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Fire & Stone: The War for Life (The Gates of Oblivion Book 2)

Page 8

by Robles, Luis

  “I don’t understand… You are fading? How can that be?” Arimus said with a sadden voice.

  “We didn’t play by the rules. I’ve pushed the magic that we were given too far. I’ve broken my body… All I feel now is pain…all I can think about is pain. I have no more strength left to keep going, Arimus,” Bliss said as she started to disappear.

  “You’ve changed this world and kept it out of darkness. You’ve changed my life in ways that you cannot imagine, and I will be forever grateful to have had the privilege to meet someone as extraordinary as you. You have always put the world’s need before your own, and you have always cared for everyone else before you. That is admirable beyond this world. Bliss, if there’s anything I can do to help you stay, please say it,” Arimus said.

  Bliss smiled tenderly, trying to hide the pain behind her face. But the twitch in her eyes gave it away.

  “I will do anything, Bliss. I will tear down the Gates, I will rip the earth in half…I will give my own life if I have to. Anything so that you will keep living. The world needs you, way more than it needs me,” Arimus said, clenching his fists. “Bliss, please don’t leave me.”

  Bliss spoke one last time before fully disappearing but it was too late: her voice was inaudible.

  “Magic has strange ways,” Bramma managed after witnessing the event. “Come, Arimus, let’s go inside. You are amongst family now. Come, Arimus.”

  The dragon stood up and the other two gargoyles began to make their way towards the wall. But the dragon did not follow.

  “The Gates have turned this world into a cruel place,” Arimus said, shaken as he slowly turned away from the wall.

  “Do you mean you won’t be coming with us?” Bramma asked.

  “Things are not right. This I know. It will be better if I am far away. I need answers,” Arimus said as he began to walk away.

  “Perhaps I know someone that can help. You don’t have to leave, we can help you. You don’t have to face this alone,” Bramma said.

  “The answers I seek are within,” the dragon said without turning to look at Bramma as he continued walking.

  “Will we see you again?” Bramma yelled, hoping to get a response from Arimus. But he just kept walking.

  “This doesn’t feel right at all. The disappearance of Bliss and the other originators of magic might just doom us all. I must do what I can for my people and every living thing on this planet. As long as those damn Gates exist, nothing is certain,” Bramma thought to himself, making a mental note.

  * * *

  Arimus walked for days without stopping and without a clear direction. For within Arimus’ heart a deep, dark sadness emerged. His heart began to abandon this world. A dark void formed, a void that Arimus himself could not control. Despair, Meager, Malady, Greed, and War were present in his heart, taking over, controlling it. His eyes turned from bright blue to a bottomless black. The Gate creatures had left their mark behind on Arimus after all. He was no longer the dragon that everyone would get to know and love. He was no longer the dragon that everyone will tell epic stories about, no! He was turning into something else.

  The most powerful creature on earth was on a path to total darkness.


  A Stone Kingdom

  A mere four years had passed since the day the last of the Gate creature was destroyed, and the world was finally at peace. Humankind, Nulians, and the rest of the creatures lived in complete harmony with one another. Civilization flourished, and a kingdom was being formed, with the Great Wall of Stone as the center of it all.

  However, the Great Wall of Stone was not a divider between the nearby villages; people gathered around the wall to tell tales of the brave warriors that had fought there. It was a symbol of strength and hope. And quickly, commerce around the wall grew as more and more traders came and settled near it. Every year that passed, the wall grew; the skill of the gargoyles when it came to building was unmatched by any. The villages on either side grew as well, with the promise of a prosperous life.

  Disorder followed; everything was a mess. Often, people would get lost, robbed, and even mugged as they tried to do business with the great twin villages near the wall. But the gargoyles did not stay with their hands crossed. They soon brought order and established laws that governed and protected the people near the wall. From there on, the gargoyles became known as the great masons of the world, the protectors of the realm.

  Two human and Nulian villages soon thrived on either side of the Great Wall and the Stone Village. The Great Wall, with the two large villages on both sides, the Southernmost and the Northernmost, were further encircled by large stone walls which made the boundaries of what later was known as the Kingdom of Stone. It was in this way that the first kingdom ever known to civilization formed.

  In between the Stone Village and the Southernmost Village, a mage hall was formed. The mage hall was rather impressive, with three great fanlike towers surrounding the hall, each with distinct markings. People gathered there to study magic and past events. Many dedicated their lives to understanding what magic is all about.

  The few mages that were able to successfully learn the art of magic will end up service to the King. The more accomplished of a mage they were, the higher they ranked. Successful mages were able to control the elements such as air, earth, fire, or water. The elites, however, were able to summon form and magical barriers.

  The school was known as Iridium. It was open to all who were interested in learning magic. However, not many of them would pass the test. Anybody with a slightly tainted heart would not be allowed to practice magic. Furthermore, even those with pure heart sometimes were never able to learn the arts of magic.

