Book Read Free

Hit the Spot

Page 20

by J. Daniels

  Tori blinked. “What?” she whispered.

  “You need to get used to this.”

  “Get used to what?”

  “Us fuckin’ and puttin’ in time together after.”

  She stared up at me. “Huh?”

  “Jesus. This.” I squeezed her side, then feeling the need to elaborate ’cause I knew more questions were coming, I went on explaining, “’Cause unless I got work or shit I can’t put off until later, I’m hangin’ around, babe. Might just be to get some shut-eye with you. Might be to talk. Will absolutely be to fuck again, no question there. Only way this becomes a fuck and run is if one of us has commitments to get to. Also if we’re out somewhere and we both need to get it in. Straight up, not tryin’ to linger with you in some shitty bathroom or wherever the fuck. We can put the time in later.”

  When I was done explaining how this was going to work, Tori stared up at me, somehow looking even more confused than she did a minute ago.

  “Babe,” I prompted when she kept staring.

  She blinked, snapping out of her staring haze. “Why?” she questioned softly.


  “Yes. Why?”

  I bent down, which caused Tori to smash her head against the pillow further, and still I kept moving in, only stopping when our noses almost touched.

  “’Cause we both want it. We’re good together. And like I told you earlier today after you got finished fucking my mouth with your tongue, I’m done playin’ games with you,” I said, watching her eyes flicker wider. “Gave me your pussy, babe. Ate it. Fucked it. That’s been claimed. And yeah, I was helpin’ you out and doin’ what you asked, but no way was that the only reason for what we just did. Wasn’t for me and sure as fuck wasn’t for you. Now I gotta taste. I want more. Know you want more so don’t even try and lie your way outta this one. Bet’s over and we’re both hard up. That’s why.”

  Tori pinched her lips together and inhaled a sharp breath. “Do you have any idea how crude you just sounded?” she asked, face hard.

  “Sure you hated every second of it,” I shot back, sarcasm heavy as I leaned back to loom over her again.

  She relaxed and those cheeks that were already still flushed heated more.

  I smiled.

  Tori’s eyes lowered to my mouth, then quickly rose again. “I never said I wanted more of what we just did,” she said, voice quiet and quick.

  “Didn’t need to. Can still feel you goin’ tight around my cock, babe.”

  Jesus. That was the fucking truth. Never felt anything like that.

  Tori’s stomach tensed under my arm, which was still draped over her. Then she exhaled slowly and closed her eyes.

  I watched this happen, assuming she was just thinking of something to say back to me, more bullshit, and doing this through a heavy blink, but seconds passed and she never reopened them.



  “What’re you doin’?”


  My brow tightened. I waited for her to say more, to smile or to fucking look at me ’cause she must’ve been joking.

  I kept waiting. Nothing.

  “What the fuck?”

  Tori tipped up her chin, keeping her eyes closed. “I’m done talking to you,” she said. “You’re not listening to me anyway, and everything you’re saying is either making me confused, uncomfortable, or not knowing what to think.”


  “Embarrassed,” she clarified, eyes opening and turning soft. “I know how I reacted to what you did to me. I was there, Jamie. You don’t need to rub it in my face.”

  “Not rubbing it in your face, Legs. Just wantin’ you to admit you liked it as much as I did.”

  “I liked it,” she shot out quickly. “Okay? Obviously. I came. And I appreciate you doing what you did for me. But it’s done. Meaning, we don’t need to keep doing it.”

  “We absolutely need to keep doin’ it,” I returned.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you.”


  “I really don’t.”

  “You sayin’ if I show up here again tomorrow night, the next night, and the next, wantin’ more, you wouldn’t be down, and not only that, you’d tell me to fuck off?”

  Tori swallowed. “If?” she asked quietly, sounding anxious.

  My brow furrowed.

  Seeing that happen, she nodded sharply and added with a flat tone, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “You’re full of shit,” I laughed.

  Her eyes flashed with anger and narrowed. “No, I’m not,” she hissed. “If you show up here again, ever, I’m telling you exactly that.”


