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Prized Possession (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 4)

Page 9

by Kora Knight

  His dick pulsed in his hand. Right. Contemplate that later when blood was back in his brain. Biting his lip, he eased his cock into position. Do it. Take the man you fucking adore. Pump him full of so much pleasure he doesn’t know which way is up.

  Eyelids heavy, he swallowed, then pressed against Scott’s hole. Right on cue, the dude bore down, his ring clearly trying to relax. Tad’s heart hammered. He didn’t want to hurt him. Easing forward, he slipped past that snug little entrance. A groan punched from his lungs. Son of a bitch. Relaxed or not, he was still tight as shit.

  Scott growled, knees shifting against the mat. “Come on, shy boy. I can take it. So can you.”

  No choice but to take him at his word, Tad clenched his teeth and pushed. Both moaned out loud. Holy shit. Scott was squeezing him so freaking hard. And goddamn, he was an inferno in there. Tad paused to catch his bearings. He was actually buried inside the guy. The reality of it all damn near blew him away. His dick, however, had no problems grasping. Was utterly raring to go.

  Fighting the urge to pull back and start pounding, Tad grabbed ahold of Scott’s hips. “Shit,” he rasped. “You okay, dude? You good?” Because, yeah, he remembered how bad that shit burned.

  Scott nodded, clenching hard around Tad’s base. “Yeah,” he panted. “Just gimme a sec.”

  Which was probably for the best. With the way Tad’s cock was currently throbbing, much more stimulation and he’d blow. He needed to calm his ass down. So, he focused on caressing Scott’s back, instead. Right at the base of his spine. Tense muscles twitched beneath his palms, then slowly started to relax.

  “Fuck,” Scott finally groaned. “You’re bigger than I remember.”

  Tad blinked, then barked out a laugh. “Thanks. I think.”

  Scott widened the spread of his hands and knees. “Alright, babe,” he breathed, rocking his pelvis. “Let’s do this dance.”

  Oh, thank fuck. With the way Scott’s ass was gripping his dick, Tad wouldn’t’ve been able to stay still much longer. Licking his lips, he curled his fingers back around Scott’s hips. God, he was doing this. He was actually doing this. Withdrawing to his crown, he fluidly surged back. Deep into the hot, silky haven of his man.

  “Shiiit, yeah.” Back arching, Scott’s shoulders blades bunched together, all those muscles flanking his spine contracting hard. Tad growled and did it again. But with a bit more force and speed. Scott expelled a curse, hips meeting Tad’s thrust. Ecstasy tore through Tad’s frame. Even his toes felt the pleasure.

  “Fuck,” he ground out, setting a steady pace. “No way I’m gonna last for long. You’re so damn tight and hot.”

  Again, Scott reached down between his legs. “Bullshit,” he ground out. “You of all people can hold that shit back.”

  If Tad wasn’t so unraveled, he would’ve laughed. Every time they got together, he always wound up having to stave off his release. Scott had yet to let him bust a nut without sweating for it first. Clearly, this time wouldn’t be any different. Which excited Tad in a way. Because man, did that make for powerful orgasms.

  Frisky fire lapped at his tailbone, then shot up the length of his shaft. His hips pumped faster. “Ah, shit,” he moaned, head tipping back, dazed eyes rolling closed. No fuck had ever felt this good. Not one. Not even close.

  A soft rumble resonated deep in Scott’s throat. Releasing his cock, his big hand reached back and grabbed Tad’s hamstring, holding on for each ensuing thrust. “Shit, yeah,” he growled. “Just like that.”

  Tad bit his lip and gave Scott what he wanted. But harder. And faster. He could actually feel the head of his dick stroking the guy’s swollen prostate. A full-body tremor wracked Scott’s body, his one arm of support nearly giving out. Deeper his fingers dug into Tad’s muscles.

  Tad groaned, his own body doing a similar jig. Hands grasping, lungs sawing, abs going buck wild. Hips like frickin’ pistons. A thick haze descended inside his head, making him feel drunk all over.

  “Ah, God,” Scott grit out. “Don’t fucking stop.”

  Tad tried to respond, to second that notion, but could barely even pant. Like his brain had shorted out. And considering how bad his legs were shaking, they wouldn’t be far behind. Because those tongues of ecstasy lapping at his balls, and licking up his spine? Yeah, those feisty bastards were in his thighs, too, making it a bitch to function.

  Don’t come. Don’t come. Don’t fucking come.

