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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 51

by Debbie Behan

  ‘I’ve got it!’ she exclaimed, but he had no idea what the excitement was about. His issues were huge so he didn’t think it to be anything that would cheer him up; still, with patience, he pulled himself out of his doom and gloom to listen.

  ‘You are the King of all the Gods, right.’

  Where was this going? ‘Well yeah? That is stating the obvious,’ he teased.

  ‘Therefore you can change the law and make anything happen, is this correct?’

  ‘The Congress of the Heavens makes the final decision, but yes, that is basically correct,’ he answered, and watched as her delightful green eyes took on an emerald glow. It then dawned on him that with Caitlin’s purity of heart and the kind way she looked at life, maybe she had something worth listening to, although he doubted it. If he, the King of all Gods, could not clearly see any way out of this but to fight, then he couldn’t expect her to either. However, at this point, he would give any crazy idea consideration.

  She flopped on the end of the bed, brushing out her vibrant red curls. ‘When I was at Jett’s, in the cabin, I studied the planets on the wall. You know, the mural painted on the tiles in his hot tub room?’ When he nodded, she knew he was listening.

  ‘You have my attention Cait. Continue.’

  ‘Well!’ The brush stuck on a knot that had her pull furiously and smile when it released. ‘I know Jett’s happy now, but something is missing.’

  ‘And what would that be, please pray tell?’ He was amused by the way she dragged it out. Almost as a child would do to get your full attention.

  ‘Promote him. Make him the King of the Dwarf Planets.’

  ‘Hold on there.’ His hand went up to stop her.

  Caitlin knew he wouldn’t listen but was prepared; ignoring him, pointed the brush at him and carried on with conviction and faith in her words. ‘Hades is a supreme Ruler and Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris will benefit from the strong leadership only he can offer. They too will want to advance their worlds once they find out what he has accomplished. To have such comfort and technology, those and many dwarf planets to come, would look to him for help to create the same warmth and inviting environment on their worlds as he has.’

  A pause gave him a moment to think. This time he didn’t interrupt, as getting his head around such a thought was overwhelming. Could it work?

  She twirled strands of hair around her finger, creating ringlets that bounced, making him smile. ‘Your brother is so brilliant, but you know that don’t you?’

  Calyx nodded but needed more from her.

  ‘Then you also know how he will work relentlessly to develop his group of Dwarf Planets. I also have no doubt his work ethic will drive him to bring them in line with the rest of your more advanced Home Worlds. We both know him well enough to know this empire he builds will stand alone. In time, he’ll be so proud of his accomplishments that you would have to remove him screaming and kicking,’ she gave a chuckle at the thought, ‘if you wanted him to ever change back to one of the core planets you and your family continue to reign over.’

  He had never heard her refer to Jett as Hades before, nor with such passion. His real title stunned him and was glad he had not cut her off by saying what he intended, that it sounded ridiculous. Her passionate outburst showed how much faith she carried for his brother. He pulled at his chin. ‘You may just have something.’

  ‘I have so much belief in Hades.’ She grinned. ‘Jett… I will even go so far as to say that if he takes such a path, he will be hailed by many, and maybe become one of the greatest Rulers in history.’

  He breathed out deeply and leant back in the chair, folding his hands in front of him in thought.

  ‘I need to give this proposal some consideration, Cait. Please don’t discuss this with anyone until I run it past my family, but who knows.’ He shrugged. ‘Could it really be this simple to solve?’ he muttered as he got up, and tossed his clothes aside while walking to the shower.

  ‘Men, they are so messy.’ She bent and scooped up his things while listening to him hum for the first time while taking his shower.

  When he came out in a towel, Caitlin smiled at his near nakedness that didn’t daunt her anymore. Today, she was viewing him so differently after their time together, enabling her to see past the tyrant, the god and the man he was when they first arrived here on Earth. She was not sure how, but felt he had become a loyal friend and that there was no need ever to fear any part of him again.

