Eat Fat, Get Thin_Why the Fat We Eat Is the Key to Sustained Weight Loss and Vibrant Health
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Eggs are one of the best sources of choline (needed for brain health, cell membrane formation, and detoxification; it also protects against Alzheimer’s disease). Egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin (which gives them their yellow color), antioxidants that help prevent macular degeneration or premature blindness. The yolk contains more calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc than the white. Eggs also prevent LDL oxidation and increase LDL and HDL particle size, so they protect against heart disease.5 Not bad for a food that has been on the “do not eat” list for decades. It just might be nature’s most perfect and complete food. After all, it contains all the nutrients needed to create a new life!
One important tip about eggs: Don’t heat them in hot oil. The fats can oxidize and become harmful. Poach or soft-boil your eggs or cook them at low temperature.
Butter has been indicted but not convicted in the court of science. The truth is there is no good evidence proving its link to heart disease.6 In fact, the opposite may be true; butter may be good for heart disease prevention.7 There may be reasons to avoid dairy, but the saturated fat content is not one of them. In fact, some studies measuring blood levels of the saturated fats that are in dairy have found them to be associated with a lower risk of heart attacks.8
We have seen a reduction in butter consumption from about eighteen pounds per person per year in 1900 to about four pounds in 2009. All the while, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are on the rise. This is only a correlation and doesn’t prove cause and effect. But there is more to the story.
If I had to choose between butter and a bagel, I would choose the butter. Its potential for harm has been exaggerated, and there may be many benefits. Would I eat sticks of butter every day? Probably not. But in the context of a diet low in refined carbs and sugars and high in fiber, I don’t worry about butter.
The problem with butter has been thought to be its high content of saturated fats (60 percent of the fat is saturated fat). But look at breast milk—50 percent of its fat is saturated fat,9 and it has been linked to reduced diseases of all sorts in kids who breastfed.10 In fact breastfed kids seem to have a lower risk later in life of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, despite having higher cholesterol levels.11
Butter is essentially pure animal fat with only minor traces of dairy proteins and sugars remaining. The nutritional content of the animal’s flesh depends on the content of its diet. This applies especially to butter. Whether it’s grass-fed or grain-fed, butter is rich in saturated fat (about 60 percent) and monounsaturated fat (about 20 percent). The rest is polyunsaturated, but this is where grass-fed and grain-fed really differ. Cows raised on pasture produce milk fat with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1, which is ideal.12 Grain-fed cows, on the other hand, produce a ratio tilted heavily toward omega-6. In grass-fed beef the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 1.5:1, and in grain-fed beef it jumps way up to 7.6:1.
Personally I would never eat conventionally raised butter because, apart from the excess omega-6s, it stores pesticides and environmental toxins. But there are other reasons. An equivalent serving of grass-fed butter has the same nutrition facts as conventional butter, but it is three to five times higher in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).13 Grass-fed butter is deep yellow because it has more carotene and vitamin A.14
Cow stomach fermentation turns vitamin K1 (found in leafy greens, like kale, chard, spinach, and, yes, grass) into K2, which then shows up in the dairy fat.15 K2 is important for bone and heart health, among many other things. Grass-fed butter also contains a fatty acid called butyrate that promotes intestinal health and fights inflammation throughout the body, especially in the cardiovascular system.16
It’s best to purchase organic butter from grass-fed cows. Kerrygold, an Irish dairy whose cows are all pasture raised, can be found fairly easily in local grocery and health food stores and even Costco. Anchor and Organic Valley are also good brands of grass-fed butter.
And then there is ghee, a form of Indian butter that is processed by melting and allowing it to simmer on low until most of the water evaporates off, leaving the fat and the milk solids. Ghee is used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and western Asian cooking in place of butter and is preferred for its higher smoking point. Butter smokes between 325°F and 375°F (163°C and 191°C) and ghee smokes at 400°F to 500°F (204°C to 260°C). Since it is best to cook below the smoking point for any oil, ghee can be used with high-heat cooking, searing, and even frying. (The smoking point is the temperature when the oil starts to smoke in the pan. It’s different for different oils.) All of the same nutrients found in grass-fed butter are found in grass-fed ghee. It is high in vitamins D and A, omega-3 fats, CLA, and butyrate.
