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The Fallen God

Page 31

by Gary Mark Lee

  This is the best place of all, she thought, as she smelled the heavy air of the deep woods here all things are true and there are no lies.

  Ral did not smell the air or listen to the cries of the forest beasts he just stared at the Outlander King and squeezed the handle of his weapon in an iron grip.

  How brave he looks, he told his vengeful mind, he has faced many foes and defeated them, but he has not face me! As he had done so many times before he imagined the battle with his father, he saw himself leaping, spinning, striking over and over again until victory was his. He saw himself holding the head of his dead father in his hands and looking into his eyes, do you see me now father, do you see me now!

  Then the dream was cut short by a loud roaring of a hungry Sagar cat.

  Chapter 21.

  Fang and Claw.

  Death that comes on silent feet, deep in darkness fear you meet.

  Flesh and spear will stand alone, facing Gods with names unknown.

  Gaping mouth and rending tooth, all is ended, all was truth.

  Weep not for us the honored slain, weep not for us who died in pain.

  Old Norgonie saying.

  In spite of all her bravado Andra was afraid, the roar from the woods was unlike anything she had heard before, for in that primordial scream was no sense of mercy or kindness or fear. And as it echoed into the trees it was followed by several more thunderous howls that caused all other beastly uttering to fall silent.

  They travel in packs, the Selcarie girl thought, Sagar cats travel in packs.

  This was something that Andra was not prepared for. She assumed that the forest felines were solitary creatures and not given to hunting together, but now with the air filling with wild roars she knew she was greatly mistaken. Her Rowgor stood motionless sniffing the forest air and as she looked around she could see that the other great beasts were doing the same. The many tentacles that emanated from their snouts waved about like so many tongues and would detect the slightest hint of an approaching animal. At the same time the Drogs snapped at the air and foam dripped from their crushing jaws and they howled in a rage at not being free to kill.

  There was a pause as the screams from the Sagar cats slowly died away, but then the air was filled with the trumpeting of the Rowgor and more howls from the Drogs. It was their way of challenging the Lords of the woodlands and telling them that the Hunters of the Norgonie were now here.

  Arn could feel his blood rising in his veins; every muscle in his strong body was now tensed like steel bands and his heart pounded like the hammers of the Ironworkers. He squinted his dark eyes and looked around at the trees surrounding him longing for his prey to spring forward roaring in anger with its great mouth gaping and its ripping claws spread wide.

  Let them come, he thought, let them come. He balanced his Kagar in his hand and shifted his body in the saddle; he turned his helmet from side to side trying to detect the direction of the roars from the forest. But most of all he wanted to fight, to feel the sting of battle in a life or death struggle for victory.

  Ishea felt the same way, her warrior’s instinct was now taking over and she could hardly wait for the coming battle, she lifted her spear over her head, “follow me!” she cried out and then pressed her mount forward.

  So with the howling Drogs leading the way the column of hunters moved deeper into the haunted forests of Caltarine.

  Soon the small shafts of light faded into a shadowy nether world of dark wood and oppressive heat. The forest trail vanished into a narrow corridor with massive stone blocks and the remains of some forgotten city. All about were broken vine-covered towers that reached up almost as high as the trees, huge shattered statues and cracked walls that were carved with hieroglyphics of some unknown race could be seen behind veils of green. There were also strange metal creations that rose up like steel fingers from the earth, they were twisted and bent as if some giant molded them like a potter with his clay. Here and their lay bits of melted glass and scorched rock all covered in moss or vegetation, and the air, the air hung heavy with a sweet sickening smell, like rotting flowers on the graves of the slain or the scent of death on a forgotten battlefield. To any other it would have been enough to turn about and return to the land of the living, but to the Hunters it was like the sweet perfume of the white lotus and it called them ever onward.

  How the Nomads could understand where they were was a mystery to Andra? She knew that they were heading in a generally southern direction for she had acquired enough of the Outlanders instincts to tell North from South but that was all. If she needed to find her way back through the mass of woodlands she would become hopelessly lost. So she kept close by her mate and trusted in him to keep her safe.

