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Caitlin Goddess of Peace

Page 53

by Debbie Behan

  He smiled at Caitlin and held her hand. ‘By the way, I have another little surprise for you. After the wedding, we will be on our own again.’

  ‘Just us?’ Her eyes lit up.

  ‘Both ranches have been re-built. Everyone is going home.’

  ‘I should be sad, but I’m not!’ She chuckled happily.

  ‘See, nothing wrong with her now. I should take the little imposter back so we can man-up and enjoy the buck’s night the way it was intended,’ Jett scoffed.

  Caitlin’s head turned towards him and had their eyes locked. Just that quick glance had Jett’s face softened, and he smiled. Axon breathed out. Caitlin still controlled the show and he doubted she’d not have one ounce of empathy if either of them crossed her. He suddenly felt sorry for them, for the phenomenon was true; they would be loyal to her always.

  ‘Or not!’ Jett got up and ruffled her hair in a friendly gesture.

  Calyx stood too. ‘Time to join the party. Looks like Axon’s got this.’ He stared at Caitlin for a moment, smiled and left with his brother.

  ‘Have fun you two,’ Jett said to them as he waited for Calyx to go through. He slapped Calyx on the back. ‘Your shout brother.’ They went off happily.

  Axon shook his head and grinned at his woman. How and what did she say or do to them to get them to leave? He could tell she had said something to Calyx when he stood as he hesitated and listened. And they both seemed almost too pleased to be leaving her. He thought they would at least stay for a drink. It didn’t make sense. She was evolving faster than he could keep up. Would he ever really understand how gods and goddesses communicated? Most likely not; all he did know was he had won the love of his life, and she had better not start sending him off once they were married or look out. He grinned, thinking it. ‘You ever do that to me, and I’ll smack your backside,’ he teased.

  ‘Don’t know what you mean.’ The smile she gave was both cunning yet sweet.

  He picked her up and settled with her by the fire. His suspicion was confirmed. There was his delicate Caitlin who needed him desperately, and then there was her, the one he had no name for, a capable unwavering protector of all things good. Right now, she was his Caitlin, and he was going to love his woman until the universe took her from him again. And tonight, he was optimistic that her work was done. Well the goddess side of her anyway. Amazed how she had learned at her tender age how to separate herself from the deity she had become and could still be the girl he had fallen in love with. He was so happy he now saw the difference.

  He smiled and wrapped them both up in furs where they talked and dozed during the night, holding each other until she was taken away from him to get ready next morning. She promised not to cry anymore, but she did as soon as she left his arms.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Orion’s Belt

  (Home World)

  Back on Orion, Aurek had organised a team of beauticians who buffed, pampered and dressed Caitlin. It wasn’t until in front of a mirror that she finally cheered up. Her glittering golden gown fitted to the hips and had a delicate sheer overlay that shimmered with each movement and flared out with a one-metre train that easily moved with her. Delicate gems sewn into the bodice gave it elegance, unlike anything she had ever seen. The time spent on her hair she thought worth it. The long red curls now fell in glossy dainty ringlets. On her head sat a stylish tiara that held fast a sheer, gold-woven veil.

  ‘This is it.’ She smiled at the image. ‘I’m going to marry the sweetest man in the universe.’ Her heart jumped as it always did when she thought of him. Feeling peace within the planet sector, there would never again be a reason for them to be apart. Caitlin was so ready to be Axon’s wife, ‘and with a bit of luck,’ she said and blew a wish-kiss to the image, ‘perhaps a mother.’

  Her mind floated with happy thoughts as she gingerly made her way down the staircase to her father. Arm in arm he guided her through the impeccably decorated gardens and the sight so unbelievably enchanted she had to tell herself to breathe.

  The skies were full of chariots from the Home World of Auriga, and mystic winged horses from Pegasus lined up and led a path to her husband-to-be. She figured all the Universal Home Worlds had been invited, as so many stood out in their glory. The ones that couldn’t fit in the gardens watched from the chariots and horses above.

  Before her, and lining a path to the pergola and her awaiting wedding party, were magnificent birds from the Home World of Phoenix. Their blue-purple-crests and tails feathered elegantly out, and with their golden wings open, the display was an impressive and most welcoming sight.

  The Lyra Home World had sent down musicians who played the lyre, an ancient musical instrument that Caitlin already knew was Jett’s favourite. She smiled, knowing he would have organised the soft melody to calm her, a tune she was much familiar with after living with him for so long.

  Suddenly the notes changed as she entered the rose petal path, setting off a puff of glittering fairy dust that fell from the many chariots above, the music now so sweet it made her feel as if she was walking on a white cloud.

