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The Fallen God

Page 45

by Gary Mark Lee

  “Drive him to the King!” she shouted and hearing her words above the roaring of the creature they obeyed her command. Working as one they moved forward still shouting and holding the burning embers in front of them, like all animals the giant ape feared fire so beating his huge fists on the ground in rage it never the less began to move slowly backwards. When it was close enough Arn leaped from the steel machine and landed on the head of the roaring beast, in an instant he swung his heavy ax and its thick blade sunk deep into the thick skull of the monster. With another ear splitting roar it lifted his long arms and tried to grab the human but before it could the King pulled his weapon free and struck again at his enemy. This time he cut across the face of the creature blinding it and causing a great gush of warm blood to shower down on the warriors below. Screaming horribly the monster shook his head violently sending the King tumbling to the ground but holding his ax in his hand, but he was not hurt and rose to his feet quickly.

  “Drive him into the forest!” he shouted and took up one of the burning branches form the ground, now with the Queen by his side he moved forward and began jabbing at the blind monster. It tried to strike out but without its eyes it had to rely solely on its hearing, but with its large ears it knew where pummel with its huge fists.

  Ishea saw one of her warrior’s die under the hand of the beast and she instantly knew what must be done, she took up a Kagar and taking careful aim she threw the spear hard at the monster. Her skill with the weapon was great and it drove deep into the ear cavity of the ape, now stripped of it hearing as well as its site the monster tried to run for the forest. But the fighting madness was upon the warriors now and they continued to thrust at their enemy with the firebrands, suddenly the thick fur of the animal caught fire and with a painful scream it bounded over the broken wall and ran headlong into the dense forest. The light from its flaming hide slowly disappeared into the darkness and it was gone.

  Arn stood there for a moment more his body splashed with blood and gore and breathed in the night air in long deep gasps, beside him Ishea did the same and when they were sure that the monster was truly gone they looked into each other’s eyes.

  “What did you want to tell me?” asked the Queen.

  But the King shook his head, “not now, I am thirsty”, he spoke then turned and began looking for the barrel of well-aged Pol.

  At the first sign of light Andra was once again bound behind Ral’s saddle, but this time she was allowed to sit upright rather than uncomfortably on her belly, still she found the situation far from acceptable and pulled at her bindings as they rode southward.

  All that morning they continued to ride and soon the thick forest gave way into a more open landscape, but it was not one of green fields and waving Kasha-wheat, this was a place of colorless trees and mist shrouded swamp. The Norgonie called it “Boranus Karnor” or bubbling death, for the ground was covered in great pools of brackish water that bubbled up until it burst open with a foul smelling gas. There were great trees but their color was gray or black, and the thick vines that hung from their branches were covered in webbing that dripped a liquid that would burn the flesh. Here and there could be seen Nightflyers, the reptilian blood drinkers of the darkness but their bodies were misshapen and their flesh was pale and covered in sores.

  And as the Norgonie warriors moved into this place of nightmares one of them pulled back on his Rowgor and called out to Ral.

  “This is a place of the dead, we should not be here”, he said angrily.

  His words caused the other warriors to also stop and when the Prince saw that he no longer commanded his men he too paused. He turned his Rowgor and looked at the man who had called out and he spoke so that all could hear, “what would you have me do?” he asked.

  “Turn back and return to the Fortress” came the answer.

  It looked like Ral was going to think over the advice of the man, then in a lightning fast move he lifted his spear and flung it through the air and into the heart of the Norgonie. The well-aimed Kagar fond its mark and the man fell from his mount dead. Then without comment Ral turned about and headed into the forbidden swamp, without hesitation his warriors did the same.

  Behind them but gaining fast Arn continued to follow the tracks on the ground, he had slept very little for his mind was focused on finding his mate and punishing those who took her. But a Nomad needed very little sleep and when he or she woke they were as refreshed as if they had lain the whole night.

  There had been no time to bury the slain warriors so they piled rocks on their remains and promised that their names would be remembered, and gathering up their weapons and supplies they once more began the chase.

  But as the King rode he thought of just what he would do when he found his son, for his mind said one thing and his heart spoke another. He has taken another’s mate and for that he should die, he thought, but he is my son and I do not wish him harmed. Back and forth this Mindwar raged until Arn thought he would go mad, so he drove it from his head and thought only of holding Andra in his arms once more.

  Ishea was also troubled for she also wished no harm to her offspring, but she was the Queen of the Norgonie and her tribe looked to her to pass judgement without weakness for those she loved. And knowing that if she spared Ral she would lose the respect of her people and along with that her power.

  I am a Queen as was my mother and her mother before her, she told her mind, but I am also a mother and he is my son.

  There are many Nomads and Norgonie who dream of being leader, they sit by their fires and dream of the power and glory that come with being King or Queen, but few of them will ever understand how heavy those crowns are and how their weight burdens the soul.