  With the Norgonie Queen leading the way the riders broke through the dense foliage and into an open space, it was a clearing with enough sunlight to see it was once some sort of arena. The floor although layered with earth and grass still showed traces of flat paving stones and mortar and in the center was a huge iron statue of a man and woman dressed in ancient armor and lifting their arms skyward and their hands holding weapons. The surface of the statue was deeply pitted with age and partly covered in moss and stains of red and blue as the moist forest air ate into the metal, and one of the female’s arms had broken off at the elbow and now lay half-buried in the ground.

  Around the rim of the courtyard was a high stone wall with openings at different points, and at one end the wall had been broken down and a mass of low vegetation was slowly entering along with large trees and thick vines. At the top of the wall there were metal spikes that point inward, a clear indication that the arena was for keeping things in and not out. High above there were the remains of some great dome, in appearance it resembled the Mating Dome in the plains of Omargash but not as big. Massive pillars and supporting beams could still be seen tangled with vines, but the ever-encroaching forest would someday erase all traces and no one would know if it had been there at all.

  Ishea knew this place well for she had been here many times.

  Acora Morinnor, she thought, Arena of Blood, a slight smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she lead her warriors into the open space, it would be here that they would face death and challenge Horcon the God of destiny.

  Now the hunter of the Norgonie and the Almadra moved into a circle with the Rowgors facing outwards towards the arena’s walls, the great armored beasts moved closely together and continued to sniff the air for any sign of a scent. In the meantime the Drogs continued to howl and pull at the long leashes while they pawed the ground with their sharp claws. Then when all was in place the Queen turned to Arn who was next to her.

  “Is it like you remembered?” she asked.

  Arn did not answer but inside he knew just what she was asking, for it was here that he first fell in love with the Norgonie Princess.

  Her father was King back then and he was only a Prince, but when he saw her kill a charging Sagar with only her spear and her courage he knew that this woman must be his. But that was many cycles ago and now he understood that thinking of such things should not be done. Those days are gone, he told his mind, the past is done the present is now. So he looked at the woman who he had saved from the Sandjars and the one who was now his mate, she is my world now, she is all that I want.

  Deep inside her heart Andra felt a stirring, and it was enough to pull her mind from her surroundings and lift it into a place of warmth and peace. She had felt this many times before, most often when she lay in the arms of her lover, and now as she turned to look into the eyes of her mate she felt it grow.

  He will never betray me; she thought he will always be at my side.

  Then the peace of that moment was cut by the sound of death.

  Once more the woodlands echoed to the piercing cries of Sagar cats, it was hard to tell from wench they came for all about them sounded the wild screams of hungry beasts. The roaring was so loud that a great flock of Nightcriers bolted from their homes high in the support
beams and began to circle the hunters, the beating of their large ebony wings caused two of the Rowgors to rear up on their massive hind legs and trumpet loudly. But their riders managed to get them under control again and soon they were back in formation. The bat-like Nightcriers circled one more time then flew off and vanished into the trees, now all was silent once again.

  Ishea took the ivory handled dagger from her belt and lifted it over her head, “an offering of blood for the Lords of the Greenwood!” she called out, then she cut her arm with the razor sharp knife and let the crimson fluid flow downwards.

  Without hesitation the hunters unsheathed their daggers and calling out, “an offering of blood!” they too cut their thick arms.

  Arn waited for a moment then he took his dragons tooth and cut his forearm, then Andra did the same, they looked into each other’s eyes.

  She is my world, the King thought.

  He will never leave me Andra said in her mind.

  They waited.

  No one spoke as they looked into the dense forest then sounded another roaring cry and the first Sagar cat entered the Acora Morinnor.

