Book Read Free


Page 19

by Carolina Soto

‘Favorite TV show?’

  ‘Dexter. Favorite movie?’

  ‘Pretty woman. Boobs or ass?’

  ‘I can’t believe you talk like that! Boobs, you should know this. Why are you so spoiled?’

  Whoa! We were in the easy questions and he jumped to this. ‘How could you say that? You haven’t even seen me with my parents. You don’t know what you are talking about!’

  He sat straighter against the couch on the floor. ‘Oh baby please, there’s no way you can pay for this apartment. Your clothes? Those are completely sponsored by daddy and please, I don’t know anyone your age who calls her parents almost every day calling them “mommy and daddy”. And you can’t deny that anytime you want or need something you use that childish voice that gets you whatever you want.’

  Everything was true, too true. ‘Bite me, Berkeley, I can talk to my parents as I want.’

  ‘Ok, but then why did your prolong your stay in their home?’

  ‘Don’t know, maybe because besides Michelle and Kevin, they’re the only people that really like me for what I am.’ I shrugged my shoulders looking down at him from my position over the opposite couch. Whoa! Weak point! Why did you say that?

  ‘I like you, too.’

  ‘That’s because you want to get into my knickers!’

  ‘Why do you say knickers!?’ He was laughing at me with that charming smile on his lips.

  ‘I hate the word panties!’

  ‘My mom used to say knickers!’

  ‘Great! Your mom and I share underwear terminology!’

  Fuck! I joked about his dead mother!

  ‘She would have liked you.’ His voice was sweet and his eyes softer.

  Princess leave this topic now!

  ‘I would have liked her to.’ I smiled a little and continued. ‘Now answer, first crush?’

  ‘Kelly Kapowski.’

  ‘Oh God! I wanna cry! Saved by the bell? Berkeley you are killing me here!’

  I was laughing my ass off!

  ‘Fuck off, Bianchi!’

  ‘I am a fucking lady, you can’t talk to me like that you cynical dickhead!’ I acted offended by his insult.

  ‘Ok, so the lady has spoken. My turn, first love?’

  Tricky fucking question, the one you don’t want to answer princess.

  ‘Non existent. Celebrity crush?’

  ‘Angelina Jolie. Why no first love?’ He was not giving me a break on this.

  ‘I have never loved anyone. ‘

  ‘Answer, Katherine!’

  ‘I don’t know, I have never felt it, I have never had a relationship, no one has made me want that. And I have never been the receptacle of someone’s love, so no, there’s no first love.’ I was going to flip this fucking coin before he pushed even more. ‘First love?’

  ‘Haven’t had one, just like the lady. Celebrity crush?’

  ‘David Gandy, I am a sucker for David Gandy, he is God’s gift for women. First time?’ This was a safe question, he knew mine, even when we never really talked about it. I was dying to know his.

  ‘15, prom, a senior girl, you know how it goes.’

  ‘Name of the lady?’

  ‘Those are two questions, Tiffany, don’t know her last name. Favorite book?’

  ‘Mmmm Gone With the Wind. I am not that into books.’

  He was looking at me in that funny way, he knew I was lying, fucking asshole.

  ‘So you don’t read?’

  ‘What are you getting at, Berkeley?’

  ‘Nothing, just your Amazon list.’


  ‘What about it?’

  ‘You like to read that soft porn romance shit!’

  ‘Shut up! You have no idea! Sometimes I am bored and everyone says cultivating your mind is good for you.’

  ‘Yeah right! Cultivating my ass!’ He was quoting me and making fun of my literary taste at the same time.

  ‘You lost your right for questions, back to my best friend TV and you’ll stay quiet and pretty as I like you.’

  That was it, our little exchange was so funny and comfortable that I would dismiss the fact that he discovered my weak literature spot. We stayed watching TV in my bed for hours, until Kevin came home.

  ‘Hey lovebirds.’

  ‘Isn’t it early for a walk of shame slut?’ I was going to kick my best friend for using the word “love” to refer to Dylan and I.

  ‘Yes baby, but my girl was a little too clingy and I escaped. Do you want to play Halo, Berkeley?’


  ‘Do you play that shit?’ I turned to him with a questioning look.

  ‘Boarding school, I can play with any of those things.’

  ‘So you are an average boy after all.’

  ‘I guess I am. Can you help me with something in your room while Kevin starts the game?’

  Weirdo! Hanky panky maybe?


  He pulled me to my room by my hand, this was getting weirder by the second. As soon as he closed the door I yanked his hand. ‘What the fuck Berkeley?’

  He seemed anxious but I couldn’t guess why. ‘Katherine, please, could you put on some pants?’

  ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ I was shocked, no one had ever had the balls to talk to me about my outfit selections.

  ‘I don’t want you wearing that in front of Kevin.’

  He must be kidding me with this request. ‘Don’t be a dick Dylan, you know that Kevin lives with me! He has seen me in these shorts for years! I can assure you that he hasn’t even noticed I am wearing them.’

