The Devil's Fire

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The Devil's Fire Page 18

by Sara Bell

  Vengeance was an emotion Gareth understood all too well. “And pay he will, Alric, but first we need to find out how much he knows and how he's feeding his information to our enemies. We must tempt him into giving himself away."

  "And just how shall we do that?"

  "'Tis simple.” Gareth kissed the tip of Alric's nose. “You and I are going to set a trap."

  Chapter Twelve

  Gareth squeezed Alric's fingers as they made their way down the stairs to the great hall the next morning. “Ready?"

  Alric sighed. “No, but I know the necessity of it. Are you certain Tristam and Maris know their parts?"

  "Yes. I discussed it at length with the both of them not an hour ago.” Gareth stopped on the last step, turning Alric to face him. “If this chore is too much for you—"

  "No. If you and Wycaster are right, I'll see the man pay for what he's done. ‘Tis hard to fathom such a betrayal, is all."

  Gareth slipped one arm around his shoulders and pulled him in for a soft kiss on the lips. “'Twill all be over soon, pet."

  Alric smiled, the sight warming Gareth's heart. “Pet. ‘Tis thrice now you've called me that. Do you think me a hound to follow at your heels or a cat to warm your lap whilst you stroke my fur?"

  "Do I think you an animal? No.” Gareth's voice fell to a husky whisper. “But I would like nothing better than to have you spread across my lap, stroking you in the most delicious of ways."

  Alric flushed. “I'll hold you to that when we've finished this task."

  Gareth nodded and again took Alric's hand. “Let's have done with it, then."

  They descended the last step and strode into the hall where Tristam and Maris were already seated, breaking their fasts. As Gareth had hoped, Bertrand was coming across the hall as the two of them entered. Gareth signaled him over.

  "Bertrand, I'd like a word with you now."

  Bertrand scurried over and dipped into a low bow. Straightening, he said, “How may I assist you, Sire?"

  "Instruct the servants to move my things into King Alric's rooms. Henceforth, we'll be sharing the same chambers."

  Bertrand's eyes went wide. “Sire, might I inquire ... that is to say, does this mean you and the king are well and truly married now?"

  That Bertrand knew his marriage had not previously been consummated was yet another sign to Gareth he'd guessed right. Casting an adoring smile in Alric's direction, he squeezed his husband's hand before turning back to Bertrand. “Indeed we are."

  Bertrand was practically salivating at the news. “Congratulations, sire. ‘Tis a glorious day, this. I'll make the arrangements at once."

  "Before you go, Bertrand, I've one more task for you."

  "Yes, King Gareth?"

  "Have my brother moved from the tower into one of the guest chambers. Ready fresh clothes and a hot bath for him. Also, I expect his men to arrive at the gates any moment, with more forces added to their ranks. Instruct the soldiers to offer Nadar's troops no opposition as they pass through the castle gates."

  Bertrand's brows rose high on his forehead. “Are you certain that's wise, Sire?"

  "Absolutely. I want Nadar's commander to be told Nadar is no longer a prisoner of Kray. Indeed, the lot of them are to be treated as honored guests."

  "But...” Bertrand trailed off, tried to speak again, and then closed his mouth without saying anything.

  From beside Gareth, Alric spoke up. “Have you a problem with my husband's orders, Bertrand?"

  "No, Highness.” Bertrand was quick to shake his head. “I am a bit surprised, ‘tis all."

  "As was I,” Alric said, “but I trust my husband's judgment and I expect you to do the same. Now be about your tasks."

  "Yes, Highness. Right away."

  As soon as Bertrand was gone, Gareth and Alric made their way to the table. Tristam waited until they were seated to say, “I hate to echo Bertrand, but are you certain releasing Nadar is a smart course to take?"

  "I can't keep him a prisoner forever.” Gareth shrugged. “If my plan is to work I must show Nadar I pose him no threat. I cannot think of a better way than this.” He paused, knowing Tristam was not happy about his decision. “Have you the papers for me to sign?"

  "I wrote them out as you requested.” Tristam made a face. Not that I agree with your choice, mind you."

  Maris placed her hand on Tristam's arm. “'Tis Gareth's choice to make, my love. Lachlan is his to do with as he will."

