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The Dairy Farmer's Daughter

Page 7

by Sarah Williams

  “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. If it wasn’t for you, I would have gone home by now. I hadn’t even planned on coming up for the funeral, but I'm so glad I did. Not only have I learnt more about Boyd, but I also got to meet so many unique people. And I'm so thankful to you, and your family, for your generosity and kindness.”

  His words were so heartfelt, and said with such passion, she felt her eyes moisten. “You don't have to thank us. We like you; we want to help you.”

  “You like me?” He raised a brow and his mouth curved up.

  She felt her pulse quicken and her mouth go dry.

  She started to speak but he silenced her, covering her mouth with his.

  Fireworks shot through her veins the moment their lips connected. The heat of his body, his arms around her. She parted her lips for him, angling her head and letting him take the kiss deep.

  She had never been kissed like this before. By a man who acted like he was starving for her. And she had never felt like she was starving for a man before either. It was completely intoxicating.

  When they finally broke apart for air, he brushed a light kiss on her lips and dropped his hands.

  "I've been wanting to do that for a while," he breathed into her hair.

  Desire quivered in her stomach. "Me too."

  She turned toward him again and rubbed her hand over his rough cheek, then lowered her mouth to his. Her hands explored his chest and arms while her tongue explored his mouth. She couldn't get enough. She wanted him. All of him.

  And he wanted her. She could feel his desire as he pulled her against him. He groaned as though reading her thoughts.

  “We should go back to the party.” His voice was deep, smooth, and so damned sexy.

  “They won't miss us,” she murmured, not wanting the moment to end.

  “Freya, I want you more than you can possibly imagine. But this is neither the time or place He disentangled himself and looked her in the eyes. "I want our first time to be special. And I don’t want to risk being interrupted.” The certainty of his tone was almost her undoing.

  She would have been perfectly happy making love to him on top of a hay bale in the shed, but she appreciated him wanting to take it slow.

  He kissed her again, nibbling gently on her lip, before lifting her up and placing her on her feet. "Let's go get some food before it's all gone," he said, and took her hand in his.

  Chapter 9

  Justin woke with thoughts of Freya swelling in his mind. Last night, he had finally held her in his arms and tasted that sweet, sweet mouth. If only he didn't want more now. If only a kiss had been enough. If only it hadn't made him want her even more. He would have been able to go back to the city and forget about her. Instead it had only cemented their attraction towards each other. Proved that what it was between them was truly magical.

  Freya was not forgettable. He knew for the rest of his life he would never forget her or that kiss. And he had a gut feeling that if he left now, he would regret it forever.

  The sun shone brilliantly through the curtains, enticing him out of bed. He dressed in his own clothes. He wore a pair of denim jeans and a T-shirt, finding a wool jumper to go over it. After putting on shoes and socks, he headed for the kitchen, knowing his sister would appreciate a fresh cup of coffee as much as he would.

  He was surprised to find Felicity, coffee in hand, in his usual spot on the deck. “Since when do you get up before ten on the weekend?”

  Felicity turned and smiled. “How could you possibly sleep through a sunrise here? It was so spectacular. It really makes you think about things.”

  “And what do you have to think about these days?” he asked his sister. He remembered high school well enough; he knew the stress that fitting in and achieving academically could put on kids. Felicity was mature for her age and, as far as he knew, doing well in her last year of school, even with looming exams.

  “Why would you want to go back to Brisbane when you could be here?” She gestured to the land in front of her, and he turned his attention to the rolling hills and the grazing black and white cattle.

  “This coming from the city girl?”

  “I'm only a city girl because that's the way I was raised.”

  “I was raised that way too,”

  “It wasn't always that way. At least you got four years out here before you moved to the city.”

  “They were four years I don't even remember.”

  “Can you imagine your life here though? Starting now? With Freya?”

  He turned to his sister, his mouth open.

  Her eyes glittered, and a sly smile tilted the corner of her mouth. “I see the way you two are together—you're in love with her.”

  He sighed and sank into the chair next to his sister. He knew he couldn't deny his feelings for Freya. “It would mean uprooting my entire life. Starting again.”

  “There's nothing wrong with starting again—not if it means you’re going to live a better life. Don't you think she’s worth it?”

  Justin sighed. Of course, these were the same questions swirling around in his own mind. But he had only known Freya a short time and it was too soon to make such drastic life changes with a woman he'd only just met. Despite the fact his whole body was telling him she was the one for him—the one he'd been waiting his whole life for.

  “These are very deep questions to be asking a man who hasn't even had coffee yet.” He stood and started towards the door.

  She stopped him. “Justin, can we do something fun today?”

  “What kind of fun?”

  “This is the Sunshine Coast; Noosa is just up the road.”

  He couldn't deny the twinkle in her eye. She was his baby sister. The spoilt but angelic child who, almost always, got her way. “Noosa as in Hastings Street, people watching and expensive shops?” He frowned; it didn't exactly seem like his sister's scene.

  “Noosa as in the beach. One of Queensland's best beaches.”

