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Mao: The Unknown Story

Page 97

by Jung Chang

  4 –472 Stuns Russians: Grishin, pp. 240–1; Brezhnev, pp. 89–90. Statement on US blacks: Mao 1998, pp. 377–9. “didn’t understand … blacks”: Williams interviews by phone, 19 Mar. & 9 Apr. 1995. Panama, Dominican Republic: Mao 1998, pp. 390–1, 432–3 (12 Jan. 1964, 12 May 1965). Mao — Vietnamese: Yang Kuisong, in Li Danhui, pp. 42–3 (E: Yang K. 2002, pp. 13ff); Le Duan, CWB, nos 12–13, p. 280; Westad et al. 1998, pp. 75–6 (Mao to Pham Van Dong, 5 Oct. 1964).

  5 Laos, Thailand: Yang Kuisong 2002, pp. 17–18. South Sea fleet: Wu Ruilin. US troops “hostages”: Heikal, p. 277 (23 June 1965); Heikal confirmed in interview, 18 Jan. 1997. Chou to Nyerere: Babu, who was present, read to us from meeting notes, 11 July 1994; Jin Chongji et al. 1998, p. 839.

  6 “Third Front”: quotes and description in State Council, numbered volume compiled for the inner circle; Bo Yibo 1993, pp. 1200–3; Naughton 1988; Lewis & Xue 1994, pp. 85–99; Shapiro, pp. 145–59.

  7 “Be careful”: Mao 1993c, p. 622.

  8 Mao celebrates the Bomb: Chen Xiaodong, pp. 178–9; Yang Mingwei, pp. 330–1. Doggerel: Cong Jin, p. 459. Very cheaply: CCP Archive Study Office 1991, p. 351.

  9 US$4.1 billion: Lewis & Xue 1988, pp. 107–8. Lives saved calculation: based on FRUS 1961–1963 vol. 22, Doc. 132 (Rusk to British prime minister Macmillan, 24 June 1962).

  CHAPTER 46 A Time of Uncertainty and Setbacks

  1 “Using novels”: Pang & Jin, p. 1254.

  2 –477 “The more books”: 26 June 1965, Mao CCRM & ARL, vol. VII, p. 3674 (E: Schram 1974, p. 232). “ruins you”: 27 Jan. 1965, ibid., p. 3670. “keep people stupid”: BNC, 1999, no. 3, p. 18. Mao opera fan: SMMM, pp. 467–86; interviews with Mao’s personal staff; Quan, pp. 44–7; Payne 1950, pp. 209–10. “all art forms”: Mao 1987–98, vol. 10, pp. 436–7.

  3 –478 “Throw singers”: Mao CCRM, vol. 4, pp. 3–4. Destruction: Terzani, pp. 26ff. Temples and tombs: Mao 1987–98, vol. 11, pp. 232–6. “Get rid of most gardeners”: Mao CCRM, vol. 4, p. 26. Criticizing Stalin on classics: ZDZ editorial board, p. 152.

  4 Lei Feng: Marcuse, pp. 237–46. Hate: Chou, SW vol. 2, p. 432 (“Learn from Lei Feng”). 8 June 1964: Bo Yibo 1993, p. 1148.

  5 “utmost wish”: Chou to Chervonenko (SAPMO, DY 30/3605, pp. 227–9: Podgorny to Ulbricht by phone, 29 Oct. 1964; Brezhnev, p. 96). Test rapprochement: Aleksandrov — Agentov, pp. 113–18; Kapitsa 1996, pp. 75–6; Troyanovsky interviews. Chervonenko recalled: interview.

  6 –480 Malinovsky episode: Kudashev (interpreter), pp. 198–9; Aleksandrov — Agentov, pp. 168–9; Arbatov (citing Andropov), p. 114; interviews with Kudashev, Kapitsa, Troyanovsky (present); record of Chou — Brezhnev talks, 8 Nov. 1964, in Jin Chongji et al. 1998, pp. 827–8; Yang Mingwei, pp. 389–90; interpreter Yan Mingfu’s recollection, in Han Taihua, pp. 757–9. Marshal’s uniform: interview with Yan Mingfu, 14 Mar. 1998. Chou sat up all night: ibid.

