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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 22

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Ah! Sweet.’ Her eyes rolled in bliss as the hot water and fresh fragrance lightened her mood. ‘I am so over being indoors.’ The words were lost as her head ducked under the water and came up with suds dolloped in her hair. Under the water reminded her of the situation she was in. No light or sounds that would even make her feel the world outside of this existed. It was hard not to feel miserable, but the days seemed to elongate as her biggest fear started to become a reality. Was this going to be her life from now on? To deal with living as she did in adolescence, an eternal strength had to be found. The promise to Axon and Rory, to stay alive no matter what, was foremost in her mind. If she behaved and didn’t annoy anyone, she would keep that oath and with some luck, see them again one day.

  The door flung open, and Jett stood there with a frown. She jumped out of the bath, grabbed a towel and pulled it in front of her. His eyes were almost pits of murky dimness and there was a shadow of darkness that lurked around him. Panic-stricken, the outburst of an apology for whatever she may have done poured out.

  ‘I’m sorry Jett,’ she squeaked out, as her eyes darted around the room for a protective weapon. ‘I – I’m not sure what’s been going on but honest, I have been here and had nothing to do with it.’

  The more she rattled on, the angrier he became. He made a move towards her and only for the size of her petite frame was she able to slip past him and run into the next room. She headed for the door, but he had locked it so she searched the room for a place to hide. With only the bed in sight, she jumped on it, cowering away from him. It was where he insisted she stay but at the moment it didn’t feel at all safe. As he stomped towards her, Caitlin pressed her back against the bedhead, scared to imagine what he had planned for her. Fumes seemed to flow from him. What the hell changed his mood?

  As he came closer to her, she leapt from the bed and scrambled into the corner of the room where she cringed in a foetal position. The towel she held covered little, and she wished he would go so she could at least put clothes on and regain some dignity and control. What was he going to do to her? She was shaking uncontrollably.

  Suddenly he vanished and reappeared, scooping her up into his arms. Shyte, forgot he could do that!

  He startled her, and she shrieked.

  ‘You can’t escape from me so stop it!’ He pulled her in tightly to warn her he was serious.

  Tears ran down her face. His grip didn’t ease off, and the thought ran through Caitlin that her time was over. Something had gone wrong. Had he fought with her team and lost? Maybe he wanted to take it out on her. There were no more words to help with her defence. If he could grab her so easily with his magic, he was right, there was nowhere she could run or hide. She was at his mercy.

  The image of her imminent death ceased as he dropped her and water splashed around her. He had dumped her back in the bath.

  ‘You’re going to freeze to death, so sit there, warm up and just listen to me Glow Girl. I’m angry for another reason, so quit it.’

  Caitlin shook and sank into the bubbles as he took two strides from her and dropped awkwardly on the vanity chair that was far too small for him. Obviously uncomfortable, he got up and threw it aside. Effortlessly he hoisted his large body up and sat on the wide ledge of the vanity.

  ‘Where I’ve been is none of your business. I can tell you this. I looked forward to coming home and seeing you until I spoke to the servants. What’s going on, Glow? They say you haven’t eaten and getting a look at your thin body, they aren’t exaggerating. Is it your plan to starve yourself to death? Is that what all this is about? No lying.’

  Embarrassed to learn the reason for his mood wasn’t what she thought; Caitlin slid under the water and washed her teary face. He was in no mood for the run-around, and as she came up, she wiped the water from her eyes. Her fear subsided as suddenly as it started.

  ‘Okay, you want the truth. It’s simple; the food they give me tastes revolting. There’s no nice way of saying it. You made me simple things like bacon and egg sandwiches, Earth food. I never see anyone to ask for what I want!’ Her lip dropped in a sulky pout. ‘I’ve been starving, waiting for you to come home. They should have asked me! You should have, instead of giving me the silent treatment and making me feel like a dog that just gets stuff thrown in my kennel.’

  He actually smiled and that made her smile too. ‘What would you know about dogs? You’ve never owned one have you?’

  ‘I can read.’ She eyed him. ‘And how would you know that?’

