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Dusk of Defiance (The Era of Ensemble Book 1)

Page 4

by Woosey, JP

  The rattling from before sounded again. Luke jumped to his feet, alert. It almost sounded like a dog chained to a post, only more aggressive. The passageway split into a few different directions ahead of him. He glanced at his wrist device and opened up a high resolution map of the UCSC Defiance. It pinpointed his location on the map, and showed it as a pulsing blue orb. He zoomed out, there was one other blue pulsing orb on the map, several green pulsing orbs and hundreds of red pulsing orbs. There were also thousands of greyed out orbs throughout the map of the ship which didn’t pulse. He knew what that meant. They were signifying the people who no longer had a pulse. Luke had to take hold of his thoughts. Elizabeth was one of those greyed out orbs. She didn't have a pulse. She was no longer alive. Luke didn't have any answers. The madness aboard the spaceship still continued to plague him. I've woken up from my deep sleep to my worst nightmare. Elizabeth is dead. Why? What could have made her take her own life? What would have pushed her to do it? Did the man whose boots I wear kill himself? His flesh wasn't mangled or eaten by those creatures... Those things, what are they? Why can't I escape this nightmare? Luke stared at the coloured orbs on the device. What do those other colours mean?

  Luke placed the wrist device in front of himself to light up the passage. The path ahead forked out in two different directions. The fastest way to the power section of the ship was past the room with the rattling noises. Luke gulped, he couldn't believe what he was thinking of doing. Play it safe, a part of him thought. But another part wanted to reach his sister as fast as he possibly could, yet curiosity got the better of him. He built up his courage, breathed deeply, and then headed down the forked path to his right. I need answers. I need to find another living person. Are the blue pulsing orbs like me? Lost and alive?

  The passageway changed into a larger corridor. Luke slowly moved forward, keeping his footsteps as quiet as he possibly could. The rattling chain noises sounded again as he stepped further down the corridor. He noticed a door, broken and bent out of shape. It wouldn’t close, it couldn’t close.

  The rattling grew in intensity, as Luke approached the door. Maybe it can hear me…? Or smell me? He put his back against the wall near the broken door and slowly poked his head through the gap. There were bedding sheets spread over one side of the room and more sheets were also placed like curtains to separate the room into two halves. The other half of the room was stripped clean, just the metal plating of the floor of the ship. The chain was long, and twisted. Luke followed it. It was attached to a pole at the back of the room and led to a chain wrapped woman who growled in a corner of the room. She was hunched over and violently shook from side to side, attempting to loosen the metal chains around her neck.

  Luke heard a humming sound coming from the sheet covered side of the room. He noticed another person who murmured random words. Luke checked around for anything else. There was nothing, other than the two people in the room. He slowly entered, and stepped upon the sheets. The man quickly looked up, his eyes wide, his face pale. He scurried back, further away from Luke. He looked frightened of him. Luke didn’t know what to do. He took another step towards the frightened man.

  The woman growled loudly. She hissed and shrieked before she sprinted towards Luke. Her arms flailed wildly in the air and her mouth foamed. Luke stepped back and aimed his revolver. But before he could fire the woman was flung backwards into the air. Her throat was choked by the metal chains around her neck. She smashed onto the floor. The chains loosened around her windpipe and she gasped for air. Luke saw the bloody red marks around her bruised neck, this wasn’t the first time she had choked herself. A hand fell onto Luke’s shoulder.

  “P…please, leave us b…be.” The man stuttered as he spoke, as if speaking hurt him. Luke jumped. He wasn’t sure what surprised him more, the hand on his shoulder, or that someone had spoken to him.

  “Why? What’s happened here?” Luke questioned, eager to listen to the man’s tale.

  “It…it took ever…everything from me.” The man returned to the corner of the room where he had been sitting and began to rock back and forth.

  “What took everything from you?” Luke asked. He crouched to meet the man’s eyes.

  The man stared at Luke, confused and somewhat angry. “IT!” The man shouted.

  “What did it take?”

  “It t…took everything… everything… M… My children, and m… my…” The man looked over at the woman chained up to the pole. Tears filled his eyes. “…My wife.”

  “Can I help you?” Luke inquired.

  The man slowly looked up at Luke. His lips struggled as he smiled. “H…help me?” He began to laugh uncontrollably. “No. My so…soul is clean, and o…only God can h…help them and you.” The smile vanished from the man’s face. “Now lea…leave us be!”

  Luke exited the room, unsure of what to make of it. The only person sane enough to speak to him was still madly insane. Or maybe I'm the one who is insane? Maybe this is all a nightmare? Luke thought to himself. If only.

  He continued along the corridor, en route to power section 32-B. He couldn’t stop thinking about what that man had said. He had to be wrong, Luke thought. I can still help these people. There must be more people like me. Someone who can think and speak clearly, someone who hasn't lost their mind. I can't be the only one. I can help, and I'll start by restoring the non-essential power.

  The map showed that he was close to his destination. Luke checked for any activity, before he continued into power section 32-B. The backup lights were smashed. Luke had to rely on his wrist device for illumination. The room had shards of glass scattered all across the floor. They reflected the light in a cone of star like sparkles as his wrist device was directed towards them. Luke observed the room. There was a dim red glow where a power cell should have been. He scanned around the room for the power cell, but he couldn’t see it.

