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by Jung Chang

  CHAPTER 6 Subjugating the Red Army Supremo

  1 –64 “collapsing by the day”: 25 Feb. 1929, in JGG vol. 1, p. 249. Hundreds killed: JGG vol. 2, p. 99–101, 564–5; visit to site. Stay-behind committee report: JGG vol. 1, p. 309. “Alliance with bandits”: ZZWX vol. 4, p. 399; 14 Jan. 1929 report from Special Party Committee to Hunan Provincial Committee, describing plan to “annihilate” Yuan’s followers (RGASPI, 495/25/668, p. 30). Red search unit report: JGG vol.2, p. 643.

  2 Mao cheerful: Zeng Zhi, in “Mao and I” Collection Committee 1993a, p. 81. Moscow aid for Mao: VKP vol. 3, p. 518 (Comintern meeting minutes, 29 Jan. 1929). Zhu De’s wife: Smedley 1956, pp. 223–4; JGG vol. 2, pp. 520, 552; HDT, 1984, no. 1, p. 22. Mao abolishes Zhu post: Mao later report, 1 June 1929, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 222 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 171). Curry favor with Shanghai: Mao, 20 Mar. & 5 Apr. 1929, JGG vol. 1, pp. 289, 292, 302 (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 148, 161).

  3 “suddenly turned back”: Mao, 20 Mar. 1929, JGG vol. 1, p. 291 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 150). “supply is no problem”: Mao, 5 Apr. 1929, JGG vol. 1, p. 301 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 159). Fascist shirt: Le Missioni Francescane vol. 6 (1928), p. 151. Mao in Tingzhou: Mao, 20 Mar. 1929, JGG vol. 1, p. 289 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 147); CCP Changting Committee, pp. 43–4; interview with a local Party historian, 9 Apr. 1996. An-gong charged Mao: DDWX, 1989, no. 5, pp. 37–8; 1994, no. 4, p. 87; Jin Chongji et al. 1993, p. 178.

  4 Mao 1 June 1929 report: ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 221–4 (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 171–4). Mao unpopular: Chin I-sun (Chen Yi), “Report … on the Question of the Red Army [and] Zhu De and Mao Tse-tung,” 9 Jan. 1930, RGASPI, 514/1/1009, p. 5; cf. VKP vol. 3, p. 1263. DDWX, 1989, no. 5, pp. 38–9. Criticisms of Zhu: Xin Ziling 1995, vol. 1, p. 385. Mao voted out: Xiao Ke 1993, 101; DDWX, 1994, no. 4, p. 88; Zeng Zhi, in “Mao and I” Collection Committee 1993a, p. 85. “work with locals”: Mao letter, 14 June 1929, Mao 1993–9, vol. 1, p. 75 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 188).

  5 –67 “rather crestfallen”: Jiang Hua, in DDWX, 1989, no. 5, p. 41. Mao got crony to call congress: Deng Zihui Biography Committee, p. 88. Mao not ill: Jiang Hua, DDWX, 1989, no. 5, p. 41. Jiaoyang congress: description and quotes from the report, “About the First Congress of the CCP West Fujian,” July 1929, in Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 2, pp. 102–5.

  6 –68 Lin Biao: Xiao Ke 1993, pp. 19, 28; Xin Ziling 2002, p. 56. Mao befriended Lin: Titov, vol. 1, pp. 189–91; Xin Ziling 2002, pp. 42–4. Lin disobeyed Zhu: Jin Chongji et al. 1993, p. 180; interview with Xiao Ke, 30 Sept. 1993; cf. Xiao Ke 1993, p. 26.

  7 European agents: Grigoriev 2002a, pp. 156–7; Adibekov et al., p. 134, n. 89 (Stalin order to use non-Russians, 23 Apr. 1928); Russian archive details on scores of agents in China in Kolpakidi & Prokhorov 2000a, 2000b, 2001; Lurye & Kochik; Yang Kuisong 1997, pp. 255–70; Cai He-sen, in Central Archive 1982b, p. 135.