  “I’m serious, Jamie.”

  “You’re seriously full of shit, Legs.”

  She pushed to her elbows and got in my face. “And you’re seriously delusional if you think I’m believing anything you’re saying to me right now.”

  My brows lifted.

  Tori read that as a question and went on, keeping close to explain, “You say you want to put in time with me. That I’m safe to have expectations. What do you think, I’m stupid? I know exactly what this was to you, Jamie. And I will not be that girl waiting around and expecting things. Not from you. I will not be stupid.”

  I listened to Tori, staring back and reading the seriousness in her eyes while seeing the fear she was trying to keep hidden. And I remembered her “if” from seconds ago and the worry she had in her voice, thinking I wouldn’t be showing up here again.

  Reason hit me like a punch to the gut.

  All her bullshit. The lies. The layers. Why she was always fighting me.

  It wasn’t that Tori didn’t want me here. It wasn’t that she would tell me to fuck off if I showed.

  She was scared this was it. That I wouldn’t come back, or that when I did and this shit built between us, becoming something real and on the regular, I’d stop showing and blindside her.

  She was scared of getting hurt.

  “Jesus, babe,” I mumbled, staring at her as I started sliding my arm up her body to cup her face, then deciding that wasn’t enough.

  Hand on her side, I pushed her back.

  She gasped as she fell. “What are you doing?”

  I leaned into her, body sliding over to pin her down and keep her flat on the mattress, elbows planted on either side and hands holding gently to her cheeks. I ran my thumb over the flush in her skin.

  She pressed her fingers to my chest, gently pushing as she blinked up at me. “Jamie, I—”

  “You said what you needed to say. Now it’s my turn,” I told her.

  She shook her head. “But—”

  “Legs, shut up.”

  Her lips pinched together tightly. I heard her breath as it escaped her, coming out in heavy pants.

  “Told you this wasn’t about a piece of ass I was lookin’ to score,” I began, pushing strands of hair out of her face and curling my fingers behind her head. “Also told you I’ve had that with women, they were aware and wantin’ the same thing, so you know if this was about that, I wouldn’t have a problem lettin’ you know up front. Last I checked, I did not give any indication I was just lookin’ to get a few fucks outta my system with you. Unless I’m forgettin’ I said it. Did you hear those words from me?”

  She shook her head again. “No, but—”

  “Shut up, Legs.”

  Her eyes narrowed. Looking ready to argue, she shocked me by actually following orders.

  Seeing that, I continued, “Not gonna lie. Saw you that first day at Whitecaps and, first reaction, wanted to fuck.”

  Somehow, Tori’s eyes narrowed further. Still, she didn’t speak.

  “Months went by. Still feelin’ that. Then the more I got to know shit about you, the longer I looked and saw the way you are with people you care about, the more time we spent together after Dash and Syd hooked up, shit started changin’. Still wanted to fuck. Pretty sure
the only way that urge is going away is if I’m six feet under, but bein’ around you, babe, watchin’ you and the way you are with Dash, how you smile at him ’cause of the way he treats your girl, fuck, I wanted that. Drove me crazy you weren’t givin’ it to me.”

  Tori’s eyes went back to their normal, oval-shaped size. Her mouth relaxed.

  I ran my thumb below her bottom lip, watching that movement as I went on.

  “Came to me last night, upset, crying, wanting someone to make that shit better for you. Needin’ someone.” I looked into her eyes. “You got people you smile at, babe. People you take in and let live with you. And you came to my door. You gave me that.” I breathed a laugh and cupped her cheek. “Still don’t think you know what that meant to me.”

  Tori inhaled sharply, blinking and looking to be fighting tears.

  I moved in, getting closer. “You give it up, Legs, don’t matter what it is and I’m keepin’ it. Know what it means to you and want you knowin’ you ain’t alone in that. I feel it, too, babe.”

  Her breath hitched.

  “Trusted me to take care of shit before,” I reminded her, bending lower and speaking slowly against her lips. “Gonna need you to trust me on this, too.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  “Quit thinkin’.”

