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A Fool for You (The Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 7)

Page 13

by Melanie Schuster

  “Look people, I’m going to make this really simple for all of us.” Turning to Alejandro, she pointed at Lola. “She has needs. Womanly needs.” She turned to Lola and pointed at Alejandro. “He has means, ample means and he can probably take care of all those needs of yours. You two should really get together because John has a woman and I have a man and we’re leaving. Goodnight.”

  She turned on her heel and didn’t have to glance around to know John was right beside her, although he was laughing so hard tears were forming in his eyes. Nina stabbed the elevator button a few times and gave him a look of disdain. “I thought you Latin men were supposed to be so particular about how your women went out in public. Why hasn’t somebody clued Little Miss Half-Naked in on that trend?”

  Still laughing, John replied, “Hey, you see she ain’t got a man of her own, that’s probably why.” He reached for Nina who neatly evaded him.

  “And by the way, your friend isn’t a very good friend if you ask me. He was trying to hit on me,” she said indignantly. John’s face instantly went from highly amused to deeply angry and he pushed the lobby button furiously. “What are you doing?” Nina asked in alarm.

  “I’m going to go down there and punch his lights out,” John growled.

  “You’d rather beat up a sap like that than be alone with me?” Nina asked with a raised eyebrow. By now the elevator had reached their floor and the doors opened. Nina waltzed through the open door and took off her jacket so that John could get a good look at the lacy camisole it had been concealing. His expression changed completely as he got a look at her high, enticing breasts in a tiny sheer half-cup bra.

  “Oh, it’s like that, is it? Okay, that’s an ass-kicking I owe him, but right now you’re coming with me,” John growled playfully as he scooped her up to carry her down the hall.

  “Now that’s more like it,” Nina sighed.

  Chapter 12

  Paris slipped her Blackberry into its case and dropped it into the leather tote bag she carried in lieu of a briefcase. She looked at her dining companion and flashed the dazzling smile that charmed her viewers five days a week. This smile was a little different, though, it was for Titus Argonne and no one else, therefore there was even more sweetness to the curve of her lips.

  They were having coffee in the nicely decorated cafeteria of The Deveraux Group offices. Titus had just returned from a few days out of town and now Paris was leaving, too. “I’ll be in Detroit for three days taping. I need to get some footage for the interview, which is actually going to be taped in the studio here in Atlanta. It’s going to air the night before Thanksgiving, because of sweeps,” she told him. Paris was giving him more detail than was warranted, but she just loved talking to him. She’d been so tongue-tied around him for so long, it felt wonderful to be able to have regular conversations with him.

  Titus smiled and the lovely hue of his eyes became bluer, as it always did when he was in a good mood. “Sweeps? That’s Nielsen ratings isn’t it? They do that so many times a year, right?”

  Paris beamed at the handsome man across the table. “Yes, they do. I’m surprised you know that,” she said.

  “I know a little bit about a lot of things and a lot about a few things . I’m trying to learn more about you, though. Tell me again when you’ll be back,” he said, placing his hand over hers on the table.

  “I’ll be back Friday afternoon,” she told him.

  “Then I’ll take you to dinner on Friday night, how does that sound?” Titus rubbed the back of her hand in small circles as he spoke.

  Paris had to force herself not to giggle; the feel of Titus’ hand on hers did crazy things to her. “It sounds like every date we’ve had. It sounds wonderful. Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Titus whispered.

  Paris felt the usual pink flush spread across her cheekbones. “I almost wish I didn’t have to go to Detroit,” she admitted. “But this interview is really important to the family as well as to the show, so I want it to be as perfect as I can make it. It’s a compelling topic that I’m trying not to sensationalize. I just want to tell the story as honestly and as humanly as I can.”

  Titus suddenly stopped stroking her hand. “Yeah, it’s kind of a delicate situation. But you’re the best person to do this interview, you’re close enough to the family to do it compassionately, and you’re very professional, so it will be a big success for you. I have every confidence in you, Paris.”

  “Titus, what a nice thing to say,” she said sincerely.

