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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 46

by Debbie Behan

  No sooner had she spoken the words, when Jett and Axon shimmered in from a vortex. With brows pulled in, neither looked in a good mood.

  ‘What the hell’s been going on?’ Axon’s face reddened, and his forehead wrinkled as he viewed his fiancé in between the two men. Aurek he knew, but the other fool he wanted to punch, no questions asked.

  Lord Mensa stood up quickly, feeling the heated exchange and if it did come to knuckles he didn’t want his daughter hurt. If one of them could read the situation, all her tears might be misunderstood. He extended his arm to shake his hand, eager to defuse the tension. ‘Axon, I assume. I am Lord Mensa, ruler of this terrestrial, and after what seems to have unfolded here, father of your fiancée, Caitlin.’

  ‘What!’ Axon’s head snapped around to see the truth in Caitlin’s eyes. ‘How? You should have let me know, we were worried sick, Cait. You’ve been sending some kind of weird vibes through to Jett. He’s been on tenterhooks all afternoon waiting for me to knock off.’

  ‘Then if you knew, why not pop in then? Teach you for putting work before me.’

  ‘I was giving Rory a hand as the team were short one a feisty redhead. And anyway, if you wanted us here sooner you know you only have to call Jett for help?’ He eyed her, his moodiness apparent.

  She rubbed at her forehead, worried how to tell him without him going off half-cocked and taking her home. ‘Well I had to kick my father’s arse first.’ She gave her dad a grin. ‘Then stop Orion from killing him.’ She tried to make Axon smile, but with no luck, she continued. ‘So it was a little intense to think of anyone else at the time. And to tell you the truth, I didn’t need anyone’s help, just time to sort it out.’ Her fiancé was always irritable when he first knocked off and today was no different. ‘Let’s leave this lot to chat while we take a walk.’ She slipped her arm through his and turned her head up delicately. ‘Miss me… did you babe?’ She smiled lovingly.

  He rolled his eyes. ‘Yes, but that does not let you off the hook. You are so grounded when you get home.’ He gave her a slight grin.

  Outside, Axon stopped a little way down the path. ‘So you really kicked your father’s butt and went up against Orion.’ He started laughing when they were away from everyone. ‘Geez, Cait quit picking up men, I don’t care if they are your father. Give me a break.’ He was now in a better mood and teased her.

  She grinned when she saw how happy that news had made him. ‘You bet I did. Blew up every gun in his goddamned palace but I won.’

  ‘So you have all made up.’

  ‘Just about. Aurek king hit my father, so I’ve used a bit of power getting them through the boy crush break up, but they are just about there. Hardly using any magic at all now.’

  ‘So you okay, beautiful?’ He smiled at his talented fiancée. ‘You really did have us worried. It wasn’t a, “come and get me now vibe”, so we decided to make it a late call to give you time to sort it out.’

  ‘We had our moments.’ She shook her head. ‘Unbelievable how it unfolded.’

  ‘Sweetheart, you would be the only girl I know who went hunting and caught a parent. Couldn’t you find any angaroos?’

  She laughed at Axon’s quirky humour. ‘Sure, but since when have I ever done normal?’

  ‘Any doubt he is your father?’

  ‘At first, but not after spending this much time with him.’ Her eyes lit up. ‘He even laughs like me. Stay for dinner and judge for yourself. I guarantee Jett’s already in there giving him the once over for me.’

  Axon agreed. ‘Jett knows him, I can tell. He has been unusually reserved about coming here.’

  ‘But why? It was Jett’s suggestion for Aurek to bring me here. Did he know?’

  ‘Cait, there is a lot Jett keeps to himself. You have broken through some of his barriers but the layers to an ancient Ruler such as he runs deep.’

  ‘I know. Aurek is a test at times too, although he has turned a corner, a big one, and become a real friend. Even so, I feel there is more to this meeting Jett has orchestrated.’

  ‘Figured as much or you would be asking for me to take you home since Orion’s temper has been extinguished.’

  ‘I think it’s best to play this out fully to see where it leads. Mensa talks about superior beings that mean me harm, threaten death, evil men that still search for me. The same ones who have apparently hunted for me all my life and are why my father had to give me up. They continue to raid his Home World looking for me and keep him under constant surveillance. If I’m to stop this lunacy, I have to learn more.’

