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The Thousand Year Curse (The Curse Books)

Page 14

by Taylor Lavati

  "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I change the subject catching him off guard and he pauses.

  "I was afraid you'd leave me." He admits honestly. He actually looks at me and his eyes stay locked on mine. My heart melts a little seeing his sincere face.

  "And how did that work out?" I bite out. He can't just charm his way back into my heart.

  "Awful. Are you still upset with me?" There is hope but also fear quivering in his voice.

  I realize that I am taking all my anger out on him. It's not his fault. It's Hades. I have to forgive Ollie and try to move forward to salvage our relationship.

  "No. I'm sorry." I put my arms around him tight and I whisper I'm sorry in his ear. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and freshen up.

  I quickly glance in the mirror and am astonished by my appearance. I still have my workout gear on which is dirty and damp and probably smells too so I change into flannel pants and a t-shirt. I throw my hair into a pony tail without even brushing it. I take the time to brush my teeth and then shut the light off not caring about my swollen eyes and splotchy, red skin.

  When I get back in my room, Ollie is gone. I look in my closet and down the hallway but he's missing. My heart drops a little, an empty ache in my chest left where he was. I need him right now. I crawl into bed and find a red rose with a note on my pillow.


  Dream about our kiss

  It has always been us.



  The message confuses me. Does he mean normal dream, like sweet dreams or like my vision dreams. Ari seems to know about my dreams. He believed me. He said there was hope for me to remember.

  Maybe I am just dreaming regular stuff—it's just my mind playing tricks on me. But that can't be right. I was with Hades and his wife. I'm there watching, like a movie.

  I don't want to dwell on it tonight. I'm sick of worrying about what's going to happen to me. On top of that I have to worry about when I'm going to die next.

  I hear the familiar bing of my cell not knowing where it is so I follow the noise to my desk where Ollie must have left it. I have six messages plus some phone calls—all from Junior.

  Where the hell are you?

  Ryder answer me ASAP

  I will call the police

  Im comin over 2 check on u

  wtf u weren't home Ryder.

  im pissed. don't bother calling back

  I'm in huge trouble with my best friend right now. All the messages are between six thirty and nine. That was like three hours ago. The whole jogging thing, getting hit by a car and then the vision must have taken a while. I decide to call him back.

  The voicemail immediately picks up, since he's probably asleep so I leave him a message apologizing at least fifteen times after explaining what happened with Ari and then how Ollie hit me with his car. I added that in just so he would feel sorry for me. I apologize one more time and then throw in an 'I love you' at the end.

  I don't dream at all. Instead I am disappointed by the blackness all night long. There's always tomorrow night to dream, or at least I think there is.


  surprise visitor

  Sept 18

  My life has officially gone to hell. I'm part of a messed up love triangle which explains my conflicted feelings towards two different guys.

  My dreams and the fact that I break stuff without meaning to is still up in the air.

  I think it's safe to say I have more questions now than before.

  The good news—well, I feel strong like I can conquer the world.

  I'm not a weak girl.

  I'm not a nobody.

  I hate showering in the morning but for once I am up early so I take advantage of that. Surprisingly the dreamless night gives me some clarity. I don't care anymore. I don't care what my mission in life is or what my destiny is. I'm going to take back my life and do whatever the hell I want.

  First things first, I have to figure out a plan.

  I say 'hi' to my dad in passing before he heads out after kissing my forehead. I make a quick fruit shake wanting to feed my moaning stomach when the door bell rings.

  Nervous butterflies flutter up my stomach as I approach the door. I reach for the knob when the wooden door swings open, revealing a smirking, handsome man.

  "Um, come in?" I remark before walking back to the kitchen. I continue making my breakfast acting as if his presence doesn't faze me. He waltzes over, sitting his large frame on stool, staring at me quietly. "Can I help you?" I ask wanting him to get to the point of the unannounced visit.

  "I figured you may need to talk. Kind of laid a big one on you last night, little girl." I frown at him, questioning why he would be thoughtful.

  "Oh, how kind of you to ask." I respond trying to keep up my front. I've come to like his company to be honest. I've known him for such a short period of time but strangely, he gets me.

  "So are you all right?" He asks genuinely interested, making my heart flutter yet again.

  "Yeah. I kinda have a weird question though." I say wanting to get it off my chest. I can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me crazy.

  "Shoot it at me. I got all the answers." He gestures for me to come sit next to him but I shake my head, wanting to keep a safe distance between us. I may have a connection with Ari but the fact of the matter is, I'm with Ollie.

  "These visions or dreams or whatever I have, is that normal?" I bow my head, embarrassed.

  "Not at all." He answers, laughing under his breath. "Now that you mention it, do you do other weird things?"

  "That's it." I answer shortly before punching his shoulder across the counter. I'm not weird! It's just a talent, or habit or something.

  "I have a theory but I'm not quite sure. I'll ask around for you." He assures me.

  "I take it you're bringing me to school?" I ask him. He grins my way before nodding.

  "Let's go, Princess." He says as he pushes up from the table.

  "Hold up. I'm not your 'Princess.'" I say air quoting the dumb name. Junior called me that for a week before we dropped it. Let's just say, it got awkward, fast.