  7 Lacked effective anti-tank: Li & Hao, pp. 273–4, 324. Artificial mountains: ibid., pp. 256–7.

  8 Chou: no return to Moscow: Yang Mingwei, pp. 397–8. Ho Chi Minh funeral: Foreign Ministry 1990ff, vol. 2, pp. 158–60. Ho Lung: Qiu Shi, vol. 3, pp. 494–524. General Xu: Qiu Shi, vol. 3, pp. 500–19; Xin Ziling 2002, p. 568; Zhang Songshan, p. 29. Withdrew from Dubna: Pashkovskaya & Zhdanovich, pp. 321, 323; Clemens, p. 255, n. 5.

  9 –482 “close to prostration”: Brezhnev, p. 98. Convened the Assembly: 29 Nov. 1964, Yang Shangkun, vol. 2, p. 427. Mao erupted: Cong Jin, p. 602; Mao 1993c, p. 615. Snapped at Liu: Mao CCRM, vol. 4, pp. 66–72. “Someone is shitting”: Zeng Zhi, p. 432. Birthday: Qi Li, p. 120; Zeng Zhi, pp. 432–3; Bo Yibo 1993, p. 1131; Mao Miscellany vol. 2, p. 427.

  10 –483 Chen Bo-da: Bo Yibo 1993, p. 1133; Ye Yonglie 1990, pp. 211–13. Liu’s portrait: interview with Wang Guangmei, 27 Sept. 1994. In Suite 118: ibid.; Wang Guangmei et al., p. 118; Mao Miscellany vol. 2, pp. 437ff. Colleagues — Liu — Mao: Wang Guangmei et al., p. 119; Jin & Huang,p. 973.

  11 “wag my little finger”: Wang Guangmei et al., p. 118. Jinggang visit preparations: Wang Dongxing 1993, p. 214; Gong Guzhong et al., p. 247; interview with Mao’s personal staff, 19 Apr. 1999, with a local official, 13 Apr. 1996.

  12 Lin Biao démarche: Xin Ziling 2002, pp. 497–8. Mao in Jinggang: visit to Jinggang Mountains and interviews with locals, Apr. 1996; Wang Dongxing 1993, pp. 214–36; Gong Guzhong et al., pp. 246–7.

  13 –486 Courted Sukarno: interview with Fujita (present at secret 5-hour Chou — Sukarno meeting, 1965), 6 Mar. 1998; Childs papers, Box 2, Folder 3 (Korianov briefing, 28 Feb. 1965); Taylor 1974, pp. 104–8; Copper 1983, p. 97. Egypt: Heikal, pp. 276–7, 282–3. Tan-Zam railway: Babu (original negotiator) interview; Snow, P., pp. 151–5, 160–72, 175–6, 181–2; Foreign Ministry 1990ff, vol. 3, pp. 31–40; BNC, 2000, no. 6, pp. 4–11. Ben Bella: Mao 1987–98, vol. 11, pp. 187–90; Zhou 1997, p. 738; cf. Liu, X., pp. 83–8; Snow, P., pp. 119–20.

  14 Nyerere on Chou: Xiong Xianghui, pp. 431–2.

  15 Mao — Pakistan — India: Garver, pp. 202–4; RR, 17, 20 & 22 Sept. 1965; Wang Taiping 1998, pp. 87–8; Foreign Ministry 1990ff. 1993, p. 478; conversation with Indian Foreign Secretary Krishna Rasgotra.

  16 Garver, pp. 327–8.

  17 –488 Thailand: Marks, p. 23; cf. Stokes; interview with Pridi family, 1 May 1996. Miyamoto: interview, 22 Apr. 1996. PKI plan: interview with Indonesian Communist leader, Oct. 1994; cf. Wang Taiping 1998, pp. 57–61.

  18 Mao on Indonesia coup: to Japanese Communist Party delegation, 28 Mar. 1966, meeting record, courtesy of JCP Central Committee; Miyamoto interview, 22 Apr. 1996. Informer: Colonel Latief testimony in Shadowplay (BBC 4 television, 15 Aug. 2002).

  19 Tong Xiaopeng, vol. 2, p. 219; Zhai, pp. 117–19; cf. Armstrong, pp. 127, 131–2.

  CHAPTER 47 A Horse-trade Secures the Cultural Revolution

  1 “punish this Party”: 20 Dec. 1964, Mao CCRM, vol. 4, p. 60. “as a scorpion”: interview with a person close to Mao, 14 Apr. 1999. “suppressed and bullied”: Lin Mohan, in BNC, 1994, no. 4, p. 26.

