Chalk Butterfly: Part One (First Time Erotic Romance)

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Chalk Butterfly: Part One (First Time Erotic Romance) Page 6

by Audra Red

  It’d been a difficult day, and he wanted to hide from the pain and the disappointment.

  He curled to his side, ignoring the throbbing ache in his hand, and let out a low groan, pulling a pillow to his belly, hugging it tightly.

  “Night,” he whispered, blinking away a lone tear, and fell fast asleep.


  Daniel shuffled into his apartment, kicking off his shoes and slipping off his jacket the moment he crossed the threshold. It felt good to be home after such a long day, though his home rarely gave him much comfort.

  He left the lights out, slipping across the foyer to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and removing a large bottle of water. Drinking deeply, he let his mind wander.

  The layout of his apartment was ingrained in his memory, having lived there nearly five years that autumn, and he was fond of padding around in the pitch dark. It made him feel further out of the city.

  Also, his wealth of possessions, beautiful imported furniture and fixtures, made him somewhat uneasy.

  Daniel had grown up with little, part of a traveling family that could never put stock or care into what they owned. They often traveled with just the clothes on their backs, rooting and uprooting themselves as often as the seasons changed.

  Daniel had lived all over the United States and in many cities around Europe. His favorite spot had been Idaho, oddly enough; all those dark quiet nights in the middle of nowhere had really grown on him.

  He snorted, leaning against the counter in the kitchen; how far he had gone since then! Now he had every luxury in the world, but they did nothing for him that he had imagined they would as a child. He was still alone-- still empty. Work had become what he had always feared, just a means to an end.

  And that end was looming closer and closer each and every day.

  So, he kept the lights off, possibly to forget his fortunes, the way his life had turned out. But mostly, the dark hid his walls, lined in unsigned paintings.

  Walking into the living room, keen on having a smoke out on the balcony, a high-pitched beeping met his ears. His cellphone had a new voicemail.

  Chapter Four

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  Elijah was dreaming. It was a very good dream that involved Elizabeth, an empty library table and a can of whipped cream.

  Things were going much to plan until the whipped cream started ringing.

  “Wha?” Elijah mumbled, sitting up sleepily, shaking his half-asleep hands out. “I can’t even get to first base in my dreams, pathetic.” He stumbled aimlessly in the dark toward the infernal ringing, tripping over his shoes, an end table and one very annoyed cat. “Who the hell is calling this late? Sorry, Cat! Sorry! Ouch!”

  The cat tangled in his legs and he nearly fell over. Instead, he bumped into the wall beside the door, his hand grappling for the phone.

  “Guh,” he answered, punching a few keys clumsily.

  “Alexander?” a low voice asked. For a few moments of pure confusion, Elijah wondered why someone was calling for Alexander at his house.

  “Oh, no, not,” Elijah said. “Not Alexander,” he got out, his voice cracking as he searched for the light switch.

  “Well, can I speak with him?” the man asked, sounding quite amused. Elijah could detect a hint of something (was that jealousy?), under the man’s breath, and he knew that he must be speaking with the infamous Daniel.

  “Sure,” Elijah said, clearing his throat. “May I ask who’s calling?”

  “May I ask who I’m speaking with?”

  “Hey, I’m the one who did the asking first,” Elijah replied. He yawned into the phone and made his way without disaster through the living room.

  “Then you can tell him it’s me,” Daniel said cheekily, and Elijah snorted.

  “Okay, I’ll tell him it’s me, but I’m not too sure he’ll take the call,” Elijah retorted. “One moment.” Elijah cupped the receiver in his hand, and opened the door to Alexander’s bedroom. “Pssst, Alex? You sleeping?”

  He could hear Alexander’s slow, even breaths.

  “Definitely sleeping,” Elijah mumbled, stepping into the room. He didn’t even have to think over whether or not to wake Alexander. Though he hadn’t a clue to what Alexander had decided earlier, broken down in the kitchen. “Hey, Alex, rise and shine,” he said, bending low and shaking Alexander’s shoulder. He flicked on the bedside lamp and Alexander groaned, rolling over slightly.

  “Goway,” Alexander slurred in his sleep, brows creasing in annoyance.

  “Alexaaaaaaaaaaander,” Elijah said in a sing song voice. He walked his fingers up Alexander’s nose. Alexander shook his head, eyes opening slightly.

  “Eh?” he asked, and Elijah grinned.

  “Phone,” Elijah said. He thrust the receiver toward Alexander.


  “Daniel,” Elijah mouthed. Alexander’s eyes went wide and he sat up, pulling his sore hands from beneath the blankets. Elijah rarely saw Alexander’s hands unbandaged in such a state, and was shocked at the blisters on his friends palm.

