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Forget Me When the Sun Goes Down (Forged Bloodlines Book 11)

Page 7

by Lisa Olsen

  “Nope, we’re trapped in here by magic,” Bishop reminded him. “I don’t suppose you’re a wizard or anything?”

  “Witch. A male witch is still called a witch,” Carys interrupted.

  “I’m no witch.”

  “How do you know? You don’t even know your name,” Aubrey pointed out, and Joe sat down, disturbed by that point.

  “Can you remember anything at all?”

  “I remember…” His gaze grew distant as he searched his memory. “I remember holding you as you cried.”

  “Me?” I blinked in surprise, but it was Carys he turned to.

  “It was you, älskling. I held you as you wept over this one,” he jerked a thumb in Bishop’s direction.

  “You did?” she gasped, eyes blinking fast.

  Bishop bristled at that. “Hold on now, what makes you think she was crying because of me?”

  Joe merely shrugged. “I simply know it.”

  “I don’t suppose it’s interesting to anyone at all, but I have a similar memory,” Aubrey chimed in. “Only I held far more than her arms to soothe the sting of your indifference to her, Bishop,” he added with a smirk.

  Instead of challenging him, Bishop fell silent at that, deep in thought.

  “Perhaps we were estranged for a time,” Carys offered, winding her arm around Bishop’s, but it didn’t make the furrow on his brow disappear. “Surely it doesn’t change what we have now.”

  Bishop’s head came up, his gaze holding hers for long seconds before he spoke. “I don’t know what we have now.”

  “Don’t say that, cariad.” Her face crumpled, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes, and I felt sorry for her.

  “Look, we can go round and round about this, the point is, we only know bits and pieces of what happened and why. Just like we don’t know why we’re strong and heal super fast, and Joe can’t.”

  “Perhaps my strength will grow after I eat something?” Joe suggested. “I admit, I am famished.”

  “I’ll go see what I can find in the kitchen,” I offered, and Aubrey rose to his feet.

  “I’ll come with. I’m feeling a mite peckish myself,” he offered.

  There wasn’t much in the refrigerator, which was good, because the walls were warm, making me think it’d been out of power for quite some time. But there were canned goods in the pantry, and after a few tries with the gas stove, I had a pot of chili warming up for Joe in no time.

  Aubrey poked around in the kitchen, picking up and discarding several options before he leaned against the counter, watching me stir the chili. “You know, she’s not the only one I recall sharing a bit of comfort with.”

  “Oh?” I replied, a nervous butterfly winging its way through my belly. Had he remembered the kiss too? Or something more?

  “Yeah, I’ve had a flicker or two of you in my arms. It seemed a rather passionate clinch to me.”

  “Like I said, we don’t know the circumstances surrounding it,” I reminded him. “I had the feeling it was a while ago.”

  “Then you do remember,” he grinned, stalking closer. “I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. The taste of you…”

  “Maybe try some chili then?” I countered, shoving the wooden spoon in his face. “That should kill any lingering cravings.”

  “Oh come now, sweets. We both know those cravings can only be satisfied in one way,” he grinned, snatching the spoon out of my hand faster than my eye could track, tossing it in the sink. While I goggled over that feat, he pressed closer, trapping me against the counter. “Come on then, give us a taste.”

  “How did you…? Look, whatever might’ve happened between us before, I’m with Rob now,” I said, shoving at his chest, pleased to see I had the strength to hold him back.

  “Didn’t seem to bother you much before. He doesn’t have to know about it now, does he?”

  “I was with him at the time?” I gasped.

  “Getting him back for finding him in bed with another bird, is how I seem to recall it.”

  “Rob cheated on me?” I cried out.

  Just as Rob stepped in and demanded, “You slept with that tosser?”

  My eyes were wide as saucers, not sure which idea was worse. “I… don’t know for sure. I only remember a kiss but… Aubrey, what do you remember?” I turned to him, and he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Rob surged forward, but I caught him, surprised to find I not only had the strength to hold him back, but knew how to lock him into a hold he couldn’t break out of. “Get your hands off of me,” he growled.

  “No, not until you calm down. We don’t completely know what’s going on here.”