  * * *

  Two years after the dust has settled, Bramma, the now King of Stone Kingdom, decided to hold a great banquet to unite the people and celebrate peace. Gargoyles, humans, and Nulians gathered near the Great Wall. Long oak tables bowed with troughs of food, and barrels the size of oxen were being drained in minutes. The usual stone-faced gargoyles were singing and dancing with the humans. Beer, meats, and sweets were everywhere, a scene of a lavish festivity. Everyone celebrated around a massive bonfire in the center of the field, and their silhouettes could be seen from afar.

  As the royal family entered the field, silence swept over the ceremony in respect. Looking about, the King let out a booming laugh that caused the fire in front of him to shiver from its power. With the King’s approval, the festivities started again, gaining more strength with every bit of celebration.

  The gargoyle Princess, now six years old, looked upon the scene with great energy, her red hair brighter than the flames before her, their shadows dancing on her cheek. She looked up at her father, the revered King, and asked politely if she could play with the others. Smiling at his most precious jewel, the King nodded as the gathering was amongst friends and brothers, one and the same. The little princess giggled and raced towards a group of children. The children were running and playing with ball-like objects.

  Soon after the princess started playing with the kids, she noticed a young, small, winged gargoyle boy with green hair, that kept dropping the ball when it was his turn to toss. Every time she looked up, she caught him always staring at her bashfully, trying not to get caught. After the game was over and the children started to leave, the little princess walked up to the now terrified gargoyle boy. She looked at him with serious eyes and asked him in a sweet voice, “Winged gargoyle, what is your name?”

  He replied nervously, “Hell … Llys… My name is Hellys.”

  “You are funny. I am Nuvia. Father always says that someone else should always introduce me, but I really don’t like to be called Princess,” Nuvia said casually.

  “You are the King’s daughter?” Hellys said, stoned-faced.

  “Yeah, I think so. But that’s not important,” she replied.

  “I don’t think I’m supposed to be talking with you,” Hellys said.

  “And why not?” she asked.<
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  “I live on the outskirts of the Northern Village. I come from a poor family. I’m not even supposed to be here. The people from the outskirts didn’t get an invitation for this banquet. I heard some of the guards talking about it, so I decided to come,” Hellys said as he looked down to the ground.

  “Father said everyone is welcome, and that everyone is the same,” Nuvia said as she was trying to figure something else out, scratching the side of her head.

  “I really hope that’s true. I hope that things don’t get worse for the people living in the Northern Village,” Hellys replied with a sigh.

  “I’ll make sure. I shall tell Father about that. I promise,” Nuvia reassuringly responded as she smiled, thinking that she had already solved the problem.

  Hellys smiled a half smile, “I really hope that it gets fixed someday.” Then, he built up the courage to ask, “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Sure! Just come visit me at the Stone Keep, say that you are a friend of mine, and they will let you in,” Nuvia said, filled with smiles.

  “I will do that!” he managed to reply, bowing his head properly.

  “Nuvia, where are you? We are leaving!” Bramma screamed at the crowd.

  “Well, I have to go. I hope to see you sometime. Bye then,” Nuvia said as she began running towards Bramma.

  The gargoyles looked much like humans but with certain features like their skin, ears, and tails setting them apart. Nuvia’s skin was gray, with a hint of blue on her pointy ears. Her ears stood out from her almost perfect hair, just enough to let everyone know that they were there.

  In that moment, a surreptitious yet unbreakable bond began to form, for those two gargoyles were the last beings blessed with the power of Bliss. And those two would hold the key to the future, the key to survival. No one was prepared, no one knew what was coming, for darkness was still present in the world, consuming life, and plotting revenge.


  Growing Strong

  For years, Hellys have tried to visit the Princess at the Stone Keep, but time after time he was denied a viewing. He used to send messages to the Princess by way with the guards, but somewhere along the line, they were always lost.

  Undeterred, Hellys knew within himself that he was not distant from something great. He absorbed the world around him, paying attention to his surroundings, learning, and continuously studying them. He was quick to learn how the world worked. As books came to be, he was one of the first ones to learn how to read, by insisting to his mother to teach him everything she knew about it. By age sixteen, he had read every book in the Stone Village. He also worked every day with humans and Nulians in the farmlands until his body could no longer.

  His vast knowledge on the way things worked gave him the upper hand in most situations. Thanks to his knowledge in physics, he was able to control his body unlike any other gargoyle. He could break stones with ease, fly to the highest peaks, and his speed was unmatched by any. The magic that Hellys inherited at the time he was blessed by Bliss played a big part in his development. Luck, strength, and endurance filled his body.

  * * *

  Nuvia always wondered about him, the gargoyle boy that she had met at the banquet several years back. She often told her guards she was expecting a visit, but that visit never came. She always thought that he would come, she just didn’t know when.

  Meanwhile, Princess Nuvia, by age fourteen, had mastered the combat arts, from defense and offense to strategy. Showing incredible control of her mind and body, she made her parents proud and reassured them that their little jewel would never be a pushover. The magic that Bliss gave to Nuvia while in her mother’s womb played the biggest role in her development. Her body was filled with control, stamina, and clarity—traits that would make her an outstanding warrior.

  As part of her final exam and rite of passage, Nuvia was to face the Stone Kingdom’s greatest warrior, Nimbus, in hand-to-hand combat. For Nuvia, the stakes were high: if she won, she would be allowed to explore the kingdom, but if she failed, she would remain within the castle walls for another year. For Nimbus, it was just another day.