  Before Tristam could respond, a commotion sounded just outside the hall. A moment later, Nadar burst in, dirty, disheveled, and clearly confused. He rounded on Gareth, ignoring Bertrand's objections to come and have a bath before greeting them.

  "What game are you playing now, brother?"

  Gareth bit back a sigh. Only Nadar could make the word brother sound like an insult.

  "Unless you consider offering you a place of welcome in my home a game, then I'd have to say I'm playing at nothing.” Gareth turned on the bench and faced Nadar down. “I thought only to make you more comfortable until your men get here."

  "If this is part of your plan to seize Vale—"

  "Heard you not a word I said last evening?” Gareth rolled his eyes. “I'm not after your kingdom, Nadar. On that you have my word."

  Nadar spat on the floor. “The word of a bastard usurper means nothing to me."

  Gareth felt the tension in Alric—anger over the insult Nadar had just delivered, no doubt. Placing his hand on Alric's thigh, Gareth gave a subtle shake of his head. Thankfully, Alric seemed to understand that Nadar was Gareth's to deal with.

  Though his next act would be difficult to complete, Gareth knew what he had to do. Ignoring Nadar for the moment, he looked to Tristam. “If you have those papers with you, now would be a good time to see them signed."

  Tristam grumbled but removed the papers from his tunic just as he'd been asked. Alric instructed a passing servant to fetch quill and ink while Gareth read over the documents and then nodded in satisfaction.

  "This should do nicely.” As soon as the girl came back with the needed items, Gareth dipped his pen into the well and scrawled his signature at the bottom of the page. He then passed the thing across the table to Tristam. “You've only to witness this, and the deed will be done."

  "Not quite,” Tristam said. “We've still to send this to the High King for his approval."

  Gareth shook his head. “'Tis only a formality. I feel certain Elwin will back me on this."

  Nadar, tired of being left out of the conversation, stamped his foot against the stone floor. “I demand to know what you're about, and I demand to know now."

  Gareth waited until Tristam finished signing and then waved the document in the air to let it dry before rising to his feet and handing it over to Nadar. “I believe this will tell you all you need to know."

  By the time he'd finished reading, Nadar's hands were shaking, the parchment sounding a loud rattle in the quiet of the hall. “You can't be serious."

  "I said the same thing.” Tristam's voice held a dry quality that almost made Gareth smile. “Trust me when I tell you he is."

  "But to give up Lachlan...” Nadar locked eyes with Gareth. “Why?"

  "By giving Lachlan to you, I forfeit all rights to our father's kingdom, including Vale. In refusing my inheritance, I'm giving up my birthright and proclaiming you Jarric's well and true heir. You no longer have to worry about the safety of your throne, Nadar. You'll receive no opposition from me."

  Doubt and suspicion burned in Nadar's eyes. “This has to be a trick of some sort."

  Gareth almost laughed. The one part of their plan that was completely based on truth, and Nadar was calling him a liar.

  He shook his head. “'Tis no trick, I assure you. Lachlan and all that comes with it now belongs to you."

  "But Father ... he gave that to you.” Nadar's voice was laced with bewilderment. “You lived there with your Kiel. Can you really give it up so easily?"

  "If it means being at peace w
ith my only brother for the first time in my life, then yes, I can.” Gareth crossed the distance between them, stopping just in front of Nadar so that the two of them were face to face. “I'm asking for a truce. I want no more ill will to lie between us."

  "I...” Nadar's voice cracked. He stopped to clear his throat before trying again. “You would offer me this, even after I conspired against you and abducted your husband?"

  "'Tis not something I forgave lightly, believe me.” Gareth's jaw went rigid. “Had Alric been harmed, you and I would not be having this conversation. As it is, I understand you were motivated by fear, which is the reason I'm willing to give you a second chance now.” He paused, Nadar's question having given him the opening he needed. “There is one thing I've been meaning to ask, however. How did you know where to find Alric at the moment you took him? How did you know he'd left the safety of Kray's walls?” From the corner of his eye, Gareth saw Bertrand creep into the shadows fringing the edges of the hall, hanging on their every word.

