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Riding Ryder

Page 7

by Raven McAllan

  “Lie down. Nice. Yeah, just look at yourselves, hot and ready for love. Those fingers are aching to be inside your lover again. But tell them to wait; there are other parts of you that want their chance.” He took Kiri’s hand. “Turn the other way; yes, like that. Now look at each other, at those gorgeous clits, ready to be nibbled and caressed. But first you know you need to put your tongues inside and taste each other.” He waited anxiously as they awkwardly shuffled until they were in the classic 69 position, wondering what would happen. He watched as two tongues hesitantly flicked out and toward their goal. Both girls groaned with happiness and desire. He let them explore and arouse for a while. Knew just when to move on.

  “Okay, so far you’re both very happy. Now, let’s go face to face again. A few kisses are needed, I’m sure.” He had reached down to the side of the bed, fumbled for the dildo they had left there, and lubed it while they were engrossed in each other.

  He let them kiss and fondle, while he murmured words of encouragement, wondering if Logan would still be there when he finally returned. That wasn’t going to be for a while yet, though.

  “Right, my dears, now you need to fuck and be fucked. Feel something hard and demanding inside so you can go heart to heart, clit to clit. Lie side by side.” Immediately, he saw the tension in their faces. This was it. “No? You don’t want to do this? You don’t have to.”

  “It’s not that we don’t want to.” Rena’s voice was heavy with desire, and she fumbled for the proper way to express their feelings. “It just feels weird, having something strapped around us. And we couldn’t do anything with it without it on one of us. So we just sort of froze having something in us that wasn’t one of us.” She shrugged.

  Kiri nodded her agreement. “So I got stupid, and Rena rang you.”

  “It’s not stupid. Firstly, you trust me, yes?”

  Both girls nodded.

  “Good, so.” He took two scarves from a drawer under the bed. “Blindfold each other.” He waited until, with nervous giggles, they complied. “No peeking now, okay? Right, lie down on your backs. Yes, like that. Hold hands if you want to. Good.” He took two small dildos from the stocked bedside table and gelled them as he spoke.

  “Think of how you reacted when you fingered each other, how you got hot and aroused. How good it is to have something inside you, moving in and out, fast and slow.” He inserted a dildo into each wet pussy as he spoke, his actions echoing his words. Usually he used his fingers, but because of the way he felt about Logan, he realized this was one occasion he didn’t have to be fully hands-on. “How good is it, knowing your lover wants to make you come, and still have her hands, her mouth to touch you everywhere?” He looked to see how they were coping. So far, so good. “Your lover wants to feel you close to her, feel your nipples graze her nipples, your clit on her clit, and to share that hard, pulsating feeling inside. That’s what you’re going to get.”

  Gradually he removed one of the small dildos, replacing it slowly with one side of the larger one he had gelled earlier, listening to her excited moans before repeating his actions with her lover.

  “Okay?” he asked quietly, not wanting to spoil the mood.

  Two soft sighs reassured him, and checking their blindfolds were still in place, he held the girls close together.

  “Tell me, does that feel good? Of course it does. Touch each other’s nipples; kiss each other. Use those tongues. That’s so good. You are so right together. Can you feel it? Feel you are going to come. Well, do it, come as hard, as long, as loud as you like. Way to go, girls; way to go.”

  First one girl and then the other cried out as their climaxes took them. He could see tears on both faces as he held them close together until their shuddering stopped.

  “Kiri, Rena, I am very proud of you. When you are ready, take your blindfolds off.”

  He watched as they did as he asked, and then looked down at the tell-tale plastic holding them together.

  “What the—?”

  “We did it.” Kiri’s voice was jubilant. “Rena, we did it; we fucking did it.” She looked at her lover and then at Caleb. “We bloody well did it.”

  “You did,” he said with a smile.

  “Well, fuck me.” There was joy in Rena’s voice. Kiri laughed.

  “I just did. We just did. Um, there’s just one thing, Ryder, well, two, actually?”


  “How the hell did you get it in us without us realizing? It seemed just like fingers at first. And how the hell do we get it to stay where it should like you did?”