  “I’m a nice guy,” he said in a low, sexy voice. “Now how about if I take you to the airport this afternoon or is someone on your staff going o handle that?”

  “I’ll either drive over there or ride with the crew, you don’t have to do that,” she protested.

  “I want to do that,” Titus corrected her. “How else am I going to get a kiss good-bye?”

  “We can leave at three,” Paris said quickly, and then her face grew flaming hot as she realized how eager she sounded.

  Titus just smiled and took her hand again. “I’ll be waiting for you.”


  Of the two of them, Nina was by far the most nervous about the upcoming interview. She was trying to be her normal calm, unflappable self, but someone who knew her well could tell she was on edge. And by this time, John knew her very well indeed. In the two weeks since they came back from Puerto Rico, their relationship had deepened and become even sweeter. As far as John was concerned, the only thing that could make it any better was shared living space, but Nina wouldn’t let herself be pinned down. Closer they might be, but Nina was still elusive when she chose to be.

  “Okay, tell me again how this is supposed to go? Why is Paris here now? Can’t she just wait until you go to Atlanta for the real interview?” Nina asked fretfully.

  They were in the living room of John’s apartment, relaxing on the sofa with Nina cuddled into John’s side, covered with her cashmere throw. The weather had cooled off considerably with the advent of fall. The two Californians were adjusting well to the change of season, especially Nina who was, after all, a native of Illinois. She wouldn’t have admitted it for the world, but she liked the cooler weather because it gave her more opportunities to be close to John who felt it was his responsibility to keep her warm. All she had to do was give a tiny shiver and John was right there, putting his arms around her. Nina loved the attention, although she supposed one day shoe would have to confess she really wasn’t that cold-natured. Not today, though.

  “Nina, it’ll be fine. She just wants to get some footage of the family and of us interacting, things she can use to create an image of our new relationship. Nothing weird or sensational, just us,” John said comfortingly.

  Nina was silent for a minute, inspecting her short, neatly manicured nails before speaking. “I guess I’m still having trouble getting my head around why you have to do this in the first place. Okay, so Big Benny is your biological father, why is it necessary to broadcast it to the whole world? Isn’t it enough that everyone involved is cool with it? I don’t see why it has to be so public, is all.” Fearing she’d said too much, Nina buried her face in John’s chest and refused to look at him.

  John laughed gently and tried to get Nina to meet his gaze, eventually giving up. “Sweetheart, my family is pretty prominent, well, very prominent. It’s not like people don’t know who we are. When the book is published I’m going to have a certain recognition factor, too,” he said modestly. So modestly, Nina raised her head and frowned at him.

  “You’re not exactly Joe Nobody, John. You’re one of the most respected men in your field and in academic circles you’re considered to be brilliant, innovative and courageous,” she said hotly.

  John laughed at the indignation in her tone and used the opportunity to pull her into his lap so he could see her face. “That’s exactly my point, Nina. People are going to talk about this. They’re already talking about it, gossiping about it, there’ve been things in
the tabloids, terribly wrong things, I might add. The reason we want to do this is to get the right information out there not just to satisfy morbid curiosity, but also to have a clean record for the family. Dad and I want to tell the story the way it really happened, so all my nieces and nephews will understand where I came from, and understand how I feel about being part of the family.

  Nina was silent for a moment, playing with the buttons on John’s shirt. Finally she spoke, “It really doesn’t bother you, does it? I mean, being adopted, being raised by people other than your natural parents, finding out you have this whole other family, you’re just taking everything in stride. You really amaze me, John. I have to admit, I’m in awe of you.”

  John was watching Nina more than listening to her. He was becoming more attached to her every day; he sometimes wondered if she understood the depths of his feelings for her. As far as he was concerned, the only thing missing in their relationship was a wedding ring, something he planned to remedy soon. In the meantime, he had to content himself with her daily presence in his life. The book was almost finished, though, and there would be no logical reason for her to remain in Michigan with him unless they were committed to marriage. And the first step in that direction would be to find a suitable residence. He couldn’t very well ask her to live with him in University housing, they needed a place of their own, a place to start their life together.