  ‘I know.’

  Deep in thought as to how aware he was her head tilted to the side. Maybe he hadn’t been fighting at all. Had he checked out her story to validate her sincerity?

  He looked amused, verifying to her the ability he possessed to read minds. That confirmed her suspicion; nothing would be private around this man.

  ‘So to be rid of me, you are not attempting to starve yourself to death.’

  Suddenly stunned, Caitlin was staggered. That’s really what he thought? She flushed and became annoyed. ‘Why would I take my own life? I know I’ve been miserable and have missed the company of you, hell, of anyone. But you read my mind and know I’ve lived like this for many years already.’ She sighed, frustrated with the poor communication between them. If he wanted honesty, he would get it. ‘I know when you stole me away, the plan was to end my life, but you didn’t. You could have left me in that cold dungeon, but here I am in comfort. No, Jett, if my life is to end it will be by your hands, not mine!’ She was firm and held his stare, for her temper, once ignited was hard for her to control. Caitlin had a sudden pang, had she gone too far? His mood change told her to button it as his eyes diverted to the floor, giving them both a moment to calm down.

  He lifted his head; it was Hades that addressed her. ‘I guess I deserve that but don’t ever speak to me like that again. This snappy, rude behaviour does not become you whether I am friend or foe.’ A dark shadow surrounded him again and his eyes glowed red.

  Caitlin put her hand up. At this point she knew he wouldn’t kill her and, starved, she was in no mood for Hades’ temper. ‘Hold on there, god of fire eyes. If you can’t handle honesty, then don’t ask me a question. You’re one scary individual when you don’t hear exactly what you want.’ She held her breath, just as annoyed.

  He stood, even angrier. ‘You are right to fear me, Glow Girl. You must know by now, I am Hades, God of the Underworld, and take no rubbish from a half pint smart mouthed redhead. And you are right, I did want you dead.’

  ‘Did! Ha! But didn’t, so bad luck. You’re stuck with me now and only livid because you don’t know what to do with me.’

  It was Hades’ eyes that calmed, and it was he who was able to contain his anger. He gave a half smirk and picked up a hand held mirror and turned it towards Caitlin so she could view herself. In the lighting flickering from the lantern, her hair looked as if sparks of red ambers spat from her, and her green eyes glowed golden.

  ‘You’re kidding, it’s just the lighting, right.’ She started laughing, and hysteria had her almost drown. ‘That’s so funny.’ She came up, coughing.

  Jett was back, not laughing but with his mouth slightly twisted in a grin. ‘You are one temperamental redhead. I guess I’d better rustle up some food then if I want to get rid of the hungry psycho girl.’ His mood had unexpectedly improved.

  ‘I’m so sorry, it must be this place. I thought you took my magic from me.’

  ‘I believe you fed angry magic off me, so we both had better calm down, Glow. I don’t want to hurt you.’

  ‘Or I you.’ She smiled. ‘Hey, can I come with you to the kitchen.’



  ‘Keep that temper in check and I’ll think about it.’ He held a towelling robe up for her and at the same time turned his head.

  ‘I’m not scared anymore.’ She slipped into it and pul
led it around her.

  A chuckle came from him, a sound she thought she would never hear again.

  ‘Caitlin, you’re naked; be scared, be very scared.’

  She couldn’t believe Hades was gone and he joked with her. They’d had so much fun when they first met and he was back, her Jett was back. ‘You’re so full of it,’ she replied with a giggle. ‘Your wife is absolutely gorgeous, so there is no way a naked me, after looking at her, would do it for you.’

  ‘Well, you have a point, Glow. I’m not really into short, skinny redheads, but you’d do if I was hard up.’

  ‘Thank goodness it’s so cold here then. Being hard is something you wouldn’t see very often, I’m guessing.’

  He turned around and grabbed her by the shoulders. ‘You stirrer, you! What do you want to eat – you whinging little pest … I don’t like your food,’ he mimicked her. ‘I’ll give you fussy, even my manhood is at stake with you around. I mean, I could have taken any one of the girls but no, trust me I had to snatch the redhead.’

