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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 28

by Debbie Behan

  Axon rose from the floor where they had slept and flopped onto the sofa, which caused him to spill a drop or two. He smiled at his clumsiness and awkwardness in knowing that Hades, a god, waited on him. But at that moment, he realised he had to see Hades as Caitlin did, as her new friend Jett. ‘First decent sleep I’ve had in a long time. It’s so quiet here; you must love it.’

  It warmed Caitlin to hear Axon’s light-hearted manner towards Jett. She waited for the response. Could she wish both men were going to be civil from now on? Behind her back, she crossed her fingers in hope.

  Jett positioned himself opposite. ‘Thanks to Glow Girl here, I’m starting to. She’s made me look at Pluto through her eyes.’ He shifted in his seat, obviously uncomfortable about sharing his time with Caitlin.

  Axon wanted there to be peace for his girl’s sake. This was the start of a new day for all of them so, to make him feel at ease, he put aside differences and openly invited him to speak about whatever came to mind. If that was about Cait and Jett’s time together, Axon was, funnily enough, okay about that too. ‘Yes, Cait did tell me a little about the project you both worked on while she was here and the concept fascinates me.’

  ‘Here on Pluto, to invite friends to spend time outdoors was impossible, until now.’ He stood up straight. ‘Look, how about I show you, and after that we can have a bite to eat, if Glow’s up to it, of course.’ He looked amused as he eyed Caitlin. ‘Sorry, I mentioned you might come for lunch, so Melita has been in the kitchen most the morning baking.’

  Caitlin glowed. ‘Really, fussing for me? We’d love to join you both, wouldn’t we?’ Her eyes were soft and loving as she looked up at Axon.

  ‘Of course, no way am I going to miss out a bit of home cooking. My fiancée has no idea how to cook, so I’d better get decent food whenever it’s offered from now on in.’ Both men laughed.

  Caitlin jabbed him in the ribs. ‘You’ll keep, sweetheart!’

  Axon turned back to Jett. ‘Just give us time to freshen up and change, and we are all yours.’

  * * * *

  After another relaxing spa bath, Caitlin stood with a frown, dressed in linen pants and a light summer top. ‘Is this all he left me to wear? I’m going to freeze,’ she said, and pulled one of the furs around her while they waited for Jett to come back and collect them.

  Jett grinned when he arrived. ‘Don’t worry, Glow.’ He smiled at her when she complained and threw the rug aside before transporting them. ‘Where I’m taking you both, what you have on will do just fine.’

  The instant bouquet of blossoms and the warm sultry air was a pleasant surprise as they changed locations. Melita waited for them in a bikini with only a light floral wrap on. She had been swimming in the pool and wrung out her wet hair while coming over to meet them.

  The dome was complete, and they had heated it. Palms and plants flourished in the warm climate, and the entire area looked more like a resort now, rather than the cold ice surface Caitlin had become accustomed to. The curved roof stretched out for as far as the eye could see. They had added lighting that gave the impression you looked up at blue sky complete with fluffy white clouds. Caitlin was so pleased to finally see the finished result.

  Melita met them with a warm hug. Her enthusiasm for the first visitors in their newly renovated home overwhelmed them. She was delightful as she tugged at Caitlin’s hand and showed her the outdoor kitchenette in the BBQ area. It left their men alone to discuss the logistics and practicality of the entire development. Later, as they all strolled around the grounds, Melita pointed out the location of a proposed tennis court and received a smile from Jett when she told them of the playground where they envisaged their children would play.

  ‘Children! You too? And you picked on me for wanting them?’ Caitlin teased Jett.

  He shrugged with a look of superiority. As if he could do whatever he wanted, and he could. Caitlin actually welcomed the idea and was really excited. To have such news signified their future would be here on Pluto. She had made a difference and couldn’t have been more satisfied with the outcome that just kept unfolding.

  Melita smiled, patted Jett’s arm and hugged him. ‘We’re trying, aren’t we?’ She smiled lovingly.

  ‘This is just the best news ever.’ Caitlin hugged them both.