  He chatted as he dressed and smiled at her listening with her back politely turned. He was pleased she was still the girl he brought here and was glad he hadn’t changed her, not one bit.

  ‘I can’t say it’ll work, but it has got merit, and I’m definitely happy to put it forward to the Congress of the Heavens for a vote if my family agrees.’

  ‘It warms me so, to think you are prepared to make an attempt to put an end to this war.’

  The kindness of her words and the sweet melodious tone to her voice set off a quiver in his body. He figured from his reaction it was going to take some time to dampen his deep feelings for her and fought the urge to hug her.

  ‘If I could do anything for you, my sweet, it would be to end the feud and keep you as far from the dangers it represents.’ He kissed her forehead as he passed her to sit down and put on his shoes.

  Zeus felt so happy now for doing the right thing. He couldn’t wait to return Caitlin to Jett to show he had kept his promise. Jett need never know how close he came to not keeping it. He knows me better than anyone in the universe and wouldn’t have trusted me one little bit. Maybe now though, Jett would regain the confidence once held for him and together they might find a way to end this war. He’d arrived on Earth two days ago with an evil plan to destroy the woman at his side, and today he would leave as a changed man and the woman who now stood by his side he knew would always be there for him, and I for her.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Orion’s Belt


  Aurek sat in one of the chairs on the patio by the pool. ‘You have to try and calm down. Glow is a smart girl; she can take care of herself. You don’t see Axon freaking out, do you? He told us last night that Rory would know if she were dead or ill and she is neither.’ Aurek sought to appease his Uncle Jett who had just arrived.

  ‘If I can’t feel her, how can Rory? That’s ridiculous. He’s just hopeful and trying to stop me from driving him crazy with my concerns.’ Jett blew off the conversation with a flick of his hand. Sitting opposite his nephew, he took the cigar offered and after lighting it, leant back to think. Concerned not to have felt anything from Cait since his brother took her, he had paced and worried, and driven Axon mad with communiqués.

  ‘What?’ Aurek saw Jett freeze. His hand was up, demanding quiet.

  ‘My brother has released her; she’s alive.’ He punched the air and whistled through tense gritted teeth.

  Aurek high-fived him. ‘Is he bringing her here?’

  ‘Yes! Let Axon know.’ Jett was joyful, listening. He could hear her now; as they got closer, her thoughts ran through him like liquid honey.

  Aurek’s call was short to Axon. He was in a meeting and left the urgent message to be passed on. Quickly he tapped out from the conversation, not wanting to miss what was going on as Jett continued telling him what he could hear.

  Jett stood, too wound up to keep sitting. ‘He knows I’m here and is coming to see me before he takes her home.’

  ‘Is Glow all right? He hasn’t turned Glow into the witch he always threatened, has he?’ Aurek wanted more details. He may have tried to keep his uncle calm, but inside he was just as stressed. Uncle Zeus was one seriously angry dude when he was threatened and like Jett he had seen the look as well between father and daughter, then Zeus’s reaction which landed Rory and Lord Mensa on top of him. Was he game enough to confront him over it? Maybe not.r />
  ‘She’s still her, and okay,’ Jett communicated to Aurek, so relieved his brother had not killed her. ‘Calyx knew when he took her who she really was, and I felt for sure it was the last time we would ever see our Glow Girl.’

  ‘She still might be touched by dark magic, she might not be the same girl.’

  Jett tried to calm himself, sure she was still innocent by the calming thoughts he could hear. ‘I don’t think so, she seems just fine.’ How wrong he had been about his brother, and even though mad and insanely jealous Zeus spent all that time with her, he was overwhelmed with brotherly goodwill for how, in the end, Zeus had dealt with it. ‘He has let her be and, let her live.’

  ‘The reason why, we may never learn, Uncle, but it is going to make an interesting story over time and in all corners of the universe.’

  * * * *

  ‘Look, Uncle, they’ve arrived.’