  ‘Yes, that’s true, but redheads are definitely more fun.’

  ‘Well I would have preferred someone sexy, but I guess kidnappers can’t be choosy.’

  ‘Sod, I give in. I have no comeback for that one!’ She grinned as he hugged her.

  This was how they were on the island when they first met, fun and light. She was so glad he had come back to her.

  ‘Can I ask you something?’

  He let her go. His mood changed; the air now thick with annoyance. ‘The answer is no!’ he snapped. ‘Don’t even go there Glow or you’ll get me pissed off at you again.’

  ‘Shish grumpy bum, I wanted to ask who the hell took the bridle off my horse. I’m freezing to death here. My horse clothes me, and now I’ve got none.’

  He threw his head back when he realised he got it wrong and laughed good-heartedly. He’d jumped to the conclusion Caitlin was going to ask him to take her home.

  ‘Oops.’ He turned his head slightly with an apologetic grin. ‘About the horse, it needed to be stabled, but the wings were in the way. I thought … well, I put heat packs in your bed and instructed they be changed each time you got up, but guess I didn’t really think about what you’d wear if you didn’t want to be in bed. I don’t feel the cold.’

  She put her cold hand on his cheek, and he playfully jerked away. ‘Guess I better go raid the wardrobe upstairs. My wife keeps warm clothes for her mother when she comes to visit but I’m not sure if there is anything small enough to fit a pixie.’

  Caitlin slapped his arm. ‘I’m so going to mess up your hair if you keep picking on me.’

  ‘I told you my hair is just naturally curly and this colour.’

  With her hand, Caitlin moved the curl that spiralled down his forehead. ‘Nothing can be this perfect and be real.’

  His charming smile generated a natural response and overwhelmed with happiness she stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

  Gratitude that he’d been forgiven flickered in his eyes.

  ‘Thanks Glow.’

  ‘You’re welcome. That’s to show my appreciation for being you. Well, the you I know.’

  ‘Then I have big shoes to fill. I was on my best behaviour the day I met you.’

  She smiled widely, amused. ‘Oh, I think I can handle you either way. You’re not so tough, even as Hades.’

  ‘Little witch!’ He grinned. ‘You weren’t scared of me at all, were you?’ He tickled her.

  ‘In your dreams, bully boy.’

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Snow Cabin

  While Jett went to find her something warm to wear, Caitlin sat smiling by the vanity brushing her hair. He was so much fun, they just clicked. Rory had warned her to zip her rough edges around these gods, but Jett brought the worst out in her. She could only be herself around him. If he didn’t like it, they wouldn’t be getting on so well. Hades, his other side, was a different story altogether, sense of humour… nope. But after spending time with him as Jett, Caitlin believed he would work out a way, to one day take her home, and it thrilled her. For now, to have time alone with one of the most powerful gods, to get to know him, was a marvel to appreciate and enjoy. Her intentions were to enjoy every minute of this gift of time. She had only just finished her hair when he arrived back with pants, a top and a gold coloured woollen jumper.

  ‘Oh wow, these look so expensive.’ She held up the large sweater that on her was going to be more of a dress, but this didn’t faze her. What counted was him going to such an effort to please her. Holding it against her cheek, she smiled. ‘It’s so soft.’

  ‘My wife has good taste. Only the best quality lines her closets. I’ll leave you to dress and be back to collect you soon.’ He closed the door to give her privacy.

  Alone, a cheery Caitlin danced around with the warm ensemble before quickly dressing when her teeth began to chatter. The thick socks and fur boots were pulled on last and, energised, she jumped back to her feet and continued her jolly movements, stopping abruptly with the turn of the door knob.

  ‘Can I come in? Are you decent yet?’

  ‘Yep, ready to go.’ She felt lost inside the oversized clothes.

  He grinned.

  She wiggled and posed for him. ‘Maybe now I don’t look so skinny you might think I am a bit of all right again.’

  ‘You could never look sexy to me, Glow Girl.’ He put out his hand to take hers. ‘But please, kid yourself. It amuses me.’ He laughed as he transported them to the kitchen to check out the pantry. ‘Okay Glow Girl, cook me up a feast. I can eat anything so whatever you’re used to eating will be all right by me.’

