The Devil's Fire

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The Devil's Fire Page 17

by Sara Bell

  With that question hanging in the air, Gareth undid the last tie and allowed the hose to fall free of his legs. Stepping out of them, he gave Alric the first glimpse of him in all his naked glory.

  And glorious, he was. Gareth's corded chest was carved as if from the finest stone, and smooth as if shaved clean. Strong arms hung open at his sides, just daring Alric to step into them. Gareth's muscular legs were long and lean, covered with a thin dusting of blond hair that ran from his ankles to the thick triangle just below his stomach.

  As impressive as the rest of Gareth's body was, it was the rigid member standing erect amidst the thicket of curls that rendered Alric speechless. His fingers longed to trace the smooth, hard surface.

  Seeing the direction of Alric's gaze, Gareth said, “Like what you see?"

  As if caught doing something naughty, Alric's eyes whipped back to Gareth's face. “How...” He trailed off, cleared his throat, and then tried again. “How can you want me?” The question came out little more than a faint whisper. “Knowing what I am—the taint upon me. What must you see when you look at me?"

  Gareth closed the distance between them in two long strides. Alric stepped out of the tub then, still holding the linen around his waist while trying to get away. But the tub was already so close to the wall, Alric soon found himself backed against the cold stone with Gareth's warm body holding him captive.

  Afraid to look Gareth in the eye—afraid of what he'd see—Alric lowered his head.

  Gareth was having none of it. Placing one solid finger beneath Alric's chin, he lifted his face until Alric was again looking at him. “You want to know what I see when I look at you?"

  "No, I—"

  Gareth placed a feather-light kiss on Alric's parted lips. “Hush. You asked me a question, and now you'll hear the answer.” With his free hand, he pushed an errant lock of damp hair from Alric's forehead. “I see an honorable man, brave and loyal to a fault. A man willing to sacrifice himself to save those around him.” Gareth removed his finger from Alric's chin and trailed it down his heaving chest, the contact sending shards of lightening heat through Alric's veins. “I see a man who survived the worst torture I've ever heard tell of and came out all the stronger for it.” Gareth slipped his left arm around Alric's waist. “I see the man I'm to spend the rest of my days with. The man I want—need—to be with. Now. Right now.” Gareth drew him close, bringing their bodies flush together.

  The feel of Gareth's heated flesh on his was more than Alric could take. He groaned low as his head lolled back upon his shoulders, giving Gareth the advantage he needed. Again he brought his lips to Alric's throat, this time tracing the tender hollow at the base with his tongue. Another moan from Alric and Gareth pulled away, holding out his hand. “Come to bed, Alric. Come to me."

  Alric knew what Gareth was asking. For all his talk of making theirs a marriage in truth, Gareth would never force him. It was Alric's choice, and he alone held the balance of their future in his hands. If he said no now, Gareth would never ask again, and it would be the end for them both. With unblinking eyes, Gareth watched, waiting for his answer.

  If Gareth's words hadn't swayed Alric, the look of desire and longing in his eyes would have. Gareth wanted him. Him. Not Alric the king, nor Alric the fire maker-cum-weapon. Only him. Alric the man.

  Though he couldn't reason the why of it, Alric would question it no more. Allowing the drying cloth to fall to the floor, Alric placed his hand in Gareth's. With a harsh cry of relief, Gareth all but pulled him to the bed on the other side of the room.

  "Creator be thanked.” He took Alric into his arms and kissed him long and hard ere he could speak.

  As before, Gareth's tongue claimed his mouth with brute strength, but this time there was a sureness about it, a deep, swirling sureness that left Alric hard as a pike and panting for breath. Backing away, Gareth placed a hand on each of Alric's sides and lowered him to the mattress before lying down beside him, his hands urging Alric onto his stomach.

  "What are you—” The words became muffled as Alric found himself lying face down on the mattress.

  "Shh.” Gareth straddled Alric's buttocks and with one finger, traced the scar closest to the top of his neck.

  Alric turned his head to the side and tried to make Gareth stop touching the offending marks. “Please don't. They're ... please, don't look upon my scars.” His face heated with the humiliation of having himself thus exposed. “At least allow me to put out the candles and douse the fire so you won't have to see them."