  “I’m fine,” Alexander said, following Elijah’s gaze. “Is he really…?”

  “Yeah,” Elijah replied, holding the phone out. Even in the dark Elijah could tell Alexander’s lips were down turned. “Do you want me to tell him you’re sleeping, or—”

  “No, it’s fine,” Alexander said.

  “Are you sure?” Elijah handed over the phone warily, watching Alexander’s teeth worry at his lip when his fingers curled around the receiver.

  “Yes, yes,” Alexander whispered.

  “So,” Elijah said, “I’ll see you in the morning?”

  Alexander nodded and Elijah walked from the room, looking back at Alexander as he exited.

  Once alone, Alexander stared down at the phone dumbly. Taking a deep breath and shaking the sleep from his mind, he pressed the phone to his ear.


  “Alexander, I presume,” came Daniel’s warm voice. At least that’s how it sounded to Alexander; warm and comforting. He shook his head, trying to collect his thoughts.

  He had something important to say, and he knew it would be best to just get it out as soon as possible.

  “I’ve changed my mind. I am not what you think, and I’m not in the right place right now to start a… friendship with you. I’m sorry to be blunt, but I don’t want to lead you on,” is what he should have said, but his tongue wouldn’t obey. “Yeah,” he replied instead. “And you’re… you. I mean, Daniel. You’re Daniel.” Alexander groaned and Daniel made a noise of agreement.

  “That I am,” he said, and Alexander could tell he was holding back a chuckle. “I received your message. Very intricate, didn’t have time to listen to it all, but you’re very thorough.” Alexander bit his lip, his stress increasing as Daniel continued, his voice playfully soft. “I especially enjoyed the bit on international politics and the treacherous state of the economy. You must surely draw up note cards beforehand.”

  Alexander swallowed audibly, and Daniel chuckled.

  “No, no,” Alexander sputtered, “it’s all extemporaneous.” Daniel laughed again, the sound rich and true. Alexander couldn’t help but smile at this, relaxing back into his pillows.

  “I’m glad you called,” Daniel said, his voice lowering a touch.

  “Oh, well, it’s no problem.” Alexander’s face flushed. He would get nowhere this way, charmed by the almost stranger.

  “I’m sorry I didn't answer when you called. I usually keep my phone on vibrate when I'm at work,” Daniel said. Alexander could hear a door opening over the line.

  “Where do you work?” Alexander asked. He mentally berated himself for prolonging the conversation when he should have been ending it. He sighed and cradled the phone between ear and shoulder, lessening the pressure on his hand.

  “I think that answer will have to wait until conversation number two, which will occur tomorrow night at precisely this hour,” Daniel said. “If you’re free, that is.”

/>   Alexander didn’t reply.

  “I called tonight to ask if you’d have dinner with me Friday.”

  “Dinner?” The man was extremely presumptuous, overconfident even, but still, Alexander couldn’t find it in him to solidly decline Daniel’s boldness. “This Friday? As in… um… Friday?”

  Daniel laughed aloud once more, and Alexander’s blush deepened. “Yes, the Friday this week that takes place after Thursday and before Saturday,” he said. “I thought I’d take you out to Park Place, you know, somewhere interesting. That is, if you accept.”

  Alexander gulped, shaking his head no, thinking it over and over in his head like a mantra. He opened his mouth, confident in his ability to speak one word. “Oh… yes,” Alexander said, wincing as the words escaped.

  “I’m glad,” Daniel said brightly. “So, now that that’s out of the way, I do believe I woke you.”

  “No,” Alexander muttered, finally able to form the correct words, but they made no impact on Daniel. The man chattered on.

  “Expect me to call tomorrow,” he said. “I’ll tell you all about my work and you can tell me exactly who the cheeky young man is that answered your phone.”

  “Oh, that’s just Elijah,” Alexander murmured, and Daniel cleared his throat.

  “Tomorrow. You sound exhausted. I feel terrible for waking you, even if you say I didn’t.”

  “It’s not a problem,” Alexander said. He realized the words were truthful and he was suddenly struck with the reality that he was indeed grateful for the call. “Really. I’m… yeah.”

  “You are,” Daniel agreed. “Sweet dreams, Alexander.”

  Alexander was caught between smiling and frowning, somewhat disappointed when the wide grin won out. “Dream, too, you know. Um, pleasant tomorrows? Bollocks. Um.”

  “You’re a darling to say so,” Daniel said. “Pleasant tomorrows to you, too,” he countered.

  And the dial tone met Alexander’s ear.