  8 –70 “What beautiful girls”: Han Suyin, pp. 66–7 (E: Han Suyin 1994, p. 59). Girlfriend: Jin Chongji et al. 1990, p. 78. “I chose your aunt”: ibid. Chou to create Chinese Red Army: Zhou 1991, pp. 68, 114, 125; Mirovitskaya 1993; Grigoriev 2002b, p. 312. “Charge!”: Nie, pp. 59–60. Genius at clandestine work: Wang Fan-xi interview, 20 June 1995.

  9 Set up Chinese KGB: Krymov, pp. 344–64; Usov 2002, pp. 194–206; Zhou 1991, p. 115. Chou self-criticism: 3 Jan. 1931, in ZZWX vol. 6, p. 359. “smack him on the bottom”: Conclusion by the Comintern representative at the 4th Plenum, 1931, ZZWX vol. 7, p. 39. “Once he started talking”: Wang Fanxi, pp. 136–7. Talk for 8 hours: once in Tingzhou, interview with a Tingzhou museum curator, 9 Apr. 1996. Chou letter, 21 Aug. 1929: DDWX, 1991, no. 2, pp. 39–42.

  1 °Cited in Lih et al., p. 118 n. 5.

  11 Stalin prepared to invade Manchuria: VKP vol. 3, p. 583 (Politburo, 6 Aug. 1929); Lih et al., p. 182 (Stalin to Molotov, 7 Oct. 1929); Kolpakidi & Prokhorov 2000a, p. 183. “defend the Soviet Union with arms”: CCP Politburo to CCP delegation to Comintern repeats this order, 21 Aug. 1929, ZZWX vol. 5, pp. 412–13. Soviet Politburo named Mao: VKP vol. 3, p. 616 (15 Oct. 1929); cf. ibid., pp. 483–4.

  12 –72 “tune of roubles”: Chen letter to CCP leadership, 28 July 1929, ZZWX vol. 5, p. 395. Mao in Pravda: 28 July 1929, 2 & 6 Dec. 1929; 2 Feb. 1930; “vozhd” on 13 Dec. 1935. “I can eat a lot”: Zeng Zhi, in “Mao and I” Collection Committee 1993a, p. 86, and in Reminiscences of Deng Zihui, p. 76. Lingering in village: interview with Zeng Zhi, who was with Mao then, 24 Sept. 1994; “Mao and I” Collection Committee 1993a, pp. 86–7.

  13 –73 “wrote again and again”: Chen Yi, p. 140. Show of submission: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 290. “very positive”: Chou “letter of instruction,” 1 Feb. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 238. Deference to Moscow: Mao, 28 Nov. 1929, Mao 1984, p. 28 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 193); Mao to Shanghai, 6 Jan. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 236, 245; DDWX, 1995, no. 3, p. 89. “plaything”: VKP vol. 3, p. 1274 (Bespalov minutes of meeting with Po Ku, 11 Feb. 1931); cf. ibid., p. 1263 (Gailis to Berzin, 12 Feb. 1931).

  14 “Deserters would be executed”: ZDJC vol. 14, p. 253.

  15 –74 Mao announcement to abolish: ibid. Item later disappeared: Gutian Resolutions, ZZWX vol. 5, pp. 800–34. Gutian Resolutions: ibid. (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 195–230, xlvii); cf. Titov vol. 1, pp. 228–32. “Where do I go now?”: (MRTP vol. 3, p. 233).

  CHAPTER 7 Takeover Leads to Death of Second Wife

  1 Chou to Moscow: VKP vol. 3, pp. 1047–51 (CCP letter to Stalin et al. re Chou — Stalin meeting 21 July 1930 and funding for CCP); Chou’s reports to Comintern, 30 Apr., 4 May, in RGASPI, 495/154/416. Zhou 1991, p. 180. Li-san ambitious plan: May — June 1930, in ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 452–9.