  "No, my own. These scars are a part of you. I want to see them."

  Alric's voice was a thin, pale whisper. “They're ugly."

  "Nothing about you could be ugly. Don't you know that?” And before Alric could think of a way to stop him, Gareth kissed the scar he'd just traced with his finger, his tongue repeating the same caressing motion.

  A slow wave of heat traveled from Alric's back to his middle and settled deep between his legs. He'd never thought the hideous marks could garner him pleasure, but Gareth made a fool of that notion as he kissed, licked, and suckled each of the ridges. By the time he reached the scars at the base of Alric's spine, Gareth was between Alric's legs, and Alric was gasping for air whilst grinding his throbbing manhood against the satin coverlet. “Gareth, please..."

  "Easy, pet. I know.” It was then Alric felt Gareth's fingers working against him. Alric was on fire as Gareth put a hand on either side of his crease and spread him wide. “A prettier sight I've never seen.” Gareth inhaled deeply. “As I said, you smell better than any man has a right.” His finger made a ghostly pass across Alric's puckered hole. “If you taste half as good right here,” again with the finger, “as you smell, ‘tis a dead man I'll be come the morrow.” With that pronouncement, Gareth's finger was replaced by his tongue.

  Alric was hard pressed not to moan as Gareth's tongue and teeth teased his most private entrance until Alric was near to screaming with unfulfilled need. Just when he thought he'd expire from the pleasure of it, Gareth pulled away and Alric moaned his distress.

  That moan earned Alric a husky chuckle from Gareth. “You needn't worry that I'm leaving you. I brought with me something to ease my way inside you, and I've only to fetch it.” A moment later Gareth was back.

  Alric heard the crisp pop of a bottle being uncorked. Soon after, a slick drizzle of what could only be oil was poured upon his opening. A hollow thud sounded on the bedside table, and then Gareth's weight was back on the bed.

  Gareth spread Alric anew, opening him wide as one thick finger worked its way deep inside. The pressure was intense but bearable and Alric thrust himself against Gareth's hand as a second finger was added. Little noises of passion were coming from Alric's throat now, but he was powerless to stop them. His thoughts were so centered on the pleasure Gareth was giving him, Alric hardly noticed as a third finger came in to join the first two.

  And then it was over, as Gareth removed his fingers and left Alric feeling stretched and empty. He was about to give voice to his complaints when Gareth reared behind him. The smooth slap of oil against flesh sounded as Gareth readied himself. A moment later, the pressure was back. Gareth lined himself up and prepared to breach him, one word escaping his lips. “Mine.” And then Gareth made his way inside, parting Alric's tight passage with short, even strokes.

  The few times Alric had allowed himself pleasure since his first marriage ended—even when he'd been with Finn—his mind had been filled with images of Denmar. He'd felt the man's power over him even in the throes of release. Now there was no one in the room with Alric save Gareth. Gareth, entering him with a cool, cleansing burn. Gareth, whispering pretty words of desire as he breached Alric fully before pulling out and then coming back to slide his manhood again and again over the one spot deep inside him that sent Alric's senses skidding into oblivion. Gareth, who roared Alric's name just before filling him with his seed.

  Grateful as he was to feel the evidence of Gareth's pleasure, Alric was desperate
for release, so close and yet so far away. He reached for his own throbbing member as Gareth pulled free from his body, but Gareth pushed Alric's hand away and rolled him over.

  Alric thrashed atop the covers, wanting—needing—to spend his seed. And then Gareth was there between his legs, taking Alric into his mouth and suckling him with a touch that was at once tender and hungry. One, two deep draws and Alric came undone, his frame wracked with spasms as Gareth took all he had to give and more. After that, Alric was gone, drifting into a place of pure sensation where conscious thought was no longer possible.

  * * * *

  The fire had died down long ago—the embers barely casting a glow past the hearth—but Gareth made no move to rise and rekindle the flames. He was warm and comfortable just where he lay, nestled underneath a mound of blankets, watching Alric sleep.