  He laughed and moved her back slightly so he could gently remove the dildo.

  “That’s tomorrow’s lesson,” he said. “For the rest of tonight, just enjoy each other however seems fit. I’ll see you at ten in the morning.”

  He stood up, weary, and turned to the door.

  “Er, Ryder?”

  He turned back.

  “Seeing as it’s almost four o’clock, could you make it eleven, do you think?”

  He laughed. “Eleven it is. Enjoy the rest of the night, ladies.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Wearily, he walked slowly along the corridor to the door to his private area. Once through, he looked at the shower room he had installed there. Had he done that unconsciously, to make a barrier between his work and home? Whatever the reason, he slipped inside, undressed, and turned on the shower. Standing beneath the spray, he flexed his shoulders. He was totally drained. His work, his vocation, did that to him. Unfortunately he was also wired and knew it would be a while before he could sleep.

  Wringing the water from his braid before toweling himself off, he put the clothes he had been wearing earlier in the linen basket and walked to the lift. There was no way he could find the energy to climb the stairs.

  The first thing he heard when the lift door opened and he entered the foyer of the flat was, he hoped, the TV. And someone swearing loud and long. Either that or he had very noisy burglars.

  He opened the lounge door. Logan was sprawled on the settee, bathrobe on, and judging by the way it was draped, nothing else. There was a bottle of beer by his side. He looked up as Caleb walked across the floor.

  “Hi, all done? You fucking asshole. Oh, not you, love, this fucking ref. Does he not know the bloody rules? Aussie football,” he explained, handing the bottle of beer to Caleb. “Beer? What the shit is that? Eh? Come on, you fucking pom.” His tone conveyed disgust.

  “Er, Logan?”


  “I’m a fucking pom.”

  Logan grinned as he used the remote to turn off the TV. “Great this, Cal. I was channel surfing and found this one devoted to Aussie Rules. Marvelous, except for that bloody ref and Rasmussen. How he can play and not be sent off…” He shook his head in amazement. “And as for fucking poms? Well yeah, you are a fucking pom, but you’re my fucking pom. Different.”

  “Oh good.” Caleb drank deeply and passed the bottle back. “That’s good. Shit. I’m done in.”

  “Knackered?” Logan asked him, his voice only loving. He waited anxiously for the reply.

  “Mentally? Yes. Physically? No, not this time. Though that can happen, and yes, if you want me to, I’ll tell you when it does.”

  There he goes, reading my mind again.

  “Get used to it, Logan; I always can.”

  He laughed and swung his feet on to the floor, patting the settee in between his thighs as he did so. “In that case, why aren’t you already sitting here tucked in tight so I can massage those amazing but tense shoulders?”

  “On my way.”

  Logan waited until Caleb sat, his butt snug against him, pushing firmly on his cock. Oh god that feels so good. Gently he began to massage Caleb’s shoulders.

  “So does that?” Caleb asked huskily.


  “Feel good.”

  Hell. Mind reading again. Well, let’s see if he reads this little gem.

  He did. Logan laughed as Caleb wriggled, an
choring himself firmly around him, and leaning farther back.

  Logan felt the wet braid on his chest. Knew his lover had showered before coming home. He undid the ties fastening the braid and finger-combed the long, silky, smooth locks. He heard Logan sigh in what he hoped was pleasure.

  “Oh yeah. So good.”

  There was silence in the room apart from their breathing. Logan knew Caleb must be tired, should go to bed, but it was so good to hold him like this.

  “I’m wired as well as tired. I won’t sleep until I’ve relaxed. Or come.”

  Even he could hear the tension in Caleb’s voice as he waited for an answer.

  “In that case…” He moved Caleb’s hair to one side, and kissed his nape, while one hand found and fondled Caleb’s rapidly hardening cock. “I aim to please.”

  “Bloody fine aim.”

  “So where do you want to come?”

  “Oh ho, trick question, eh?” Caleb’s voice was teasing. “Deep in you, facing you, so you know, I know, who I’m making love with. And somewhere we’re both comfortable.”