  2 Mme Mao telephoned.: Xin Ziling 2002, pp. 506–7. Disdainful remarks: interviews with Lin family members, 6 May & 20 Oct. 1995, 11 Sept. 1997; Xin Ziling 2002, pp. 444, 480.

  3 –495 “Engels to Marx”: Xin Ziling 2002, p. 480. Lin phobias: interviews with Lin family members, 6 May, 14, 20 Oct. & 7 Nov. 1995, 11 & 12 Sept. 1997; Deng Li, pp. 155–8; Guan Weixun, p. 213; Li, Z, pp. 453–4; Jin, pp. 145–7; visit to Lin villas. “specializes in hate”: Nov. 1961, in Ming & Chi, p. 201. Luo the Tall: Huang & Zhang, pp. 352, 433–538.

  4 Mao — Lin, 1 Dec.: Xin Ziling 2002, pp. 509–10. Mayor Peng complains to JCP: Kojima, p. 51.

  5 Wu Leng-xi: Rittenberg & Bennett, p. 288; Wu Lengxi 1995, pp. 150–4. “Wu disobeyed me”: Qiu Shi, vol. 2, p. 729. “bottomless” ambitions: Huang & Zhang, pp. 540–1.

  6 Luo’s daughter: Luo Diandian 1999, pp. 200–1. Mao reluctant: Huang & Zhang, p. 540. “Jiang Qing is sick”: Zhang Tianrong, p. 71.

  7 –498 Suppressed Mao instructions: Shi Dongbing, pp. 131–4, 139, 157. Peng — Peng tête-à-tête: ibid., pp. 208–22. Peng visitors: Peng Meikui, p. 231. Mao suspected conspiracy: He Long, p. 771; Mao Mao 2000, p. 27. Sleeping pills: Li Zhisui, p. 425 (E: pp. 440, 443).

  8 Russian invitation: Wu Lengxi 1999, pp. 934–9; Shi Dongbing, p. 237; Wang Li 2001, p. 582; Mao Miscellany vol. 2, p. 375 (Mao said “no” on 20 Mar. 1966).

  9 –499 “coup” accusation: Wang Nianyi, p. 18. Lapin — Liu at airport: Galenovich 2000, pp. 130–1, and interview with Galenovich, 24 June 1996. Russian-speaking director: Yang Shangkun, vol. 2, pp. 682–6; Wang Lianjie, p. 438; interviews with Russian-language interpreters, Yan Mingfu, 14 Mar. 1998, and Li Yueran, 24 Oct. 2000.

  10 Tape-recorded Mao: interview with the girlfriend of Mao, 2 Nov. 1995; interviews with officials involved in the taping, 17 Sept. 1994, 7 Nov. 1995, 9 Sept. 1997; Ye Zilong, in ZQZS vol. 2, pp. 242–3; Li Zhisui, pp. 281–2, 352–5 (E: pp. 292–3, 433, 439, 451).

  11 Interview with Kang Yi-min, 17 Sept. 1994.
  12 Tsedenbal: Radványi 1978, pp. 183, 185. Luo condemned: Huang & Zhang, pp. 567–8.

  13 Mme Mao writes Lin: Cong Jin, pp. 621–2. Chou tells Mayor: Shi Dongbing, pp. 239–43.

  14 Politburo meeting May 1966: WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 1–25; Jin & Huang, pp. 1009–10; Li Xuefeng, in BNC, 1998, no. 4, pp. 17–19. Mao to Ho: Schoenhals 1996a, p. 94. Lin speech: 18 May 1966, WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 16–23 (E: Kau 1975, pp. 334, 328); Xin Ziling 2002, p. 542. Mao told Albanians: to Kapo and Balluku, 3 Feb. 1967, AQSh, f. 14, 1967, d. 6. Purging Praetorian Guard: interviews with victims, 17 & 25 Sept. 1994.

  15 Purging police: Tao Siju 1997, pp. 204ff.; Liu Guangren et al., pp. 327ff. Ulanhu: Ulanhu, pp. 9–11; Bulag, pp. 226–9.