  “I know that kiss felt real enough,” Aubrey taunted. “Did you ever find your brassiere?”

  “Right, that’s enough out of you.” Rob did some kind of ninja twist that broke free of my hold over him. He lunged for Aubrey, who used his lightning fast moves to dodge out of the way, leaving Rob to crash painfully into the corner of the kitchen island. Recovering quickly, Rob stalked his prey, who darted behind me, using me like a human shield.

  The fire alarm went off with a shrill beep, and I clapped my hands over the sides of my head, my sensitive ears in acute pain. The chili I’d forgotten all about sat smoking on the stove, filling the room with the stench of burning meat. Ugh, it stunk to high heaven.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Bishop thundered, just as Rob caught up to Aubrey and planted his fist smack dab on his jaw.

  Rob ignored him, his arm pistoning out again and again, hitting Aubrey in the ribs and stomach.

  “Stop fighting!” I yelled, still huddled in a little ball against the screaming fire alarm.

  “You won’t put your bloody hands on her again or you’ll be pulling back a stump,” Rob threatened, catching hold of Aubrey’s throat.

  Bishop turned the stove off and knocked the shrieking alarm down from the ceiling, crushing it under his boot until it chirped and went silent. “That’s enough. Break it up,” he ordered, catching hold of Rob in a sleeper hold.

  “Oh no, brother, I intend to give as good as I’ve gotten,” Aubrey said with an ugly grin, punching Rob’s unprotected middle.

  “Hey, get out of here, you big bully,” I yelled, shoving Aubrey back as Bishop held Rob tight.

  “Me?” Aubrey’s widened with incredulity. “He’s the one who attacked me. All because I’d sampled your charms in the past. Who is the real bully here, I ask you?”

  “That’s enough. You deserve what you got for being an ass about it,” Bishop said, jerking his head toward the door. “Get out of here before you make it worse.”

  “You’re the one making it worse if you don’t let me go,” Rob glowered, straining against Bishop’s hold, but he had him solid.

  “Bugger this,” Aubrey muttered, leaving in a huff.

  “I’m not letting you go until you calm down,” Bishop said in a softer voice, his face full of unyielding resolve, as though he did this sort of thing all the time. Considering that he remembered being a cop, maybe he did?

  “This is between me and her.”

  “Nope, not until you get a hold of your temper it’s not,” Bishop insisted. “I’m not letting you go until you calm down,” he repeated.

  The tension went out of Rob’s body by degrees. I took the time to spoon Joe’s chili into a bowl, noting that there was a thick coating of it stuck to the bottom of the pot. That was going to be fun to clean. By the time I had it ready to go, Rob had lost the intensity to his gaze and looked mostly annoyed.

  The first thing Rob said when Bishop finally let him go was, “I want to talk to you alone.”

  Before I could reply, Bishop crossed his arms over his chest. “I think I’ll stay if you don’t mind.”

  “I do mind,” Rob spat back at him.

  “Do you want me to leave?” Bishop looked to me, and I wasn’t sure what to say.

  “Like I said, this is between me and her. I ain’t about to hurt Anja, I love her.�

  “Do you seriously think you’re showing her someone she wants to be with right now? Have you actually considered how this is making her feel?”

  I braced myself for Rob to blow his stack, but he didn’t look angry, just annoyed. “Sod off, Bishop, this ain’t got nothing to do with you. You’re always sticking your smeller in where it ain’t wanted. Stay out of it for once.”

  Bishop’s head canted to one side. “What do you mean always sticking my nose in?”

  Rob shook his head as if to clear it. “Nothing. I misspoke. Just… Anja… I ain’t pleased to hear you shared a kiss with Aubrey, but I ain’t about to take it out on you.”

  “That’s mighty thoughtful of you considering I only kissed him because I caught you cheating on me,” I tossed back at him, my guilt making me push back.

  “You did?” He stared down at me, stricken, and my heart twisted for him.

  “I don’t know, that’s what Aubrey said. But we all know he likes to say things to mess with people.”

  “Somebody ought to teach him a lesson on keeping his tongue in his head.”