  “I have to think. I have to, Jamie. If I don’t—”

  I cut her off, tilting my head and kissing her. It was slow and wet, and fuck, she kissed back. Not fighting it. The second she felt my tongue push inside, Tori started giving it just as good.

  She stopped thinking.

  Her fingers moved to my jaw and she lifted up, pressing firmer against my mouth, going deeper with her tongue and telling me what I needed to know when she was too afraid to say it.

  “We doin’ this?” I asked.

  She kissed me harder.

  “You likin’ me yet?”

  She pulled my bottom lip into her mouth and sucked until I groaned.

  “Fuck, babe,” I panted, breaking away and rolling with her, pulling her body against and partially on top of mine. One hand behind her back and curling around her waist and the other reaching down, hitching her leg up and draping it over me. I turned my head and pressed my mouth against her hair. “We’re doin’ this,” I said.

  Tori didn’t say anything back, but her hand moved over my chest and she squeezed her leg around me. She was holding on.

  Fuck yeah. I took that as her agreeing.

  “Need to recharge. Give me an hour.”

  “Or two, depending,” she offered cutely.

  I smiled, my arm tightening around her, then I shut my eyes, keeping hold of all that beauty. “Get some sleep,” I ordered.


  Seconds went by, then I felt her fingers curl around my ribs. “Jamie?”


  “I’m planning on getting to bed early tomorrow,” she informed me. “I open the next morning and I’m pulling another double.”

  Eyes remaining closed, I smiled again, not sure if she was seeing it or not. “Guess I’ll be pickin’ the lock then,” I shared.

  “There’s a spare key in the cabinet by the fridge.”

  My eyes flashed open and my arm around her tensed. I knew she felt that. Looking down, I saw the top of her head move a little as she pressed closer, bringing more of her body on top of me.

  “Night,” she whispered.

  A tightness gathered in my chest. I dropped my head back onto the pillow and stared at the ceiling.

  I knew the exact moment Tori fell asleep. Her breathing steadied and her hold on me relaxed.

  An hour later I was waking her with my mouth between her legs.

  I never slept.

  * * *

  “Oh, God! Jamie, oh, my God!”

  “Fuck,” I growled, teeth clenching, sweat dripping off me, off her, as I squeezed Tori’s thighs and bucked up into her wildly.

  She was coming again. Right on the heels of her last orgasm, riding my shit so goddamn hard while I fucked her standing in the middle of her bedroom.

  So good.

  Fuck me, her pussy was so good.

  Had intentions on taking her in her bed. Her legs thrown over my shoulders while she stared up at me, then turning her to her side so I could spank her and watch her tits bounce, but the second I stepped inside her bedroom after using the spare key to get in the house, those plans changed.

  Tori sat up in bed, looking wide awake and like she was waiting for me, not sleeping like she said she would be. She pushed the covers down and ripped her shirt off to show me her tits, and as I was undressing, making quick work of it so I could get inside her before I lost my fucking mind, she scrambled off the bed, climbed up my body as I was rolling the condom on my dick, slid her hand between us to position me, and sank down.

  Swear to Christ, took every ounce of strength in me not to lose it the second I stretched her.

  I closed my eyes and started counting as she shifted her hips against me and begged against my mouth, making it to seven before I slowed down enough I could start working her.

  Then I hooked her legs over my forearms, gripped her ass, and bounced her on my dick, watching her face as she took me.

  Lips parted. Eyes half-closed. Heat creeping across her face. Head thrown back when I started thrusting up.

  All beauty.

  Her ass slapped against my thighs. I bounced her faster, building it in her while I told her how fucking hot she looked taking my dick.

  Then we were kissing and she was digging her nails into my neck and moaning my name against my tongue, looking so crazy into me, into this, driving me to slam her down, harder, harder, until she was crying out and going off.

  And here she was again, the hottest fuck of my life, leaning away and grinding her hips, whimpering, skin flushed and slicked with sweat, milking her orgasm while pulling mine to the surface, no matter how hard I was fighting to hold off.