  He rested against the wall and scratched his head. He didn’t know what he was going to do. He scanned the room again. There was a small opening at the other corner of the room. He hoped it was a cabinet for a back up power cell. Luke eagerly made his way to the cabinet. He tried to open the door, but it was locked by a primitive padlock. He tussled with the lock. It didn’t budge. He angrily raised his revolver and fired at the padlock. The bullet crashed into the ancient iron lock and ripped a hole in the cabinet’s door. The padlock lay in pieces scattered along the floor.

  Luke eagerly opened the door to the cabinet, hoping that the bullet hadn't hit a power cell. The door opened, and a body fell out. Luke caught it, but quickly dropped the body as he saw that nothing was attached to the neck. The decapitated body clattered to the floor. He couldn’t see the head anywhere. Who would put a decapitated body in a small confined place? He couldn’t worry about that now, he was starting to get used to nasty surprises.

  Relief washed over Luke as he saw an unused power cell in the cabinet. He holstered his revolver and grabbed the power cell with both hands. It was heavier than he had anticipated. It nearly slipped out of his hands. He slowly moved it over to the outline of the dimly lit hole. Luke placed it in, making sure it was the right way around. For a second there was nothing. But suddenly the whole room came to life. Lights shone brightly, so bright Luke had to shield his eyes.

  “Thank you... unidentified engineer… for restoring non-essential power to 32-B. Have a pleasant day.” The computerised automated voice spoke over the speaker system. Luke felt somewhat proud of himself, but that feeling quickly vanished as he heard a noise from outside the room.

  He took out his revolver, and loaded another round into its cylinder. He edged to the door, and aimed his weapon. Nothing to his right. He looked to his left, and then lowered his revolver. Luke holstered it, watching the figure in front of him, and then he raised his hands above his head and into the air. Luke stood, gesturing his full surrender.

  Chapter 5

  Luke stood still. He did not dare to move a muscle. A man stood across the hall from him. Luke surve
yed him. The man was tall, dressed in protective armour, but he didn’t hold his gun like a soldier. The small details flooded Luke’s mind as he made a quick assumption. No, he's not a soldier at all. His battledress was more dusty than bloodied. He wore a bandage strapped around his left arm. His eyes were distinctly bloodshot. There were cuts and bruises all around his face. His nose looked swollen and purple, but he could just be a heavy drinker. He did not look like a man who had directly battled with one of the creatures... but he had battled with something. He was far too twitchy and alert. He must know what's going on aboard this ship. He may be able to help me.

  “What are you doing here?” The man whispered loudly across the room.

  “I came to restore power to the tram.” Luke replied. He watched the man twitch from side to side, turning at every little noise. Luke gently, purposefully and slowly lowered his hands. Although the man's gun pointed in his direction, he had asked Luke a question, and Luke deduced the man didn't want to kill him. The man was listening out for those creatures.

  “Who are you?” The man squinted as he asked.

  “My name’s Luke Mason, and…”

  “Why aren’t you like the others?” The man interrupted Luke.

  “I’ve only recently woken from deep sleep. I awoke to find the ship in this state.”

  The man lowered his weapon, and eased slightly. “What are you looking for? Why are you fighting it?”

  “I’m trying to find my sister…” Luke paused, unsure of what the man was asking. “Fighting what?”

  The man laughed. “You don’t even realise…” He stopped laughing, and then studied Luke. “Maybe you can help me? Yes you must help me.”

  “Okay. Just explain to me what you want.” Luke answered the man.

  “Sure… But not here, it’s not safe, follow me.”

  Luke began to follow the man. “Who are you?” He asked.

  “Maxwell… Maxwell Pearce.” He stopped, and turned to Luke. “Keep your distance from me… I don’t trust you.” He glared at Luke.

  Luke raised his hands for calm. “Okay… Okay, easy now.” He waited a few paces, and then began to follow Maxwell again. There was something familiar about the man’s name, but his memory failed him.

  Luke kept a constant few paces distance away from Maxwell. They passed several forks in their travels, Luke was surprised that the man knew where he was going. It all looked the same in the maintenance tunnels. Or maybe he's just leading me down random turns, waiting for an opportunity to strike. No, Luke thought, I can't think like that. I'll never get to Megan with thoughts like those. I'm just going to have to trust this man.

  Maxwell led Luke to a small room, just beside power section 67-X. It felt like they had been walking for hours. Luke was surprised with the lack of abominations around. He didn’t question it though, he just thanked God.

  He followed Maxwell into the small room. It was bright, the power cell had worked. Luke briefly smiled, but it soon vanished.

  “It’s too bright.” Maxwell paused as he moved a chair from the back of the room and placed it towards Luke. “They aren’t going to like it.”

  Luke took the chair, but Maxwell waved him to move back. He picked up the chair and placed it further away from Maxwell, and then sat on it. He felt his muscles ache and appreciated the rest he was finally receiving. “They?”