  Justin chuckled at his sister. How long had it been since he had been to a beach? Since he'd felt sand under his feet?

  “I am sure Freya could drive us there. I'll text her now and see.”

  He groaned as he watched Felicity pick up her phone and start tapping on the screen. Once his sister had an idea in her head, there was no denying her. Besides, a day at the beach could be just what they all needed: a change of scenery, and some sun and warmth.

  Before he knew it, Justin was sitting in the passenger side of Freya’s hatchback driving down the range towards the coast. Felicity sat in the middle of the back seat, chatting endlessly to her new-found friend about the countryside, and what it was like growing up in the Hinterland.

  Justin listened to the women, and replied when asked questions, but spent most of his time gazing at the amazing scenery around him.

  “That's the Baroon Dam you can see to the left,” Freya said, and Justin caught a glimpse of the large lake down in a gully, surrounded by huge mountains.

  “Can you fish in there?” he asked.

  “You can, but you need a permit. You can also stand-up paddleboard, kayak, canoe, and do all sorts of adventurous things.”

  They drove through the busy tourist town of Montville, before heading into even quieter countryside.

  Justin turned to watch Freya and was struck again by her beauty, the soft lines of her, the way her skin was perfectly sun-kissed.

  When they finally reached the bustling seaside town of Noosa, Freya found a parking spot and they all climbed out of the car, happy to stretch their legs after an hour of sitting.

  “Too bad we didn't bring swimsuits,” Justin said, eyeing off the sign directing them to the beach.

  "Never fear," Felicity said, as she pulled a bag from the back seat. "I packed some just in case."

  "You brought my swimsuit from the city?" He looked at his sister in surprise.

  "It's the Sunshine Coast—the chance we were going to swim was always high."

Justin turned to Freya. "Did you bring yours?"

  "Of course. You can't come to Noosa without swimming."

  "But it's the middle of winter."

  "And it's Queensland."

  He couldn't deny it was warm; he'd already taken off his jumper.

  Freya was wearing a summer dress that revealed bare shoulders. She led the way down a path surrounded by bush, until they emerged on the white silky sands of the Noosa foreshore. The bay curved gently, flat golden sand leading out to the calm waters bobbing with sailboats. They could hear the distant honk of the ferry.

  They found an empty stretch of sand between sunbathers and set up their things then took turns going to the change rooms and switching outfits to their bathing suits. Justin looked out across the ocean and breathed in the warm, salty air.

  Justin was grateful that his sister had packed his board shorts. The pull of the ocean was strong, and he couldn't wait to see Freya in a bikini.

  And he wasn't disappointed. She came back with her hair in a high topknot, wearing a navy-blue bikini which left little to the imagination. She was confident with her body, making her even more attractive to him.

  Before long they were running to the water’s edge and splashing in the cool water.

  “Do you come to the beach often?” he asked Freya.

  “Not as often as I'd like. I keep forgetting we have such a gem so close by."

  “If I lived here, I’d come to the beach all the time,” Felicity exclaimed before diving into a wave and emerging on the other side.

  Justin swam closer to Freya so that they were both at neck-level in water. With Felicity entertaining herself in the deeper waves, he reached out his hands and placed them on Freya's hips, drawing her closer. She leaned in and kissed him; she tasted salty and delicious.

  Freya groaned in his arms and pressed her body against his. He moved his hands over her bare skin, fighting the urge to take her right there and then.

  “You drive me crazy,” he murmured when they finally pulled apart.

  “The feeling is mutual,” she said before slipping from his arms and diving under the water. He chased her for a while before they decided to join Felicity farther out.

  When they finally tired of the water, they walked back to their towels, and lay on the sand. He was surprised the beach wasn't more populated. A few families played, children built sandcastles, while pale bodies sunbathed and read books.

  “I know a great place we should go for lunch,” Freya suggested.

  “I'm starving,” Felicity said as she put her T-shirt and shorts on over the top of her swimsuit. “But I want to go shopping first. Can I meet you there?”

  Freya gave Felicity the address and they waved her off. Then Freya curled up next to Justin.

  He put his arm under her head and held her. The feeling of her beside him felt so natural and perfect.

  “This feels so right, doesn't?” she said.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  Freya lifted her head, putting her chin on his chest. “Do you think we could try and make this work?”

  “Are you sure you want to? Long-distance relationships can be hard.”

  “I'm willing to do whatever we have to do.” She kissed his chest and moved her hand provocatively across his chest.

  He groaned and rolled her on top of him, bringing her mouth to his, wanting her, needing her so much it hurt.

  “When does Felicity go home?” Freya asked.


  She raised an eyebrow at him. “So you'll have the house to yourself?”

  “Seems I will.” He kissed her forehead

  “Will you come over? Will you spend the night with me, Freya?”

  She smiled and nodded. “I will.”

  He rolled her over so she was on her back and he could keep kissing her as deeply as he needed to. His kisses were full of the promise of what lay ahead that night. The pleasure he would give her. The love he would show her.