  As she neared Axon, he had tears in his eyes and trembled at her touch. ‘You look like an angel, so angelic and beautiful. I’m scared to touch you.’ He tried to smile.

  She thought he looked the most handsome man she had ever seen. He very rarely wore a suit and today she felt his sexiness was off the radar. The gold shirt and tie matched her gown and yet served another purpose. It also picked up the golden glow that his eyes had taken on from the happiness he must have been feeling. She reached up and touched his handsome face, and he quivered. ‘Your touch is what I crave, only this time when you hold me you must promise me you’ll never let me go.’

  He lifted her hand and kissed it. Knew she meant off world. They had talked about it and her wish was to only go day trips to the planets from this day forward. ‘I promise.’ He grinned blissfully.

  After they had taken their vows, the Columba Home World supplied hundreds of pure white doves that at that moment were released. The birds flew elegantly through the air, surrounding them for a while before moving away, the enchanting couple receiving applause from all as it was announced they were now man and wife and Axon could kiss the bride. Two birds remained and lifted up her veil as her new husband laid her back in his arms. The love and tenderness of a very first kiss as a married couple was in his eyes as his lips met hers with warmth and a loving tingle lingered for them both. The crowd erupted again with the joy of their passionate commitment, and moments later, you could have heard a pin drop as they signed the register. At the top of the stairs, Axon paused beside his wife for the first time, allowing all that knew them to join him in his happiness.

  ‘Glow Girl,’ someone called out and pointed to the sky. A chant broke out as the words appeared across the sky. Caitlin’s eyes followed theirs to the writing.

  Glow Girl, our Goddess of Peace.

  She jumped slightly at the sound of crackling and banging in the sky as fireworks framed around the golden letters, the fireworks became background hiss against the loud chanting. The full dedication to her overwhelmed and amazed her as she watched. The sight was so lovely and the accolade so sweet, tears ran down her face.

  ‘That’s what you are being hailed as, honey. You’ve worked hard and given your heart and soul. You belong up here with us now Glow Girl.’ He smiled back in awe of his wife and holding her hand, guided her through the sea of well-wishers.

  She squeezed in close to him, and he groaned, a sudden need to make her his immediately. ‘Honey?’

  She grinned sympathetically. ‘Soon.’

  ‘Now!’ He transported them away from the grabbing hands and hugs to their honeymoon suite.

  ‘I am the Lord of Planets and Supreme Ruler over gods and now you. Therefore, my dutiful wife, you will love me whenever I say.’

  She couldn’t believe h
is arrogance and began to laugh. ‘You’re kidding me, right.’

  Not able to keep a straight face, he grinned. It had been a while, and Caitlin had forgotten how funny he was and loved that he had made time to flex his muscles in an attempt to make her laugh.

  Next thing, to Caitlin’s surprise and amazement, they were back in the grips of the wedding mob. She glanced around, sure it was Jett, the only one that had access to her thoughts, and in hysterics as Axon scanned the crowd for the culprit. He knew the only one with a device to become invisible was Jett and found him up on the step next to Calyx removing his magical helmet. Axon saw the look they shared and started to laugh. Jett and Calyx, stood with arms folded, grinned and strode off, leaving Axon to ponder how to sneak her off next.

  ‘They think they’re funny.’ He laughed with Caitlin, as both saw the funny side of it.

  ‘Lucky he knows you as well as I do. Otherwise, he’d have dumped you in the pool after your Supreme Ruler power trip.’ She chuckled.

  He let out another whole-hearted laugh. ‘I was just testing the waters. Rotten sod protectors.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Remember I told you Zoren wants you protected 24/7.’

  ‘Um yes.’ Her face flushed that Zoren felt it necessary, but would argue the point after their honeymoon.

  ‘Well, meet your new bodyguards.’ He screwed up his lips.

  ‘Those two!’ Caitlin was amused. ‘Oh my, I can see you three are going to be quite a handful.’

  With no time to consider what the future held and yet excited Jett would continue to be in it, her moment alone with her own thoughts was gone as Rory picked her up and spun her off the ground. The rest of the team pushed through to join in and congratulate them. She glanced at Axon, loving her husband, the man she just married.

  Axon saw the emotions that had choked her up after the tribute to her goddess status. Acting the clown, he knew exactly how to make her laugh and was why he attempted to run with her. He was aware that Jett would never allow his antics until after the reception. She was so proud to be Mrs Axon Stanton and knew this was exactly where she was happiest. Up here in the floating universe, loving, and living with all her dear friends, but more importantly with her husband and partner, for the rest of time.

  Personal Message

  (From the author)

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  A new adventure starts with:

  Catlin II

  Masquerade Magic


  Debbie Behan




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