  Nadar sighed but met Gareth's stare without flinching. “When I learned the High Council denied the alliance with Denmar on your say so, I was livid. I left Vale with no plan in mind other than coming here and confronting you. I suppose I thought to call you out.” He gave a humorless chuckle. “Suicide, considering I never could best you sword to sword, even when we were children.” A bit of his arrogant sneer returned. “Your mother would probably claim your skills as coming from Iskador on her side, but I'd wager that's more child's tale than fact.” He looked away but brought his eyes back to Gareth's a moment later. “As I said, I had no plan in mind. Then, when we were halfway to your gates, I received a missive telling me Prince Alric was to be undefended come the morrow. With it was a map detailing his location. ‘Twas as if The Creator himself had shined favor upon my vengeance.” He shook his head. “What a fool I was."

  From the table, Tristam said, “You always were a bit on the dull side, Nadar. Dumb as—” He broke off as Maris kicked him in the shin.

  Gareth was paying them little mind. He had one question left for his brother. “What about the soldiers who accompanied Alric? Did they rush to his aid?"

  "'Twas the strangest part of the entire episode,” Nadar said. “The commander rushed to the king's side, ready to defend him, and though I can't explain it, I could have sworn I saw one of his own soldiers crack the Kray commander upon the head with the hilt of a sword. After that, the rest of them scattered."

  Alric came to stand beside them. “How did you know to blindfold me?"

  "'Twas in the message I received. At the time I didn't understand it, but having seen the power you wield...” Nadar glanced down at Alric's hands.

  "About that,” Gareth hesitated, trying to find the right thing to say. Finally he said, “You know Alric's secret now, making you a danger to him.” His next words held a tone of warning. “I'm sincere about my wish for peace between us, but if for one moment, you think to use what you know to cause Alric harm—"

  Nadar held up his hand. “You needn't warn me off. I swear upon my life, I'll breathe not a word of King Alric's abilities to anyone. I'll see that my men say nothing, either."

  Gareth was about to thank him when Alric surprised them all. “That won't be necessary. Tell whomever you like. I'm through hiding."

  Gareth couldn't have heard correctly. “Do you realize what you're saying?"

  Alric nodded. “Many weeks ago, someone I've come to much admire referred to my abilities as a gift. At the time I thought the man daft, but now I'm thinking he may have been right. The Creator gave me these powers for a reason. ‘Tis high time I stopped pretending they don't exist."

  He was stunned to the marrow and so touched that Alric had listened to him, Gareth had no choice save to pull Alric close for a deep kiss. When finally Gareth pulled away, Alric was breathless, Maris was giggling, Tristam was coughing, and Nadar was red with embarrassment.

  Nadar handed the document back to Gareth. “If you'll excuse me, I think I'll have that bath now."

  Gareth nodded and watched his brother go. From the corner of his eye he saw Bertrand slip from his hiding place and quit the hall right after Nadar.

  Gareth exchanged a slow smile with Alric. “I'd say part one of our plan was a rousing success, wouldn't you?"

  "Yes, but I'm sorry you were forced to give up Lachlan in the process.” Alric's eyes were sad and knowing. “It held a special place in your heart."

  "Lachlan will always be special but I have a new home now.” Gareth trailed one finger down Alric's cheek. “I never thought to say it, but I'm content exactly where I am."

  Alric leaned toward him and was about to claim another kiss when a loud clearing of the throat distracted them both. “Pardon me for the interruption,” Tristam said, “but I think perhaps you should forgo the kisses for now and get on with the rest of the plan."

  Much as Gareth hated to admit it, Tristam was right. “'Tis indeed time to bait our trap. With any luck, we'll catch ourselves a weasel ere the night falls."

  * * * *

  A scant moment before dusk—just as they were about to dine in Nadar's honor, officially welcoming him and his soldiers to Kray—Jeoffry took Gareth aside. The two men were standing in the passageway just off the main hall, and Jeoffry was watching him closely.

  "All right, boy. ‘Tis time to tell me what you're playing at."

  "Boy, am I?” Gareth smiled over his choice of words. “Last I looked, I am a king now, not a mere child to be scolded."

  "Bah.” Jeoffry snorted. “I care not about titles. You were like my own son during your years at Vale, and I still think of you as such."

