Down the Dirt Road (The Dirt Road Series Book 1)

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Down the Dirt Road (The Dirt Road Series Book 1) Page 15

by Livell James

  Tara and Amelia started arguing, but Kaylee wasn’t paying them any attention, she was watching Prue. She looked sad, and it made Kaylee wonder if denying her mate was really the right choice or if Prue was even the one who made who the choice in the first place. Poor girl.

  “Okay, ladies,” Kaylee asked, deciding a change of subject was in order, “tell me what we’re supposed to be doing, we’re burning daylight here.”

  Amelia stopped arguing with Tara and said, “We’re going to take you to a sacred place all McClane witches have come to on the day of their Ostara. You will be cleansed in the water to prepare yourself for the ceremony. Once the cleansing is complete, Lucas will meet up with us and take you to the ceremonial grounds to present you to the Coven.”

  “It’s really not a big deal,” Tara yawned, “you take a bath, we say some things, then the ceremony; blam-o, you’re a witch, easy peasy, lemon squeezy.”

  Kaylee doubted that, but got up and started walking toward the door. “Well then, let’s do this thing, ladies. I don’t want to keep my man or the Coven waiting.”

  The walk to the spring wasn’t bad, but it was cold out and the robe she was wearing didn’t provide her with much coverage. Heck, even the flowy, pastel-colored dresses her cousins were wearing didn’t match the weather, and they were all barefoot. Every time Kaylee stepped on a rock or a twig, she let her displeasure be known. The girls just laughed until they started doing the same thing, and Kaylee laughed back at them.

  The trip didn’t take long, thankfully. She had thought she had been everywhere on her grands property, but Kaylee had never seen this place before. The trail opened up onto a small clearing with a beautiful, small spring in the center, about the size of a twelve-person hot tub. Kaylee looked at it skeptically; it was freaking cold outside; there was no way she was stripping down to get in it, they would have to throw her in.

  The three of them joined hands and started to chant. Kaylee was enthralled by the words and melody of the chant. When she looked back at the spring, it had steam coming off of it.

  “That was so cool. You three are going to have to teach me how to do that.”

  “We won’t have to. Once the Ostara is complete,” Tara laughed, “you’ll have this knowledge and much more. Now strip down, sister, and get in. Your body must be cleansed. We’ve added the herbs of the goddesses to purify your outer being.” She winked and whispered, “They make us say that; it’s really just some rosemary and lavender, but it smells good.” Amelia pushed Tara out of the way and handed Kaylee some soap which looked homemade. Kaylee just looked at it and waited.

  “This soap was provided by the High Priestess,” Amelia said with flair, even doing a little bow. “It will wipe away the past and help you welcome the future as you clean your body.”

  “Plus, it smells good, don’t forget that,” Tara whispered again, making Kaylee laugh.

  Prue quietly stepped forward and handed Kaylee a little washcloth. “This was made from the first fabric which touched your body on the day you were born. It is to remember the past, but strive for the future. The day of the Ostara means new beginnings, but we must not forget what we have learned.”

  Kaylee smiled at Prue and took the cloth made of a very soft, aged cotton. She brought it up to her nose and memories of her past flooded her, things she hadn’t remembered before—her father cradling her in his arms, her mother smiling down at her with love shining in her eyes. She took a couple of seconds to let the memories flow over her. The strike of a match and the smell of something burning brought her back to the present.

  Kaylee watched as the three women lit sage bundles and started to dance around the spring, chanting. Tara stopped in front of her and said, “Well come on, this part takes a while and you have to be in the water. Don’t be shy, we’ve all seen girl bits and boobies before, no biggie.” Tara started to try to help Kaylee take off the robe, practically pushing her into the spring. Kaylee slapped her hands away and did it herself.

  Looking at the spring, there was no easy way to do this, so she thought, the hell with it and jumped in. Kaylee came up sputtering, she hadn’t expected the water to be so deep. She felt weird skinny dipping by herself while three women she was just starting to get to know, danced around singing, well chanting, waving smoking sticks. But she figured when in Rome and started washing her body and hair. When she was done, her cousins helped her out of the spring and placed the robe back over her shoulders, helping her sit on a rock.