Clarified butter has had the water and milk solids removed, so it can be used by those allergic to dairy. You can purchase ghee or clarified butter from several excellent sources online. You can also make ghee from grass-fed butter by heating it, which separates out the fat from the milk solids, and then straining out the milk solids with cheesecloth.
Coconut oil and coconut butter seem to be the latest fad, but what’s the real story behind these creamy, yummy delights? They are mostly saturated fat and have been maligned along with butter. But again, being indicted is not the same as being convicted. Far from it!
Countries such as those in the South Pacific with the highest intake of coconut oil eat up to 40 percent of their calories from saturated fat (the coconut oil is almost 90 percent saturated fat, while butter is only 60 percent saturated fat). Yet surprisingly they have some of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world.17 In fact, there is a surprising amount of research18 showing that even though coconut oil has the highest amount of saturated fat found in any food, and it increases total cholesterol (actually it increases HDL, or good cholesterol, the most, so even though the total cholesterol goes up, the ratio is better), it is not correlated with increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Studies of Pacific Islanders19 who ate up to 63 percent of their calories from coconut fat found them to be lean and free of heart disease or stroke.20 Their total cholesterol was higher, but so was their good cholesterol, or HDL. Other studies have found that lipid profiles improve on high-fat diets containing coconut oil—good cholesterol is higher and triglycerides and the number of the small LDL cholesterol particles are lower.21 Coconut fat is also associated with lower insulin levels.22
Just to clarify: There is coconut oil and there is coconut butter. Coconut butter is made from whole coconut flesh, with all its delicious fat and solids. It is essentially pureed or pulverized coconut meat and has a thick, creamy, smooth texture. It is about 60 percent oil. The fiber content of coconut butter differentiates it from coconut oil: One tablespoon of coconut butter has 3 grams of fiber.
Coconut oil is extracted from the dried flesh of the coconut. Coconut oil is made up of 86 percent saturated fat, 6 percent monounsaturated fat, and 1.4 percent polyunsaturated fat. About half of the saturated fat in coconut oil is a rare, special type of saturated fat called lauric acid. It is known as a medium-chain triglyceride or MCT (and there are other MCTs in coconut oil as well). In the body, lauric acid converts to monolaurin, one of the compounds found in breast milk that boost a baby’s immune system (as do antibodies and colostrum). It is like superfuel for your cells, your metabolism, your bones, and your brain. It is now being studied for its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial health-protecting properties. It also can boost sports performance. Not bad for a fat that has been shunned for years.
Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT): The Superfat
The saturated fat in coconut oil is a very rare, very beneficial type called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). These saturated fats actually reduce the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL (a good thing) and promote weight loss, and can even heal fatty liver caused by obesity. MCTs are a unique form of saturated fat that have been shown to possess antioxi
dant and antimicrobial properties, which help support the immune system. In the body, MCTs convert easily into energy; therefore, very little MCT oil is stored as fat, because it is used for energy. This is how MCTs help you burn fat and lose weight.
In a study published in the journal Obesity Research in 2003, scientists at McGill University carried out a randomized controlled trial to compare the effects of medium-chain triglycerides and long-chain triglycerides on body fat, energy expenditure, appetite, and other aspects of weight loss in overweight men.23 They recruited twenty-four overweight men and put them on different diets for twenty-eight days. They switched the diets after a period of time so they could analyze the differences in the same people—this is called a crossover design. One group ate a diet rich in medium-chain triglycerides, like coconut oil. The other group ate a diet rich in long-chain triglycerides, like olive oil. Then the participants switched diets midway through the study. When the study was over, the researchers found that men on the MCT diet lost more body fat (especially belly fat). The MCT oil boosted energy expenditure and fat oxidation, or burning—in other words, their metabolism was faster. They were also less hungry than those who ate the olive oil diet.