  Gareth was touched. “I thank you for that, Jeoffry. ‘Tis my hope you know I hold you in the same high regard."

  "Good. Then perhaps we can skip all the balderdash and you can tell me the real reason why you're conceding your birthright to Nadar."

  "You've spoken to Nadar, I see."

  "Yes, only moments ago.” Jeoffry folded his arms over his chest. “Now answer my question. Why would you give away something your father willed to you so freely?"

  "'Twas the only way to earn Nadar's trust.” Gareth sighed. “I'm tired of being at war with my own kin. Creator knows I've enough battles to fight with those not of my line."

  "Denmar,” Jeoffry said as if the word was nauseating. “That man is a blight that needs to be dealt with ere he has the chance to spread. I told Nadar as much when Denmar approached him about taking Sonya's hand in marriage. Nadar refused to listen, of course."

  "Nadar's stubbornness no longer surprises me, but as for Denmar,” Gareth's mouth fell into a hard line, “his time is coming, Jeoffry. I promise you that."

  Jeoffry narrowed his eyes. “You've a plan."

  Gareth was about to explain when he saw Alric motioning him to the high table. “Excuse me, Jeoffry, but I fear I'm needed.” Gareth pointed to the table where Wycaster was sitting with some of the higher ranking soldiers. “Please, take your place. I promise you, all will soon be revealed."

  Jeoffry gave a reluctant bow before taking his leave.

  Girding himself for what was to come, Gareth made his way to the high table. As he stepped into place, Alric called the assembled crowd to silence and then turned them over to Gareth.

  Clearing his throat, Gareth opened his mouth and spun his tale.

  "Welcome honored soldiers from the House of Vale. ‘Tis with a two-fold purpose I've brought you here. First,” he glanced down the table at Nadar, who was watching him closely, “I'd have you know ‘tis my intention to seek a lasting peace with my brother's house. From hence forth let it be known that I consider myself a servant to Nadar of Vale."

  A stunned silence descended, followed by the first whisperings of disbelief. Alric stood by his side, offering his silent support, but all Gareth's attention was focused on Nadar.

  His brother's face betrayed no emotion whatsoever, but Gareth wasn't surprised. Nadar didn't trust him, and there was no cure for that
but time. Hoping fate would sort it out, Gareth went on to the second reason.

  "I've also called you here tonight to announce my intentions to seek vengeance against Lucien of Denmar, second son of the late Lord Ignatius Denmar. Though Denmar holds not a kingship, he has nevertheless begun a murderous reign of terror and destruction that must be stopped."

  "Begging your pardon,” Tristam said from the other end of the high table, “but how do you propose to stop the man? Short of war, that is."

  "A good question, one I'm more than happy to answer.” Gareth kept his tone even. “I have in my possession irrefutable evidence against the man. Proof of treason in its highest form."

  Once again a murmur swept the crowd, this one tinged with fear. High treason—a crime against King Elwin himself—was punishable by no less than torture and death. To have evidence of such was a strong weapon indeed.

  As Gareth had hoped, Nadar took the bait, speaking up for the first time since the assembly began.

  "And just how did you come by such incriminating fare, my brother?"

  "The how of it matters not. All you need know is the proof is solid and secured within a chest in my own chambers until such time as I can deliver it to King Elwin myself. Once that is done, Denmar's days are well and truly numbered.” Gareth gave the words a moment to settle over the crowd and then said, “But enough of this talk.” He motioned to the servants who were waiting in the wings with trenchers of food and mugs of ale. “'Tis time to eat, drink, and be merry over my brother's presence here tonight.” He lifted the goblet a servant had placed beside his trencher. “To Nadar of Vale, long may his reign be."

  A chorus of agreement sounded across the hall. Gareth was about to drink to his brother's health when Alric tugged on his sleeve. In a low whisper, he said, “Bertrand has left."

  Gareth set his cup back on the table. “Then we've not a moment to waste.” Taking Alric's hand, Gareth gave the order for the feast to begin and then led Alric away from the high table.

  Tristam was right behind, following them into the hallway as they strode toward the staircase. “Surely you meant not to leave me out of all the fun?"


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