  Each one of them brought a different flower to her and placed it in her hair. Amelia was first, holding up her bundle. “This is Celandine, it represents joys to come.” Kaylee fingered the tiny yellow flowers before Amelia weaved them into her hair. Tara came forward next with only one flower. “This is a daffodil, it represents new beginnings.” Placing it behind Kaylee’s ear, she smiled and stepped away.

  Prue walked up to her holding a small wreath woven with tiny flowers and ribbon. “This is a wreath made of heather and baby’s breath. They represent everlasting love, protection, and wishes which have yet to come true.” Prue placed the wreath on Kaylee’s head and kissed Kaylee’s cheek, making her cry. This was so special.

  Kaylee stood and was going to say something, but her emotions were all over the place. Instead, she pulled the three women into her arms and hugged them. “Thank you.” Pulling back, she noticed none of them had dry eyes, but they were all smiling, having shared something so special.

  Chapter 21

  Lucas met Kaylee and her cousins at the trail which led to the sacred grounds. He looked amazing dressed in his ceremonial leathers. He looked every bit the warrior Kaylee knew he was. When he offered her his elbow, Kaylee gladly took it. Coming to the clearing, Kaylee noticed the huge amount of people gathered around in a large circle, but what caught her eye was the woman standing next to her Grandma Ruth. Her mother was here, smiling, but still looking sad. Kaylee smiled back and nodded. This wasn’t the time to address the issues they had between them; this moment was more and deserved her whole focus.

  “Who presents the Blue Moon Priestess for the Ostara,” Grandma Ruth’s voice boomed out.

  “I do, Lucas Valentin, Alpha of the Valentin Pack and Guardian of the McClane Coven.” He smiled at Kaylee, then looked back to Ruth and said, “Mate to Kaylee McClane.” Lucas then dropped to his knee with his fist planted against his chest.

  Kaylee heard several people gasp at Lucas’ statement, but didn’t care what any of them thought. They might be family in some way, but she didn’t know them. She knew and loved Lucas.

  “And do you, Kaylee McClane, accept the Guardian’s words?”

  “I do.” Kaylee placed her hand on Lucas’ shoulder. “He is both the Guardian and my mate.”

  “Well, then, let us begin,” Grandma Ruth smiled. With a wave of her hand, a pentagram appeared in a blue blaze from the ground. Kaylee gasped at the sight, but held her ground.

  “Kaylee,” her mother said, smiling, “the pentagram is a sacred symbol in our culture. The northern point represents the spirit and the other four points represent the elements. By taking your place within, you are accepting its power—spirit, earth, air, fire, and water—all these things contribute to life and the life you choose to lead. Do you willingly take your place?”

  Kaylee nodded her head. Grandpa Edwin came forward and guided her to the center of the Pentagram, kissing her hand before releasing her and stepping away. Grandma Ruth began to speak as Kaylee knelt and bowed her head, letting the words flow through her.

  “Today is the time of the Spring Equinox. Ostara is a time of equal parts light and dark. Spring has arrived, it is a time of rebirth. The planting season will soon begin, and life will form once more within the earth. As the season welcomes new life and new beginnings, so can we be reborn in the light and love of the gods. Do you, Kaylee, wish to experience the rebirth of Spring and step out of the darkness into the light?”

  Kaylee stood, raising her hands to the sky, and said, “Yes, I c
hoose the light.” At her words, a bolt of lightning flashed through the sky directly at her. In seconds her mind was reeling with all the knowledge of their Coven—history, spells, people, potions—it was all there. If that wasn’t enough, the power she felt hummed underneath her skin. She looked around, but the blue flames had encompassed her, keeping her, blocking her from view. She turned around in a circle seeking out Lucas; she was scared. This was too much, too soon, and she started to panic. Then he was there, walking through the blaze. As he hugged her close, the panic she felt started to calm as did the blaze. Her Grandma Ruth cleared her throat, and Kaylee turned her head to look at her.

  “You have been chosen, child, to carry the honor of Blue Moon Priestess. You have also chosen your anchor. Lucas Valentin, do you agree to always be faithful to Kaylee, guard her as you would the pack, and anchor her to the earth, so she may continue on the path of the light?”