  Gareth rolled to the side and propped on one elbow, allowing himself the pleasure of watching his husband's chest rise and fall in gentle slumber. He got a sleepy smile for his efforts as Alric opened one silver eye and gazed up at him.


  "Hello, yourself.” Gareth smoothed his free hand over Alric's chest from underneath the covers. “I didn't mean to wake you."

  Alric shook his head without lifting it from the pillow. “You didn't.” He stretched like a well-pleased cat. “How long have I slept?"

  "I'm not certain. Hours? Minutes? All I can tell you true is that the sun has not yet risen."

  "The fire has died."

  "Yes. Want me to stoke the flames?"

  To Gareth's delight, Alric burrowed in closer. “I've warmth enough right here.” He wrapped his leg around Gareth's waist, causing Gareth to harden in response and groan against the onslaught of sensation. Alric pulled back a space. “Tired of me already?” Gareth could tell by the smile on Alric's face he wasn't worried in the least.

  "A pox on any man who dares suggest it,” Gareth said, “but I rode you hard this night. I'm afraid a second time would be too much for you."

  With a boldness Gareth wasn't expecting, Alric's hand snaked beneath the blankets and made a slow trek toward the spot between Gareth's thighs. “I'm not near so fragile as you think me."

  Gareth drew in a deep breath as Alric's fist closed around him in a firm yet gentle grip that made Gareth shiver despite the warmth of the bed. “Fragile no, but infinitely precious.” He gripped Alric's arms as Alric rose up and over him, straddling him. It was as Alric held him steady and prepared to mount him that Gareth again protested.

  "You were so small when I took you. So tight. If ever I hurt you ... “Whatever else Gareth might have said was drowned out by his own moan as Alric sank down onto him, taking him in one smooth move all the way to the hilt.

  Alric froze with his buttocks firmly planted on Gareth's thighs, and Gareth feared the worst.

  "It hurts, does it not?” Gareth tried to move Alric off him, but Alric held fast.

  "No, oh ... no.” The last word came out more a purr than actual speak. “You feel so good inside me, Gareth. ‘Tis as if you were made to be a part of my body."

  The words heated Gareth as nothing else could have. Alric's flesh was a pleasing vice that he never wanted to leave as the man above him rose and fell in a series of shallow movements that left them both breathless and wanting. Alric's head fell back on his shoulders as he braced his hands on Gareth's chest and continued the gentle rhythm. “So good. So very, very good."

  And it was. Even though Alric's total control of the coupling denied Gareth the long, deep plunges he sought, he soon found himself teetering on the brink.

  Determined the two of them would seek release together, Gareth reached between them and stroked Alric's glorious erection, timing his movements to coincide with Alric's. Within minutes, Alric was moaning low in his throat, a sure sign he was nearing completion. Gareth increased his speed and was soon rewarded as Alric's scalding spray spilled across his belly.

  Seeing himself covered in the evidence of Alric's pleasure was all Gareth needed. Pulling Alric down on top of him, Gareth held him tight and filled him with his essence.

  It was some time later before Gareth regained his wits, far too content with Alric's comforting weight on top of him to move. But move he must. Gareth had yet to tell Alric the truth of what he'd learned, and though he dreaded hurting him in such a way, Gareth knew the time had come.

  As gently as he could, Gareth pulled his half-hard shaft from Alric's body and rolled him to the side.

  Alric protested. “I'm not yet finished with you."

  Gareth rose from the bed, grimacing as the cold air of the room hit him full force. He cast Alric a smile over his shoulder as he fought the cold and made his way to the fireplace.

  "Finished? Who said anything about being finished? As far as I'm concerned, pet, we're only taking a brief rest."

  Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Alric dozed under the covers while Gareth rebuilt the fire and fetched a clean cloth from the chest at the end of the bed. Wetting it in the now frigid bathwater, Gareth walked it back over to the hearth and warmed it before the rising flames. Washing himself thoroughly, he returned to the tub and cleaned the rag anew before coming again to the hearth and repeating the motion.

  This time, he took the warmed rag straight to the bed and pulled the blankets away, washing Alric's chest before moving down to clean his spent member. Alric's whole body flushed red with embarrassment. “I can do that myself."