  He rubbed his face against Nina’s soft hair and just when he felt her breathing begin to slow into a pattern of slumber, he asked her a question. “Nina, will you help me pick out a house?” He had to smile at her reaction. Her eyes got big and she didn’t utter a sound. He had rendered Miss Parker speechless, something that had to go down in the record books.


  Nina really had no reason to distrust Paris or complain about her. She really was professional and pleasant and she didn’t seem to have any sensational agenda. Nina watched her taping and the younger woman seemed to be working very hard to present everyone in his and her best light. She’d taped John giving a lecture at work; she’d done some footage of the Cochran Building where Cochran Communications, the family business, was housed, and some at Adams and Alicia’s architectural firm. Now she was taping a family dinner at Donnie and Angelique’s big house. Nina had come with John, but she was basically trying to stay out of the way.

  To that end she was keeping an eye on little Lily Rose. They were sitting quietly in Lily Rose’s room, which Angelique had decorated lovingly and creatively. Nina was trying to get the baby to go to sleep, but she had other plans. Lily Rose was wide-awake, laughing and babbling in a combination of her own little language and the words that made up her growing vocabulary. Nina was sitting in a big soft armchair patterned with flowers, holding the baby and encouraging her to go to sleep. “How about if I sing you a song? Will you go to sleep if I sing to you?”

  Lily Rose nodded her head enthusiastically and said “yes” as she patted Nina on the cheek. “Okay, snooks, here you go.” Nina cuddled the baby close to her heart and began to sing “Someone to Watch Over Me” in a soft voice. Lily Rose immediately quieted down to listen, but she wasn’t as sleepy as Nina hoped. Instead she slid down into Nina’s lap and fastened her big pretty eyes on Nina’s face as though she were the most fascinating creature she’d ever seen. And that’s how Paris found them when she walked into the room.

  Nina didn’t see Paris right away; she finished the song and laughed when Lily Rose clapped her hands for more. “Oh, no you don’t! You get no more songs from me, you little faker,” Nina said fondly.

  Paris added her applause to Lily Rose’s as she sat down on a slipper chair in the corner of the nursery. “I’m sorry to intrude but I was on my way to the guest room and I heard you singing. You have a phenomenal voice, girl. I didn’t know you could sing like that.” She stared at Nina with her usual open frankness. Paris, by her own admission, was the most curious person in the world.

  Nina coolly acknowledged the compliment with a nod. “I have a passable voice, I guess. I never think about it one way or the other.” Paris was looking at her so hard Nina was beginning to feel uneasy. Lily Rose came to her aid by letting out a loud shriek of joy and demanding to go to Paris.

  “Aww, you remember your Cousin Paris! Come here, sweetie, and give me some sugar,” Paris cooed. Rising from her chair she took the baby from Nina.

  Nina mumbled something about helping Angelique and fled the room. Paris took her place in the armchair and continued to kiss the laughing baby. “You know something, Lily Rose? That lady reminds me of someone. I just can’t remember who it is . Someone from a long time ago,” Paris said thoughtfully. “I’ll think of who it is, though, I always do.”

  Chapter 13

  John looked at Nina’s face and didn’t like the tension he saw reflected there. They had just returned to her suite after having an early dinner at a Japanese steakhouse she liked. She’d eaten with good appetite, but seemed preoccupied and John wanted to know why. He took the remote control out of her hand as she was mindlessly flicking from one channel to another, something she did only when she was deep in thought. Normally Nina was methodical in her thoughts and actions; she selected a program and watched it all the way through without interruption. John was beginning to know a lot of Nina’s little quirks and habits and found then all endearing.