  He took my face between his hands.

  ‘Katherine I never ask, I am trying here, please put on some pants.’

  ‘You are a jerk!’

  I dropped the shorts in front of him and signal the door, so I could get dressed. My tightest pair of yoga pants, those would do the trick. I don’t even have an ass, you moron! I came out with them, aware that every inch of my legs and my no existent ass were visible.

  ‘Were you cold baby? Covering your legs should work.’

  Fuck! Kevin had noticed it.

  ‘No, Berkeley is crazy and he thought I looked slutty in those. You know he’s a jerk.’

  The killing eyes Dylan was giving me were menacing. ‘Don’t push it, Katherine.’

  ‘Fuck off, I’ll make dinner.’ I stood up and went to the kitchen to order something.

  At some point finally they stopped playing and after dinner, Kevin left us alone. Dylan and I went to my room to watch some movies and make out like horny teenagers.

  We were lying in my bed staring at the ceiling and catching our breaths after our horny session. ‘Katherine, we need to talk about something.’


  His voice was business like in a second. ‘I know who sent the package to my office, I’ve already talked to John.’

  ‘Who did it?’ I was dying to know and start taking action.

  ‘That girl you hate, Jenny. I don’t know the reason, probably just getting you mad, but there’s no doubt, she did it.’

  Anger flooded my body I had always despised her lack of intelligence, but betrayal was worse. ‘I am gonna fuckin’ kill her.’

  ‘No, you won’t, we have decided that we need to investigate further, so you can’t do anything until we know.’

  ‘But wh….’

  His tongue was already in my throat when I started arguing. His hands all over the place and the making out was increasing dangerously. We were sooo getting laid. And so we did; as every time it was the best moment of my day, him inside me.

  Before sleeping I texted John, there was no way I was staying with my arms crossed. I was planning a strategy but Blue Eyes wanted to talk to me. We were in bed facing each other with our arm under our faces.



  ‘Tomorrow I’ll leave to Chicago.’

  ‘Ok…’ This was becoming more difficult every time and my voice was giving me away.

you want to come?’ I could hear hope in his voice, but it was too soon.


  ‘When will you visit my house there?’

  He wanted me in his house, that felt good, I didn’t even recognize why, but answered as kindly as I could. ‘Maybe on the 4th of July break?’

  ‘I am dying to show you everything in Chicago.’

  ‘I’d like that…’ I smiled at him, he was expecting this visit and I discovered I was too.

  ‘I want you in my bed.’


  ‘You swear like a sailor but you can’t discuss sex?’ He was laughing at me but he had a point.

  ‘What do you want to discuss?’

  ‘How much I want you.’

  ‘You just had me.’

  ‘I know…’

  ‘Night Berkeley.’

  ‘Night beautiful.’

  Chapter 21

  Morning came and with it perfect Blue Eyes wearing an amazing grey three piece suit, his black tie, and white shirt, never messing with the classics. I was drooling because of his smell: wood, always wood.

  ‘What are you staring at, Bianchi?’ He raised his eyebrows suggestively knowing exactly what that suit was doing to me.

  ‘Your clothes’


  ‘I like that suit.’

  ‘Do you like the suit or do you like the suit on me?’

  ‘It’s a fine suit.’

  ‘You are impossible.’

  I just smiled, walked him to the door and let him take my breath away with the most amazing goodbye kiss ever. That smell would have melted me by itself, but those lips and tongue just sealed the deal.

  ‘I am going to miss you.’

  ‘When are you coming back?’ I asked him pretty aware that I sounded a little clingy.

  ‘Friday. I want you in my apartment when I arrive.’

  ‘Why not here?’

  ‘Because I am going to miss you so much, I will want to be inside you for the entire weekend and I don’t want Kevin listening you scream.’ WHAT?! Yes, please, yes! ‘Breathe, Long Legs, see you at my place.’

  He kissed me again and left, leaving me all melted and breathing fast. But there was no time for fantasies, I had a plan for the day and I couldn’t be distracted, I was going to give credit to my bitch fame.

  Wearing my wide legged ivory pants, a black shirt tucked in, the most beautiful long pearl necklace and killer nude heels I scheduled a meeting for my team and John. I talked to him first and explained my plan. I understood they needed time, but for my own sanity I needed some kind of release. This meeting would be that for me.

  Each of the guys entered the conference room, John was sitting to my right and I asked Mrs. Cherry to put every single chair in front of me, I needed to see their faces and to appear as threatening as I could. Everyone was happy, they were excited about the success of our campaign.

  ‘Hey guys, thanks for being here without any prior notice. As you know we have been working really hard to get a successful campaign and a happy client. As we are getting to the end of this job, today I need to hear, what has each of you done for the campaign? Please feel free to expose your ideas and if you have any comment on the development of our process in this specific account let me know so we can be better the next time. So Teddy, if you don’t mind could you start?’

