by Jay Toney
Jewel asked, "Nathaniel, do you have any plans for today, or do you just want to get back in bed with us?"
"As much as I would like to dive under the covers with you and Amber, I do have other plans for our day."
"Should I change?"
"No, what you are wearing is just fine, in fact it may make it fun."
"Do I have to leave the hot tub? I feel much better."
"Yes, you should be able to move now, and you can get back in later."
"What should I wear?"
"What ever you would like, but something fast and easy to get out of."
While Jewel was helping Amber dry off and dress, I slipped on some khaki shorts, and a dark green shirt. I herd giggles and laughter coming from Amber's wardrobe and hurried to see what was happening.
Jewel was seated on a chair, with Amber bent over her legs. "This is what you get for crashing your little ship yesterday." She swatted Amber's bare bottom, ten times. Both girls laughed and giggled during the mock spanking.
They didn't notice me until I cleared my throat. "Its your turn Jewel."
"You don't want to do this Nathaniel."
"Oh, but I do. I have been wanting to do this very much."
I sat on the now vacated chair, bent Jewel over my legs, and pulled her panties down. "This is what you get for spanking Amber without me." I gave her ten playful swats. Amber and Jewel laughed, the whole time. I wasn't done though. While she was there, I took advantage of her, and tickled her. She started shrieking and squirming. Amber joined in tickling Jewels toes and feet. She begged us to stop, still laughing as we continued to attack. After a short time we relented. "Its a good thing I just peed a few minutes ago, or both of you would be wearing some."
"Say what you like, but Amber and I know you enjoyed every second of it."
"I don't like being spanked, even playfully."
"That is not what I felt from you, through our link. In fact you wanted more."
"I'm afraid he is right. But isn't it a little weird, that someone so dominating, loves to submit to spankings as well as being tickled?"
"I never have before, don't you two ever tell anyone."
"Nathaniel and I will have to do some more exploring, to see what other secrets you are hiding."
"That's it, I promise."
"We shall see. We have plenty of time, and the hunt for hidden treasures is fun, whether we find any or not."
"Amber, you've changed. You were never so bold, when we were growing up. I like it."
"Hurry up, and help Amber dress. We are already late."
Doc was at the holographic simulator waiting. He had the simulation up and running, waiting for us.
"I thought you may have forgotten, for a moment."
"How could I ever forget. You had me in the simulator every day, while you kept me in sickbay."
"If I hadn't, you would have had half the available females on board lined up waiting for you."
"I had more than that, and a few angry boyfriends too. They kept coming for weeks after the crash to be with me."
"Quit your bragging."
We all stepped into the simulation room. I took Jewel and entered the shuttle on the right, Doc and Amber entered the other shuttle. I sat in the copilots seat, making Jewel sit in the pilots. I looked out the viewscreen, it was Antares all over again.
"You knew Doc would be waiting?"
"Without a doubt. I almost feel sorry for Amber. Doc is going to make her do all the flying. I intended the first part to be a demonstration. Doc, are you two ready?"
"We're strapped in and ready."
"Controlled decent or power dive?"
"As always, a little bit of both."
"What does he mean by that?"
"He means enjoy myself."
I locked my coordinates in on the capital cities spaceport, and accelerated towards the planet. Plasma filled our viewscreen, as we entered atmosphere. I cut our thrust, allowing gravity to take over. This was when it was easiest to be targeted, and hit, by the planets defenses. I rolled the ship, banking left and right, trying to prevent a weapons lock on our ship.
The friction had slowed our ships a little, and the plasma faded away. Our Marauders were buffeted as we entered the planets denser atmosphere. The view of the ground rapidly approached us.
"Nathaniel, shouldn't you slow down, or level off?"
"Not yet."
I throttled the engines back up, continuing my evasive maneuvers. The V-max warning sounded, followed by the altitude low warning, and other warnings flashed on the instrument console. I ignored them all. Jewel closed her eyes. "If you don't open your eyes, we will have to do it over again, with you at the controls following Doc." Jewel opened her eyes.
When it looked like we were about to crash, I pulled back hard on the controls, and advanced the throttles to full power. The ship groaned and shuttered fighting gravity, as it leveled off, skimming the planets surface. Jewel screamed, sure we were going to crash the simulator.
I targeted my first target, and fired a missile, without waiting for its report, I selected my second target and fired. I banked hard, rapidly changing our direction of flight lining up on my third target. This time I wasn't going to miss. This was the ship that nearly shot me down. I selected guns, and fired a long burst at the ship, destroying it with my high explosive rounds. Then I climbed high into the sky.
"You should have done that the first time," Doc teased.
"What, and miss all the attention I got from the ladies?"
"What now?"
"We let the ladies practice acrobatics in atmosphere and gravity so they can get a feel for the ship. That keeping their eyes open, is what I think there problem is."