  Melita kissed Jett, who spun her around and caught her in his arms. ‘Your happiness is so infectious.’ He smiled down at her.

  At last, Caitlin could relax. Jett had genuine happiness here. He would find Pluto a very hard planet to leave now he finally had all he ever wanted.

  That afternoon, Axon and Caitlin ended in hysterics after they joined Jett and Melita on the slopes for a toboggan race, the second part of Jett’s organised activities. Both drenched and cold, they ran through the door of the cabin, discarding clothes, and shoved playfully at each other to get into the hot spa first. They left an amused Jett and Melita after promising to join them for dinner after they warmed up.

  ‘I have a surprise you won’t want to miss, Glow,’ Jett had called to her before transporting himself and his wife back to the castle.

  ‘What do you think he meant?’ said Caitlin.

  ‘You mean about the surprise?’ Axon’s tone was calm and relaxed; this break was also doing him a world of good.


  ‘We will have to wait and see. The man has me mystified. He adores you, and yet he is obviously very much in love with his wife.’

  Caitlin waited for him to say more, but that was it, he was done with any uncertainties he had now he’d seen Jett with his wife and he laid back in the spa relaxed, his eyes closed.

  Later, warm and dressed, she stood by the window, where a silky light lit up the snow, a sign the day was over and night had come. Even the stars hid under the extreme cold sheet that added to the blackness of the view. She pulled the cape of fur around her shoulders tightly and closed her eyes as she sent out a wish all would end well, and she could always call this her second home.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  United we Stand

  Axon raised an eyebrow when Caitlin finished dressing for dinner. Unable to help himself he made a grab for her, a motion that earned him a slap.

  ‘Behave,’ she disciplined him.

  He positioned himself on the sofa so they could talk while she warmed by the fire and both turned when they heard Jett’s voice.

  ‘You scrub up fine, Glow. First time I’ve seen you in an evening gown.’

  ‘You sweet talker you.’ She enjoyed the sound of Jett’s rich dark tone. The black evening gown Melita had lent her flattered her figure. The back fell delicately down to her tiny waist and on Pluto, with its chilly weather, felt very revealing. Her typical attire here had been basic tracksuits. It gave her confidence to wear something else when she saw both men seemed to approve.

  ‘I agree with Jett.’ Axon got off the couch and stretched. His arm came down around her so Jett could transport them out.

  Jett moved in close to her. ‘You not only look good, Glow, but that fragrance you have on is so delicate, intoxicating.’

  ‘I haven’t got any on. Maybe it’s the spa water.’

  He eyed her. ‘Hang on, didn’t Axon have a spa too?’

  ‘Yes.’ She breathed in her man’s scent of aftershave only. ‘He does smell divine, doesn’t he?’

  ‘Glow, your aroma is nothing like the scent of aftershave, trust me. The bouquet is a delight. It is what drew me to you in the first place. I have wanted to say something for quite some time, but it was barely noticeable after I stopped being Hades while with you. I have something going down tonight and Axon, you would agree that it is extremely difficult not to want to snatch her up and have her all to yourself. I’m guessing it strengthens with whoever is near and yet she is oblivious to it. It’s a hidden gift; a shield of protection against powerful men.’

xon nodded. ‘I noticed it started to get heady this afternoon when we got back from skiing. I’ve had a hard time keeping my hands off her. So, what have you planned that has set her off?’

  Jett seemed pleased Axon agreed but wasn’t yet ready to disclose what was about to happen. ‘I noticed it the day Calyx arrived and I believe I know why it has flared up now and it isn’t us two men flexing our muscles at each other.’ He winked.

  ‘Why then?’ Axon asked again and understood once Jett transported them to his home why he was reluctant to say. The first vision when materialising was that of three of the most powerful, ruthless and dangerous of all gods. Oh, shyte! There were his brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, their parents, Cronus and Rhea, and chatting together in the garden were the goddesses, Persephone, Amphitrite and Hera.