  He was almost three meters not counting his tail in length with an oranges striped hide and glowing red eyes, as he moved slowly forward the dense muscles under his skin rippled like bands of steel. His short ears twitched and moved about picking up the slightest sound while his broad flat nose continued to sniff the air for any sign of fear. He took two steps forward then gave out with another roar that struck into the heart of the Selcarie girl.

  Gods what a monster, she thought but seeing Arn calm face gave courage to her and kept her steady in the saddle.

  The Drogs continued to bark and great chunks of earth were thrown up as their sharp claws dug the ground, suddenly one of them broke free of its chain and with a wild howl charged for the roaring cat. It took only a few moments for the Drog to cross the space between it and the great cat, but as it came within striking distance the Sagar struck out with one of its great claws and in a shower of blood it ripped the head off the charging animal. The body of the Drog went one way and the broken skull went another, then as the carcass twitched in its death throes the Sagar let out another great roar and out of the forest emerged three more of its kind.

  They were almost twice the size of the first one, they moved cautiously forward on padded feet opening and closing their great jaws and emitting a low rumbling roar. Their eyes were red but without any sign of emotion save one.


  With saliva dripping from their huge fangs they fanned out as if to encircle their prey.

  They’re going to try and outflank us, Andra thought, and following her soldiers instincts she pressed into the sides of her Rowgor and moved away from the others.

  Arn watched her going, she should stay with us, he thought, and not wanting her to face death alone he urged his mount to follow her.

  The Queen could see that Arn was going to protect his mate at the risk of his own life and this caused her pain, but before she could dwell on it further one of the Sagar came charging.

  With remarkable speed the huge animal bounded forward roaring loudly, it was then that the Drogs were set free. They raced towards the raging beast and with wild barks they fell upon it like demons from the pit. A single Drog no matter how fierce is no match for a hungry Sagar, but a pack of them could worked together to bring down their quarry, so with careful maneuvering they set about their work. One kept the cat busy by snapping at its head and this would give time for the others to clamp their massive jaws on the hind legs of the Sagar and keep it from leaping clear of their attack. Once this was done yet another Drog waited for an opening, then fixed its long fangs into the neck and ripped out the jugular vein sending a great shower of blood skyward, but as the cat went down it turned and seized one of the attacking beasts in its mouth and bit it in two as easily as a Whiptail bits a Burrow baby.

  Seeing their companion die did not cause the other Sagar to run. On the contraire smelling the blood from the humans mixed with the live force of their brother made them go berserk with rage, and so they dug in their clawed feet and charged once more filling the air with their bestial roars.

  The Norgonie were ready, as the first one moved within spear range one of the forest warriors drew back his arm and let fly with a long arcing shaft. It whistled through the air slowly then stuck the Sagar full in the chest sending the cat tumbling to the ground were it rolled over several times before coming to a rest. But then the remaining two fell upon the hunters. The first cat jump high into the air and came down on the armored head of one of the Rowgors and before it could reach up with one of its tentacles it grabbed a Almadra warrior in its claws and ripped him from his saddle. The warrior tried to strike out with his weapon, but it was too late and he died as the animals crushing teeth pierced his armor.

  Andra watched as one of her tribe died, but there was no time for grieving for the other two cats were leaping in for the kill. One of them was killed as Ishea turned her Rowgor to face the raging beast, and as it leaped for her she lifted her spear and impaled the monster on its sharp tip. The great cat let out a loud roar then crashed against the side of the armored beast and clawed at its chain link. Before it died it managed to break apart the protective armor and rip into the flesh below, this caused the huge creature to rise up and jerk sideways, unable to control her mount Ishea was thrown free and landed on the ground with a heavy thud. Now defenseless she turned to watch other Sagar racing for her.

  Ral could see that his mother was in great danger so with a shout he jumped clear of his Rowgor and landed on his feet near the Queen, an instant later a Sagar leaped towards him. But with blinding speed he jumped clear and a spear thrown by one of the Norgonie warriors ended the life of the big cat.

