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Rising Storm: The Last Sanctuary: Book One

Page 27

by Kyla Stone

  And what about her medication? She only had one auto-injector and one-month’s supply of pills in her mother’s purse. If her father was really, truly gone . . .

  “It's the end,” Silas said flatly. “The end of the world.”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t believe that. She wouldn’t. “No. It’s not.”

  She remembered her mother's saying about glass, how it was beautiful but weak, but it could be strengthened by heat—made strong by fire.

  They'd tried to break her. The terrorists. Kane. Gabriel. Even her own father. But they couldn't. None of them could.

  She hadn't shattered.

  Whatever came next, she would face it.

  They all would.

  The End

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  I’m been lucky enough to have wonderful support from family, friends, fellow writers, and readers. I am eternally grateful to everyone who read the manuscript and provided feedback—a few of you read various versions multiple times.

  Many thanks to my awesome beta readers. Your thoughtful critiques and enthusiasm were invaluable. This book is a hundred times better because of you: Anna Baker, Cody Mauro, Elaine Roth, Elizabeth Oakes, Lauren Nikkel, Kimberley Trembley, Michelle Brown, Leslie Spurrier, Jazmin Cybulski, Tasmin Bowerman, Melissa Eddings, and Barry and Derise Marden.

  To Danita Mayer and Britney Goodman for the time and care you spent on excellent developmental editing. To Michelle Brown and Holly Jenkins for lending me your eagle eyes with copyediting and proofreading.

  Thank you to Miltiadis Kapodistrias for answering my questions about working on a cruise ship and for not freaking out when I started in on where the bombs should be located. And especially to Becca Cross, for being an amazing friend and early reader of all three of my books.

  To my husband, for patiently listening to plot and character conundrums for months and stepping in to help with suppers and grocery shopping before deadlines.

  And to my kids, for being my everything.

  About the Author

  Kyla Stone is an emerging author of contemporary young adult fiction and suspense/dystopian novels. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, two children, and two spoiled cats. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she loves to read, hike, draw, travel, and play games. Her favorite food is dark chocolate.

  Kyla loves to hear from her readers. For news and new releases, visit her at:

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