Down the Dirt Road (The Dirt Road Series Book 1)

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Down the Dirt Road (The Dirt Road Series Book 1) Page 14

by Livell James

  Chapter 19

  Kaylee and Lucas began working together to help the pack heal. Kaylee knew it wouldn’t happen overnight or that she would be accepted anytime soon. They were all too raw, but she liked them. Even the prickly Emily had some redeeming qualities.

  Danica and Flynn were by far her favorites, they both had such kindness in them. Kaylee thought with all they had been through, they would be a little standoffish or jaded, but both of them welcomed her to the pack with open arms. Eric, on the other hand, was exactly what she expected. He watched her like a hawk. He even mentioned once if she hurt Lucas or the pack, she would have to deal with him.

  Lucas had overhead the conversation and the two promptly went into fight mode. Kaylee hadn’t even gotten a chance to stop it or say a word. One minute they were men and the next their wolves were fighting, tooth and claw. She hadn’t liked it, hadn’t liked being the cause of it. Lucas later explained it was the way of the pack. He was Alpha and although he wanted to be fair and just, there were times when he needed to make sure the pack knew exactly where he stood, and he had to put them in their place.

  She was his mate, the Alpha female. At some time, she would need to show that, but until she was ready, he would be the one to make the pack understand. Kaylee was having a hard time with it; she didn’t want to fight these people and felt it was more important to earn her place with kindness and understanding. It was a point she and Lucas disagreed on. She wasn’t a shifter, so she didn’t have the first clue on how to deal with the animals which laid beneath the surface. Danica and Lucas assured her, in time, she would figure it all out. She hoped they were right.

  Dylan and Macon weren’t overly friendly toward her, giving her a wide berth most times, but every once in a while, she saw through to their playful nature and even got a couple of jokes in at their expense. They both took it in stride and continued the play. Things were looking up for all of them, but they still had a long way to go before any of them completely accepted one another.

  Emily was another matter altogether. She was hateful and mean most days, and Kaylee found herself wanting to slap her more than once. Conceding Emily was still dealing with the effects from the Dragon’s Blood, she had cut her some slack.

  Lucas explained it was like heroin mixed with dark magic. Kaylee had been working with her grands, learning all she could before the Ostara and understood how deadly the potion really was. It couldn’t be detected by smell, taste, or touch, or even by a witch or warlock. It was also almost impossible to determine the maker or owner of the potion unless the person who made it was sloppy.

  There was one spell which would expose the taint, but it was harmful to the recipient and so far, Ruth, Lucas, and Emily had all decided to wait and see what would happen. Emily had only had one dose, and according to her, it was small. Not that it mattered, the damage was already done.

  Ruth had done a binding spell to, hopefully, keep Emily safe from whoever now owned her wolf’s soul. Her grandma had explained it was like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. Nothing would free Emily unless her new Master released her or died.

  Since taking over as Alpha, Lucas had been distracted with everything he needed to do for the pack. Marcus had nearly destroyed them in more ways than one. Their accounts were in the red, and they couldn’t come up with a way to fix it without going to the council and asking for more, which rubbed Lucas the wrong way. He was a proud man and felt it was their responsibility to fix what they all had allowed to happen.

  Flynn, Dylan, and Macon had offered a solution. For years, they had been hiding a small company they created from Marcus. Flynn made the most beautiful glass art Kaylee had ever seen. Some of his pieces were selling on an online site for as much as three thousand dollars apiece. Dylan and Macon, on the other hand, were buying up small lots of furniture and other odds and ends at auctions, refurbishing them, turning them into show pieces.

  Eric had started investing their money and each of them had a healthy portfolio which they offered to the pack. Lucas turned them down at first, which Kaylee could tell hurt the four men. They wanted to provide for the pack as much as he did. Kaylee decided to put her time at the bank to use and came up with a business plan they all could agree on, creating a partnership. Lucas was an excellent carpenter in his own right and once they all sat down without the bad feelings between them, Valentin Furnishings and More was born.