  ‘He won’t let her go just yet, but when he does, she is mine. You stay away until I make sure she is all right and this is not trickery.’ Jett stood with hands on his hips, waiting.

  Jett surprised Aurek with the onslaught of anger that bubbled out.

  Calyx glanced at Jett once in focus. He paced, and knew he couldn’t get to Caitlin yet. He can wait! Zeus kept his force field around them both while he checked Caitlin was okay. He comforted her while he double checked he had done nothing to harm her delicate persona. ‘Don’t worry; I won’t let them give you a hard time for coming with me. I’ll stay and take the blame. It’s my punishment for taking you from them.’ He ran a finger gently down her face, touching her soft skin, and his heart broke knowing how much he was going to miss her. Satisfied she was all right, he released her from the magic he used to keep her contained while they spoke.

  She blinked, turned and saw Jett. Her feet barely moved towards him before he snatched her up and transported her to the other side of the pool away from Calyx. When his brother stayed where he was, he looked for any signs of her being ill-treated. ‘Did he touch you? You can tell me, and I’ll darn well knock him into the next universe.’

  Calyx heard his threat and didn’t blame him. He would have said the same if someone had stolen Caitlin from him.

  She smiled and, knowing Jett could read her mind, gestured for him to sit with her and thought the answers to him, keeping it private for just him. The respect she gave him by doing it this way gave him the power of knowing that her words were for his ears only. His frown smoothed out, his worry eased.

  Calyx watched them and knew she had eased his brother’s fears. He was jealous he had the power of telepathy. How I would love to be able to read her mind. His features saddened for that would never be either. Axon had her heart; Jett had her thoughts, and me, I’m left with what I deserve. He sat heavily and took the Starstarter and Moonjuice mixer Aurek offered.

  Aurek saw his uncle’s face drop watching Glow with Jett. He put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed. ‘I know how it feels; I have lost her too. They have her everything, and we have been left with an open wound.’

  ‘Bleeding.’ Calyx sighed, and gulped the elixir down in one go, putting his goblet out for another.

  As if she heard, and yet he knew she was too far away, her head snapped around towards them, as sadness broke her happiness. Saying something more to Jett, she got up, his hand gripping hers as she calmed him to trust her. Moving towards them like an elusive angel, she put out a hand each to them to hold, which they did without speaking. The blissful feeling of her energy encased them and the glow surrounding the three of them was so bright, Calyx and Aurek wanted to close their eyes to listen as she granted them their wish. They could feel her love float through them, all sadness dissolved, and only what she gave remained. The light dulled and they opened their eyes, both smiled so brightly, they too shimmered in the elusive illumination for just a while. She wasn’t moving her mouth and yet they heard every word spoken.

  To my gallant knights of the universe; I would never leave you bleeding, as you would from this day forward, never leave me in that condition. We have a bond that time or threats will never break. You may not hear my words as Jett can, you may not have my heart as Axon has, but you will carry my happiness within you always. However, with this comes a price. You will carry my pain if I’m hurt. Do you accept this gift that the Goddess of Peace shares with you?’

  Aurek nodded. ‘I do.’ He spoke eagerly.

  Calyx could barely speak. He was now positive he hadn’t destroyed the goddess surrounding the prophesy. This person before him was a powerful deity in every sense of the word and more. She was his Caitlin. He knew her now, and she was calling the shots, using her given powers to forgive and reward their future loyalty. He was now in-love with her and couldn’t care less, was overwhelmed with such a precious gift.

  ‘With all my heart and all I have to give, it is yours always.’ Tears of joy stung his eyes as his sincerity was accepted.

  So be it and don’t say I didn’t warn you. The last of her magic spun around them, almost lifting them off their feet.

  As quickly as it began, it was over but not the bliss they felt as she released them. That feeling intensified at her squeals of joy as Axon shimmered in. The jolt of happiness had them both high five one another and flop back down in their seats. They were at last content to just be, not an ounce of hurt left inside, but this floating happy feeling that kept a smile on their faces. Neither had any interest in changing that.