  It was a little weird to do this with Bishop in the room, but I understood his reasons for being there. I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to say. “I’m sorry if I upset you, but I don’t have any answers for my behavior. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s my fault for flying off the handle like that,” Rob replied, picking up my hands in a gentle hold. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”

  “I wasn’t scared. I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  He seemed pleased to hear that. “Right then, I suggest we leave it alone until we learn more about the big picture, yeah? I promise to behave as long as that ponce leaves me alone.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Oh, Joe’s chili, I almost forgot,” I murmured, grabbing a napkin to go with it. Before I left the kitchen, I turned and mouthed a silent thanks to Bishop.

  “Any time,” he mouthed back at me.

  Chapter Ten

  Carys was bored.

  And no one was paying her nearly enough attention.

  For half an instant, she’d been intrigued by the idea that she’d spent time in the arms of both Aubrey and the handsome Viking, but it was Ulrik she was promised to, and he was far too concerned with playing mediator for her tastes.

  What difference did it make if Rob and Aubrey tore themselves to shreds over Anja? That was their affair. What did Ulrik have to go running off to keep the peace for? Why wasn’t he more accommodating to her needs?

  Feeling sickened as Joe shoveled food into his mouth, she’d wanted to spend some time alone with her beau, but he hadn’t been interested. Did he no longer find her attractive? Smoothing her hands over her dress, she caught her reflection in the glass over the shuttered windows. Lord, was that her hair? She looked like she’d been rolling around in bed without anything fun to show for it. Perhaps it was time to freshen up.

  “I require a hot bath,” she said to Ulrik – no, Bishop, he wanted her to call him that ridiculous name.

  “Good luck with that, the power’s out,” came his reply.

  “There is a fire,” she pointed out.

  “Then I guess you’d better start heating water.”

  “I would fetch you hot water, älskling,” Joe offered. “Already I am greatly restored from my meal.”

  “How sweet of you, minn hjärta,” she purred, trying to make Bishop jealous, but he wasn’t even paying attention, his nose pressed into one of the books of magic they’d found. “I might even be willing to share that water,” Carys added with an arch smile that Joseph returned. At least he wanted her.

  “Then I shall be your humble servant,” Joe grinned, standing quickly. Too quickly, as he immediately lost his balance, nearly striking his head on the fireplace mantle.

  “Have a care, you have not rested long enough,” she chastened him, catching hold of his arm to keep him up. For such a strapping man, he certainly seemed frail. Perhaps he’d been ill?

  “I do not like this weakness of body,” he frowned, sitting heavily by the hearth.

  “I’m sure it’s temporary,” she assured him. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Perhaps a drink, my angel,” he nodded, patting her arm. “I am quite thirsty.”

  “I’ll get it, I’m thirsty myself,” Anja offered, and Carys shot her a flat, unfriendly look. Always seeking to be the center of attention, Anja irritated her to no end. Twice she’d caught Bishop staring at the girl, and when caught, she’d recognized the flash of guilt over his features. Carys wanted to tear out her rival’s golden mane hair by hair.

  Carys grabbed hold of Anja’s shoulder, fingers digging deep as she sought to bring her to her knees. She tasted triumph, the battle was won! And then searing pain as the conniving bitch stabbed her through the foot with a wooden chopstick. White hot agony rolled through her, and that was not the end of Anja’s assault. She plunged another stick deep into Carys’ thigh for good measure. Too shocked to react, even to scream, Carys’ hand curled uselessly around the second stick, too weak to pull it free.

  Carys gasped, the roiling pain disappearing as the memory lost its grip on her mind. “You… You tried to kill me,” she cried, pointing at Anja, who’d returned with a tall glass of water in each hand.

  “Shénme?” Anja’s jaw dropped in surprise.

  “You stabbed me with a chopstick, first through my foot and then my thigh.”

  “That doesn’t sound like me. But it hardly would’ve killed you.”

  How dare she trivialize the suffering she’d been through! “The pain was excruciating.”

  “What’s this about?” Bishop asked, rousing himself from the book.

  “She attacked me, she wants to kill me,” Carys cried, running into his arms. Maybe now he would see that Anja was a danger to them. “She is our enemy, Ulrik. She means us harm. You must stop her.”