Another small study carried out at the University of Rochester Medical Center and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at what happened when a group of men consumed meals with either MCTs or LCTs.24 The test meals contained either 45 grams of MCT or 45 grams of LCT in the form of corn oil, and the scientists measured the subjects’ metabolic rates both before the meals and up to six hours after. They measured oxygen consumption (which is an indirect measurement of metabolism—the more oxygen you can burn per minute, the more calories you can burn and the faster your metabolism) and found that oxygen consumption after the meal rich in MCTs increased by 12 percent—about triple the increase seen after the LCT meal. They also found that blood levels of triglycerides soared by 68 percent after the LCT meal with corn oil, but there was no increase in triglycerides after the MCT meal. The authors state, “This study also raises the possibility that replacing LCT with MCT over long periods of time could produce weight loss in the absence of reduced energy intake.” Eat more, weigh less. Sounds good to me!
Lots of other studies support the benefits of MCT oils. MCT oils are good for many reasons. They get absorbed directly from the gut to the liver and burned quickly, while omega-6 fats from seed, bean, or grain oils—like corn, soy, sunflower, and canola—are transported into the lymphatic system, not the blood, which allows them to be taken up in your fat tissues. That is why MCT oils boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories, reduce fat storage, and cut your appetite. They are like superfuel for your cells. Studies show they cause you to burn about 460 extra calories a day for men and about 190 extra calories for women (sorry, ladies). They also affect your hormones differently than other fats do, helping you feel full.
In another study, consumption of MCTs reduced body fat and triglycerides more than omega-6 vegetable oils. After eight weeks, the experiment showed that the group having the MCT had greater reductions in their weight, body fat percentage, and levels of subcutaneous fat and a 15 percent drop in triglycerides and LDL, or bad cholesterol (even though the MCT is a saturated fat), despite no differences in exercise levels or daily consumption of total calories, protein, fat, and carbs. That’s right: no fewer calories, but more weight loss. The researchers attributed this to increased metabolism and fat burning.
In the 1940s, when farmers wanted to fatten up their livestock, they gave them coconut oil. This plan backfired. The animals lost weight and had more energy!
In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study from Brazil,25 researchers tested the effects of coconut oil on forty women between the ages of twenty and forty with abdominal obesity (waist circumference of more than 88 centimeters, or about 35 inches). They split the women into two groups. One was given soybean oil and the other coconut oil for twelve weeks. They were both told to eat a healthy, balanced diet and walk for fifty minutes a day. The coconut oil group lost more belly fat than the soybean group. Those taking the coconut oil also had higher levels of the good cholesterol, HDL. Their ratio of LDL to HDL went down (a good thing!). So, spoonful for spoonful, the coconut oil group did better with weight loss and their cholesterol profiles.
This is why I love coconut oil so much. I use it every morning to speed up my metabolism and keep me feeling focused and clear and satisfied longer.
Other Benefits of Coconut Oil
Researchers have also discovered significant antifungal effects of coconut oil. When compared to the standard drug treatment for Candida, called fluconazole or Diflucan, the coconut oil won out! It worked better and at a lower dose than the drug.26
Coconut oil is also an antibacterial. Virgin coconut oil can even help treat skin infections.27 It also fights dry skin, and scientists have found that it works against bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Coconut oil also has benefits for the heart! In one study, scientists followed about 2,500 people from the Polynesian islands of Tokelau and Pukapuka. They ate a very high-fat diet, mostly from coconuts. They basically ate some form of coconut at every meal.28 The study found that the islanders’ health was good and that heart disease was almost unknown. They also did not suffer from most chronic diseases, including colon cancer and digestive problems. The lead researcher, Dr. Ian Prior, suggested that there was no evidence that high saturated fat intake from coconut oil had adverse health consequences.