  “Well, I checked our bed out when I put my stuff away, and did all the housewifely things that needed doing, like putting my toothbrush in the bathroom, and not leaving my bottle cap on the table.” Logan’s voice was deliberately smug. “Hell, I even remembered to put the toilet seat down! Brownie points, please. And I reckon that bed has distinct possibilities. I vote for there. Come on, up the rest of you gets.”

  He moved back and swung his trapped leg over Caleb’s head. His butt was playfully slapped as he stood up, and he spoke to Caleb, who was still lounging on the settee. “Move that body.”

  “Hey, who’s in charge, then? And yes, you do know what I mean.”

  Logan laughed. “One day, I’ll surprise you, mate.”

  Caleb got to his feet and kissed him hard, walking him backward into the bedroom. “Anytime you want. Just give me a bit of notice so I can zone out.”

  “Fair enough. Mmmph.” His body was propelled onto the bed. His robe pulled off as he tipped back-first into the softness of the mattress. Caleb followed his descent to lie on top of him. Then his nipples were nipped and soothed, his cock held firmly as Caleb laved his way slowly down his body.


  He looked down, bewildered. Sheesh, he had only been wondering.

  “Very unlikely we’ll be interrupted again. I think those two will be perfectly happy until I see them in the morning.” Caleb’s eyes were twinkling. “Or later on this morning, I should say. So I’m all yours.”

  He didn’t add I hope, but Logan thought he should cross his fingers, just to be on the safe side.

  “No need. Now, are you going to fuck me or just think about it?”

  Logan laughed as he found gel and condoms in the bedside drawer. “Oh, fuck you, no two ways about it.”

  “No? Oh that’s a pity. Two ways could be very exciting.”

  Caleb’s laugh seemed as if it was from the heart. “Okay, Logan, you’re on. Two ways it shall be.”


  “What time is it?”

  Caleb opened one eye. “Damn, Logan, this is becoming a habit. I’m moving the clock to your side of the bed.” He squinted. “Half past eight. We’ve plenty of time yet.”

  “Oh good.” Logan moved and put his head on Caleb’s chest. “What am I thinking now, Cal?”

  Caleb laughed. “Very erotic, very X-rated thoughts. And, oh yes, be my guest. After all, I had it all earlier. I won’t be greedy. Oh, I will.”

  Logan had lubricated his fingers and begun to insert them into Caleb’s ass almost before he had time to draw breath. Caleb sighed in bliss. Logan was gently forceful, not pushing too much or too hard, just a nonstop, relentless pressure designed to give pleasure, not pain.

  Their earlier lovemaking had been just that. Given and received with love. When Caleb had finally lain, spent, on top of Logan, they both knew they had moved to a new level of love and awareness. They both wanted, needed, to reinforce that.

  “Two girls.” Caleb said gently. “Two girls, last night. I can still see you wondering, and I know you won’t ask.” He moved his hands gently back and forth over Logan’s back. “Newly out, new to each other and making love with a female partner. And scared shitless they’ll do something wrong. So they’re tense, then of course, nothing is right. But they’ll get there; it’ll just take time, love, and caring. They’ve got all that. I’m just showing them how they do it physically.” He moved his hands to Logan’s dick, and then raised an eyebrow in query. “You going to come for me, Logan? Let me fist you, make you come, shoot all over my hands while you finger-fuck my ass? Then let me show you how you can make me come?”

  Logan, his eyes misty with emotion, nodded and took hold of his cock firmly in one hand and reached for Caleb with the other. “Here, with my love. Both of us or neither,” he said firmly. “I’ll enjoy finger-fucking you while you fuck me, and we can both come together like this.” His fingers scissored and moved inside Caleb, as his other hand began to rub Caleb’s cock. Caleb picked up the rhythm and matched it with his hand on Logan’s dick. The result was instantaneous and overwhelming. Two voices shouted out their completion as two hot, wet, streams of cum erupted all over both their hands.

  They made it to breakfast just half an hour before Caleb had to leave to see Kiri and Rena.

  “I hope you don’t need to do anything that will give you indigestion,” Logan said wickedly. “Too much exercise on a full stomach is not good for you.”

