by Jay Toney
"You should have had more appreciation for its beauty. Jane and I will be sampling its mud pits later."
"Doc, the girls and I are having some... , that is to say we are experiencing some changes."
"Finally growing up, are you?"
"No its not that."
I explained the changes that we were experiencing over the last few days.
"That explains a few things. The message I got from Jewel, was devious. I would have expected something like that from you or Amber. It also explains their new found flying skills. It seems some of your natural ability has rubbed off on them. The way Rosie was set up could have been from either you or Amber. I'm guessing it has something to do with those alien gizmos you have been wearing."
"No one else that I know of has had any problems. Natasha, couldn't find anything in her database either."
"I warned you, when you were a young child, to not go messing with things that you didn't understand."
"I've spoken to Shree'tek about the bonding discs. They are only supposed to establish a link sharing emotions. It is their form of marriage."
"It looks like you got yourself a defective set then."
"I don't think so, but I have no other explanation for what is happening to us. Its like everything that makes us who we are is getting mixed up, with each other."
"I hope it doesn't affect you to much. We are going to have to run far and deep to get away from the Alliance. I should have made the run years ago, myself."
"Why didn't you?"
"Because of your mother. I loved her like no other woman I ever met, and I wanted to see our son raised properly. When Alliance soldiers murdered her in cold blood, I had to make a choice. Instead of going down in flames trying to get revenge, or running away, I stayed and tried to finish raising you myself."
"What do you mean by natural ability to fly?" Jewel asked.
"Nathaniel seemed born to fly anything. It is a very rare gift amongst Iniguar. Those who possess the gift are often used as helmsmen or navigators. He took to Vipers and Marauders, like they were play toys. He use to sit on my lap and fly. When he was eight, he was tall enough to see out the viewscreen, and fly on his own. He was better than any ace pilot I had, and he never had any training. If any of his ability rubbed off on the two of you, you will be excellent pilots, even without anymore training. All that's left is getting you two some combat experience."
Doc and Jane got up, and moved over to the mud pits. We heard him say, "Oh, this mud is going to feel so good," before he and Jane entered the bubbling mud pit. We continued to soak for a couple more hours, before getting up to leave. When we exited the simulation, all three of us were still wet. It was Amber who was first to notice.
"Jewel, do you know what this means?"
"Not really, other than I'm wet and don't have a towel."
"It means we can shop together in the holosimulator. You don't have to wait outside anymore while I pass you stuff."
Rosie was tidying up our latest mess when we got back. She had already laid out dinner for us. She brought a mix of her cooking and Docs. "I don't know who's idea this contest was, but both Doc and I are enjoying ourselves. He won't admit it to any of you, but he doesn't want the contest to end. He is having more fun than he has had in a long time. It was his wife that taught him to cook, and he still misses her. You don't have to worry yourselves about fixing breakfast. I'll have it on the table for you before you get up."
"Rosie, I should warn you, sometimes we get a little playful, and there is no telling what state of dress or undress we may be in."
"Don't worry yourselves about that. Mike and I are the same way, even more so now that we have these bonding discs."
"How is it going for the two of you?"
"Its coming along fine. It has certainly put some spice back into our relationship. For awhile I thought our love for each other was fading away. Now I know it is stronger than ever. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
I told Rosie about the girls needing nighties, when they got out of bed in the morning, and my difficulty in getting them. "I got just the thing." She left going across the corridor to her quarters. She returned a few minutes later, with three self adhering hooks. She placed one hook on each side of the bed, low enough so the girls could easily reach. She fastened a third hook by the bedroom entrance. She got a robe for me, and a couple of nighties for the girls. She hung the nighties to either side of the bed, and placed the robe on the last hook.
"Thank you Rosie, you're a genius."
"Your welcome. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
Chapter 23
"Nathaniel, get up."
I responded the only way a guy could, and not get in trouble. I pulled my pillow over my head to muffle the noise. It didn't work Amber and Jewel each grabbed a leg and pulled. The jolt of my body hitting the floor woke me. I wondered, why did Tanya show Amber and Jewel this method of waking me? Was it to ensure I would be battered at least once a day? I put on my robe and let the girls guide me to the galley. Breakfast was laid out, and still warm. Amber poured me a cup of coffee, and urged me to drink it.
"Not coffee, I need juice. You know I need something sweet and sugary to get myself going in the morning."
I couldn't believe the words that just came out of my mouth, neither could Amber or Jewel. She set the coffee aside, and poured me a cup of orange juice, then another while I was gulping it down.
"What are we up so early for?"
"We need to be on the bridge, when we come out of hyperspace."
I knew that, but I couldn't figure out why it was so important. My thoughts were muddled, and I couldn't seem to think clearly. For some reason I felt abnormally confused.
"Nathaniel, is something wrong?" Amber asked, growing concerned.
"I don't know. I feel confused. Its hard to think clearly. I know I am in our suite, but it doesn't feel like it. I know I am with you and Jewel, but I'm not so sure I am."