  This match was certainly going to be one for the records. With the King and Queen watching anxiously, along with her personal instructor, Fieera, one of the most skilled and seasoned warriors in the Stone Kingdom, this match was to have a clear winner.

  * * *

  Hellys’ father lost his life in the last battle against War. He was one of the front runners that led the gargoyle army. He always thought of his father as a great man and looked up to him with pride, smiling at the mention of his name, Epanus the Brave.

  Since then, Hellys was always close to his mother Arrie and provided her with everything she needed to live a happy life. When Hellys’ mother got sick, he worried day in and day out for her. She had high uncontrolled rising temperature, with convulsions, profuse sweating, and with a weakening body. This sickness if left untreated could end her life. He went to all the potion blenders in the city and in the human villages nearby, asking for medicine for his beloved mother. After explaining his mother’s symptoms to the potion blenders, they all agreed that she could only be cured with the sunflower that grew on the Peaks of Mullata.

  The Peaks of Mullata was a dangerous place, a place far away from the Stone Kingdom where little law existed, where only few could survive. Only those who wished not to be a part of civilization settlements and laws inhabited the area.

  As soon as Hellys heard what the last potion blender had to say, he knew he had no choice. Away, he flew towards the peaks, with a look of determination plastered across his face.

  * * *

  Nuvia was anxiously waiting for Nimbus to enter the training room. As Bramma sat down next to his Queen on the far side of the room, he looked towards Nuvia, who was already standing at the center, and asked her in a calm voice, “Do you really think you are ready? This warrior will not hold back on you just because you are the daughter of the King. He will come at you with everything he’s got.”

  “What do you think?” she replied with a disappointed face and frown on her forehead.

  Bramma let out a booming laugh, “I trust you. Make me proud.”

  When Nimbus entered the room, Nuvia wiped all emotion from her face and body. Bramma then called the warrior to face him and said, “Nimbus, come here before me. Nuvia will be your opponent today, and you must fight her with all your courage and strength. Promise me this.”

  “I promise, my King, I shall do my best,” Nimbus said, bowing.

  It was no one to trifle with; with formidable strength and skilled body, he was close to a perfect warrior. He towered over Nuvia by almost double, but she did not fret. Instead, she stood calm and confident in front of him.

  Nuvia positioned herself at the exact center of the room, standing cool and still. She tilted her head upwards to meet his gaze, and spoke in a taunting voice, “Surely the Stone Kingdom’s greatest warrior isn’t afraid of little old me, is he?”

  Nimbus turned to meet Nuvia as he walked towards the center and assumed his fighting stance, looking fierce and solid, with his hands in front of him unfolded and straight. His legs were spread apart for superior balance. “Little girl, I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. This won’t be any fight; I won’t go easy on you. I promise you that.”

  Nuvia then assumed her fighting stance with a more relaxed pose, her hands slightly away from her body and one foot in front of the other, looking as though she could easily tip over.

  Nuvia looked over towards Fieera who was standing to the side of the room with her hands crossed. Fieera nodded, and Nuvia smiled in turn.

  Both were still facing one another, waiting for Bramma to give the order to begin.

  When Bramma saw that they were ready, he said in a serious and loud voice, “Commence!”

  Nimbus started a powerful attack against Nuvia, a series of punches and kicks that would leave any other gargoyle inert. However, Nuvia moved gracefully around his a
ttack, avoiding his attacks with ease.

  Nimbus was getting frustrated at his inability to land a single blow, and so was Bramma. He wanted to see his daughter’s fighting abilities, not how well she could avoid trouble. In the middle of it all, the King yelled at her daughter, “Nuvia, fight back! Life isn’t about hiding.”

  Nuvia was so distracted by the King’s yelling that she looked over, leaving her wide open for Nimbus to land a blow. He finally managed to strike a hit on her left shoulder. But the moment Nuvia felt the assault, she quickly reacted, moving out of the way and using Nimbus’ own momentum against him. Nuvia was now slightly behind Nimbus.

  This motion worked well to her advantage, giving her a wide, open attack on any gargoyle’s only weakness. She clenched her fist and, with the same momentum generated when he attacked, she landed a powerful blow behind Nimbus’ left ear, the only part a gargoyle could not harden in their body. The strike was done with perfection, knocking Nimbus out cold, thus ending the battle abruptly.

  Bramma and Laila the Queen, as well as Fieera, were in disbelief that it merely took a single hit from Nuvia to take Nimbus out. As soon as Nimbus was able to move, a wide smile appeared on Nuvia’s face as she turned to look at Bramma. He waved at her to come over. When she got near him, he stood up and approached to embrace her. Nuvia, still with a big smile on her face, then turned to the Queen and exclaimed happily, “I did it, I did it!”

  Queen Laila walked over to Nuvia and, with all the warmth a mother could have for her daughter, embraced her strongly and said in a sweet voice, “You did it, darling. Now, you are free to explore anywhere you want.”

  Forgetting all formalities, Nuvia said as she turned to the King, “Is this true, Father? I finally get to go out to the villages?”


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