  ‘Just be careful, honey. I know you feel safe here with these men, but never underestimate the powers of evil.’

  ‘Are you worried about your fragile little girl?’ She grinned.

  He threw his head back and laughed. ‘My god no! I’m worried about them!’

  ‘Rotten sod.’ She slapped his arm. The movement had Axon excited, and he snatched her up in his arms, his mouth finding hers with luscious desire. When he let her go, his eyes were glazed and loving. ‘Come home soon, honey, okay.’

  ‘Stay for dinner?’ She leant into him. Her heart tingled with love for this gorgeous man that trusted her completely.

  His voice was sexy, alluring. ‘Are you on the menu?’

  She moved away and slipped her hand in his. ‘Soon,’ she whispered to him as they walked back toward the cabin. It was their time for only a moment, but times like this, they cherished.

  ‘What is it that smells so good?’ Axon took the lid off the large pot and took a whiff as they strolled back inside.

  ‘Angaroos with baked veg.’ Aurek took that moment to baste the meat while he held the cover up.

  Jett looked over their shoulders. ‘Want to stay for dinner, Axon? Aurek always over cooks.’

  ‘Just invite yourself, Uncle.’

  ‘Tosser.’ Jett ruffled his hair. ‘Dish up, we’re starving.’

  While having dinner, Aurek filled in the gaps for Axon and Jett. Both had a laugh about the begrizzo, thinking that was funny until they heard how Caitlin had stood up to Lord Mensa and his entire army, holding back the furious hunter and destroying their weapons.

  Axon already knew, but it was even funnier the second time around as Aurek did exaggerate a little.

  Jett grinned a lot but kept his wits about him. Lord Mensa hadn’t recognised him yet, and he waited for him to connect the dots. Yet it didn’t seem he was alert. Too interested in his daughter.

  It was time for them to leave. Jett stood to wait and listened to his nephew brag for the last time about his day with Caitlin. Girlfriend stealer!

  Aurek shook his head, while expressing the sight of her. ‘Honestly Axon, the speed she snatched the guns, it even knocked out two of his biggest and most trusted guards he kept at his side. You should have seen their faces when they woke and found she was still standing. Hands on her hips, red hair flamed out around her and a cute little pout that he had hurt her feelings.’ He eyed her affectionately. ‘You got some gal there, Axon. You’re a lucky man.’

  ‘Yes, I know, and I’m taking her home with me,’ Axon stirred him and at the same time got up from the table. ‘Come on Jett, time to make a move.’

  Aurek stood so quickly his chair flung backwards. ‘You’re not taking her anywhere, even if you are her damned fiancé. Firstly I’ve had to put up with her father intruding in on my trip for two days. Next things, you two, her goddamned bodyguards, arrive, invite yourselves for dinner and now almost my entire time with Glow has been imposed upon. This is bullshit!’ He glanced at her and back at Axon, indignant and flustered. ‘You owe me more time with her, or you can kiss your treaty goodbye.’ He breathed out with frustration. ‘So you better think again, you-blatzing-lot-of-unsociable-manipulators-of-my-time!’ Orion had arisen and flexed his muscles.

  ‘You are acting like a selfish shit now, Glow has a life!’ Je
tt poked him with a finger.

  Aurek stepped back from Jett, annoyed. ‘I’m not in the mood, Uncle. This is so unreasonable. I want– No, I demand… another three days.’ He saw Caitlin’s expression and knelt beside her. His entire temperament changed. ‘I haven’t even had time to show you the mountain ranges yet. That’s where the real hunting begins.’

  Caitlin had spoken to Axon and knew he was checking where the resistance would come from if she left. Neither expected the reaction would be so strong from Aurek. Being in the situation with Lord Mensa and losing his cool as he had done, damaged the work she had put into him. Orion had begun to appear, his mood ready to flare at any moment at the thought of her departure.

  Axon was quick to observe. He winked at her, letting her know he now trusted her call. It was not the time for her to come home. ‘Cait are you happy to stay with Aurek another few days?’

  ‘Love to, if you can spare me.’

  Axon cracked his knuckles, thinking. ‘Well, guess you can’t blame a man for trying. Okay, new deal! Three days it is then. But any more nonsense like today, Aurek, and Cait comes home straight away. Do I make myself clear?’ Axon wasn’t going to leave it without a stern warning.