"Welcome to my world. Get a handle on it. We need to get moving," Jewel said.
After finishing breakfast, we showered and dressed. I strapped on my blaster, but left my sword. My thoughts seemed to clear, as we got ready to head to the bridge.
"Jewel, do you experiencing confusion when you get up in the morning?"
"Normally I do, that's why I wear a nightie. I usually get up unsure of my surroundings, even though I know I am with you and Amber. It is especially confusing when I am alone, or with one of my friends. The confusion fades away shortly after I get up. This morning was different. I got up clear headed, and ready to go, not really needing to wear my nightie. It was the first time I can remember getting up sure of myself."
"I think I know where my problem this morning is coming from."
"There is only one solution."
"Whats that?"
"Amber and I will have to put you to bed earlier, and get you up earlier, so you have time to clear your thoughts, before you start your day."
"Get up earlier? Can't I stay in bed longer, and sleep it off?"
"Sorry it doesn't work that way. You will get used to it."
We weren't the first on the bridge, but we were far from the last. Natty and Tanya were already on the bridge when we arrived. After being the last to make it to the bridge the last time, they made sure they were the first here this time. Natty was looking much better now, she was smiling and back to her happy self.
"Natty, I am glad to see you are much happier this morning."
"Thank you. I had lots of sex with my sister wife and her new boyfriends. It made me feel much better."
"Natty, they are not
boyfriends, they are professional entertainers."
"Oh, whats that?"
"I'll let Tanya explain it to you."
"Nathaniel, thank you for not interfering with us while we were having sex last night. It made it special for us."
"Believe me, Amber and Jewel were very entertaining last night. We even made some new discoveries, about each other. Our telepathic link has somehow been severed, so you don't need to worry about any waves of emotion or passion from us."
"But Natty and I still share our links and feel each other."
"When we bonded with Jewel, somehow the bonding disks new that knew we were no longer together, and separated the bonds."
"It didn't take you long to add her to your bed, permanently."
"Yes, no, I don't know."
"The perfect answer. I think we are better off this way."
"I do too. Natty and I would still like to visit once in awhile and spend the night with you."
"I don't think that would be such a good idea. We are all married now. I would have to talk it over with my wives first." I couldn't believe what I just said. I was loosing it.
"The bonding is the Iniguar form of marriage. It's their way of joining with their mate for life."
Doc and Jane were next to arrive, pushing in a serving cart with a tray of pastries, a coffee dispenser, a juice dispenser, and several mugs.
"Nathaniel, can I get you a cup of coffee and a danish?"
"A cup of juice would be nice, but no thank you to the danish. I need to watch my figure. Jewel and Amber said I am developing a bit of a tummy."
Again, I couldn't believe what I just said. What was wrong with me? From the strange looks I got from everyone, they couldn't believe what I just said too. Doc handed me the cup, and I sipped the drink, enjoying the sweet fruity flavor.
Kim was next to arrive, and Randolph reported his readiness from engineering. Chief Mike also entered the bridge. He didn't have a official position, but helped Jane, Randolph, and Kim manage repairs. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a seat on the couch.
I sat in my chair and watched the screen, as Natasha navigated the different currents in the vast rivers and streams that made up hyperspace.
Jewel asked, "What are all these crossing and twisting flows of stuff on the viewscreen? I thought the screen was supposed to be blank while we were in hyperspace."
I was surprised, first Amber, now Jewel. "Amber and I will explain later. It is a very rare gift that seems to come from our bonding."
We reached our destination, and Natasha brought us out of hyperspace, back into real space. The viewscreen changed, showing us the starfield.
"Captain, there is a battle going on. I don't have transponder data yet, and long range scan is still trying to acquire the system data as we decelerate. I don't know how many or what class of vessels are involved," Amber reported.
Jewel added, "I'm receiving distress signals from the Valley Forge, the Lucy, and the Hedgehog."
"Amber do you have a vector on them?"
"Bearing 037° inclination 2°."
"Natty, set that course, max burn."
"Aye, aye Cappy."
"Jewel, transmit, "Help is on the way." Sound battle stations."
"What about Red," Tanya asked.
"He will just have to catchup, when he gets here."
"Captain, I have more information from our sensors. The attacking vessels are one cruiser, two destroyers, and several smaller ships, possibly gunboats or fighters. The cruiser is holding back away from the battle, while the destroyers and small ships attack. The Hedgehog, and the Valley Forge are heavily damaged. The transponders from the attacking vessels are off. I have no way of identifying them."
"Jewel open a channel to Randolph."
"The channel is open Captain."
"Randolph, we are going to need five Marauders, fully armed for battle."
"Yes, Captain, they will be ready."
"Thank you Randolph."
"Chief Mike... ."
"Don't call me chief. I'm not chief of anything anymore."
"Mike, how good are you with Marauders?"