  I had always hated letting people talk without structure, but it was part of the plan. I already knew what they had done on the campaign and was pretty aware of the lack of effort from Jenny. I needed to expose her to her peers, it was evident that her performance was really poor in comparison with my team. After an excruciating hour and a half and an almost asleep John, it was evident that the little harpy was really under her team.

  ‘Ok guys, I really appreciate your time, ideas and opinions, of course the great results we are getting are only the outcome from your efforts. Now I have to address a problem we had in this particular job. Most of you don’t know about this but we had a leak of information in our team. Someone delivered a fake brief to BKY Enterprises’ legal department, which ended up in a legal suit. The problem doesn’t lay in the lawsuit, which of course was dismissed after a clarification from our boss, Mr. Witter. The thing that I have an issue with is the fact that I can’t trust my team.

  Mr. Witter here has trusted in all of us, giving us a job and his support in our personal and professional lives. And someone in this office has betrayed him. Mr. Berkeley is investigating the point, since he feels he has been taken for a fool; he knows better than believing in some anonymous package, but he hates conspiracies.

  Since I am in charge of this team, I have to face the consequences of that traitor’s actions. I don’t know who did it yet, but since, as you know, I am really serious about my career, be sure that I am going to do whatever it takes to make this person’s life a living hell. I am going to be sure that he or she can’t work in this industry ever again and that you remember my name everyday of your life.

  The rest of you can always count on my and Mr. Witter’s support, we are going to be working as usual and making more successful campaigns. Thanks for your time and let’s go back to work.’

  Their faces were completely shocked, I noticed Jenny was breathing funny and trying to act as concerned as everyone else. Of course Melissa tried to ask further questions, but I dismissed her and asked them to avoid any further question since there was a corporate investigation going on. I could smell fear and I enjoyed every second of it. I hate traitors.

  As soon as I entered my office a message was waiting for me.






  How was it that this hot jerk could put a smile on my face while texting, that had to be the stupidest thing ever, smiling to a screen.

  The days went on and the only thing I expected everyday was the night texting, he knew how to make me laugh with really few words. It only made me miss him even more.

















  You are smiling like a fucking lunatic princess! Would I ever accept that I was missing him like a maniac, that I wanted him stealing my privacy and that the only thing worthy in my day were his texts? Yeah right! Maybe in another life…

  I hated Thursdays, they seemed to be in my way towards the weekend, but that Thursday was different. In fact it wasn’t, but everything changed the moment I entered my office. A little blue box was waiting for me in the middle of my desk. I had always said that true love comes in a blue box with a white ribbon, this certainly was not true love but my stomach was full of stupid butterflies, well, really of nervousness that produced physical reactions that felt terrible.

  Since I hate surprises and gifts were never up to my taste, yeah I know that sounded really bad, I decided to text him before opening it.


  It was a simple, generic response, the words you say to anyone who buys you a gift.


  How the hell does he that? Maybe it was not beautiful, maybe the box was empty, it wou
ld make sense since this was not true love. I didn’t know why, but now I was even more nervous about opening it. With trembling hands I undid the ribbon and opened the box. Inside the little blue bag was a single cultured pearl pendant and a round diamond on top of it, hanging in a simple white gold chain.

  I was speechless, I was thinking of buying it for myself, but of course it cost a small fortune. What shocked me the most was not its price, but the fact that he knew I wanted it, I had been wanting it for a long time. Just as I was starting to freak out, my reverie was interrupted by my phone.



  ‘You opened it.’ Listening to his voice was so comforting, that’s why I answered with monosyllables so I could hear him more.


  ‘Do you like it?’

  ‘I love it.’

  I could hear his smile, even when there was only silence in the other line.

  ‘Put it on.’

  I put it around my neck, it was beautiful but almost invisible, it was completely attached to my body, hidden behind my clothes, but yet so present.

  ‘It looks amazing.’

  His commanding self made his appearance. ‘Is it behind your clothes?’


  ‘Great, I want it there.’

  Don’t ask, don’t ask.


  ‘Because I want you to always wear it.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘I’ll be there soon.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Miss me, even a little, ok?’ This sweet man, was never adorable, until he was and shook my world.


  ‘Bye Katherine.’

  I hung up stunned. Not only for the gift, or his words, but of what they had made me feel. Of course I was missing him, of course I wanted him back, but it was something else, something I couldn’t recognize.

  Chapter 22

  Friday was D- day, it was the moment of the revelation. I went home after work, ordered my habitual pizza, and watched as much TV as someone can without getting bleeding eyes. After dancing to an old Rod Stewart video and jumping around my bedroom, I fell over my bed and stared at the ceiling. Something was bothering me, after analyzing my entire room I noticed it was Dylan’s smell, it was all over my bed and it drove me crazy.

  Moment to think what I was really feeling. Of course I liked him, any straight girl, gay guy, smart animal would like him, he was what scientists would call “objectively attractive”, some golden ratio should be involved in that attraction. His description was the perfect match to my infinite list of requests in a man. So yes, I was accepting it, I liked him, not that he would ever know about it.


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