  2 Mao reluctance at first: Li-san speech, 9 June 1930, Mao 1993b, pp. 308–9; letter to Mao, 15 June 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 451. Changed to zeal: Mao order, 22 June 1930, Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 311; Mao to Shanghai, 19 & 24 Aug. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 496–7; cf. Titov, vol. 1, pp. 233–61.

  3 Peng childhood and youth: Peng 1981, pp. 1–5, 15 (E: pp. 19–27); Wang Yan et al., pp. 8–16.

  4 Meeting Mao, defending Jinggang: Peng report to Shanghai, Oct. 1929, JGG vol. 1, pp. 401–18. Treated as subordinate: Mao to Shanghai, 20 Mar. 1929, JGG vol. 1, p. 289 (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 148–9); Peng to Shanghai, 4 Apr. 1929, ibid., p. 295. Shanghai made Peng independent of Mao: ZDJC vol. 14, p. 455; Peng 1981, pp. 149–51, 157.

  5 Party inspector report: 22 July 1930, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, p. 239. Mao assignment Nanchang: ZDJC vol. 14, p. 455; Peng 1981, p. 149. Move towards Peng: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 311–13. Alarm bells in the West: Hoyt, pp. 240ff. Elkin, Palos: NARA, RG 80 (1926–1940), Box 200, File EF 16/P9–2 (300101–301030); FRUS 1930, vol. 2, p. 142; NARA, RG 84, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Log Book of the USS Palos, Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 1930, LL. Log no. 15; cf. Peng, pp. 291, 297. Mao to Shanghai, 19 Aug. 1930: in ZDJC vol. 14, p. 496 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 482).

  6 Mao took over Peng: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 313–14; He Changgong, p. 283; Peng 1981, p. 157; Zhu De talk, in JDZ, no. 7, p. 225. Mao insisted on attacking Changsha: Mao to Yudin, 22 July 1958, CWB, nos. 6–7 (1995–1996), p. 159. Peng and Zhu against: Peng 1981, pp. 157–8 (E: pp. 300–1); Jin Chongji et al. 1993, p. 212. Mao stoked Shanghai delusions: Mao to Shanghai, 19 & 24 Aug. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 496–7. GRU told Moscow: Gailis, 7 May 1931, VKPvol. 3, pp. 1431–2. Resistance from Peng’s officers: Peng 1981, pp. 160–1; Dai & Luo, p. 91.

  7 Proclaimed an All-China … defying Shanghai: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 314; Fang Xiao, p. 351; Liou Di, letter to Shanghai, 11 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, 514/1/1008.

  8 Politburo membership restored: Jin Chongji et al. 1990, p. 221. Li-san condemned: VKP vol. 3, pp. 1018–19 (Soviet Politburo minutes, 25 Aug. 1930), 1031–2 (Comintern letter to Chou and Chu Chiu-pai, 16 Sept. 1930); Titov, vol. 1, pp. 249–61, 371; Tang Chunliang 1999, pp. 175ff; ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 581–5.

  9 Interview with the man’s daughter, 1–2 Aug. 1995; Moscow “Report on the Activities of Li [Lisan],” sent 30 Apr. 1945, NA, HW 17/66 (ISCOT 1358).

  10 Kai-hui no Com
munist activities: clear from her writings; visit to her home and interview with a local Party historian, 1 Apr. 1996; interview with Yi Li-rong, 30 Sept. 1993.

  11 Kai-hui arrest and execution: records of interrogations of executioners in the 1960s, unpublished; contemporary newspaper reports; interview with a local Party historian, 1 Apr. 1996.

  12 –81 Mao on Kai-hui: Li Xiangwen, pp. 86–8; all Mao’s relatives and staff we interviewed testify that Mao talked fondly about her. Writings discovered: visit to her home village, Bancang, and interview with local Party historians, Apr. 1996. “First Cousin” to Mao: This is Yang Kai-ming, see his report to Shanghai, 25 Feb. 1929, JGG vol. 1, p. 269; visit to Bancang.

  13 “Thoughts”: Yang Kai-hui, no. 1, in HDT, 1984, no. 1, p. 21.