  Caleb laughed, relieved to see Logan could make a joke about something that affected him so profoundly.

  “Hopefully, I’ll be needed in tutor mode only. No hands-on required. So I can sit on my ass and let my food digest.”

  “You’d better, bro.” Doris had entered the room, enjoying the banter between the two men. “But if not, the indigestion tablets are in the first-aid cabinet.” She laughed as both men leaned over and kissed her.

  “Right, I need to go.” Caleb stood up and pushed his chair back from the table. “I should be back for lunch about one, then I’ll start running through the office stuff, if you fancy.” He looked at Logan, who nodded.

  “No prob.” Logan watched as after a toe-curling kiss, Caleb left the room. He sighed.

  “Survived your first night, did you?” Doris asked. “He get called out?”

  He nodded. “Yup. I nearly blew it. Luckily, he has faith in me, and by God, D, I’m going to try to live up to it. At least I managed not to ask who he’d gone to or what he did, but it was a close thing.” He paused. “Then this morning he gave me the compliment of telling me a little. No names, not what he did, just why he was needed. I felt ten feet tall.”

  She smiled at him, and he saw the sympathy in her eyes for his plight. “Going okay so far, then. What will you do if he does tell you what he’s done, and it’s something you don’t like, something you’re jealous of, or feel threatened by? What will you do then?”

  He shook his head, showing his frustration with the thought. “Kick the cat?”

  “We don’t have a cat.”

  “Yeah, kick myself then. Or get rip-roaring drunk. God, D, I don’t know. I just do not know.”

  Chapter Twelve

  What he would do wasn’t put to the test for a while. Kiri and Rena left on Friday morning, a lot more fulfilled and well on their way to happily ever after. The couple due in for a quick refresher course cancelled, and the week with the gay couple, Connor and Bain, had become a week of friendship and laughter.

  An older couple, Mark and Mary, returned for their fourth visit. In their sixties, they had first turned to Caleb for help and advice when they decided their love life was getting stale. Or, as Caleb had explained to Logan, when it became sex on Thursdays after bingo and Saturday after Match of the Day. It added a bit of spice to their lives as he talked them through what they were to do.

  The crunch came four weeks later.

  They had enjoyed several amazing weekends
of loving and laughing. At the cottage, they had meditated before making love on the dunes on a golden afternoon, the sun gilding them with its radiance. Once back at Greykirk, the joys of their rooftop terrace with its lap pool had become obvious.

  Logan was in the office one Friday afternoon when Caleb wandered in, his last clients having just left, happy and contented.

  “Anything I should see?” he asked after giving his lover a hard and passionate kiss.

  Logan returned the kiss and smiled. God, he so loved this man, and sometimes it was hard to believe he was lucky enough to be loved in return. He waved a sheaf of papers. “Mostly straightforward; I just need to know if it is yay or nay to them, but why people need to fax, when emails are so easy and so much safer, I don’t know. There’s one here from a Joh Cencinietti, in email and fax and with a phone number. She or he seems very eager to get hold of you and wants a date soon, with no one else here. I’ve attached a list of dates to the query.”

  “Mm hmm.” Caleb was noncommittal, ignoring Logan’s interest. “I’ll answer it this afternoon. Anything else?” He smiled, although it seemed his mind was troubled.

  Logan picked up on his anxiety. “Hey, not really. A few queries, two definite couples—you just need to approve the dates before I email them—and a definite yes for the conference in October. That makes us almost full for the rest of the year. Oh, and a very nice email from Mark and Mary confirming their next visit.” He straightened the papers on the desk, fiddled with a paper clip, and then decided to change the subject. “But, strange, I saw a badger in the garden today. Walked straight in front of me. Not scared or anything.” He saw the worried look on Caleb’s face. “What? What does seeing a badger mean, then?”

  Caleb didn’t answer.

  “Tell me, Cal,” Logan demanded. “Hell, if it affects me, affects us, I want to know.” Even if he wasn’t sure about all the wisdom Caleb believed in, he needed to know what had put that concerned look in Caleb’s eyes. “Tell me.”


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