  Her pussy clamped down on my dick. She whispered “harder” as a bead of sweat or a tear rolled down her cheek, I didn’t know.

  Fuck it. ’Cause unless I became deaf, blind, and numb from the waist down at this very second, I was losing this battle.

  “God…fuck, baby, fuck,” I groaned, pulling her close, burying my face in her neck and driving up into her hard, harder like she asked, staying deep on the third thrust and then emptying inside the condom.

  “Oh, my God,” Tori whispered, fingers moving in my hair as I breathed heavily against her skin. “I, uh, was tired. When I first laid down. Promise.”

  Laughing, I leaned back to look at her. She gave me a shy smile before dropping her head on my shoulder.

  “Gotta get cleaned up,” I said, lips to her hair.

  Tori loosened her hold on me and let me lower her to the carpet. I kissed her, soft and quick, and then went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  I could smell her skin on me. Sweet vanilla. My mouth tasted like her toothpaste.

  My dick started growing hard again as I was washing it off.

  When I got back to the bedroom, Tori was sitting in the middle of the bed on her knees, facing the door, with her hands flat on her thighs. Her tits were moving rapidly with the breaths she was taking in and expelling.

  Heavy, needy breaths.

  She was still as worked up as I was, wanting me just as bad. Not fighting it. Not holding it in, but letting it be known. Letting me see it.

  Fuck. So good.

  Her eyes lowered to my dick when I started to stroke it. Lip caught between her teeth, she moved her hand to the bed and blindly picked up a condom.

  It was one of mine. Tori must’ve been digging through my shorts.

  “Gonna spank you while I fuck you this time,” I told her, thinking back to my earlier desires before she mounted me and shot that plan to shit. I climbed on the bed and watched her lick her lips, nodding quickly. She wanted that, too. Then I pushed her back and hovered over her, hand beside her head whi
le the other palmed her tit.

  She gasped and arched into me.

  “You’re gonna be tired tomorrow,” I promised, bending to take her mouth.

  “’Kay,” Tori whispered.

  “Probably sore, too.”

  She smiled against my lips. I felt the foil wrapper of the condom press to my chest.

  “’Kay,” she whispered again, this time sounding happy as shit about that possibility.

  Hearing that, I didn’t smile. I fucking grinned.

  Then I got back to kissing her and got started on making good on those promises.

  * * *

  I realized quick that having any set plans in my head about how Tori and I were going to spend our time fucking was a goddamned waste.

  Not that we wouldn’t end up possibly doing what I was anticipating, but right off the bat? The second we saw each other?

  Fuck no.

  Sex with Tori Rivera wasn’t thought out and predicated. It wasn’t routine.

  It was chaos.

  It was colliding bodies and clothes tearing. It was knocking shit over just to get to each other and then fucking on top of that same shit you just knocked over, ’cause you needed it now. Desperate. You couldn’t get it fast enough. It was barely getting through the door and furniture breaking.

  It was dirty and rowdy and the kind of crazy that drove a person mad ’cause they wanted it like that. They needed it. They couldn’t wait.

  And that was just after the third night I showed.

  After getting the kind of welcome I’d gotten on Friday, I wasn’t sure what to expect showing up at Tori’s on Saturday.

  It was after ten, so she might’ve been asleep. I might need to wake her if she wasn’t waiting up like before.

  But when I swung my leg off my bike after cutting the engine and looked up, primed to start walking up the driveway, I saw that wasn’t going to be the case. Tori was standing in the doorway waiting for me. Her body wrapped in that green Christmas quilt. Her shoulders bare, giving indication she was naked underneath.

  I couldn’t get to her fast enough.

  And when I did, I did not fuck her with her tits pressing against the glass shower door, like I was anticipating. We didn’t make it upstairs.

  Tori dropped the quilt the second I stepped inside, proving I was right, she was naked, then after attacking each other like kissing was something that felt just as good as fucking, spending minutes just doing that, nothing else, I took her hard and fast against the small table she had in her entryway.


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