  ‘You’re sure in for one big disappointment.’ She put her hands on her hips. ‘Maybe you should have killed me when you had the chance. I hate to tell you this, Romeo, but I never learned to cook and am quite useless with pots, pans and heat. Rory never lets me in the kitchen. My position is on the bench. There, I talk while they cook or I shout takeaway. So unless you have a fast food outlet around, I got nothing.’

  ‘Then I guess if I don’t cook we starve.’ Amused, he picked her up, sat her on the bench and headed for the pantry.

  ‘Hell! You better be a damned good talker, that’s all I can say.’

  He disappeared into the pantry, his voice raised so she could hear. ‘Then tell me what you like, little miss, I can’t cook,’ he mimicked her in a put-on girly voice.

  Her stomach grumbled at the thought of eggs. ‘What about quiche and salad?’

  He stuck his head out of the pantry and rolled his eyes at her. ‘You think I’m chef blatzing Sharman,’ he mumbled, making her laugh. Chef Sharman was one of the top pastry chefs in the hemisphere, so she had recently found out.

  ‘I though gods could snap their fingers and food appears.’

  He popped his head out. ‘Would you eat it if I did?’ His eyes were wide in hope.

  ‘Nope, but good try.’ She chuckled as he went back into the pantry continuing to bellyache while he retrieved the rest of the ingredients.

  * * * *

  The meal had been a hoot to watch him prepare, and Caitlin had to admit it was one delicious quiche. But now it was over and, looking weary, he took her back to her room.

  Jett went in after she was comfortable and tucked up in bed to say goodnight and saw her frown.

  ‘I ate too much; that’s why I’m tired.’ She yawned.

  Caitlin looked sweet, like a little girl, but he had to try not to overly spoil her while she was staying with him. Easier said than done! ‘It’s not my food that tuckered you out, admit it Glow; you just can’t handle late nights, can you ol’ girl.’

  ‘Pfff.’ She rolled over. ‘Give you ol’ gal. Return my powers, and we’ll soon see who can outlast whom.’ She closed and rubbed her eyes before slipping into a contented slumber.

nbsp; The next morning Caitlin rushed to be ready. Jett had promised to show her his Home World and take her skiing.

  Once she was ready, the housemaid took her to the den to wait by the fire for him. ‘The divine god, Hades, will be with you shortly.’ The maid paused. ‘And yes this is where he eats his breakfast, madam.’

  How did she know I was going to ask that? Caitlin pondered. Everything was so mysterious and wonderful here.

  A quick turn of a handle and the door swung open. Jett’s entrances were always so noisy. Caitlin turned to face him, and his presence overshadowed all else. He filled the room with his masculinity and poise. A proud man, a man with many faces and in that second he was Hades. Eyes of steel, mouth set stubborn on a strong jaw. A man no human would dare defy, his power willed all that stood before him to heed his words. Even she trembled slightly at the sight; not from fright, but from the enormity of who he was. She had befriended one of the universe’s most feared gods.

  ‘Are you okay?’ She tossed aside her coat onto the chair and walked towards him, worried.

  ‘Don’t.’ He put his hand up, his temper evident.

  Caitlin had seen Axon like this when he had problems that were too secret to talk about but which he needed to share with someone or explode. This was easily fixed if he truly trusted her.

  ‘Coffee?’ She picked up the pot.

  He nodded as his body sank into the big armchair by the fire. Picking up the newspaper beside him he began to read.

  Once he sat, it was with a confident and steady hand she poured out coffee for him. Caitlin’s senses spiked when hearing the paper pages rustling as he turned them roughly in his blatant attempt to ignore what was on his mind.

  Jett’s hand reached for the mug offered, his eyes not diverting from the article he read. Caitlin was used to Axon and understood these moods went hand in hand with such powerful men. She sat quiet and sipped her own coffee, her mind consumed with thoughts of her working years on Earth, snippets of humorous happenings between her and her five Rider friends.


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