  ‘Honey and Ted Bear!’ Caitlin opened up her arms to welcome Jett’s parents. She seemed not at all alarmed as she played the part of a friend that had missed them, and did it so well that even Axon believed it. Had she just changed in character? Was she still his Caitlin or someone else? He pondered how her sweet yet quick-to-judge temperament could have suddenly changed into this audacious life of the party. It was at that moment the penny dropped; he understood how she could be away from him and her friends and not fret. He had heard of it before. An entity, or angel force, controlled her, and for now, she was theirs, and he had to let her work. He stood back to give her space.

  ‘Dear, you look divine.’ Honey put out her hand to Axon. ‘Wolf, so lovely to see you again.’ Her eyes glazed slightly. Had Caitlin done that? Was she powerful enough to put them in a trance?

  ‘Calyx and Zuri!’ Caitlin hugged them, grabbed their hands and dragged them over to Axon. ‘You remember my boyfriend, Wolf?’ She beamed up happily at them. ‘He is now my fiancé.’ Then with a flick of her hair, she left them to congratulate him and ran over to the last brother. She jumped at him, and he snatched her up in his massive arms. The action made her look like a little girl. ‘Razor!’ She pulled on his beard. ‘I swear this woolly mess has to go.’ She grinned at his wife, Angel. ‘How you even find his lips is beyond me.’

  ‘Cheeky minx.’ His jovial chuckle rocked his large belly and made her collapse against him, laughing. She lifted her chin up, kissed his forehead and slipped from his arms. The big fellow pulled his shirt around his stomach to hide it. The wobble worsened, and both ended in hysterics.

  Axon glanced over at the pair. Even her laugh was different which confirmed his suspicions that on the job, Glow Girl dominated Caitlin.

  Razor’s wife, Angel, joined in and linked arms with Caitlin.

  Axon was amazed at servants that doted over each god. This morning he had spotted only a few when they had walked the grounds with Jett. On their own and standing away from the others he mentioned this to Jett.

  ‘Did your family bring their personal servants? Even I don’t keep this many.’

  ‘Over the years my needs have simplified. I have evolved, unlike my family, and need little help as I enjoy doing things for myself. My family brings an entourage as lifting a finger is considered absurd and ungodly. We do not see eye to eye on this at all.’

  ‘But you have an army, I know, and yet there is no sign of a township or barracks.’

  ‘Ah, forever on the job. You worry about Glow’s security with my family. Don’t concern yourself, my friend, I need only snap my fingers and help is at my side. Now enjoy your night and try to worry less.’ He snapped his fingers, and immediately there was a servant beside him; not a word did he say, and yet the table hand tipped a pitcher of Ambrosia and filled their goblets.

  ‘Cheers!’ Axon grinned.

  Jett responded, ‘to a night of new beginnings.’

  At the table, Caitlin was seated next to Jett. She was elated to have another chance for the family to get to know and accept her and Axon for who they were. She was glad they still knew nothing of where they came from. She was not powerful enough to take on so much might, only just powerful enough, for now, to control the temperament of these superior individuals as they joked, drank and ate together. The atmosphere and ambience underneath the dome were warm and inviting and made it easier. So did the liquid Ambrosia that they drank.

  ‘Wine of the gods,’ Ted Bear had toasted.

  Caitlin picked up the vibe of pleasure in them and instantaneously Axon felt the toning down of energy that she’d put out to influence the initial convening. His mind went into overdrive as to exactly what Caitlin was capable of and was amazed. He had fought most of the evening to keep her goddess essence from stealing the wits he needed to keep her safe. But she had finally worn him down too and he gave up the struggle as the party spun out of control, and everything beyond tonight became insignificant. Enjoyment of the moment with great friends dominated further speculation.

  * * * *

  After the entree, Axon had an idea and moved to the opposite end of the table, to engage in conversations with others. A little away from Caitlin’s influence was where he was able to become more alert. He heard Caitlin laugh and, now watching her, hoped she didn’t get hurt. She believed in Jett and sat beside him enjoying the festivities. Axon, aware of her genuine adoration for the family, put aside his worries for her for the moment as he had to concentrate on this perfect opportunity he might never get again. A chance to get to know the Rulers of half the planets he was now accountable for was gold, and he wasn’t about to miss this opportunity Hades had given him.