  14 To First Cousin: Yang Kai-hui, no. 2, unpublished.

  15 “Feeling of Sadness on Reading about the Enjoyment of a Human Head”: Yang Kai-hui, no. 3, in HDT, 1984, no. 1, pp. 21–2.

  16 Abolition of death penalty: ZZWX vol. 1, p. 142. Mao killings in papers: a selection in JGG vol. 1, pp. 446–67. Eight agonized lines: Yang Kai-hui, no. 5, unpublished. Party ordered Mao to Shanghai: JGG vol. 1,p. 241.

  17 “Father Young’s Own Story” (typescript, 1929); id., 1929, pp. 890–8; “Mandate Against Rev. Edward Young,” signed by Zhu De, “Soviet Delegate of Mao [Tse] Tung,” Vincentian Archive, Rome.

  18 “If the financial situation allows”: Yang Kai-hui, no. 6, unpublished. Story of her life: Yang Kai-hui, no. 7, unpublished.

  19 Her last piece: Yang Kai-hui, no. 8, unpublished.

  20 First Cousin death: visit to Bancang, and interview with local Party historians, Apr. 1996.

  CHAPTER 8 Bloody Purge Paves the Way for “Chairman Mao”

  1 Lee Wen-lin: Jishui County Chronicle Committee, p. 576; Xiao Ke 1993, p. 133. Mao declared himself boss: Mao, 20 Mar. 1929, in JGG vol. 1, p. 289; 1 June 1929, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 222. Tse-tan: ZR vol. 3, p. 307; inspector, 22 July 1930, in Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, p. 254; JDZ, no. 7, p. 105.

  2 Lieu Shi-qi: Yongxin County Chronicle Committee, p. 804; Lieu, 28 Feb. & 7 Oct. 1930, in ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 271–3, 280–3; cf. Titov, vol. 1, pp. 232, 269; interview with a local Party historian, 5 Apr. 1996.

  3 Mao juggled timetable: Lieu, 7 Oct. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 283; Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 297–8; other reports, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 244, 350; Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, p. 200. Pitou: conference announcement, 16 Feb. 1930, ibid., pp. 172–4; Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 297–8; Lieu, 7 Oct. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 284; cf. Titov, vol. 1, pp. 231–2, 267–78 on Pitou. Execution of four: Lieu, ibid.; other reports, 5 Apr. & 22 July 1930, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, pp. 192, 200, 256. “have you executed!”: report, 22 July 1930, ibid., p. 256. “kulaks”: 16 Feb. 1930, ibid., vol. 2, p. 173 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 269).

  4 Cai Shen-xi: ZDJC vol. 14, p. 409; Provincial Action Committee, Emergency Announcement no. 9, 15 Dec. 1930, RGASPI, 514/1/1008. Jiang Han-bo: Jiang had been opposing the takeovers by Mao and his brother-in-law, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 272–4; and yet a report to Shanghai in Jiang’s name dated 5 Apr. 1930 entirely took Mao’s line and condemned his own positions, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, pp. 180–212. The day before the report, Mao had issued an announcement saying that Jiang was expelled from the Party (expulsion was usually a prelude to execution), and, rather gratuitously, saying that Jiang was away (which could well be a ploy to cover up for Jiang’s disappearance), ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 273–4.