  ‘Deal!’ Aurek strode into the kitchen and started to clean up the mess to give Caitlin a moment to say goodbye. A slight grin of smugness now etched the corners of his mouth.

  Lord Mensa had been pleasantly funny while Aurek told the story of what an arse the Lord had been. To have someone similar to what your daughter may have looked like walk into your life and feel such a strong family connection, would not have been easy. Yes, he handled it all wrong, but he was just lucky it was his Cait, someone smart enough to see through the tyrant’s behaviour. Although they had found each other, it was now up to Caitlin, not him. If he worked hard, he knew she’d forgive as she had done with him. Axon, shook his extended hand when offered. ‘Good luck winning Cait back. But don’t disappoint her, ever, and us two will get along fine.’

  Lord Mensa looked grateful. ‘I only want a chance to be the father I have always wanted to be… if she lets me.’

  ‘She stayed, it’s a start.’ Axon grinned and turned to his girl. Jett had his arm around her, chatting privately… of course, he was. ‘Time to go, Jett,’ he said, and gave Caitlin a final squeeze. ‘Have fun, precious one; I’ll see you in a few days.’ He kissed her sweetly before giving her up.

  ‘Aurek.’ Axon eyed him. ‘Please do something wrong, so she busts your cheeks.’

  Aurek laughed heartily. ‘Not likely but you can dream.’

  Axon laughed too as he and Jett faded from sight.

  Lord Mensa picked up his gear. ‘That’s some man you’ve got there, Glow. I can see he makes you very happy. As for me, I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. I hope you kids don’t mind, but I’m going to make a move. You’re quite welcome to come and stay in the castle tonight if you wish.’

  ‘We’re good,’ Aurek called out. ‘But have something to discuss with you. How about you meet us in the morning for breakfast at the café on the hill?’

  ‘Sounds perfect. I’ll see you both in the morning then?’

  Aurek moved around the bench to shake his hand goodbye, wanting to let him know there were no bad feelings. After he had left, Aurek threw an arm around Caitlin. ‘You don’t mind us meeting up in the morning for a bit?’

  ‘Surprised, and pleased.’

  ‘Thanks for staying, Glow. I wasn’t ready to be back in the real world yet.’ He kissed her head and went over to the fire. He picked up the empty basket, and filled it with logs from the front porch.

  Caitlin chatted as he worked. ‘Bet you feel like you’ve been on a roller coaster.’

  ‘We have, but it’s over, thank goodness.’ He put the basket beside the hearth and tossed a few logs from it onto the fire.

  ‘I’m happy to hear that, and more than delighted to have the bonus of an extra few days. I wasn’t ready to go back to work either; I feel as though I haven’t left.’ She looked spent.

  ‘Yes, well, how about you let me try to rectify that, starting now.’ He cranked up some music while he made them a hot drink.

  ‘Now that’s what I’m talking about.’ Caitlin took her cocoa and clunked mugs. The night was theirs at last. Aurek put down their drinks and pulled her into his arms to dance.

  He was excellent at rock and roll and had them up dancing for quite some time before they flopped down on the cushions in front of the fireplace and talked until dawn. They had only just drifted off when Lord Mensa arrived with breakfast.

  ‘Thought I’d save you the walk and give you breakfast in bed… well so to speak.’ He smiled brightly, and his smile turned more brilliant when Caitlin gave him a big hug for being so thoughtful.

  ‘This was a nice gesture, old man,’ Aurek remarked as he swallowed down three pancakes with syrup, all in one go.

  The servants he brought fussed around them, giving them five-star service, and it was an extra thrill to see Caitlin eating for a change. He had gone to great lengths to ensure it would be food she was used to eating. Since his daughter had been there, all she had done was pick like a bird and push his Home World delicacies around her plate.

  During the meal, Lord Mensa did most of the talking, as he could see they had barely slept. However, all immortals revitalise once they have eaten, so after breakfast was over, and Caitlin looked refreshed, he asked a lot of questions about Axon. The main one had her stuck for words.

  ‘I was wondered why you two aren’t married yet. He obviously adores you. He was so sweet with you last night, it did my heart good to see someone so very deeply committed to you. The guy would hand you the universe on a platter if you asked for it.’