  16 Lin against Lu, colorful text: interviews with Lin family members and friends, 9 Oct. 1993, 20 & 31 Oct., 7 Nov. 1995; WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 24–5; Chen & Song, pp. 485ff.; Ma Zhigang, pp. 187–211.

  17 Mrs. Lin: interviews ibid.; Zhang Yunsheng, pp. 256ff.; Guan Weixun; Jin Qiu, pp. 145, 147–52.

  CHAPTER 48 The Great Purge

  1 Mme Mao heads Small Group: Wang Li 1993, p. 26. 4.8 billion: Zhou Jihou, p. 71. 1.2 billion: Zhou 1997, vol. 3, p. 340.

  2 Red Guard posters: 2 June seems to be the day when the poster signed “Red Guard” appeared in the middle school attached to Qinghua University, WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 63–7. 13 June: WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 44–5. “lessons are stopped”: Mao CCRM & ARL, vol. VII, p. 3684. 18 June: Yan & Gao, pp. 46–7.

  3 Dripping Grotto: visit to the villa and interviews with local officials, Oct. 1994; interviews with Mao’s personal staff; Gong Guzhong et al., pp. 8–9, 13–14, 157–64; 167–8; Zhang Yaoci, pp. 34–42.

  4 –506 Mao hands-on: Mao to Small Group: “Come to my place to have a meeting every week,” in Qiu Shi, vol. 3, p. 418; multiple interviews with Mao’s and inner circle’s personal staff, and with Small Group member Wang Li. Chou in charge: Schoenhals 1996a, pp. 90ff; id. 1996b, p. 363; Jin Chongji et al. 1998, p. 894; interviews ibid. Changing-rooms: interviews ibid.; Chen & Zhao, pp. 7, 10; Li Zhisui, p. 462 (E: pp. 478–9). Officials’ children form Red Guards: interviews with many high officials’ children.

  5 First known death: Wang Youqin 1995, 1996; interviews with two then pupils of the school, 24 Sept. 1993, 8 Nov. 1998. Mao singled out: “Red Flag” team from the middle school attached to Peking University, who had started abusing “Blacks” on 1 July 1966, as well as beating up teachers, before Mao’s “fiery support” on 1 Aug., see Wang Youqin 1995,p. 43.

  6 Sichuan boss: interview with an insider, 23 Mar. 1994. “Peking is not chaotic enough”: Mao CCRM, vol. 4, p. 115.

  7 Orders to army and police: WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 90–1; Schoenhals 1996a, pp. 48–9 (21 Aug.). Gave names and addresses: interview with an insider, 23 Mar. 1994.

  8 –509 Police chief: Wang Nianyi, pp. 69, 73; Qiu Shi, vol. 2, pp. 763–4; Zhao Wumian, p. 137. Chou list: Mao 1987–98, vol. 12, pp. 116–17; Schoenhals 1996, pp. 110–11. Official statistics: Qiu Shi, vol. 2, p. 764.

  9 –510 Pick of booty: Guan Weixun, pp. 130–3; Yang Yinlu, in BNC, 1999, vol. 2, p. 67; interview with a member of Mao’s personal staff, 19 Apr. 1999; Byron & Pack, pp. 364–8. Kissinger: Kissinger 1979, p. 1058. Housing space: Wang Nianyi, p. 71; Kirkby, pp. 164–73. Eyewitness saw: Zheng Yi, p. 48 (E: Zheng Yi, p. 59); cf. Schoenhals 1994, p. 10; telephone interview with Zheng Yi, 28 Aug. 2000.

  10 Monuments obliterated: Wang Nianyi, p. 70; Terzani, pp. 26–7. Leading architect: Liang’s widow, in Li Yong et al., pp. 265–78. First statue broken: Wang Nianyi, p. 70. Specialists present: Ya & Liang, pp. 116, 238–44.

  11 Confucius’ home: ibid., pp. 44–60. “People-centred-ism”: 4 July 1973, in Qiu Shi, vol. 3, p. 644. Lin speech: Kau 1975, pp. 363–6 (15 Sept. 1966).