  5 JGG vol. 1, p. 496; Dai & Luo, pp. 161–3.

  6 Mao obituary: International Press Correspondence (English edition) 20 Mar.1930.

  7 Shanghai discovered Mao takeover: ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 424–5. 3 Apr. circular: ibid., p. 426. Revolts against regime: Lieu to Mao, 22 May 1930, JDZ, no. 7, pp. 103–4; Lieu report, 7 Oct. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 281–8; JDZ, no. 10, pp. 12–15; Mao 1983, p. 266; CCP Agitprop Department, “Material for Agitprop work …,” 25 Mar. 1930, RGASPI, 495/154/430, p. 155 (“quiet life”). “seized and punished”: 25 June 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 624–6. “AB elements”: 18 May 1930, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, pp. 599–600. AB standing for: according to founder and chief Duan Xipeng, 15 Apr. 1931, in Dai & Luo, p. 10. Thousands killed: Shanghai inspector, 22 July 1930, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, p. 248; 5 Oct. 1930, ZDZ, no. 7, p. 169. Jiangxi Reds fired Lieu: Description of the meeting (Second Plenary of the Southwest Special Committee) is contained in Lieu’s report to Shanghai on 7 Oct. 1930. This particular passage is withheld even in the classified ZDJC vol. 14. Resolution of the meeting, 27 Aug. 1930, in ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 649–50; Shanghai inspector, 5 Oct. 1930, ZDZ, no. 7, pp. 170–1; cf. Titov, vol. 1, pp. 278ff.

  8 Lieu killed: Sheng Ping et al., pp. 677–8. Mao denounced Jiangxi Reds: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, p. 319 (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 552–6). Mao learned of Moscow promotion: Comintern Far Eastern Bureau letter to CCP, 10 Nov. 1930, ordering that Mao be made head of the Revolutionary Military Council and given senior job in government (VKP vol. 3, p. 1109). Mao signs Dec. 1930 document as “Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of China”: RGASPI, 514/1/1008. “scales on a fish”: Dai & Luo, p. 91; Chen, Xiao et al., p. 162.

  9 “Never trusted Mao”: Liou Di, letter to Shanghai, 11 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, 514/1/1008 (extracts in Vladimirov, 10 Nov. 1943, with Lie Shau-joe written “Liu Shao-chi” and Yongyang written “Yenan” in English-language editions). “wicked schemer”: ZDJC vol. 14, pp. 634–5 (E: MRTP vol. 3, p. 707). Lie Shau-joe: Liou Di, letter, 11 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, cit.; Shanghai inspector, 22 July 1930, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, p. 238. According to an officer: Xiao Ke, in Dai & Luo, pp. 92–3. “over 4,400”: ZDJC vol. 14, p. 634; cf. Chou’s weasel explanations to Mordvinov (KGB), 4 Mar. 1940, RGASPI, 514/1/1006, pp. 48–9; Mao Tse-min, “Struggle with Counter-revolutionaries,” 22 Aug. 1939, RGASPI, 514/1/1044, pp. 1a–12. Mao order, 3 Dec. 1930: in Dai & Luo, pp. 94–6; see a follow-up letter on 5 Dec., in Vladimirov, 10 Nov. 1943 (mis-dated 15th). “AB meeting”: Mao to Shanghai, 20 Dec. 1930, ZDJC vol. 14, p. 636 (E: MRTP vol. 3, pp. 704–5); Liou Di, letter to Shanghai, 11 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, cit.; Provincial Action Committee, Emergency Announcement no. 9, 15 Dec. 1930, RGASPI, 514/1/1008.

  10 Lie torture: ibid. Mutiny in Futian: Liou Di, letter to Shanghai, 11 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, cit.; Jiangxi Party Committee, report to Shanghai, 12 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, 514/1/1008; Chen, Xiao et al., pp. 20–2, 218–22; Shanghai inspector, 20 Feb. 1931, in Dai & Luo, pp. 114–15.

  11 –93 “Extremely devious”: Provincial Action Committee, Emergency Announcement no. 9, 15 Dec. 1930, RGASPI, cit., Entrust fate to Shanghai: ibid.; cf. VKP vol. 3, p. 1272 (Bespalov report, 11 Feb. 1931, cit.); Jiangxi Party Committee. Showed torture marks: VKP vol. 3, p. 1272 (Bespalov report, 11 Feb. 1931, cit.).

  12 –94 “ignored the letters”: Provincial Action Committee. Chou told Pole: VKP vol. 3, pp. 1279–80 (Rylsky report of talk with Chou and Hsiang Chung-fa, 19 Feb. 1931). Moscow backed Mao: Comintern resolution on Futian, 18 Mar. 1931 (RGASPI, 514/1/1006, p. 90); cf. VKP vol. 3, p. 1348); “Politburo Resolution on Futian Incident,” 28 Mar. 1931, ZZWX vol. 7, pp. 203–9. Hand of Kang Sheng: RGASPI, 514/1/1008.