  Scott’s moans came faster, his breaths growing shallow. A possessive rumble vibrated through Tad’s chest. He was behind the guy’s sensual storm, behind his chaos of bliss. Every inch of his being thrummed in satisfaction. Scott was his lover. His.

  And still he needed more. More contact. More heat. The communion of sweat and skin. The visceral urge welled, like a roar inside his head. He thrust his shit faster. More curses emerged. A gale of pure pleasure building in his nuts. Racing up and down his shaft. Shit. Too much. Too soon. Growling, he forced his hips to do the one thing they didn’t want. The one thing he didn’t want. To slow. But otherwise, he was going to erupt.

  Dropping his weight atop Scott’s back, Tad reached around and palmed the dude’s pecs. “Lay down,” he ground out against the guy’s shoulder. “Wanna fuck you into this mat.”

  Another shudder rocked Scott’s frame. “Keep growling like that,” he chuckled through pants, “and you can fuck me into whatever you want.”

  Tad grinned. Nice answer.

  The dude eased them down with bodies connected. Stomach meeting the mat, he spread his knees further. Tad did, too, nestling his snuggly against the back of Scott’s. And then his hands reached up and clutched the guy’s shoulders from below. Scott canted his hips as Tad settled between his thighs, tilting his ass upward at just the right angle. Tad relished the blatant invitation and sank back nice and deep. A ragged exhale rushed past his lips. Scott let go of a groan.

  Fucking paradise.

  Tad reeled, intoxicated by all the sweaty-slick contact. By all the heady control. And damn, if Scott wasn’t bottoming like a champ.

  Rocking his hips backward, he plunged to the hilt. Again, they moaned in unison. Oh, yeah. Totally loving the new position. It sent rapture racing up his cock and firestorms into his sac. It also gave him the opportunity to enjoy Scott with his mouth and tongue, too.

  Which he immediately got busy doing.

  Starting in between those incredible shoulders.

  It was such a sensitive spot for Tad. If he was lucky it would be so for Scott as well. Panting lips connected with skin, pressing down repeatedly to the tune of his thrusts. Going by those head-to-toe shudders, Scott really liked that shit. But then Tad decided to spice things up. Feather-light kisses on every withdraw, tongue flicks on every surge.

  Soon the dude was going nuts. “Shit, Tad—Shit,” Scott panted out, forehead pressed to the mat. “You feel so—fucking—amazing.”

  Tad’s insides purred like a beast. The guy’s words just shot his dick to the brink, but also just blasted him with pride. His heart danced wildly in his chest. He was doing shit right. Was making Scott bliss. Confidence soaring, suddenly all that mattered was pleasing his gorgeous man.

  His lips worked their way up the side of Scott’s neck ‘til his teeth latched onto his lobe. “You,” he panted, hips pumping steady, “make everything—feel amazing.”

  Scott growled breathlessly, turning his cheek toward Tad’s face. “You whispering—sweet nothings—in my ear now, babe?”

  Tad grinned, shifting his angle of penetration. “You liked that?” he rasped, delving deep.

  Scott’s back bowed on a sharp intake. “Ah, shit. I definitely liked that.”

  Tad laughed. “Yeah? And what about this?” Promptly, he shoved his tongue in Scott’s ear.

  “Ah!” Scott barked, every muscle going stiff.

  Tad cracked up so hard, he had to stop fucking. “Tickles so good, don’t it, baby?” He did it again, this time making the big guy buck.

  “Tad!” Scott l
aughed, his entire frame jerking. “You will f-fucking pay for this!” His fingers splayed atop the mat, elbows lifting again to get up. Shit, he was going to toss Tad off. Extracting his tongue, Tad slid his hands down and tweaked the dude’s nipples as he gave a hardy thrust.

  “Son of a—” Scott bit out, then groaned, a full-body shudder breaking him back down. “Shit, babe,” he panted. “Do that again.”

  His raw entreaty sent ecstasy pulsating straight down Tad’s cock. “My pleasure.” Time for a replay. Rocking back, Tad pinched the guy’s nips and drove home a second time.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” Scott ground out. “Shit, babe. More.”

  Tad’s insides howled for release. It floored him how much he was enjoying this. How natural he felt in this act. Then again, Scott always made him feel that way. One hundred percent comfortable in his skin.

  Falling into a rapid pace, Tad tugged and pinched and pumped. Body against body. Lips and tongue teasing that sweet valley between those bunching shoulders. Scott growled, fingers curling, knees shifting against Tad’s. And still Tad’s hips kept on rocking. Could still feel himself stroking Scott’s prostate on every round-trip drive. Which explained why the guy had started to writhe.