  12 Victims of past banned: 13 Jan. 1967, WDYZ vol. 1, p. 247. Mao resolved to overthrow all: Wang Li 1993, p. 33.

  13 –513 British engineer: Watt, pp. 81, 91–2. Minister of coal: Li Yong et al., pp. 89–97. Photographing torture: ibid., pp. 89–90; Our Premier Zhou, pp. 32–3; Tu & Kong, p. 73; Zeng Zhi, p. 463; Huang & Zhang, p. 575; Yang Mu, p. 249; Wang Li 1994, p. 76 (“unbearable”). Vice-Premier Ji: Si Ren, pp. 77–8; Wang Lingshu, p. 24.

  14 –514 Replacements: Li & Hao, p. 241. Chou: “no war”: Li Desheng, p. 349. Superpower Program up: tables in PRC Encyclopaedia vol. 4, p. 5094; interview with an economic manager, Sept. 2000.

  15 –515 Central Special Case Team: Qiu Shi, vol. 3, pp. 489–525; Li & Hao, p. 248; multiple interviews with victims of the team, and with an interrogator, 17 Apr. 1999; interview with Small Group member Wang Li, 16 Oct. 1995; Wang Li 1994, p. 68; Schoenhals 1996a, 1996b. Mao danced on: interview with a girlfriend of Mao’s, 29 Sept. 1994; Quan Yanchi 1991, pp. 224–6.

  16 Feb. 1967: Qiu Shi, vol. 3, pp. 418ff.; Wang Li 1993, pp. 31–2 (E: id. 1994, pp. 40–2; cf. id. 1999, pp. 69–81); interviews with family members of four main Politburo protesters; Suo, pp. 76ff; Yan & Gao, pp. 125–33. Brigadier: Han Shangyu, pp. 1–7; interview with the friend of the brigadier, 30 Sept. 1993. Student of German: Yu Xiguang, pp. 52–74; Schoenhals 1996, pp. 149–50 (text); conversation with Dai Qing, who interviewed her, 20 Oct. 2002.

  CHAPTER 49 Unsweet Revenge

  1 On the 5th: Huang Zheng, p. 26 (E: id. 1999, pp. 31ff); cf. Galenovich 2000, pp. 55ff. Liu at dancing parties: interview with eyewitnesses, 13 Sept. 1994.

  2 Kuai Da-fu story: interview with Kuai, 3 Oct. 1995.

  3 Mao — Liu meeting: Wang Guangmei et al., pp. 187–8; Liu Zhende, pp. 282–4; Galenovich 2000, pp. 74–6. 300,000 rally: interview with Kuai, 3 Oct. 1995; Wang Guangmei interrogation in Wang Nianyi, pp. 240–56 (E: Elegant 1971, pp. 347–67; Schoenhals 1996b, pp. 101–16).

  4 Lius’ protests to Mao: Huang Zheng, pp. 102, 121–5. Mao left detailed instructions: through Qi Benyu, whom he appointed acting director of the Central Secretariat’s Office, Zhang Zishen, pp. 320–3; Chen & Zhao, p. 48.

  5 Sleeping pills: Wang Guangmei reply to written questions by phone via secretary, 11 Apr. 2000; Huang Zheng, p. 122. “burst out laughing”: Wang Guangmei et al., p. 34.

  6 Grippa interview, 25 Jan. 1994.

  7 Zeng Zhi: interview, 24 Sept. 1994; Zeng Zhi, pp. 464–70.

  8 Kangaroo court: Liu answers in CCP Studies, pp. 629–30 (E: CLG vol. 1, no. 1 (1968), p. 75); Wang Guangmei et al., pp. 202–3; Liu’s valet Jia Lanxun, in BNC, 2000, no. 2, pp. 22–4; Tu & Kong, p. 73; Bonavia, p. 186; cf. Wang Li 1994, p. 76.

  9 –523 Guangmei was to pay: her answer (by phone via secretary) to our questions, 11 Apr. 2000. Slow-death cell: quotes and descriptions from Huang Zheng, pp. 126–30; Jia Lanxun, in BNC, 2000, no. 2, pp. 26–9; Tu & Kong, pp. 179–82.

  10 –524 Mao wants spy charge: Tu & Kong, pp. 79–80. Forbidden to ask Liu: Huang Zheng, p. 65 (E: id. 1999, p. 65). First inmate: Shi Zhe 1992, pp. 237–9. Rittenberg: id. & Bennett, pp. 406–7. Nationalist intelligence: Shen Zui, p. 214. Li Li-san: interview with Li’s widow, Lisa, and daughter, Inna, 28 Oct. 1995; cf. Lescot, pp. 431–61. Tang Chunliang 1989, pp. 204–10. Lo Fu: Liu Ying, pp. 167–8.