  "Yes, but would you enjoy it near as much?” Gareth moved further down, bathing Alric's twice-loved opening with a thoroughness that had Alric squirming against the mattress.

  Gareth kept to his task no matter how much Alric writhed and flushed, not stopping until he was satisfied he'd cleansed away the evidence of their lovemaking. Once done, he tossed the rag aside and climbed under the covers with Alric, gathering him up and holding him close.

  To his delight, Alric melted into his arms, laying his head on Gareth's chest. “I fear I'm going to get used to this.” His voice was thick with sleepy contentment.

  Gareth kissed the top of Alric's head. “I see you've gleaned my plan.” He was quiet for a moment. “Much as I'm enjoying basking in the afterglow, I'm sorry to say there's something you and I must discuss."

  Alric stiffened. “Are you regretting what just happened?"

  Gareth rolled his eyes. “Don't be an idiot.” He rubbed his hands up and down Alric's back. “Lying with you—making you my husband in truth—is the most intelligent thing I've ever done. Between you and me, that's saying something."

  Alric pinched him for his boast, and Gareth chuckled, though his laughter was short lived. Alric must have felt the tension in him, for he said, “This is something I'm going to hate, isn't it?"

  "Yes.” Gareth sighed. “Before I came to you last evening, I had a long talk with Wycaster. He and I believe the reason the bodies of the slain and wounded soldiers were never found is because—"

  "Because they were part of the plot to abduct me.” Alric finished the sentence.

  "How did you know?"

  Alric shrugged. “'Twas the only thing that made sense. I knew from Wycaster's injuries he'd tried to protect me, but the rest of it I just couldn't reason. If Nadar had captured the injured and removed the dead, why then did I find no traces at your brother's camp of the six men who'd journeyed with us? Besides, I've been wondering how Nadar's men knew where to find us. I was traveling back roads to an isolated location when I was abducted. ‘Twould have been difficult for them to find me without instruction."

  "I've wondered the same thing.” Gareth set his jaw. “Perhaps I can get the truth from Nadar, though Creator only knows he hates me enough to withhold the information for sake of spite."

  Alric's fingers made slow circles across Gareth's chest, soothing him in a way only he could do. “I spoke with your brother. I believe Nadar fears you, but hate? I think not."

  Gareth caressed the back of Alric's neck with one fingertip. “Must have been hard for
you, baring your scars to him that way."

  "Maybe, but Nadar had to see proof of Denmar's treachery for himself. ‘Twas the only way to convince him you acted in your sister's best interests when you foiled the match."

  Gareth marveled at the unselfishness of the man lying next to him. “I thank you for it, though Nadar is convinced that since the alliance with Denmar is broken, I'll soon go after Vale myself."

  "So he told me.” Alric paused. “I hate to state the obvious, but keeping Nadar locked in the tower is not the best way to convince him you seek peace."

  "I know that, but when he took you...” Gareth shuddered, not wanting to relive the hellish hours he'd spent not knowing whether Alric was dead or alive. He cleared his throat. “I'll think on what to do with Nadar some other time. Right now I must tell you the full truth of what I learned from Wycaster.” Forcing the words from his lips, Gareth revealed the identity of the man he believed to be Kray's traitor.

  When Gareth was done with the telling, Alric rose from the bed and went to stand beside the hearth, watching as the flames danced against the stones. His face was pale, and even from across the room, Gareth could feel his pain.

  Gareth was quiet for as long as he could stand it, giving Alric a chance to digest his words. When he could stay silent no longer, Gareth crossed the distance between them, a blanket in his hand. Draping it first around his own shoulders, he embraced Alric from behind and covered them both with the soft cloth. “I'm sorry. I'd spare you this if I could.” He placed a soft kiss on Alric's neck.

  "How long?"

  Gareth didn't understand the question. “What do you mean?"

  "How long, I wonder, has he been plotting against my father's house?"

  "Months, I suspect. Perhaps even years. Unless he tells us, I suppose we'll never know."

  "My father trusted him, Gareth—made him a part of our fold.” Alric turned in the circle of Gareth's arms, his eyes alight with fury. “I'll see him pay for what he's done or die trying."


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