  She was the tidiest person he’d ever met, for example. If she took something like lotion or perfume out and used it, it went right back to its assigned place as soon as she was finished. She was meticulous in her wardrobe; every piece was laundered or dry-cleaned as soon as it was soiled in any way, although to be honest, John couldn’t remember ever seeing anything that looked stained or even slightly wrinkled. Nina was so immaculate that her clothes looked the same when she took them off as when they went on. He knew she liked old movies, she had a penchant for decorating shows and she liked crossword puzzles and word games of any kind. And she had a real fondness for junk food, which she tried mightily to squelch. She loved music and had extremely eclectic tastes, including a passion for disco, of all things.

  He recalled how embarrassed she’d been when he found her out, catching her dancing with mad abandon to “Sylvester’s Greatest Hits.” “Marva used to love disco music and we would dance all over the house together,” Nina admitted. “I never outgrew it, I guess.”

  Yes, John knew a lot more about Nina than he ever thought he would and the information was gratifying, but there was still so much to learn about her. Rubbing the remote across his chin, he asked her point blank why she was so restless. “What’s the matter, baby, you seem really deep in thought.”

  Nina issued a soft sigh and bit her lower lip, looking lost. The look passed immediately and she gave John a reasonable facsimile of her normal expression. “I’m fine, I’m just a little tired is all; I’ve been working some late nights to get the manuscript finished. It’s almost done, you know.”

  John knew it only too well and the thought of Nina going away after its completion was too painful to contemplate. He pushed the thought aside and concentrated on Nina’s needs. “You’ve been working really hard, sweetie, and I think you need a break.” He stood up and held out his hand to her. “Come with me. I have something special for you, something you’ll like a lot,” he promised. She took his hand and followed him into the bedroom without saying a word.

  In a very short time John had fulfilled his promise and Nina was lying face down on top of a thick towel John had placed on the bed. They had taken a long hot shower together and John had used his considerable skill to make her forget her problems. The hot steam, the fragrant lather and John’s long, skillful hands all melded into an intensely pleasurable experience, but he had even more in store for her. He covered her with a towel and whispered that he’d be right back. While he was gone, she almost drifted off to sleep; she was so comforted by the tender care he’d given her. Her eyelids were so heavy that even when she felt the stream of warm oil down the center of her back
she didn’t open her eyes, she just moaned with pleasure.

  John began the massage at her shoulders, working down her back until she felt like her bones were dissolving. His strokes were strong and sure, releasing every bit of tension and leaving her limp with enjoyment. He poured more oil on her delightful derriere, palming each cheek with his big hands and kneading them slowly and gently until the tension gathered in another part of her anatomy entirely. The warmth of his hands got her more and more stimulated, until she began to write against the towel for relief.

  “John,” she whispered urgently. “What are you doing to me?”

  “What do you mean, angel? I’m giving you a massage, that’s all,” John said softly.

  Nina moaned, clenching her hands on the bedclothes. John wouldn’t relent in his sensual assault on her body. He continued to caress her cheeks, moving his hands in heated circles that encompassed her hips and increased the heat that was building inside her. “John, oh John, you have to do something,” she gasped. With every touch she was becoming more aroused to the point she feared she would explode.

  John’s fingers slid down to find her moist and needy, her body quivering for his. With his free hand he removed the towel around his waist and made sure the condom he’d put on earlier was still properly in place. “What do you want me to do, Nina?” he teased her gently. He knelt over her, taking her slender hips in his hands. “What do you want?” he repeated.

  Nina raised her hips until she was kneeling in front of John, her thighs open and ready for him. “I want you to make love to me John, right now,” she moaned.. “I want you inside me, deep inside me.” She cried his name aloud as John entered her, holding her hips and taking what was his, plunging into her warmth over and over until their rhythm was set. Then he moved his hands up to her breasts, caressing them and manipulating her tight, erect nipples while she lost herself to the waves of pleasure washing over her body. John continued to squeeze her breast while he brought his hand down to her most intimate part, stroking her pulsing clitoris to make sure they reached the ultimate climax together. He pumped faster and more furiously while her body clenched and held him, taking all he could give and demanding more until their moist and sex-slicked bodies convulsed in an explosion of delight that left them both weak and shattered, breathing hard and reaching for each other.


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