I told Jewel to practice the maneuvers and stalls we practiced yesterday, then I reclined in my seat to take a nap. She shook me awake, "We have been practicing for hours, I'm getting hungry."
"All you have to do is land."
"I can't."
"Yes, you can."
She lined the ship up with the center of the landing bay, lowered the gear and eased off the throttle. Her eyes closed as we entered the landing bay, and instead of landing, we flew into the barrier net. The net caught our main gear and we crashed."
"Natasha, reset the landing sequence, short approach."
"Shes improving, at least she made it into the landing bay this time."
"She would do a lot better with her eyes open."
We crashed several more times, trying to land. "Can we take a break, I've got to pee."
"Not until you land on your own without crashing. Listen to me and keep your eyes open."
Line the ship up. Set your designator for the end of the runway. Lower your landing gear and ease back on the throttle. So far, your doing very good. Ease off, on your throttle a little more. Now get your nose up. That's to much, ease forward on the controls, hold it there, now cut your throttle. After our main gear touched down, I had her ease the nose down. She landed without crashing.
"Natasha, reset for one more landing. Lets see if she can do it on her own."
Jewel lined the ship up, following the same sequence she just performed. The nose was still a little high, but still manageable. She made her first successful landing, without my help.
She exited the simulation without waiting for me, and sped to our quarters, holding her crotch. When I caught up to her, she looked much better and was jubilant having made her first landing. It was a couple hours later before Amber showed up. She didn't look so happy. "Doc wouldn't let me take a brea
k to pee. He said there were no breaks in combat. When I wet myself, he laughed and made me sit in my own pee until I was able to land to his satisfaction."
"Nathaniel was just as mean. I barely made it here, without wetting myself."
"Doc did the same thing to me, so don't feel so bad. I was still suffering from a concussion, and light headed, at the time too. He hoped that it would teach me to wear a helmet. He told me that if I was injured in combat, I would still have to fight to survive or die trying."
"Amber after you get cleaned up, lets eat, I feel like celebrating tonight."
I noticed that Rosie left us a home cooked dinner in the galley. Maybe Doc wouldn't mind a helping hand in the officers galley, I thought. I would have to broach the subject carefully with him.
Chapter 22
We met at the simulators the next morning. Doc was waiting.
"Nathaniel, you are to easy on the girls. I made Amber make a successful landing, before allowing her to leave the simulation."
"What makes you think I didn't. Jewel made two landings, before we left."
"If that is true, we will have an early lunch."
"Speaking of lunch, there is a new cook aboard who is as good, or maybe better than you are. In fact the way she is feeding us, I'll have to get some larger pants, and make the girls exercise to keep their figures."
"Last night she fed us all something we had never eaten before. I don't know what it was, but is was so good that we all licked our plates clean."
"Its on!"
I hoped Rosie was up to Doc's challenge. Either way, we were going to feast today. Doc took Jewel with him today, leaving me with Amber. We strapped in, and began landing practice. We started with short and long approaches, then advanced to oblique, high, and low approach landings. Amber and Jewel, having gained confidence from yesterday, made each landing successfully.
After only a couple of hours Doc ended the simulation. He stormed out of the simulator on the way to the galley.
"Doc seems upset this morning," Jewel observed. "I thought he would be happy with the way we landed without crashing this morning."
"He is happy about that. That's why we finished so early this morning."
"Then why did he leave so abruptly?"
"He has never had a challenger go up against him, for his cooking. He is taking it a little bit to personally. Either he is going to love Rosie, or kill her. I'm not sure which."
"We have to stop them."
"That would make it worse."
A ship wide announcement was made calling Rosie to the Officers Galley.
"I hear you have been fattening up my son and daughter in laws. They say your cooking maybe better than mine. We shall see. I accept your challenge."
"I didn't mean to challenge you. I was just trying to be nice to them. They have been very nice to Mike and I."
"It doesn't matter now. May the best cook win."
There were twelve of us, in the officers mess. A feast was laid out before us. Doc stood by the table with his meal selections, Rosie stood by hers. We all sampled items from both tables. I was completely stuffed when Doc called for a vote. The vote was 6 to 5 in Doc's Favor. All eyes turned to me for the final vote. If I was smart, I would vote for Doc, and everything would return to normal. On the other hand if I voted for Rosie, we would all be eating real good until the tie was settled. That could be a very long time. No one was likely to change their vote to break the tie. I did the foolish thing and voted for Rosie."
"I guess the contest continues until one of you mans up and changes their vote to me," Doc said, staring me in the eyes, I knew that he meant me.
I filled my mug with cold beer and slowly walked back to my cabin with Jewel and Amber at my sides. I plopped my self down on the couch to full for much more than finishing my cold drink. Jewel and Amber sat next to me.
"You know, if you start developing a tummy, Jewel and I will have to take you to the gym simulation."