  “Fuck,” Scott cursed, breath catching in his lungs. “So close—Goddamn—I’m gonna come.”

  And he wasn’t the only one. Tad had been skirting the razor’s edge ever since Scott first groaned his name. But as bad as he wanted to blow his top, he didn’t want this experience to end. This coveted connection. Never had he felt so close to the guy. So inwardly, utterly tethered. And while not long ago, that would’ve freaked him out, had him scrambling for the door, now he found himself fighting tooth and nail just to make it last. Which wasn’t exactly easy with so much pleasure licking up and down his cock.

  Don’t come. Don’t come. Don’t fucking come.

  Slowing, he buried his face in Scott’s neck and wrapped his arms around him. Once, twice, his lips pressed to hot skin. “Don’t wanna stop. Don’t wanna let go.”

  “Of what,” Scott panted. “Me… or your load?”

  Tad chuckled and gave a nip. “Both.”

  “Mm,” Scott rumbled, pelvis rocking. “Can only help you out with the one.”

  “I’ll take it,” Tad groaned. “Take anything you’ll give.” Goosebumps flared as pleasure delved deep, causing his sac to tighten. Tad shivered, the sensations jumpstarting his hips. “Ah, fuck,” he cursed, unable to stop. “I can’t—Damn—You feel too good.”

  Every inch of Scott tensed. And understandably so. Tad was pistoning the hell out of his channel, mercilessly tagging his G. Wrenching from his throat a non-stop flow of impossibly erotic sounds. Hard moans. Breathless grunts. Ragged, shallow pants.

  But above all, the repeated moan of Tad’s name. Which, naturally, sent Tad’s sanity splintering. And completely annihilated his control. Scott in the throes was a staggering thing. Already Tad’s balls were lifting and firming, his throbbing cock so sensitive he could barely breathe.

  But Tad relished every second of it. Even as it brought him to his knees.

  “Scott,” he gasped, nearly losing his shit, each jolt of pleasure increasingly jarring. “So close, dude—Shit—So close.”

  Don’t come! Don’t come! Don’t fucking come!

  He was fighting it back, he really truly was, but his hips’ erratic jerks were pretty tell-tale. As was the rising storm raging through his groin. Tongues of cruel ecstasy, lashing up his shaft. Delving into his balls and ass. He was past the point of no return. Was down to less than a minute. But fuck if he was going to go alone.

  Panting, he slid his hand down Scott’s abs and grabbed ahold of his dick. “Get ready. You’re doing this with me.”

  Scott shuddered, cursed weakly, then thrust against the mat, clearly dying for friction. Which Tad was more than happy to give him. Heart racing, he got busy jacking the guy off, stroking to the tune of his hips.

  Scott groaned, rocking into Tad’s hand. “Yeah, babe. Shit, yeah. Light me up.” Cheeks flushed, brows furrowed, his sensual grimace was more than Tad could stand. Well, that and the way his tight little ass was gripping Tad’s reeling cock.

  His hips jerked hard then locked up stiff. Shit. Two seconds to detonation. Flammable pleasure raced down his dick, then splintered through his nuts and lit up his channel. He clutched Scott’s cock and braced for impact.

  “Fuck!” Eyes slamming shut, his time bomb exploded. Searing ecstasy tore through his body. Up his tailbone and into every cell as his nuts reared back and unloaded. Round after round of hot, thick cum, rifling up his shaft. Punching into his catch. The world tipped on its side, and still he worked to bring Scott with him. He could feel the guy readying. Swelling in his grasp. His pants getting harsher and louder. But that was the extent of Tad’s comprehension. The liquid heat kicking up his cock stole every other ounce of lucidity.

  Until Scott let loose a ragged shout.

  Back arching, hands fisting, his hips gave some bucks as his dick started pulsing in Tad’s hand. His ass clenched up like a freaking vise, too. Tad shuddered, caught in the snares between Heaven and Hell. Gripping his man as his man gripped him. Chests heaving with brutal force. Finally, every muscle in Scott’s body went limp. And Tad was right behind him.

  Blanketing the guy with utter exhaustion, he closed his eyes and exhaled a moan. “Holy shit. I think I’m gonna need a stretcher.”

  Scott chuckled, out of breath. “Lightweight.”

  Tad attempted to lift an affronted brow, but decided it a waste of energy. “Funny, since this lightweight just handed you your ass.”