  Needless to say Andra was glad to see the last of the Sagar dead for although she did not show it she had been very afraid, now she sat atop her Rowgor and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Thank the Gods that’s over, she thought, but a few moments later she realized that thanking them had come too soon. For the air once more filled with roaring and as she turned in the direction that she thought they had come from she saw a dozen or more Sagars emerging from the forests.

  These were as large or larger than the ones that lay dead upon the ground and as they moved forward like some gathering of demons the Selcarie girl came to know what real fear was like.

  Andra had always thought there was only one type of creature that she feared, spiders, but now as she looked at the roaring beasts her primordial instincts took over and a dark fear swelled up inside her. But still she did not run, she drove down her fears and steadied herself in the saddle, I will not run, she told herself, then she looked over at her mate, I will stand with my King.

  This time Arn would not wait till the forest killers came to him, this time he would ride to meet them. So gripping his Kagar in his strong fist he drove his Rowgor forward all the while screaming out the war cry of the Almadra. And hearing their King call them to battle the warriors of the Outlands joined in the cry and raced to meet death beside their leader.

  Andra took only a moment before screaming out the victory shout of her old battalion, then guiding her mount next to her mate she looked over at him with contentment on her face. He will never leave me, she thought, and I will never leave him.

  The Norgonie stayed with their Queen but only for a moment or two, then Ral climbed back into his saddle and taking the hand of his mother he pulled her up behind him and they both rode after the Nomads screaming out the hunting cry of their tribe. Ishea had lost her spear but she quickly replaced it with another from the quiver beside her, now feeling her hand holding a weapon again she again shouted out a war cry and waved the weapon above her head.

  The Sagar cats and the humans met each other near the great statue like a wave crashing on the rocks of the Western Sea. The shouts of the humans mixed with the roaring of the Sagar cats in a symphony of death and blood. Two of the
great felines leaped upon one of the Rowgors of the Nomads, they ripped and tore at the huge beast until one of them managed to dig it claws into its head and bite down on it left eye. The animal trumpeted loudly then crashed into another Rowgor sending both of them to the ground, one rider managed to wound an attacking cat but the other fell upon a Norgonie hunter and he died screaming.

  Andra’s mount swung its great head and impaled a Sagar with its armored tusk, then as it shook it free another large cat charged for the Off-World girl. Moonbud had no time to think before she raised her ax and as the roaring beast leap for her she ducked to one side and struck the animal on its side. Her sharp weapon made a deep wound in the striped hide of the creature and it roared in pain, then before she could think her Rowgor was hit by another cat. This time she could not strike out and the huge feline snapped at her face, its great jaws missed her head by a fraction of an inch then a spear pierced its skull and it fell to the ground dead.

  Andra regained her posture and turned to see Arn smiling at her, it was then she knew that it was his weapon that had killed her attacker.

  Always at my side, she thought.

  Another roaring cry filled the air and her beast fell to the ground for its front legs was being bitten by one of the forest cats. The Selcarie girl managed to keep from being crushed by the falling beast but the attacking cat was crushed under the weight of the Rowgor. Andra rolled over several times then regained her footing at the base of the great statue. She turned to see two more Sagar charging for her, but at the last moment Arn maneuvered his Rowgor between the racing forest monsters and his mate, and seeing their way blocked sent the feline duo roaring off in the direction of the Queen and her son.

  Ral had killed another of the forest lords, but it did manage to cut him across the chest with one of its sharp claws before he drove his Kagar deep into its heart. Bleeding from the wound he jumped from his Rowgor to the empty saddle of another leaving his mother free to attack. Ishea did not hesitate; she pressed in with her strong legs and headed for were Arn and Andra now stood on foot. As one of the huge cats came forward she leaped from the back of her mount and met the Sagar in midair. With a twist of her supple body she turned and drove the point of her spear into the open mouth of the charging cat and the force of it was so great it pierced its heavy skull and protruded out from the back. She twisted once more in the air and landed firmly on her feet, then taking up another weapon from the ground she once more screamed out a battle cry and waited for the next cat to find her.


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