  Lucas’ one requirement was they all contributed evenly. Kaylee knew the stipulation was put in place so the pack would feel equal and wouldn’t be taken advantage of down the line. Lucas never wanted to stifle them like Marcus had done.

  Kaylee had wanted to contribute and join in the company as well, but Lucas refused, saying his portion included her; since they were mates, everything he had, was hers. That rubbed her the wrong way, and they fought. Kaylee didn’t want to be a kept woman, she wanted to work for their future as much as he did. She didn’t have much, but she would give it without a second thought. When he refused, it hurt, but after talking with her Grandma Ruth, she decided to pick her battles. This was one she didn’t think she would win; damn Alpha male.

  So, she found other ways to contribute. Paying a bill when it came in without saying anything or buying groceries. She was the one who kept the books along with Eric, so no one was the wiser, and it made her feel good. Matt and Danica offered to work for them; everything was falling into place. Emily was the only standout, but again, Kaylee felt the poor woman had enough to deal with, and they all agreed to give her time.

  Last night, Lucas had whisked her out of the pack house, blindfolding her; Kaylee loved the spontaneity of it and even the mystery. They had spent every night together in each other’s arms, making love and talking, but this was different, special. She loved having him all to herself. As they walked hand in hand, Kaylee let him guide her, neither saying a word. As they were walking, she realized how much she trusted this man, how much she loved him.

  When he guided her up some steps, she knew where they were, the cabin. She heard the door open and felt the pressure of Lucas’ hand on her lower back, guiding her inside. When he removed the blindfold, Kaylee started to cry. Every available surface was covered with twinkling candles. He had a fire burning in the fireplace and a pallet of rose petal covered blankets in front of it, complete with a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice, and two crystal flutes. It was like something out of a dream.

  Lucas stood behind her, holding her steady as she took it all in. One arm wrapped around her chest, the other around her waist, his thumb rubbing her belly in soft, soothing circles. Well, Kaylee guessed they were supposed to be soothing. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to strip them both bare and get on with the night he had so thoughtfully prepared for them.

  “Lucas, this so beautiful, thank you so much.” Pulling away a little, so his arm loosened around her, she turned to face him, placing her arms around his shoulders.

  “Anything for you, Kaylee,” Lucas murmured as he nuzzled the top of her head with his cheek. “I wanted this day to be special. Tomorrow you’ll come into your powers, but tonight I want us to come together as one.”

  Kaylee laughed, stroking his shoulders and neck. She was a little nervous and even a little scared. She knew exactly what he wanted to do, claim her. They’d been talking about it for a while now. She knew he would bite her and take her blood. She also knew to complete the claiming, she would need to take a little of his blood into her body, marking him as well. That scared her more than him taking from her, she didn’t want to hurt him.

  “Kaylee?” Lucas questioned as she remained quiet. “If you want to wait, I just thought…”

  Kaylee didn’t like the doubt and vulnerability she sensed in him. Lucas was a strong man, Alpha of his pack and Guardian to the McClane witches. He had lived through so many things and had not only survived, but thrived. Even this claiming was a testament to how much he had overcome. Just a few short weeks ago, the thought of taking her blood had ma
de him run. She refused to allow her weakness to hurt him anymore.

  “Claim me, Lucas, I’m yours, now and forever,” she said, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. “Whatever happens, I will always be by your side. Together we can do anything. You are my home, my love, and my future. I love you, Lucas Valentin, every part of you.”

  Kaylee watched as Lucas’ eyes flashed bright gold seconds before his lips crashed into hers in a heated kiss which went on forever. Just when she was sure she was going to pass out from the pleasure, Lucas pulled away slightly, resting his forehead on hers, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “I love you, Kaylee Smith, I think I have from the very moment I saw you driving down the dirt road. The dirt road might have had a different destination, but it led you to me, and I have never been happier. I love you, I cherish you, and I want you to be mine in every way. Do you accept me as your mate, Kaylee? Will you live and love by my side for all the days to come until we breathe our last breath together when the fates decide that day has come?”

  Kaylee was crying, but she managed a croaked, “Yes, Lucas please make me yours, claim me.”