  "Okay, Eury, let's go." He rolls his eyes waiting for me to move.

  "Is that what you call me, Eury?" I ask him, liking the way it sounds as it rolls off his tongue.

  "Yes." He makes a face daring me to say something and I smile to myself liking it more and more.

  As I make my way outside, I spy the crotch rocket sitting all pretty in my driveway. Throwing the leather jacket I scrounged out of my closet on, I inspect Ari, making sure we match. I need some confidence—an escape from my real life.

  I feel like a badass jumping on the bike and securing my hands around his hard waist. Ari makes quick time, speeding to the school while I cling on for dear life.

  When we pull in I revel in all the gaping mouths and surprised stares. I take my helmet off trying to re-enact how all of the hot girls do it in movies as my blow-dried hair flows out, nearly perfectly.

  He gets off the bike first and I wait for him to help me off, not wanting to trip and make a fool out of myself. Flashing ass crack is not the best way to make an impression first thing in the morning.

  Ari surprises me when he clutches my hand, causing a familiar hum to slide up my arms. Heat floods my face as I draw my hand back, questioning Ari. He shrugs and we start walking towards school together.

  I sneak a peek up at him wondering what everyone is looking at and I see it. He practically glows with confidence. He's cocky, that's for sure but I know there is something under there that he doesn't let people to see.

  After a quiet walk to my locker, we head towards first period. It's strange how fast things can change. Yesterday, I dreaded first period. Today, I look forward to it.

  Knocking me out of my daydream during class, a note drops on my desk from the desk behind me. I peek in very hesitant.

  Ari-How fun is this class?

  I get excited seeing Ari's
handwriting and the fact that he's passing me a note. I feel like I'm in middle school again. This class is boring since we're still stuck in the same chapter so I flirt with the idea of responding. My boredom takes over so I respond.

  Me-You have no idea. Stop distracting me, I'm trying to learn here!

  Ari- Please. This is a valid distraction.

  As I read the last message a warm breeze of breath starts on my neck making its way towards my ear. A set of hot lips land on my neck and start peppering kisses along my shoulder blade. I shiver as goosebumps emerge along my body. I lean towards the kisses wanting them to make their way to my mouth when I realize this is Ari. I can't do this. I lean forward out of his touch and jot down my thoughts.

  Me- Please don't do this to me. I am his girlfriend and I don't want to complicate things more than they need to me. Be my friend. I feel it what we have—don't doubt that but I can't. Please. I can't Ari.

  Ari- I understand. He was here first.

  Me- Friends?

  Class goes by way too fast and Ari doesn't respond to my last message. Leaving class is beyond awkward since I don't know how to deal with him or if I should apologize.

  As I turn to break the silence, I see Ari start to say something so I shut up. He opens his mouth to talk but then shuts it, shaking his head. He turns leaving the classroom without saying a word to me.

  "What the hell happened to you?" Junior asks before enveloping me in a hug as I enter my next class. We don't have much time to talk so I hold him off, promising I'll explain later.

  When we get a break, I explain how Ollie refused to tell me about himself and how Ari showed up at school. I tell him about how finally Ari told me the story about my past. At first I think that he might pass out when his face pales and his eyes widen but then color comes back and I know he's alive.

  "You saw a vision?" He asks first, scooting closer to me.

  "After everything I just said, that's what you get?" I ask exasperated at his first thought.

  "I guess so, yeah. I mean it's cool they're these Gods vying for your attention and all but you have the sick powers, right?" I guess that's true. To be honest, I've been so shell shocked I never even thought of that.

  "Sure, we're not even sure what it is yet." I tell him. "I can't even do it when I want." I brush it off.

  "Well either way, you got me. So now what?" He asks, bringing up the question that's gone through my head over and over. Two words that are starting to change my life.

  "I'm going to change my fate." I confess with a huge smile on my face. My smile fades as I realize that's about as far as my plan goes. I haven't figured out what I'm doing, just that I need to fix my life before I drown.

  I run to forth period, excited to see Ollie but he doesn't show. Every time someone walks in the door my heart picks up but I'm let down over and over. He said, he'd see me. I'm beyond disappointed as I sit in class, doodling. Time drags on torturing me with every tick.

  Becca and her friends throw pieces of paper at the back of my head throughout class. Each piece has a very kind word or phrase on it and I read them just for kicks. The best one is definitely the one where she explains how she hooked up with Ollie and how he's sleeping it off after their rendezvous. Little does she know, I was with Ollie last night. Pathetic bitch. I run out of class once the bell rings wanting to distance myself and hide from Becca.

  The rest of the day takes forever—the clock slowing ticking, second by second. When the final bell rings I run to my locker, dropping off the books I don't need and picking up the ones I do. Once I'm satisfied, I shut my locker before running over to the library.

  I silently pray that Ollie shows up for our study session. I walk in waving to Mary before heading back to my special spot in the back. I put my stuff down and wait in my seat for Ollie to show up. The late bell rings and there's no sign of him, making my heart drop.