Tips for Using Coconut Oil
Look for coconut oil that is virgin, organic, cold-pressed, unrefined, and never deodorized or bleached.
You can use expeller-pressed, unrefined coconut oil for cooking at up to 400°F, so this is a go-to oil for high-heat stir-fries, medium-high heat sautéing, and most baking.
Like coconut oil, coconut butter is highly stable because of its high content of saturated fats. It will last quite a while in your cabinet. But don’t use it for any high-heat cooking, as the bits of coconut flesh will burn. Spoon coconut butter straight from the jar and eat it. Melt it and pour it over a sweet potato or winter squash, or make a sweet potato sandwich using coconut butter and almond butter (if you slightly undercook the sweet potatoes, they form “resistant starch,” which doesn’t spike blood sugar). Use it in curry dishes and stir-fries for an extra burst of flavor. Add it to smoothies or soups, or stir it into hot beverages. Enjoy your coconut!
Palm oil is a vegetable oil derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree. It has also gotten a bad rap because of its saturated fat content. It has been shunned by people and denigrated by advisory groups despite research showing it’s not harmful and has no connection to heart disease. In fact, it has been shown to be protective of blood vessels29 and to reduce blood pressure and heart disease risk.30 It even seems to improve cholesterol profile.31
The confusion about palm oil stems from the fact that it contains palmitic acid, a saturated fat that is considered to be bad if it is in high levels in your bloodstream. However, as you now know, dietary saturated fats don’t raise blood saturated fats except in the context of a high-carb and high-sugar diet. In fact, through lipogenesis, palmitic acid in the blood is produced in the liver from eating carbs and sugar, not from eating palmitic acid in the palm oil or other fats.
Palm oil is grown commercially in several tropical countries but mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. In its highly processed form it is a common ingredient in margarines, biscuits, breads, breakfast cereals, instant noodles, shampoos, lipsticks, candles, detergents, chocolates, and ice creams (and should be avoided in these products). Palm oil has a light, buttery flavor. But there are different kinds of palm oil and they are not all good for your health or the environment.
Red palm oil is the virgin, unrefined stuff that comes from the flesh or fruit. Palm oil is naturally reddish, and it comes chock full of vitamins and antioxidants, including vitamin E, beta-carotene (much more
than carrots or tomatoes), and coenzyme Q10 (key for cellular respiration). While the vitamin E in most foods is mainly tocopherol, the vitamin E in red palm oil is made up of both tocopherols and tocotrienols, which are especially effective antioxidants. If you want to use palm oil, this is the one to use.
Refined palm oil is about 50 percent saturated fat, 39 percent monounsaturated fat, and only around 11 percent polyunsaturated fat. While it is stable for cooking (and storage), you shouldn’t use it. When palm oil is highly refined, it loses its color and taste right along with the inarguably beneficial effects.
Palm kernel oil comes from the same tree, but instead of coming from the fruit, it comes from the seeds of the plant—the kernels. Palm kernel oil is highly saturated (around 80 percent SFA, 15 percent MUFA, and 2.5 percent PUFA). Be careful not to confuse fresh palm fruit oil (or red palm oil from the fleshy fruit part of the plant), which is the good stuff full of antioxidants such as tocotrienols and carotenoids, with palm kernel oil or refined palm oil, the bad stuff, which is found in roughly half of the packaged goods in American grocery stores. The bad palm oil goes by many names, including palm kernel oil, palmitate, and glyceryl stearate, and can be hidden in processed foods.
The Dark Side of Palm Oil
Palm oil is now the most widely used vegetable oil on the planet (though corn and soybean oil are the most common in the United States), accounting for 65 percent of all vegetable oil traded internationally. By 2020, the use of palm oil is expected to double, as the world’s population increases and as people—especially in countries like China and India—become more affluent and consume more processed foods containing palm oil.