  Lucas grabbed her thighs, lifting her into his embrace. Hugging her closely, he walked the few steps to the pallet, laying her down gently, following her with his body. This time, their lovemaking was slow and sweet. Lucas took the time to explore every inch of her body, and Kaylee did the same.

  Kaylee knew the time had come to complete the claim. Lucas was buried deep within her body. She could feel the beginning of her orgasm as it built so deeply within her, but she felt him hesitate. Looking up into his eyes, she cupped his cheek, bringing him closer, kissing him softly.

  “I’m ready, Lucas, make me yours.”

  Her words seemed to spur him on; Lucas shifted his hip, his cock hitting her in just the right spot with every thrust. She could feel him growing inside her and knew exactly what she needed to do. Tilting her head to the side, exposing her neck to him, she offered herself to him, and he started to pound into her harder, deeper.

  Just as she exploded around him, Lucas struck, biting her neck. Kaylee was so overwhelmed with pleasure, the slight pain only amplified her orgasm, making it stronger. He pulled his mouth away from her neck, and she looked at him. His eyes were completely gold, his fangs protruding over his lip. She watched as he let one of those razor-sharp teeth slice his lip. Kaylee pulled him down and licked the blood away, taking it into her body.

  She was pleased by how good it tasted; it was sweet, yet harsh, so much like her Lucas. Sucking his lip into her mouth, she bit down, drawing more of his blood into her mouth. Seconds later, her body bowed under him as the claim and bond snapped into place. This was nothing like she was expecting because hell, there wasn’t any way a person could describe it. She felt him inside her, in her heart, her brain, and her body. They were one on more than one level.

  Lucas howled, and she felt the hot splash of his cum coating her womb, throwing her into another orgasm, this one so strong, she felt as though she was having an out-of-body experience. It took her forever to come back to earth, but when she did, Lucas was looking at her with as much love in his eyes as she had in her heart for him. It was done, they were mates.

  Chapter 20

  Kaylee was pleasantly sore from their activities the night before and this morning. Touching the tender skin on her neck, each little tingle of pain made her remember their claiming and brought a smile to her face. Lucas was hers and she was his.

  Then there was this morning. Lucas had started her day by waking her up in the best possible way with his head between her legs. Then he had her ride him like a cowgirl and after she came three times, he took over, pinning her to the bed and giving her two more. She was still soaking up the afterglow when three women she had never seen before appeared in their bedroom. She had expected Lucas to jump up and defend her, but he only laughed, kissing her deeply.

  “It looks like it’s time for you to meet your family. Kayley, I would like to introduce you to your very rude and intrusive cousins, Amelia, Tara, and Prue.”

  Kaylee had gathered the sheet up to cover her body and could only stare at the three women. They looked a little like her—same shape and skin tone—but there were slight differences. Tara had strawberry blond hair and a mischievous look in her green eyes. Amelia’s hair was closer to brown and cut short in a pixie cut which looked amazing with her dainty features and her hazel brown eyes; she looked to be the most serious of the group. The last one, Prue, had dark brown hair on the verge of being black, her eyes a soft brown. If Kaylee had to describe the woman by just looking, she would think sweet. The one thing they all had in common, including Kaylee, was the McClane nose and none of them would be considered small women, they all had curves for days.

  “Now, Lucas, you knew we were coming,” Amelia, who Kaylee was finding out was the ring leader, said, “and we did at least wait until the two of you stopped shaking the walls and screaming to the gods or in your case screaming each other’s names. When Tara wanted to come in during your extracurriculars, shall we say, Prue and I overruled her. You should be grateful we waited.”

  Lucas went to get up. Kaylee was just starting to get used to the fact he had no problem with his nudity, but she didn’t like the idea of these women, relations or not, seeing him in all his glory. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back down onto the bed, shoving a pillow over his groin, making him both bowl over from the force of her actions and laugh because he knew what she was up to.

  “If you ladies would mind giving us a minute, I would like to get dressed first before you tell me why you decided to come into my home and more specifically, my bedroom without my permission,” Kaylee said through clenched teeth.