  I feel him before I see him. Anticipation wells up inside me creating a flutter of uneasiness. He walks in the doors of the library, his eyes scanning the room for me. He jogs towards me and when he's close, I jump from my seat into his arms. "Where were you?" I ask him tucking my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.

  "I had to take care of some things, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would take this long. I'm here now though, okay?" He pulls me back with his hands before placing them on either side of my head. Closing his eyes, he leans down towards me before pressing his lips to mine softly. I can barely feel him but I'm completely under his spell.

  "Let's go. We need to talk." He commands while taking my hand, leading me out of the school. He lets me jump in the passenger side of his truck and then starts up the engine after getting in. I'm used to the roaring engine by now and don't bother to shield my ears.

  "I want to talk to Hades." I announce, throwing it out there in the open. I know it's probably not the best time to bring up my master plan but I'm not sure when I'll get another chance. I need Ollie to take me since he's been there before.

  "No." He states, trying to prove that he's not going to be swayed. The vein in his neck pops up as he stares out the front windshield.

  "Yes. I am going to talk to him, with or without you!" I shout as I get more and more agitated. I will not be told what to do anymore, not by Ollie, Ari, my dad or Hades.

  "You will not Eurydice." His tone stays the same, stern and unrelenting, but he ventures to meet my gaze, pleading for me not to push him. I meet him right back, not wanting to show weakness.

  "Not right now..." I mumble under my breath, hoping he doesn't hear me. I'm sick of being in the dark about everything. I don't feel like the same girl I was yesterday. I want to know about the curse. I want to know who I am.

  Finally we pull up to Ollie's driveway, his large stone house sitting at the top. Neither of us say a word as he leads me towards the cabin. A bit of excitement rumbles inside of me when I realize where we're going but I don't want to show him. I'm still mad he wouldn't even let me explain my genius plan.

  When we get to the cabin I'm amazed by its beauty again, forgetting how perfect it is. I sit near the fireplace, waiting for Ollie to make the first move.

  He comes over slowly as if walking on eggshells before he bends to put some paper in the fireplace. The fire ignites when he sprays lighter fluid over it and I instantly feel the warmth across my face.

  Blackness fades into my vision but I blink it back, not wanting to fall asleep or see anything. It's strange but as I focus on the light, the blackness actually recedes. I keep trying to stay awake and resist the blackness but it's a constant struggle.

  "So..." I say to him, trying to concentrate on something else. It's a tad weird as he takes my hand in his, sitting next to me. We both stare each other down.

  I crack first, laughing out loud and Ollie follows my lead, breaking out in loud giggles. It's not supposed to be like this with Ollie. I used to be so comfortable with him. Now there's so much tension between us.

  "I'm sure you have tons of questions." He states, starting the conversation.

  "That's the understatement of the century." I laugh cynically but he doesn't even crack a smile.

  "Let me just start with who I am." He says clearing his throat. "My name is Orpheus, as you know. My father is fairly famous. His name is Apollo. I am immortal. I do not age and was born a God. I have a gift." He pauses and clears his throat loudly—again. "With my music I can influence people or animals or anything to do what I want. All I have to do is play an instrument or sing it and they must obey." Shock takes over my body as I sit there unmoving, not even sure if my heart still beats.

  "Have you used your influence over me?" I question him, needing to know that he hasn't made me love him or do anything.

  "No. I've tried, trust me I tried. The interesting thing about my gift is that it doesn't work on other Gods or Nephilim."

  "What's Nephilim?" I ask trying to figure out the word I've never heard before.

  "It's a cross breed. Someone who has a God's b
lood in them but also human blood."

  "Okay. What does this have to do with me?" I'm still not getting what he's trying to say.

  "Well, sometimes Nephilim have powers from their ancestors. Since your having visions, I think you may be one. I'm not positive. I'd have to do a blood test." He says, rambling on. All I really heard was that I may be one. Another bomb—this one nuclear.

  "That's impossible. My dad doesn't have powers." Right after I say that it clicks. "My mom." I whisper to myself. Reality sinks in when Ollie asks me question after question and all I do is nod.

  He takes a small vile of my blood before stowing it away to test it. I am kind of in a fog, only going through the motions. My world has been rocked on its axis. First the curse and now I am part God or something.

  When Ollie comes back in the living room I can tell he has something else he wants to say by the way he refuses to make eye contact with me. I perk up and pretend to be interested. Truthfully, I can't focus on anything but my mom. I can't help but question why she left me.

  "There's something else I have to tell you." I nod my head, prodding him to go on. "I don't know much about Nephilim. I am going away for a few days to figure out what I can for you. I need you to promise me something, Eurydice." He says very seriously.

  "Anything." I answer, knowing I would do anything to make him happy.

  "Don't see Ari. Do not do anything crazy. Just wait until I can return and I promise I will do whatever you want, okay?" He asks, taking my hands in his, begging me to obey him.

  "I want to go to the Underworld. I can persuade Hades to break this curse. I know that I can. You have to believe me!" I roar, shaking him away.

  "No. That will not happen Eurydice. Do not leave this town. Do you understand me?" This guy who I love is ruining my plans. I know from my vision that they care for me. Hades will listen to me. I'm going to Hell with or without him.


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