  ‘He is pretty off the charts adorable.’ She smiled dreamily, and then pondered the first part of his question. Her usual response was to say her life had been too busy to get married, but to say that to her father sounded empty.

  ‘I have wondered that too, old man,’ Aurek added.

  ‘So what has been the hold-up sweetheart?’ Lord Mensa said.

  ‘Maybe I’ve been waiting to find my father so he can give me away.’ She nudged him affectionately.

  ‘Well, I’m here, and been waiting for this day for long enough,’ said Lord Mensa.

  ‘That was why I wanted to talk to you this morning. How about we help Glow organise the wedding right now, while she has time off?’

  ‘What? Don’t you know what a big deal it is? I mean it’s not something we can throw together in an instant. It will take months of planning, and I haven’t got a venue or anything, never mind the time it would take to dedicate to such a massive project.’

  Lord Mensa sat thinking. ‘You are making this far too big a deal, Caitlin. Aurek has apparently kept you here for a very noble reason. I thought he was acting a selfish twit as usual, but lo and behold, the guy actually wants to do something lovely for you. So let’s break it down and see how we go… now try to think, there must be somewhere you’ve been that screamed, wedding.’ He cocked his head to the side with a cheeky expression as he pushed her to give an answer. To see his only daughter find the happiness he always hoped she would find was more than a dream. Between him and his buddy, they could move mountains right now, today, to make it happen. ‘Oh, and it’s on me of course, the entire wedding. Money is no object.’

  ‘You both honestly want to spend the next three days planning a wedding with me and not go hunting… at all?’ She eyed them.

  ‘We can go hunting any time of the year, but you only get married once. Between us, let’s make it an amazing wedding, so the union sticks and lasts an eternity.’

  Mensa’s hand slapped the high five Aurek held up to him. ‘There’s only one man I’ve ever heard of and now met that is anywhere near good enough for my little girl, and he was here last night.’ He smiled at Caitlin. ‘And I’m no
t letting you lose him.’

  Caitlin’s expression was thoughtful, hopeful, as her coy smile warmed Aurek. ‘Where? I can tell you have somewhere in mind.’

  ‘Actually, it wasn’t until we arrived on your Home World within Orion’s Belt that I imagined how simply divine it would be to have a wedding there.’

  ‘My home?’ Aurek was taken back.

  ‘From the air, I spotted the resort style grounds, modern chalets and the daydream to have such opulence around me on my special day, triggered the fantasy. A beautiful walk through picturesque gardens, lighting, soft music and delicate blooms that lined the way to my man.’ She blinked and smiled.

  ‘Are you kidding?’ He slapped his leg. Aurek wore one of his amusingly abnormal grins Caitlin found endearing. ‘You really want it at my house?’ He sounded chuffed.

  She nodded. ‘I know, it’s a crazy idea, but seriously, I just loved it. I can remember thinking, wow what could anyone offer this guy to stop him being naughty? He has everything anyone could dream to have.’

  ‘I’m honoured, even if you did think of me as bad.’

  Caitlin smiled. ‘Well, you proved me wrong. That day I met my friend Aurek there, not the man I expected. You took me for a walk in the grounds where a magical garden bloomed, and life and its sounds filled the air. You made me love it even more.’ She grinned. ‘Honestly, you wouldn’t mind, then?’

  ‘Mind? I must insist.’ He looked across at Lord Mensa and back at Caitlin. ‘By the time we two are through spoiling you, this will be the biggest event ever.’

  ‘Steady guys, I just want something simple.’ Her eyes darted as she was feeling as if ready to make a run for it.

  ‘Jett’s going to be so blatzing jealous!’ Aurek puffed out his chest.

  Caitlin held her hand up. ‘Hold on, maybe we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves here, big is scary, and there will be no ruffling the feathers of my other bestie!’

  He could see the sudden panic that filled her eyes and even though he hated to give in to his uncle, for Glow he had to start to compromise or risk hurting her. ‘How about this,’ he proposed. ‘We give and take with the festivities. You ladies can have your hen’s night on Orion and us men can duck over to Pluto for the buck’s night. I’m sure the lads would enjoy a night ski. Nothing makes a man want to warm up next to his woman more than after a night on that ice world. He will be begging to be with you.’


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