  Anja’s hands came up in defense. “Hey now, hold on. I’m not trying to kill anyone.”

  “You lie!” Carys spat back at her.

  “If I was, I sure wouldn’t use a pair of chopsticks. Who does that?”

  Rob drew Anja back by the elbow, his eyes wary. “Everybody calm down now. We ain’t got to be jumping to conclusions. Maybe you done something deserving of a stab or two?”

  “Please, cariad. You must protect me, she means to kill me.” Her eyes swept up to his, willing him to take her side, but she saw it the moment he decided against her.

  “We don’t have all the facts,” Bishop said diplomatically. “I’m sure there must be a reasonable explanation for this.”

  “Yep, your girlfriend’s gone kazoo,” Anja snorted. “I’m not trying to kill anyone.”

  Carys’ eyes narrowed at her rival. “You wanted Bishop, I’m certain of it. I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

  “What? That’s ridiculous,” Anja laughed, immediately turning an apologetic look to Bishop. “I mean, no offense, you’re plenty wantable… just…” She shook her head. “That’s not the point here. I don’t steal taken men. If there’s one thing I know about myself, besides the fact that I apparently have an unhealthy obsession with Joss Whedon, I know that. Rob’s right, if I attacked you then either you attacked me first, or you deserved it.”

  “W-Will you listen to that cheek!” Carys spluttered. “I’ll show you an attack…”

  “Don’t you come near her, you crazy bint,” Rob growled, getting right up in Carys’ face. “Or you’ll have me to tangle with.”

  Ordinarily, she might’ve enjoyed a tussle with Rob, but the look in his eye made her cringe against Bishop’s arm.

  “Look, just take a step back,” Bishop said, holding a hand up to protect her. “Nobody’s tangling with anyone. What exactly did you remember, Carys?”

  “Just what I said. She stabbed me, twice! I wasn’t doing anything, and she stabbed me. I say we restrain her until we know what she’s about.”

  Anja gave a snort of surp
rise. “You’re nutso if you think you’re tying me up.”

  Carys wasn’t about to back down, she was in the right. “Think on it, Bishop. We already know she’s entangled herself with both Rob and Aubrey. Whatever this plot is, clearly it was instigated by the three of them. You’re the policeman, Aubrey was chained to the wall. If not by you, then by who?”

  “I don’t think…” Bishop started to say, and Carys lost her temper.

  “Oh for the love of… She’s the villain here. She means us harm,” she screamed, pointing at Anja. “And I know how to make her admit it.” Carys got two steps in Anja’s direction when Rob’s hand closed over her blonde curls, yanking her away from her intended target. Letting out a screech of pain, Carys whirled, her hand closing around Rob’s throat. His knees buckled as she squeezed, eyes bulging. Rob’s fingers scrabbled at her hand, but couldn’t shake her grip on him.

  Anja made a mewling sound of distress behind her hand, but Carys ignored her. Perhaps this was a better revenge? How easy it was to keep him on his knees; even with his enhanced strength, he was no match for her.

  “Carys, that’s enough,” Bishop said in a low voice, but she ignored him. He’d already made it clear that she was not his first concern.

  “If you want to fight, then fight me,” Anja chimed in, circling around her.

  “No…” The word came out with little sound as Rob’s air supply was cut off.

  This feeling of power was heady indeed, and Carys smiled – until Rob’s lips curled back to reveal monstrous fangs. Screaming, she let go of him with a shove, tripping over her own feet in her haste to back away from him, and landing on her bum. “He’s… he’s a…” She pointed, unable to get the words out.

  “Vampyr!” Joe screamed, jumping to his feet and promptly knocking himself out on the heavy wooden mantle.

  “You’re shitting me,” Aubrey murmured, keeping a healthy distance away from him. Bishop didn’t say a thing, he merely gathered Carys up into his arms and drew her back to a safer distance.

  “A vampire?” Anja gasped, her eyes riveted to Rob, who stood rubbing his neck. His scowl melted at the note of fear in Anja’s voice, turning to her in anguish.


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