  Lucas kissed her head and answered, “It is both my honor and my will to do these things for Kaylee, Blue Moon Priestess of the McClane Coven.”

  “So, has it has been stated, so it will be done. Lucas Valentin, you are released from your guardianship of the McClane Coven and granted the honor as mate, anchor, and warrior to Kaylee. Live, love, and find peace in all you do.”

  The rest of the Coven chanted the words three times. Lucas kissed Kaylee, showing her without words how much he loved her. Before he could open his eyes to look at her glowing face, someone came up from behind, grabbing Kaylee by the arm.

  “Come on, girl, it’s time to get your party started.”

  Kaylee pulled her arm away and looked at him as if he had lost his damn mind. “Who are you and why do you think it’s okay to grab me by the arm and try to pull me away?”

  Lucas busted out laughing. “Kaylee, this is another one of your cousins, who all seem to be very interrupting today.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot we’ve never met. Kaylee, I am Brice, your cousin and party planner extraordinaire.” He completed his introduction with a curtsy which would put a Disney princess to shame. Kaylee just looked at him for a second, stunned, thinking, is this guy for real? He was gorgeous, but his outfit was outrageous, like Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony threw up all over him in a kaleidoscope of color and glitter, making Kaylee giggle. Kaylee gave him her best curtsy, which was nothing compared to his. Kaylee thought he must have practiced because this shit was hard.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Brice McClane. Thank you for planning my party.”

  “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” he said, giddiness shining in his eyes. “Come now, Kaylee, let’s get this party going.” With a clap of his hands, he called out, “Girls, let’s show Kaylee what we’ve got!” Tara, Prue, and Amelia joined him on the outskirts of the pentagram, throwing their hands in the air chanting, “May the dark turn to light.”

  Kaylee was gob smacked when the pentagram, glowing softly a moment ago, changed color, brightened, and started to glow the most beautiful dark blue. It was different, but just as gorgeous, lighting the area like a neon sign.

  “Hold on,” Brice winked at her, “one more gift for the Blue Moon Priestess.” Brice stood in the middle with open arms when a perfect, blue butterfly appeared in the palm of his hand. “The butterfly represents great transformation yet to come. It reminds us our currently reality is to be experienced so that we may learn and grow. It is our duty to accept and embrace these changes. Kaylee, you have started by choosing the light, claiming your mate, and accepting your magic into your soul. As your Coven, we celebrate by your side. As your family, we rejoice in the path you have chosen to follow.”

  Kaylee watched as Brice waved his free hand over the butterfly and it changed into a pendant. She was still staring at his hand when Brice walked to stand in front of her, holding out his hand. “The color blue in a butterfly symbolizes joy, beauty, and luck. Please accept this gift as a reminder of this day and the days yet to come, with joy in your heart, beauty in your soul, and luck by your side.”

  Kaylee looked to Lucas who was smiling down at her, then she nodded, bending down, allowing Brice to place the necklace around her neck. Brice stepped back, and Kaylee looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

  “Welcome, Kaylee Valentin, Blue Moon Priestess of the McClane Coven.” Raising his hands above his head, he said, “Let the celebration begin.”

  Kaylee watched in awe as hundreds of butterflies flew into the air. The sun had set and the moon had risen, providing a glorious backdrop for the colorful butterflies. They flew all around her, rising up into the sky. Fireflies lit the woods in the most beautiful way as if it was glittering. Holding her hands out, she spun in a circle, taking everything in. Kaylee stopped and threw herself into Lucas’ arms, never doubting he would catch her.

  “It’s all so beautiful. Lucas, did you see, can you feel it?”

  “The most beautiful thing I see is right here in my arms. I love you, Kaylee. Congratulations, baby.”

  “This day has turned out so perfectly, I’m so blessed to have you here with me at my side.”

  Lucas leaned down, kissing her deeply. It was as if everything around them disappeared and only the two of them remained. Kaylee accepted the gift he was giving her, letting all her past worries leave her body and accepted the future was in her hands. The moment was lost when Brice grabbed one of Lucas’ arms, loosening his hold on her. Lucas growled, but Kaylee just laughed.