  11 Team purged: Huang Zheng, p. 64. Catch-22: ibid., pp. 88–9. (E: id. 1999, p. 89). Chou delivered report damning Liu: CQ no. 37 (1969), pp. 175–80 (text). Death sentence: interview with Wang Guangmei, 8 Nov. 1995. Mao to 9th Congress: interview with a family member of Lin Biao, 20 Oct. 1995. Last self-defense: Huang Zheng, pp. 86, 124–5 (E: id. 1999, pp. 84ff.).

  12 Rebel leaders: Peng 1998, p. 797; interview with Kuai Da-fu, 3 Oct. 1995. Peng’s last days: Peng 1998, pp. 806ff.

  CHAPTER 50 The Chairman’s New Outfit

  1 General Chen: Chen Zai-dao, pp. 295–311.

  2 –527 Wuhan shock for Mao: Chen Zai-dao, in WDYZ vol. 1, p. 513; Wang Li 1993, p. 39; Wang Li 1994, pp. 59–61 (E: id. 1994, pp. 66ff). Mao verdict defied: Chen & Zhao, pp. 59–61; Wang Li 2001, pp. 1006–8; cf. Wang Li 1994, pp. 72–3; interview with Wang Li, 16 Oct. 1995; Wang Nianyi, p. 263; Zhu, pp. 155–6; Huang, J., pp. 309–11.

  3 –528 Mao
whisked away: Zhang Zuoliang, pp. 153–5; Chen & Zhao, pp. 62–5; Zhang Zishen, pp. 344–6; cf. Yan & Gao, pp. 231–9. Unshaven cheek: Wang Li 1994, p. 62. 184,000: Chen Zai-dao, in WDYZ vol. 1, p. 524; cf. Schoenhals 1996b, p. 366; Zhu, pp. 157–61. World “first”: Chen Zai-dao, in WDYZ vol. 1, pp. 521–2; Zhang Zuoliang, p. 158; Zhou 1997, vol. 3, p. 173; Wang Li 1993, p. 41.

  4 –529 75 percent: Wang Li 1993, p. 53. Scapegoat: interview with Wang Li, 16 Oct. 1995; Wang Li 1994, p. 66 (E: id. 1994, pp. 79–86); Chen Yangyong, p. 364. Lin’s “Administration Office”: Huang, J., pp. 312–13. General Qiu: Xiao Sike, pp. 93–4, 289–97; interviews with Qiu family members, 5 & 8 Sept. 1998; interview with a member of Lin family, 20 Oct. 1995.

  5 General Yang: Zhang Zishen, pp. 395–6, 413ff; cf. Huang, J., pp. 312–13. Mao suspends Military Council: Zhu, pp. 31–2; Huang, J., p. 314. Vital veto: multiple interviews with Lin circle members; Ji Xichen, pp. 364–5. Sidekick Huang: Zhang Zishen, p. 419; Guan Weixun, p. 184; Wang Nianyi, p. 376; Zhu, p. 163.

  6 Bugged conversation: Xiao Sike, pp. 87–91.

  7 –531 Shanghai battle: interview with eyewitness Song Yong-yi, 8 Apr. 2000; Li Xun, pp. 381–3, 391; Ye Yonglie 1993, pp. 256–61; Perry & Li, pp. 44ff. Mao: “I’ve seen film”: Li Xun, pp. 384, 391. “Arm the Left”: interview with an insider, Oct. 1995, and with Wang Li, 16 Oct. 1995; Wang Li 1993, p. 54; cf. id. 1994, p. 75. “Wonderful”: Li Desheng, p. 347.

  8 –532 Mao told Albanian: to Defense Minister Balluku, 5 Oct. 1968, AQSh, f. 14, 1968, d. 6, p. 5. Student tails Mao: interview with a friend of the student, Oct. 1995.

  9 Kuai story: interview with Kuai, 3 Oct. 1995; Yang Mu, pp. 71–3; record of Mao’s meeting with him, IIR, pp. 524–47 (E: Mao Miscellany, pp. 469–97).

  10 16 million rusticated: Pan, p. 373; cf. Schoenhals 1996b, pp. 370–1;


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