  Prue, the sweet one, said, “Certainly,” but she had to pull Tara out of the room when she kept trying to steal a look. Amelia just walked out as if it wasn’t a big deal.

  “I like it when you get jealous, mate.” Lucas tackled her to the bed. “I would show you how much if we had time, but you need to prepare, and I need to get with the pack to set up sentries. Tonight is the night, babe, you’ll come into your power, and we can finally finish the mating!” Lucas kissed her hard, leaving her breathless.

  She was just about to pull him back into bed when someone, she thought maybe it was Amelia, yelled, “I left the ceremonial robe outside the door. HURRY THE HELL UP, we don’t have all day for you two to get it on again!”

  Kaylee reluctantly got dressed, well not really dressed because all she was given was a robe to wear to meet up with her cousins, downstairs. She was a little shocked she had instantly liked the three women; it usually took her a while to warm up to people. They each had qualities Kaylee admired. The easy carefree banter was something Kaylee had always wanted to have with friends, and now, it looked like she might get it with family.

  Lucas kissed her and started to leave, and Kaylee wanted to pull him back. She wasn’t ready to let him go, even for her cleansing or whatever the fuck it was. He noticed her reluctance and pulled her into a hug.

  “I will always be with you, Kaylee, all you need to do is look inside yourself and the bond will connect us. Can you feel it?” he whispered in her ear.

  Kaylee closed her eyes and searched her soul, and he was right. She could feel his love and the love she had for him.

  “I love you, Lucas, see you soon,” she answered with a kiss.

  “Count on it, babe,” he winked and left.

  Tara stood next to her and dramatically swooned, making Amelia catch her. When Amelia pushed her back up, she said, “You are so damn lucky, girl. Lucas is the catch of the century and from the way he was making you scream when we walked up, damn. That’s all I can say.” Amelia slapped the back of Tara’s head to shush her, but that didn’t stop Tara. Looking at Kaylee, she fake whisper-yelled, “Amelia is going to get stuck with a mole shifter; he’ll need somewhere to go once she starts talking.”

  Amelia didn’t slap her sister this time, but she d
id give her a dirty look. “Oh, and you, sister dear, are going to mate with a bear shifter. You know the kind who like to spank their women and keep them in line. Big, bad, and dominant. That’s what you’re going to get.”

  Tara just shrugged her shoulders and looked at her nails. “That’s okay, I like a little slap and tickle. At least my man won’t be burrowing into the ground to get away from me. I might even let him tie me up, so he can do all kinds of delicious things to this body,” Tara said, rubbing her hands up and down her torso, paying particular attention to her boobs.

  Kaylee just laughed. Amelia’s face was getting redder by the second. It amazed Kaylee when she meekly replied, “Shut up.”

  Prue sat down on the couch, noticing her sisters tension and said, “I’m getting a Warlock for a mate. He’s going to be sweet and kind, let me continue my work, and help me raise our three children. We’re going to live in Maine by the ocean.”

  Both Amelia and Tara busted up laughing. Kaylee didn’t really get what was so funny until Tara said, “Yeah and my ass is purple. You already know who your mate is Prue, and he isn’t the sweet, kind, raise the babies while wifey works kind of guy. He’s more, Get on my bike bitch and let’s ride to where the wind takes us.”

  Kaylee was stunned and asked, “You know who your mate is, and you’re not with him?”

  Prue said, “No” at the same time Amelia and Tara said, “Yes.”

  “I had barely met Lucas and knew I wanted him. How do you do it? How long have you known him?” Kaylee asked, genuinely curious. She loved Lucas and wouldn’t change anything about him or their mating. She couldn’t imagine denying him, those three weeks had been hell on her.

  It wasn’t Prue who answered her, but Tara. “She’s known him all her life. He’s from another Coven and not a respected one. You should see them together, they get all squirmy and uncomfortable; it’s hard to watch, but neither of them will budge an inch. Stubborn. Personally, I think Micah is hot—all that leather, those tats, and attitude.” Tara said fanning herself. “It’s enough to make a girl cream her panties.”


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