  “Lucas, bring your mate to the middle and share a dance with her,” Brice said as music, from out of nowhere, started to fill the woods. They made their way to the center of the pentagram which was no longer there. The grass had covered it back over and only the blue star could be seen.

  Lucas bowed in front of her. “May I have this dance, Kaylee Valentin?” Kaylee giggled and returned the favor, curtsying, holding out her hand. “Yes, you may, kind sir, please lead the way.”

  As they begin to dance, Kaylee looked around. Tara and Brice were dancing together in a way which could only be described as lewd, but comical. Her grands were off to one side, holding each other close. Prue and Amelia were laughing, doing a weird version of a waltz together. All around her, people were happily celebrating.

  She noticed her mother looking at her with a huge grin on her face, a few tears in her eyes. She acknowledged Kaylee with a nod, then blew her a kiss. It would take a long time for the two of them to recover from all Kaylee had learned, but knowing that her mother came here to support her meant the world to her. Someday, they would get there, she just hoped it was soon.

  Tara and Brice danced closer to them, shaking their butts and laughing. Lucas and Kaylee watched and laughed right alongside them. Lucas had even stopped the slow sway they had been doing and added a few moves to compete with Brice. When Brice came up behind Lucas and started to dance, Kaylee laughed, pulling Lucas away, waving her finger at Brice. He shrugged his shoulders and kept dancing.

  When all the hairs on the back of her neck lifted, Kaylee stopped, and holding on to Lucas, whispered, “I sense something isn’t right.”

  “Oh Kaylee,” Lucas said, “he’s just a little feminine and maybe he likes men, but he can hold his own with the best of us when it comes to fighting.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Lucas?” Kaylee had the most serious look on her face. “Stop listening to the music and looking at the lights. I’m not talking about Brice! Something isn’t right in these woods tonight; use your senses, Luc.”

  Lucas closed his eyes, blocking everything else out. Kaylee was right, there was something or rather someone out of place. He smelled the blood of his maker, but this was different, mixed and more potent, somehow, another hybrid.

  “Stay here, Kaylee, Atticus is in the woods.” Kaylee grabbed his arm, not wanting him to go, but Lucas pulled away. “Trust me, Kaylee, I need to find out what he’s up to. Brice, take her, please,” Lucas barked out.

  Kaylee watched as her previously flamboyant cousin turned into a very serious Warlock. “Come,
Kaylee, let your warrior do his job.”

  “He can’t go out there alone, Brice,” Kaylee protested. “Something could happen to him, I have to go with him.” Kaylee started to struggle, but Brice’s grip was strong.

  “Kaylee, this his duty; he’s strong, his pack is standing guard, and we have twenty witches who will step in at a moment’s notice if needed. You need to trust in your man and his abilities. He can’t do what needs to be done if he’s worried about you. Your powers are new, untested; you would only be a distraction.”

  Chastised, Kaylee watched, helplessly, as Lucas walked out of the circle and into the woods, vowing to herself that one day she would be strong enough to stand by his side.

  Chapter 22

  Atticus watched the ceremony from the wooded shadows. He was too late. Well, not really, he had been there, but chose not to stop it or even attempt to take Kaylee Smith, now Valentin.

  The ceremony was over, and Kaylee had chosen the path of the light. He didn’t really care, but Bane would be furious, and he knew his Master would make him pay. Pissing Bane off had become one of Atticus’s favorite past times. Just thinking about his Master made Atticus’ stomach churn.

  He remembered the days before he was turned and all the promises Bane had made, all of them lies except for one; he did have great power. But that power had been hard earned, not taught. Atticus had spent years gaining knowledge and power, trying his best to figure out a way to be released from the vile man.

  Watching Lucas, he was a little jealous. Lucas had resisted Bane’s charms—something Atticus couldn’t say for himself—gaining a life Atticus craved. When Bane had lured him from the safety of his pack, Atticus didn’t think he had a choice and accepted the monster’s terms. Now he knew better, Lucas had proven that to him. It was one of the reasons he was giving his brother this gift.


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