  “God,” Alexander moaned, flopping back in bed, his smile evaporating immediately. “God, I’m a pushover.”

  He set the phone beside the bed, pressing his hand down with intentional strength. The pain spiked, and he winced.

  He wouldn’t forget.

  “I’ll just have to explain when he calls tomorrow,” he said, turning over again. But this time, sleep did not find him.


  Daniel hung up the phone, leaning against the wall momentarily.

  He could see Alexander perfectly in his mind, coy and soft. Really he oughtn’t get involved with one so pretty. Those brown eyes coaxed him to let his guard down, but much like his exquisite furniture, that didn’t mean they would give him any real pleasure. Only time would tell if the eyes matched the soul.

  Daniel shook his head, frowning bitterly. Something was different about Alexander, something he couldn’t quite name, something exciting and unsettling. This wasn’t the same as Daniel’s other numerous affairs, definitely not.

  He wanted to get to know the man, but also…

  Also, he just wanted him.

  It was undeniable, the man was gorgeous. He was the kind of classic beauty that resonated deeply somewhere inside of Daniel, that made his eyes linger and his fingers itch. Daniel had always thought of himself a controlled man, and not by any means tempted to exert dominance or control, but how he wanted to hold Alexander down. It frightened him.

  Daniel tried to shake the thoughts away, but he knew it was a futile attempt. Alexander’s eyes, lips, and flushed cheeks would stay with him for a good long while. Even if he did manage to push the young man’s visage from his mind, that darling face would only become more vivid when Daniel saw it again on Friday.

  Daniel sighed and settled back onto his bed, the blinds in the room drawn tight, not a streetlight daring to penetrate the complete blackness.

  He tried to clear his mind of all thoughts of the beautiful young man, but it was impossible. Alexander's shyness, his golden eyes, they only served to make him more desirable.

  How could such a beauty be so shy? Surely he'd had lovers before. It would be a shame for someone so gorgeous to go without the sensual touch of love.

  Daniel was certain the young man was gay, too. There was just something about how they interacted together that let Daniel know that Alexander wasn't interested in women. No straight man could look at Daniel the way Alexander did.

  Daniel couldn't help but slide a hand down his muscled stomach, hands toying closer and closer to the growing erection in his boxers. He wanted to feel ashamed for thinking of Alexander in that way, but it was impossible. The man might have exuded innocence, but he also gave off intensely sensual vibes.

  Daniel wanted to see if the beauty of Alexander's face matched the rest of his lithe form. He could almost imagine peeling the many layers of clothing off Alexander, tenderly and slow at first, removing each glove and his heavy jacket, and then tearing off the rest in barely restrained hunger.

  Daniel palmed his hardening cock through his boxers, groaning as he thought about stripping Alexander bare-- his pale skin would be smooth and luscious like fresh cream. He'd drink Alexander up, show him things no man had ever shown him before. He would kiss every inch of Alexander's body and make the man his.

  He pretended Alexander was as innocent as he appeared. This only made him harder and he had to release his cock from the confines of his boxers. He moaned as his cock was set free, and immediately began to stroke himself from his thick base to sensitive, wet tip.

  When had he last lusted after someone like this? And it was more than lust for his body, it was lust for everything that made him Alexander. Daniel only wanted to find out more, every new bit of information made him want Alexander more.

  He picked up the pace on his erection, moaning in pure pleasure as he pictured Alexander beneath him, naked and panting. In his fantasy, Daniel wasn't even doing anything that lascivious, just holding himself over Alexander's delicate form, stroking his skin and soaking up the young man's arousal.

  He yearned for the young man, squeezing his cock hard as he imagined the young man writhing beneath him, neither of them touching. They would be so close, but without an inch of skin meeting. He stroked himself faster and faster to the thought of Alexander moaning at he gentle caress of Daniel's breath on his throat.

  “Oh god,” he moaned, hips arching.

  He'd breathe hotly on Alexander's throat. He'd lower his mouth and let his lips brush the petal soft skin.

  And then he'd open his mouth and devour Alexander.

  Daniel cried out, holding his cock as it released his seed, the liquid pumping out hot and fast onto his toned chest.

  He could barely breathe through his orgasm.

  If just thinking about opening his mouth to Alexander's skin provoked such an electric reaction in Daniel, what would the real thing be like?

  He sunk deep into his blankets and groaned.


  “You don’t look so good.”

  “That’s because it’s six am, Eli,” Alexander groaned, flopping down on the couch. His back ached and he winced as the cushions brushed against his sensitive skin. He’d have to wear a loose shirt today. “You know, you could have folded some of these blankets.”


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