  13 Liou Di execution: Titov, vol. 1, p. 312; cf. Smedley 1934, p. 279; Chen, Xiao et al., pp. 22–3.

  14 Cited in Titov, vol. 1, p. 340.

  15 Secret report revealed: May 1932, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, pp. 478–80; interview with a local Party historian, 4–5 Apr. 1996. Tens of thousands died: ibid. written source, p. 436. Purge in Fujian: Deng Zihui Biography Committee, pp. 112–13; “West Fujian Special Committee Circular no. 10,” in Nationalist Party Organization Department, p. 137; Gong Chu, pp. 247–8; Wen Yu, pp. 68–75; Kuo Chien, FBIS-CHI-91–016 (24 Jan. 1991), p. 31. Head of Red Fujian fled: Gong Chu, pp. 246–50.

  16 “black and lightless”: 20 Dec. 1930; Hsiao Tso-liang, vol. 2, pp. 262–3; Jiangxi Party Committee, report to Shanghai, 12 Jan.
1931, RGASPI, cit. “So many old comrades”: Gong Chu, pp. 266–7. Purging Zhu’s staff: Chen, Xiao et al., p. 184. “Peng might be mixed up”: Gailis to GRU chief Berzin, 10 Feb. 1931 (VKP vol. 3, p. 1260). Zhu on panel: Fan Hao, p. 109. Never halted purge: report, May 1932, Jiangxi Archive & CCP Jiangxi Committee, vol. 1, pp. 477–80.

  17 Few agreed with Mao strategy: Provincial Action Committee, Emergency Announcement no. 9, 15 Dec. 1930, RGASPI, cit.; Jiangxi Party Committee, report to Shanghai, 12 Jan. 1931, RGASPI, cit.; Fan Hao, pp. 40–1. “we saw no people”: WZX, no. 45, pp. 85–6. Chiang reflected: 12 Aug. 1931, Chiang, p. 376.

  18 Russian assistance: Mirovitskaya 1975, pp. 47–52, 61–2; id. 1993, pp. 307–15; Vinarov, pp. 328, 373–6; Mader, pp. 94–6.

  19 Sorge role in China: Vinarov, pp. 373–6; Mader, pp. 64–117, 233–4; Werner interview, 20 Nov. 1999; Werner, pp. 38ff. Zhang Wen-qiu: interview with her, 29 Oct. 1995; Zhang Wenqiu, pp. 231–8. Smedley confirmed as Comintern agent: VKP, vol. 4, p.585 (Comintern Protocol, 3 April 1934 records decision: “To send c[omrade] Agnes Smedley to China for the publication of [the magazine] China Forum.”).

  20 Ambush, 30 Dec. 1930: Mao 1993b, vol. 1, pp. 329–30; Fan Hao, pp. 50–2. “Chop his head”: Chen, Xiao et al., pp. 94, 186–7; Huang Kecheng, p. 83. Mao asked for poison gas: 14 Oct. 1930 (MRTP vol. 3, p. 555). Radios: VKP vol. 3, pp. 1282 (Chou, 19 Feb. 1931: “big” radio sent to Mao); ibid., p. 1371 (Far Eastern Bureau, 28 Mar. 1931); ibid., p. 1466 (Rylsky, 10 June 1931); cf. Snow, H. 1979, pp. 251, 255; Chen, Xiao et al., pp. 189–92; Fan Hao, pp. 57–8.

  21 –98 Verge of collapse: Reds’ report about the war, ZDJC vol. 15, pp. 44–5; Chen, Xiao et al., pp. 125–6. Domestic Stability First: 23 July 1931, Chiang, p. 372. “Non-resistance only feasible policy”: interview with the Young Marshal, 17 Feb. 1993. “This misfortune”: 20 Sept. 1931, Chiang, pp. 386–7. “suspend plan”: 21 Sept. 1931, ibid., p. 387.


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