  The twin suns were once more setting when Andra saw the forgotten city. At first she could only see a towering pinnacle rising above the mist, in shape and size it was the same as the massive beacon of the Talsonar pyramid, but unlike that huge structure the light at the top did not blink. And there was something else that troubled her, it was nothing that she could see but somehow she knew that ahead of her was great danger, so trusting her instincts she again began to pull at her bindings once again.

  The Rimar hide that held her was strong but her constant working had managed to loosen a part of it until she thought she might be able to free herself, but she also knew that if she did escape where would she go? She was a very long way from the Fortress and without a Rowgor and weapons she would die in a very short time, so she decided to bide her time and wait for a more opportune moment to escape.

  It was a short time later when she saw the forgotten city.

  Ral did not stop and continued towards the massive stone city, and although his warriors grumbled under their breath the young warrior would not turn from his path.

  If they follow to the forgotten city they will die, he thought, he also knew that he might also die but that did not matter to the young Prince for his mind was fixed on revenge and it would not listen to anything else.

  As they grew nearer to the lost city the trail that they were following became narrower, and soon the large paving stone turned to a rocky path that had swamplands on either side. In that foul water were the remains of many great beasts, their huge bones jutted out from the slime and if there was any flesh left on them it was teaming with vermin. And along with the smaller predators that made the mist shrouded land there home were huge Daggermouths. The amphibian reptilians lay in the water silently and waited for anything to cross their path, when something did they would quickly seize it in their great jaws and drag it underwater to its doom.

  And along with the dangers of the land there were airborne terrors also, the Forbidden City was also the place were giant Screechers dwelled. The flying reptiles were not unlike those that lived in the high mountains of Kresh and used by the Sky Riders, but unlike those creatures these were much larger and could not be tamed by humans. So as the Norgonie moved through the stinking landscape they kept an eye on the land and the heavens.
  Andra was sure now that she could free herself form the bonds that held her so she watched for any avenue of escape, but all she saw was a huge mountain of rock and steel slowly emerging from the dreaming mist. It was an almost perfect duplicate of the stone city of the Talsonar, but this one was broken and crumbling with age, great portions of the structure were missing and the entire surface was pitted and worn.

  No one has lived here in a very long time, she thought, and she was right for the city had been there since anyone could remember and it was now the home of swamp creatures and no Outlander or Norgonie had dared walk its levels in thousands of cycles. But as for being abandoned that was a matter of belief for it was said that giants and monsters called that place their home and it was a sanctuary for demons and a gateway to the pit of Marloon. But all that was of no concern to Ral for he unwaveringly lead his warriors across a narrow causeway and headed for the haunted city.

  There was very little light left now but the warriors had not lit their torches yet, but as they moved over the pathway the reservoir around them began to stir. At first it was just small ripples in the surface of the stale brackish water, but it became small waves that continued to grow with each moment. Ral gripped his Kagar tightly and tensed his muscles, behind him Andra could feel that something was not right and she made herself ready for whatever might come.

  Then suddenly there was a great rush of water and several huge Daggermouths burst up from the swamp and attacked the column of Norgonie, in an instant two of the Rowgors were caught in the powerful jaws of the monsters and dragged into the dark water. The riders and their mounts fought back bravely with the warriors thrusting at the attackers with their spears and the Rowgor’s swung their massive heads from side to side trying to impale the reptilians on their tusks. But it was no use and with roaring and screams they were pulled under the water and disappeared.

  Ral raised his Kagar at a Daggermouth that rose up to grab him and his beast, but as the water monster opened his great mouth the warrior flung his weapon and it imbedded itself in the mouth of the creature. With a roar and a thrashing of its long tail it plunged back into it watery home.

  “FOLLOW ME!” Ral called out then his Rowgor raced for the safety of the stone city.

  Behind him Andra held on with all her might, she did not want to go to the haunted city but she also did not want to become a meal for a swamp monster. So choosing the lesser of two evils she grabbed hold of the saddle and held on with all her might, the Drogs were not so lucky for one by one they were devoured by the watery predators.

  The warriors of the Norgonie followed their leader across the narrow causeway, all the while shouting and throwing their Kagars with deadly accuracy, but still two more of the Rowgor’s met there end along with their riders. Then the speed of the forest creatures out ran the slower Daggermouths and at last they came to the entrance to the Forbidden City.

  The portal to the Stone City was once sealed by massive iron doors but their hinges had long ago rusted away and they lay in the water in front of the entryway making a bridge of sorts. It was over this that the warriors thundered and entered the dark fortress.

  In the pale light from the setting suns Ral looked around at his surroundings, it was a vast cavern of darkness with broken stones and rubble from the crumbling ceiling littering the mosaic floor. And all about could be seen more of the webbing that covered the landscape around the great pyramid but this was much denser. There was no sound except for an occasional beastly howl of some unseen thing and the wind moving through vast emptiness. And there seemed to be something else, something that could not be seen by his eyes or heard by the ear, an evil presents that made the hairs on the back of the neck stand up and a chill race up the spine. But again Ral paid no heed to this and dismounted from his Rowgor.

  “Start a fire, and post sentries” he called out, then he put up his hands to pull the Off-World girl to the ground.