"I use to fly with Red, on missions. It was a long time ago, but I've practiced over the years in simulators. I'm good enough."
"I'm glad to hear it. I'm going to need your help."
"Natty, Keep the destroyers and cruiser busy until Red gets here. I'm counting on you."
"Don't worry Cappy. I wont let them hurt you. I still love you and Amber."
"Thank you Natty, we still love you too."
"Doc, Amber, Jewel, and Mike, lets go, and show them how its done."
"Are you sure you want the girls flying so soon? They haven't had any advanced training."
"I didn't plan on them having to learn this way, but we have no choice. It was the only way to save our friends."
"They say the gods favor the fools. I hope they are smiling on us today."
We each went to a waiting marauder. Instead of going through the preflight checklist, I spent my time admiring the weapons. In addition to its internal 40 mm cannon and twin particle beam cannon, Randolph had mounted additional missile racks loaded with scorpion missiles and chaff and flare dispensers. These ships, though small could penetrate, and get below a larger ships shields, and do devastating damage.
Mike shouted, "Quit daydreaming, lets go!"
I boarded the ship, made sure the hatch was sealed tight, then strapped myself into the pilots seat. I keyed in the sequence, that brought the craft to life. We all checked in, and acknowledged our readiness.
"We will form up in pairs, Doc, take Mike as your wing man, Jewel and Amber form up on me."
"Nathaniel, we've never fired the weapons, even in the simulator," Jewel said.
"It's easy, on your weapons select menu, you will have three weapon choices with our current weapons load; guns, beams, and missiles. With guns or beams selected, a target reticle will appear on your screen. Just line it up with what you want to shoot and squeeze the trigger. With missiles selected, a target box will appear. Keep it on your target until you get a lock signal, then squeeze your trigger. Don't wait for the missile to hit. Veer off and line up your next target. If you get a missile warning your two top buttons dispense chaff and flares to confuse the missiles. Fire both, while trying to shake off the missile, until the warning stops. The most important thing is to keep a wing man with you, to defend you while you attack your target."
"That's a lot to remember."
"Don't worry, you two will be pro's by the time were finished."
I taxied my ship to the launch tube, Jewel and Amber fell in forming up on my wing tips. Doc and Mike, waited at the ready line for our take off. The girls signaled their readiness, and we took off. They stayed in formation, as we flew into battle.
The small ships, turned out to be gunboats, slightly larger than our marauders, but less maneuverable. The ship markings identified them as Crimson Tide. The red flaming skull was a easy symbol to recognize. The use of gunboats, wasn't part of their normal attack, so we would be facing rookie pilots. I lined up on the first gunboat and fired a missile, immediately pulling up hard, with the girls following.
I cut my thrust, and flipped my ship, like we did in practice, and accelerated towards our next target. Amber take point, the next one is yours. We switched positions in formation, and she moved in close to the gunboat. The pilot of the gunboat, tried evading, but Amber kept on him. The gunboat pilot fired off series of chaff and flare, but it was
useless. Amber opened up with her 40 mm guns. In a quick burst several high explosive rounds penetrated the gunboat destroying it. She rolled off her target and we followed.
Jewel took point next. We headed in closer to the Lucy, where more gunboats were trying to take out her weapons and engines. The Valley Forge was already helpless, and the hedgehog, was barely in the fight. She chose her target, and lined up on the gunboat. The pilot didn't even try to evade while Jewel was locking her missile onto the target, she fired and banked hard to her right lining up on the next ship. This time she switched to guns, and destroyed the gunboat in a quick burst.
Doc and Mike were each busy. They had split off, and were each destroying gunboats. A quick flash of light, from a destroyers weapons, brought me back to attention. The girls formed back up on me, and we turned to attack, the deadly warships. "The tactic is different with these ships. We don't have the fire power to destroy them, but we can make them less effective by destroying their gun turrets, and wreaking as much havoc as we can. As long as we go in fast, and keep moving, their gun turrets won't be able to lock onto us."
Natty closed in with the enemy cruiser. Both ships were hammering it out with each other, firing missiles and energy weapons. Neither ship's captain or crew noticed, Reds Battleship closing in. Reds weapons locked onto the cruiser and began firing its main guns.
We attacked. I locked in two targets on my heads up display. We turned, and twisted, preventing a weapons lock on us, while we approached our first gun turret. When I got a missile lock, I fired and banked to the next target and quickly fired a second missile. Amber chanced a few shots, while staying in formation, and took out a few PDC, creating a blind spot in the destroyers defenses.
We veered off, and lined up on the next destroyer. It turned to flee, but we were on it. This time we each divided up, taking separate targets. Jewel locked onto a turret and fired a missile at it. She banked her ship hard, and fired two missiles without waiting for a lock, point blank at the bridge. Then she pulled up hard. Amber launched a missile at the PDC, then locked onto a gun turret, and fired at it, before joining up with Jewel. I took a chance shot, and fired a missile into an open missile port on the destroyer.