"I don't know, I think a little tummy is sexy."
Both girls laughed. I was suffering with a belly ache from over eating. Rosie popped in for a minute to tell us, "It was a great deal of fun cooking with Doc. We both learned new things from each other. He is a very talented man." Then she left to celebrate her good fortune with Mike.
Natasha had a message for all officers, "Tonight's diner will consist of leftovers. Starting tomorrow, everyone is on their own for breakfast. Rosie and I will be alternating lunch and dinner meals. This will continue until the contest is settled." That did it. There was no way in hell I was going to change my vote. We were going to be eating like royalty for a long time.
Jewel pulled my shirt off, and rubbed my belly. "Mmm, you are getting a little belly."
"I'll be sure to work it off tonight with the two of you."
"Nathaniel, stand up for a minute."
I did as I was told. Amber quickly pulled my pants down.
"Amber, I'm far to bloated for sex right now, we have time for plenty of fun later."
Amber and Jewel moved together. "Lay down across our legs."
I wasn't sure where this was leading, but I did as was told. "You were a very bad boy, starting a contest between our Rosie and Doc. You are very fortunate that they like each other." With that they started spanking me. It stung, but felt surprisingly good, in a strange way. I didn't want it to stop.
When they stopped, I begged, "More please. I was a very bad boy." They weren't finished with me yet.
"He likes it. We will just have to do something else." They started tickling me. I was never ticklish before, but I found myself as ticklish as Jewel and Natty were. They were merciless. Not stopping. I squirmed and laughed, pulling myself into the fetal position. My body became hypersensitive to their every touch, and I had a hard time catching my breath. When they attacked the soles of my feet, and nibbled my toes, I lost control.
"Look, he wet himself. I guess he's part of the club now."
"There is still one who isn't." I launched myself at Amber, pinning and tickling her. Jewel joined in, Amber squirmed and kicked trying to free herself. It wasn't long before Amber was initiated into the club. We picked up my clothes and cleaned the floor. The girls undressed, and we all showered together. Clean again, we all retired to the hot tub.
"Natasha, send Doc a video of Nathaniel's spanking, followed by our tickling him. Mark it urgent," Jewel ordered.
"With pleasure Miss Jewel."
"Natasha, is there any information, about sudden hypersensitivity to tickling, associated with the Iniguar bonding discs?"
"It will take me a few minutes to search through the Iniguar data that Shree'tek provided us... . I cannot find any specific mention of it. But in some cases partners have been reported to take on certain traits of their mates."
"So that may explain Jewels and my liking to be spanked, and Jewel and I becoming suddenly ticklish."
"Usually the changes are minor and progress over time. The three of you have a unique bond. This joining has been completed rapidly. Jewel's bond is now permanent. None of you need to wear the discs any longer."
"How can that be?"
"I do not have the data necessary to answer that question."
"What about the braking of our bonds, with Tanya and Natty?"
"There is no relevant data for that either. It is unique to the three of you."
"Nathaniel, what does all of that mean?"
"It explains why the emotional waves hit you so hard. The bonding was almost instantaneous, rather than progressive
. You are as linked as Amber and I. During the new bonding, some of our personality traits, skills, and natural abilities were shared with each other, permanently. We will just have to explore what changes have been made, and how they will affect us over time."
Kim knocked and entered our suite. I hadn't expected her so soon. "Jewel, and Nathaniel, I just wanted to stop by and thank the two of you for saving Randolph and my relationship. We are communicating better, and I think everything is going to work out."
Jewel got out of the hot tub and ran to Kim and hugged her. "Kimmy, I'm so sorry for being mean to you. You can spank me back if you want. In fact I insist upon in."
"Jewel, whats happened to you? I've got to go. I'll see you all later."
Kim practically ran from Jewel. Jewel got back into the hot tub.
"Amber asked, "Where did that come from?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to please Kim."
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"
"I don't know anymore. I'm so confused now."
"What we all need is some rest, and I have the perfect spot, to relax at."
I got out of the hot tub, put on a robe, and took two more robes from the wardrobe, for Amber and Jewel.
"Hurry, lets go."
"Where are we going."
"Its a surprise, you both will love it."
We went back to the holographic simulator. "Natasha, do you have a program for the hot springs on Altair 7?
"I do, the simulation is ready."
We stepped into the simulation. We were on a narrow strip of land that separated a large bubbling mud pit from clear, steaming water. I slowly eased myself into the hot water. It wasn't hot enough to burn or scald, but it was hotter than my hot tub. The water was shallow, only knee deep and the bottom of the hot spring was covered with a fine sand. I found a spot where I could lay down in the water, with my body propped up by a moss covered boulder. The girls followed, and did likewise.
"It is nice her," Amber remarked.
"I found this spot after a raid, when I was sixteen. I didn't think much of it then, but the lady who brought me here loved it."