  Andra did not resist and let herself be manhandled until she was standing next to the Norgonie Prince. She kept her hands together and her eyes down to not cause suspicion and keep Ral from checking her bindings.

  “Stay close to me”, the young warrior said turning his back to the girl.

  It was then that Moonbud struck, she pulled her hands free and hit Ral in the back of the neck, it was an old fighting trick that had served her well in the past. Her blow was enough to stagger the young warrior and give her enough time to make her escape. So grabbing the dagger from his belt she ran into the darkness as fast as her legs would carry her.

  Chapter 31.

  The Forbidden City.

  There are many great structures littered across the equator of Gorn, their number can not be known for no one has counted them. They are called Pyramid cities because of their shape but they are of a massive size and complexity, I have seen only one and never been inside but I am certain that they hold great secrets and if their true nature was ever learned it would stagger the mind.

  From the Mindlock of Oshismarie Inastro Sistashion.

  Andra had no plan when she fled from her captors but now as she ran she knew she should have waited for a battle strategy, but she had always been a headstrong girl and she was not about to change now, so she courageously plunged into the darkness with only her wits and a strong knife to see her through.

  The light from the entrance slowly dimmed and she lessened her pace least she run into an obstacle of some kind or other dangers, but as the light dimmed behind her she could make out a soft glow ahead. She knew it was not radiance from the outside for there were no windows and she was deep in the heart of the great city, but never the less there it was, a pale greenish light that seemed to come from all directions. She ran slower now holding her weapon in front of her and letting her eyes grow accustom to the strange luminescence. Then as she moved around a great chunk of steel and stone she came into another chamber much like the first, it was then that she realized were the light was coming from.

  Starfall, she told her mind, the same glowing moss that grows in the Hollow Hills, It was indeed the very same organic vegetation that grew in the darkness and gave out a cool light as it absorbed nutrition from its environment.

  Now in the pale glow she could make out more of her surroundings, it was a tall round chamber with many corridors leading into it, at its center was a large mechanical structure of some kind but for what purpose the girl did not know. And like the other chambers this too had webbing cascading from the ceiling. But there was little time for contemplation for she heard the footfalls of the Norgonie coming fast, so picking an escape route at random she ran into one of the tunnels and vanished from site.

  A few moments later an angry Ral and several of his warriors raced into the chamber and quickly looked around but they found no trace of their prey. The floor was covered in rubble but there was not enough light to see a footprint clearly for they had no time to light torches, and without their Drogs there could be no sent to follow. So with nothing to guide them they slowly turned back the way they came and walked from the chamber. Ral was the last to leave but he made a silent vow that he would soon return and find the Half-Soul even if it meant following her to the pit of Marloon.

  Sunfall had come and it was now too dark to enter the swamplands so Arn reluctantly followed the advice of the Norgonie Queen and ordered a camp be set up and fires lit. Now with darkness surrounding the pursuers watched the forest for danger and did not speak lest they be heard by demons of the night. They made their camp in a cluster of jagged rocks at the edge of the swamp, it was not a safe place but it was the best they could do, so now they sat and swatted marsh flies and large stinging insects and waited for the twin suns to rise.

  There was still some dried Rimar and a few loaves of stale Kasha bread left in their carry bags, but the well-aged Po had been destroyed in the fight with the ape creature so all they had to drink was stale water.

  “Baaaa!” said the Queen as she spit out the well water, “I say we go ba
ck and find that creature and make it pay for crushing my wine”, several of the Norgonie warriors beat their weapons on the ground and grunted their approval.

  But the King shook his head, “I say we save our strength for tomorrow, besides it was not very good Po”.

  Hearing that her wine was inferior made Ishea glare at the Nomad, “are you saying that the Norgonie do not drink the best?” she said coldly.

  Again Arn shook his head, “they drink the best that they have, but the finest Po is made by us from the ripe grains of Darmock”.

  Hearing their Kings words the Nomad warriors also beat their weapons on the ground and some made mocking laughter in the direction of the Forest-dwellers.

  Ishea waited for the laugher to die down then she spoke once more, “I have tasted the Nomad wine and I say that the barrels they use for aging are the same one they use to piss in!”

  This brought a hooting sound from the Norgonie and some said that the words of their Queen were indeed true.

  Now it was the Kings turn to comment, “at least we piss in a barrel instead of in our beds!”

  This was too much for the Queen and she rose to her feet and pointed her deadly Kagar at the King, “at least we have our own beds and do not hide in our mothers!”

  This brought Arn to his feet and he gripped his ax tightly, “your mothers are camp followers of the Sandjar!” he screamed.

  Now all the warriors sprang to their feet and waited for the command to strike, there was a tense moment when a single word from the Almadra King or the Norgonie Queen and the earth would be bathed in blood. But as the two leaders looked into each other’s eyes they suddenly began to laugh for they knew that they were acting foolishly and it was only frustration eating at their minds. So they lowered their weapons and slowly sat down, and seeing that their King and Queen were not going to fight the warriors on both sides also sat down.


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