  It was a great night. They all ate, watched the entertainment that was brought before them and after, sat out in the garden. The men smoked cigars and chatted while the ladies opted for the spa. Once back in the cabin, Caitlin and Axon flopped on the sofa, exhausted. Axon put a couple more logs on the fire and shut off the air vent so it would burn gently through the night. He put the cushions onto the floor and, after pulling the fur rugs around them both, he cuddled up with Caitlin and slept.

  Next morning, Caitlin stretched and stood up to stare out the window. Axon woke and joined her.

  ‘I miss Rory and my friends.’ She hugged him.

  ‘Last night sorted out a lot for you, didn’t it Cait? You’ve seen how happy Jett is now and you’re contented to leave him?’

  ‘Yes. There is still the issue of the family spotting me when I go back to work, but somehow, I feel safer now. I believe they will think first before wielding the final blow towards me.’ She smiled up at him. ‘Last night was perfect, and you’re perfect. You can take me home now.’

  ‘What, before breakfast? I thought we promised to stay, but just say the word and we’re gone!’ He would do a runner now if she let him. Away from them and without Caitlin’s power that kept him calm, he was agitated, worried that they pushed their luck too far. What if at breakfast and in the light of day, they guessed who it was that they called a friend? She didn’t see them the way he did with their dark evil temperaments that showed in every crease on their skin. He knew even now by the shocked look she wore that she didn’t understand his need to want her away from them, his need to hide her and not just now, but for all time. He had every intention when they got back, if they got back, of seeing Zoren about finding another Rider to replace Caitlin. She was to be his wife, and around these dangerous tyrants she would not live another day, never mind a lifetime.

  Caitlin watched Axon’s expression of concern. ‘Please trust me to do the job I’m trained to do.’ She ran a hand over his creased brow, and her touch eased him almost instantly as his body melted with the pure essence of love she saw he had for her. ‘After breakfast, my love. Yes, we did promise we would join them and it would be rude to run out on them. But after that, I’m all yours and, yes, then it will be time to leave.’ Caitlin smiled.

  After a heated spa and a change of clothes, Axon transported them to the patio where the family had already gathered.

  ‘You’re like a little ray of happiness. They are very ta
ken by you Glow,’ Jett whispered to her, as he took her hand and seated her between Calyx and his dad. Then he turned to Axon. ‘Got a minute, Wolf?’ He walked off, and Axon followed. Away from prying ears, he turned to him. ‘Axon, or should I say Wolf?’

  ‘Axon is fine, while we’re on our own.’

  ‘I wanted to speak alone for a minute as I know Glow wants to go home.’

  ‘How did you know? She only asked me before we came to breakfast.’

  ‘I know.’ Sadness flashed for just a second across his face. ‘It is you I wish to speak to though. You have befriended me, and my brothers. Last night you let your hair down and enjoyed the evening with us, and I believe it was sincere. Caitlin had toned down her power, so it was all you. I want to know why. If it’s a ploy to take her from me, us, I will be so disappointed, as I too, fell for your jests and kindness and would like nothing more than to call you friend.’

  Axon breathed in deeply, exhaled and eyed him ‘Truthfully, I wanted to run with Caitlin. It worries me she is so small against such power and yet when I looked into her eyes when we spoke this morning, I saw her strength, her willpower and her love for you and them. I could no sooner take her from you than I could turn my back on the friendships that have begun to develop between us.’

  ‘I am pleased to hear you say that, Axon. When listening to her thinking, it was about you both leaving. I immediately blamed it on you, and jumped to the conclusion you had talked her into it.’

  ‘No Jett, Cait is not that easily persuaded. You must know this by now.’ He grinned, remembering the performance they had just been through with her so she could come back here to Pluto.

  ‘Yes, you are right!’ He grinned back. ‘Your fiancée is such a damned handful.’ He gave Axon a slap on the back in recognition.


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