  Axon stood with Caitlin, arms around her, and his frame melted as he listened to how much she had missed him. Rory stood beside them, arms folded and as usual, surprisingly calm.

  Calyx had to give both of them credit; they trusted her abilities completely. He remembered back to the look Rory gave him the day he knocked him off his feet when he took her. Jett was beside himself and yet Rory brushed himself off and stood as he did now. The only difference today was that he had lost the darkness in his eyes; every other expression was the same. He knew then that darkness was a warning, bring her back or you are dead. That look burned into Calyx’s mind. A man that speaks only with his eyes he had never encountered before. He was an incredibly capable guardian of the Planets and between just the two of them, they were a powerful force alone, never mind the other team members he had not yet met. This group of Riders they had scoffed at, laughed about, yet at this moment held his respect. To cross swords with this lot, well not today anyway. His smirk gave away he still believed he was the superior one. But today he was a contented man and was on a new mission. For her!

  ‘Jett, we have to talk.’ He sent his brother a message and both men disappeared.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Sneaky Men Friends

  Once Jett had his brother alone, he grilled Calyx hard and eventually under the god’s oath never to repeat it, Calyx told his him the sordid details. Jett listened and was shocked when Calyx confided he had fallen in love with Caitlin. Although not happy learning of his deceit and love for his Glow Girl, Jett was relieved this now secured her future. No fool would dare hurt her under the King of Gods’ protection.

  They arrived in time to hear Aurek and Rory telling Axon of the pending wedding that had been planned behind his back. That he was only being told now as they were throwing him a buck’s party and he was to be there.

  ‘You sneaky, rotten sods.’ He looked down at Caitlin. ‘You would have been coerced so not blaming you honey.’

  ‘Oh, she didn’t need any arm-twisting,’ her father said, and laughed.

  ‘Yep, my father was in on it too.’ Caitlin beamed.

  It was a happy man that now hugged his soon-to-be-a bride. ‘So we have a buck’s party tomorrow night, and it’s on Pluto.’ He turned to Rory, still soaking it in. ‘A night on the slopes with the boys, drunk. Can I just watch?’ This made them all laugh.

  He took one arm from Caitlin and still holding her with the other, punched Ro
ry in the arm. ‘Still, can’t believe you kept it a secret – traitor.’

  ‘You betcha! You missed the hunting trip too. I’ll fill you in on that blast when we get home.’ Rory was happy to rub it in.

  ‘Unbelievable!’ Axon glanced at each of them. ‘You’re all secretive rotten sods, but so glad you sorted my little woman out for me. I had started to plan a trip to Vegas and do that drive through registry to get our marriage licence.’ He shook his head.

  ‘Not long now, babe. I’m going to make an honest man out of you finally.’ Caitlin leant into him lovingly.

  Aurek took her by the arm and pulled her next to him; an action that had Axon scowl and he looked ready to take him on.

  ‘She isn’t yours yet! Don’t even think we’re giving you a chance to sneak into her room until the big night. She stays here with me until you are both married, and that’s written into the wedding planner contract.’

  ‘Cait!’ Axon had thought he was taking her home. She shrugged and grinned. ‘They made me sign it. I don’t think they trust you, honey!’ She chuckled.

  Axon let off some choice language, but the boys stood firm, Rory standing up to him. ‘Majority rules big guy.’ He threw a comforting arm around him. ‘Come on, let’s blow this star and go get a beer.’

  ‘Are you in on leaving her here too?’

  ‘My idea! I know exactly what you’d be doing if you took her home tonight and it wouldn’t be putting her to bed in her own room.’

  A few more flavoursome words had come from Axon before Rory dragged him out. ‘I guess I’m going… see you at the altar, gorgeous.’ He blew her a kiss. ‘And there better be one!’ he grumbled as they faded from sight.

  Chapter Forty-Six


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