  “That’s not all you did to my ass. I’m thinking we should wrestle more often.”

  “You like what I did to your ass,” Tad grinned.

  Scott’s soft growl was all the confirmation he needed. Languidly, he slid his hand up the guy’s shaft. Scott jerked when he grazed his sensitive head. “I like what I did, too.” His fingers splayed proudly through the dude’s thick cum. “And clearly, so did your dick.”

  Scott’s laugh came out muffled. “No point in denying that one.”

  “Nope,” Tad beamed. “Got the proof right in my hand.” Scott shook his head, smiling as he pressed his forehead to the mat. Tad’s brows shot up. “Oh, my God. You’re fucking blushing!”

  “Am not.”

  “Are, too!”

  “Shut up.”

  Tad grinned against his nape. “You so fucking are. Where’s my phone when I need it. Gotta document this shit.”

  Scott laughed out loud. “Get off me.”

  Tad pressed his lips between the guy’s shoulders. “Hmm,” he murmured, sinking deeper inside. “Kinda lacking the motivation right now.”

  Scott moaned like he was melting. “Shit… Wish we were lying in my bed right now.”

  “Yeah?” A woozy kind of warmth washed through Tad’s chest. “Why? You a snuggler or some shit?”

  Scott didn’t answer right away. “No. But I would be with you.”

  A boyish smile tugged at Tad’s lips. “Did you just sweet nothing me?”

  “No,” Scott laughed. “Geez, you’re annoying.”

  “You did,” Tad beamed. “You totally sweet nothing’ed my ass.”

  Scott laughed harder. “Get the fuck off me, you dork.”

  Tad laughed, too, but instead of complying, he gave Scott another hug. “Nope. You gotta ask nicely.”

  “Fine. Get the fuck off me, please.”

  Tad’s grin spread from ear to ear. “Much better.”

  Easing out with a reluctant sigh, he sat back and pulled off his condom. Damn. Impressive load. Staving off an orgasm definitely had its perks. Quickly, he tied the thing into a knot, then got up and headed to his duffle. He’d dispose of that shit tactfully later. Swapping it out for a nice clean towel, he wiped his hand, turned, and sauntered back. Scott watched him approach, those dark eyes raking his body from head to toe.

  Don’t blush. Don’t blush. Goddamn it,
don’t blush.

  Sitting down next to him, he stretched out on his side. “Here.” He tossed Scott the towel. “Figured you could find a use for this.”

  Scott smirked and got busy cleaning up. “Thanks.”

  Tad watched him quietly, unable to look away. He was just so beautiful. Whether lifting weights or wiping up cum, it really didn’t matter. To Tad, he was perfect.

  Scott balled up the towel and chucked it at his bag, then scooted his body closer. Head propped in his hand, he looked at Tad. Then made another sexy-ass pout. “My bed is so much more comfortable than this.”

  Tad couldn’t hold back his smile. “Mine, too.”

  “Mm.” Scott’s free hand settled atop Tad’s hip. “What we did just now… I know we established that my dick really liked it…” His full lips curved wryly. “But the rest of me really did, too.”

  Whoa. Somehow Tad hadn’t seen that coming. Nevertheless, it sent his spirits soaring to cloud nine. He grinned and made a nonchalant shrug. “Guess I’m a natural.”

  “Yeah,” Scott smiled. “My thoughts exactly.”

  Tad regarded him for a moment. The guy had clearly taken him literally. Then replied in a way that seemed to illuminate the very truth to Tad’s words. That he was a natural. Or at least he was with Scott.

  Suddenly shit felt a whole lot clearer. Moments ago, when their bodies were connected, aligned and moving as one? When Tad’s heart and soul had shifted on their axis and the whole world ceased to exist? Nothing in his life had ever felt more right. Had ever felt more natural.


  An unfamiliar emotion forced the air from his lungs. Without thinking, he reached out and palmed Scott’s pec. The dude’s dark lashes dipped. Slowly, Tad stroked his nipple.

  Scott’s adam’s apple rose, then fell. “Tad,” he murmured, gaze intense. “Are you—”

  “Attention, gym members,” blared a voice over the intercom. “We’ll be closing in ten minutes. Wrap up your workouts and get the heck out.” Right on cue, the overhead lights dimmed.

  Scott shook his head and chuckled, rising to his feet. “Come on. We better get going.”

  Tad sighed. He’d really been enjoying their post-coital lounge. Stupid announcements. Fighting not to grumble, he got up and started to collect his stuff.


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