  They met Felicity at a funky little café just off Hastings Street.

  Over a delicious lunch of pasta and salads, they chatted about their childhood and laughed. Justin couldn't remember the last time he had laughed so much. When their stomachs were full to bursting, they decided to head back up the range.

  Justin couldn't help but keep checking his watch; the sooner they got back, the sooner Felicity would leave, the sooner Freya could come over and the lovemaking could begin.

  Freya must have felt it too. She kept sliding him glances and suggestive looks.

  “Are you coming back to the city soon?” Felicity asked later as she packed the car, ready to go.

  “We'll see. I've got my laptop, and I'm doing some work when I can.”

  Freya had left after hugging Felicity and promising that they would see each other again soon.

  “I really like her,” Felicity said to her brother as she prepared to head home. “Her mum and dad too. She is perfect for you.”

  “Thanks, sis.”

  He watched his sister drive away as the sun set over the mountains. A cool wind blew through the paddocks and he hugged himself. How would he feel when it came time to leave?

  He went back inside the house and cleaned up in anticipation of Freya's arrival. Boxes were stacked in most rooms of the house now. His father's clothes and knick-knacks were ready for transporting, but he still didn't know where they would go. He hadn't found anything he wanted to take back with him. As he sat on the couch, feeling happy that it was now an estate worthy of Freya visit, he noticed the coffee table had a drawer.

  How have I not noticed this before?

  He bent over and slid it open; a large leather-bound photo album took up the entire drawer. He pulled it out and leafed through it.

  Faded photographs of his parents, and him as a child, filled the pages, and he felt tears sting his eyes. It looked well-loved, as though his father had flipped through them many times over the years. A picture of him as a toddler was the final photo in the book. The last image his father had of him. There were only blank pages after that. Gaps that should have been filled with shots of him growing up, but instead they were empty.

  He wondered again why his father hadn't fought for him. Why he had never tried to contact him. Grief slammed into him for the first time. He and his father had missed a life together. He had missed getting to know his father and his father had missed getting to know him. He would never know the reason why they had missed the opportunity to be together and he swore silently. He would never know the real reason they had been apart, he swore silently to himself that he would never give up an opportunity to share his life with anyone he loved.

  Including Freya.

  Chapter 10

  Freya tapped lightly on the screen door. She could see Justin sitting in the living room, hunched over something. He looked up to her and she saw his eyes were red and puffy. Without hesitating, she opened the door and stepped inside. Within seconds she was beside him, gathering him into her arms and stroking his hair. She whispered reassurances in his ear.

  His arms enveloped her. His hands roamed over her back and she felt herself tingle under his touch. He nuzzled his way up to her mouth where his lips met hers, hot and hungry, in a searing kiss that shot all the way to her fingers and toes.

  He broke the kiss and drew back to look at her. "Are you sure about this?"

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him. "You’re kidding, right?"

  "No. I’m serious. I need to know."

  She pressed her lips against his and even though the contact was brief, she shivered at the restrained desire sizzling in the coiled strength of his hard body. "Yes. I want you."

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. She pulled him on top of her, his deliciously aroused body pressed against her in all the right places.

  She kissed along his spiky jawline and farther down to the soft skin of hi
s neck. His pulse throbbed against her roaming lips.

  He straightened and pulled off his shirt, revealing his toned torso with a smattering of fine, brown hair. She reached up to run her palms over his body and he groaned before reaching for her T-shirt and tugging it up.

  As she rid herself of her clothes, he pulled off his jeans, all the while watching her. She lay back on the bed and he sat beside her. He slowly moved his focus from her face to scan her body, hovering on her breasts and slipping lower. His lips parted as his expression glazed over with increasing desire.

  This time, he didn’t hold back. He kissed her deeply, probing her warm mouth as her body arched up against him, her tongue sliding to match his own wet strokes. It was incredible, the heat igniting him deep inside.

  He rolled on a condom, and then he was with her, settling between her thighs—where he belonged.

  Oh God. She thought she’d felt pleasure before, but this was something else. He was surging inside her, stroking her so deep, she was losing her mind. Freya clung onto him, rising to meet every thrust, until they were moving as one, each new stroke driving her higher, setting her blood on fire.

  There were no words left, just the feel of him—hard, and deep, and so damn right she never wanted it to end. But her body couldn’t hold back. Soon, she was cresting, right there on the edge, his body bearing down on her and his mouth claiming hers.

  Freya gave up trying to process the sensations crashing through her. She laid back and revelled in the waves of incredible pleasure.

  Nothing compared to the ecstasy he brought her. Physical, emotional, total. This wasn’t just sex—this was a level of intimacy she’d never experienced before. Love in its most intense form.

  Justin woke in the most blissful state to see that dawn was breaking outside. Freya was draped over him, half tangled up in the sheets. She was everything he'd fantasised about and more. And to have her ... finally. Like this. Like he had wanted from the moment he had laid eyes on her ...

  It was more than intoxicating.


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