget about me within the next week. Go do your presentation. I’ll do my own thing.”

  “I won’t forget in a week.” He pulled her close and said low so all the onlookers couldn’t hear, “You’re going to tell me the truth about what the hell happened between us. Real or fake?”

  She couldn’t move, too terrified the slightest motion would cause her to fracture into a million tiny pieces. I love you, Jake. It’s because of that I need you to leave me. Fear tightened her chest, making it impossible to draw a full breath. “Jake, I—”

  Crap. That was Emma marching this way.

  “I’m out of here.” Becca yanked her wrist out of his grasp. “Thanks for this whole weird bandage thing. Good-bye.”

  “Becca, stop.” He caught her arm again. She swayed. Her foot screamed in pain. To top off her humiliation sundae, she almost fell over. He caught her arm and helped her catch her balance.

  She yanked her arm out of his grasp. “We’re done. You have a presentation to get to. Aren’t you a headliner at this convention?”

  “Yes, it’s a big talk. Becca—”

  Emma appeared in front of them. “Thank God. We thought you’d had an accident or something when you didn’t show up. I assumed you were right behind me.” Her gaze met Becca’s, quizzical. “You’re hitting on Leia out here instead of being inside getting ready?”

  “It’s Becca,” Jake said, low.

  Emma’s eyes widened. “You’re here? After everything…you’re here? Okay, regardless…” She waved a dismissive hand. “You’re late, Jake.”

  Becca blew out a disgruntled sigh. “Jake had this bizarre need to play doctor on my blister before his talk, as if my foot was going to fall off or something.”

  “Really?” Emma asked as her gaze darted to Jake. “The crowd around us doesn’t need to see Jake have a lover’s spat with a cosplay Leia five minutes before he gives one of the biggest talks of the convention. We can only hope the two of you won’t end up on YouTube. I saw a few people with cell phones out. We have to get going right now.”

  A colorful crowd of raptly attentive superhero and alien spectators surrounded them.

  Oh my. Was that a Stormtrooper giving her the thumbs-up?

  “Bye, guys.” She twisted to move away to Booth 416.

  Jake caught her hand in his. He leaned in and whispered, “Big fuss if you don’t stay with me.”

  “You already did a big fuss. Now piss off and let me go.”

  “I will toss you over my shoulder if you don’t walk. Now,” he ordered.

  Becca struggled to keep up with his bruising pace to the ballroom. Her foot screamed. Jake cast her a concerned glance several times. She sucked it up and glared whenever he glanced her way, fearful he’d make good on his threat if she uttered even a single pain complaint. All she wanted to do was find a chair and take the boots off.

  Emma led to the side entrance down near the front of the overflowing ballrooms, behind the stage and out the door on the opposite side. She gripped both Becca’s and Jake’s arms tightly and steered them to the Green Room where several people milled around outside. Jake smiled and waved at the people she assumed were his employees.

  Emma slammed the door. “Jake! I need your head here, on the talk. Right now. I don’t care that Becca reappeared despite the FBI’s best efforts to find her. I don’t care whatever the hell happened between the two of you last weekend.” She leaned over to Becca and said in a side tone, “I’m thrilled you’re okay. Bad timing, but glad you’re safe, honey.”

  Jake’s gaze darted to Becca. This wasn’t the self-assured, super cool, NJ Legacy CEO. This was her fault.

  A man poked his head in the door. “Emma, there’s an issue with the floor lights. Moderator arguing they should be up, Ted arguing they should be down.”

  “On my way.” She pointed at each of them. “Behave. Be quiet. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t leave this room. Either of you.”

  Becca stared at the shut door, realizing she was alone in a room with Jake. “I shouldn’t be in here.”

  “If you’re not here then I’m going wherever you’re going.” He leaned toward her and jerked off her mask.

  His eyes narrowed, and there was a subtle shift in him that she sensed rather than saw.

  She gave her arm a tug to free it from his grip, but it was halfhearted. She wasn’t all that interested in freedom at the moment.

  He slowly raised his hand. A caress moved down her neck until his fingertips rested on her collarbone.

  “Answer one question. Did you sleep with me because someone told you to, or because you wanted to?”

  Becca swallowed through a tight throat as she felt his fingertips on her chin. He tilted her face up with the slightest of pressure.

  The safe answer, the one that got her freedom from everything deep and heavy that drowned her in the essence of this man, was to answer because someone told her to do it.

t he would sense her lie.

  Kiss me. Oh, no…don’t. What insanity hijacked her brain around Jake? A thousand emotions battled for prominence in her brain. Sure, she was pissed Jake kidnapped her, but not as much as she should be when she was within sniffing distance of the only contact that might get her free of Symphis’s tentacles. Stronger than anger was a burning need that wouldn’t go away. No matter how much she pushed it down, it came back brighter and hotter every time she so much as thought about him.

  It was burning so hot right now, she bet if she looked in a mirror her face would be flushed, her feelings out there on display for everyone to see. She still wanted him, even more after his mention of them not being over.

  He leaned toward her. “When they ordered you hack into our system with some sort of invasive technology, you didn’t plan on tacking on a little horizontal action, did you?”

  She jabbed a finger into him. “Didn’t hear you complaining.”

  His lips came down hard on hers, and she met them with equal force. She grabbed onto his shoulders, pulling herself against him while his arms came around her.

  Groaning, he broke off from her mouth, burying his face in her neck as if he were battling himself for control.

  Through a haze, she recognized the sound of the door opening. Her mind was fuzzy as she tried to remember where she was.

  “Shit.” Emma grabbed Jake and pulled him away from her. “Two minutes and I come back to this? There are at least a thousand people out there in front of the stage. You two are a serious mess. Thank God Noah isn’t here to make this a catastrophe. Guarantee when he finds out that you two got together at his wedding while his sister was under duress he’s going to blow up.” She attached a cordless clip-microphone to Jake’s shirt. “Pull it together. Both of you.” Then she turned to Becca, “You’ll sit with me, so people think you’re part of his team, even if you are the only one in costume. Do not remove the mask or wig. It’ll be a miracle if what happened out there on the main floor stays out of the press tomorrow.” She turned back to Jake. “She’s not leaving. I’ll make sure of it. You need to do your stage magic. You’re on.”


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