  “Those people who have lost their minds. They won’t like what you’ve done.” Maxwell paused again as he rummaged through a box below a table. He pulled out round objects covered in foil. He turned them over and looked at the notes attached to the bottoms of the round foil covered objects. “You might even make them worse.” Maxwell continued to search through the foil covered objects until he found what he was looking for. He ripped off the foil. He looked excited, like a spoilt child with a present. “It’s best if you keep your head down for a while. I know of a place where…”

  “No.” Luke blurted out. “I need to find my sister.”

  Maxwell stared at him, unimpressed with the interruption. He turned away from Luke and took off the last piece of foil. It was a flower decorated plate, with food placed on top of it. Maxwell smiled as he picked up a small chunk of the food with the tips of his fingers and placed it into his mouth. He didn’t chew, he just savoured the taste. Maxwell watched as Luke licked his lips, and drooled.

  Luke felt his saliva trickle to the left corner of his mouth. He hadn’t eaten yet. This is torture. He watched Maxwell with an increased sense of frustration. Pure torture. Luke's body quaked with desire. He had an overwhelming urge to rip the food from inside Maxwell's bulging cheeks. His eyes focused on the malleable mounds of moving flesh. His nostrils flared wider to absorb the intoxicating smell. He imagined his teeth sinking into... Luke shuddered.

  Maxwell had caught sight of the hunger in Luke's eyes, and he relished the power he held over Luke. “So what do you intend to do?” Maxwell smacked his lips as he placed another small portion of food into his mouth. “Just run about the ship until you find this sister of yours?”

  “I’ve restored power to the tram. It won’t be as difficult as you’re making out.” Luke replied, his stomach rumbled intensely. He breathed heavily as he resisted the urge to lunge at his tormentor. He had to hold his nerve. Perhaps Maxwell is testing me? Testing me before he places any trust in me. Testing me before he shares a morsel with me.

  Maxwell stared, and then laughed wildly. “That won’t make it easier.” He swallowed the food in his mouth teasingly before he continued. “You know those things will be attracted by the noise of the tram, right?” Maxwell held the plate invitingly at a distance. Displaying the exposed edges to tempt and lure Luke away from his chair.

  Luke stayed glued to the seat, as if captured and held by an invisible rope. He battled with his survival instincts. His body and mind fully absorbed with his own desires. He found his lips and tongue twitched with anticipation. He would gladly eat the regurgitated contents of Maxwell's stomach if that's what it took to quell his current desires. He had to focus on their conversation. He had to make sense of his own words. “But there’s sound suppression throughout most of the ship. Not many will be able to hear it.” Luke replied, he tried to concentrate on the discussion but all he could do was stare at the food in Maxwell’s hands.

  “The vibrations will still travel throughout the ship.” Maxwell paused briefly, as if he was in deep thoughts. “Maybe you will get around the ship. Where are you going to start looking for your sister?”

  “I’m heading to the opposite side of the ship. Why?”

  “I’ll help you look for her, if you help me.” A smirk emerged across Maxwell’s tired, wrinkled face.

  “What do you want?” Luke was unsure whether he trusted this man.

  “I just want you to check out the captain’s quarters.” Maxwell looked down at what was left on the plate, and then offered it to Luke.

  Luke snatched it off him and stuffed his mouth. The food slipped easily across his tongue. He used his fingers as scoops. The moment one mouthful had been swallowed another replaced it. Luke had never tasted anything so satisfying. His pleasured taste buds left his head reeling with instant joy. He felt electrified with life. His head buzzed with a feeding frenzy. He licked his fingers. He sucked each crevice and fold in his skin. His tongue caught every moist trickle. Nothing was untouched by his devouring urges. Luke licked at the plate until nothing was left.

  Maxwell's eyes flashed a different glint. An acknowledgment that his captor would currently be a willing participant in furthering his desires. While Luke hovered towards starvation, his instinctive need to feed would keep him submissive and obedient. Like a dog waiting for a treat from its master. Maxwell held a power over Luke, which in turn fed his own addiction. His eyes widened as a second pouch of food delivered another appreciative, favourable response. Luke has a strong willpower and has controlled savage impulses for a man spurred on to live, he would make a competitive adversary. Maxwell gloated to himself.
  Luke preoccupied with finishing his food, continued the conversation. “Why the captain’s quarters?”

  “I think I might... I think we might have a way off this ship.” Maxwell smiled as he watched Luke clean the second portion of food off the plate.

  “Okay. So are you coming with me on the tram?” Luke inquired as he wiped his fingers on his clothes. He assumed the meal and the contentment from being full meant that the two men would work together. Side by side.

  “No.” Maxwell walked over to Luke and took hold of his wrist. “But I will keep in contact with you.” He entered his contact details on Luke’s wrist device, and saved it. “We ping each other first. Got it?” Maxwell stared intently at Luke and waited for him to nod in acknowledgement before he continued. “You never know what’s around the corner on this ship.”

  Luke opened up his backpack, and Maxwell placed in some supplies. Some water, some food and even a magazine from years ago. Luke appreciated the supplies, but he was still sceptical about this man. He recognised the name, it was bugging him. Why does the name Maxwell Pearce sound so familiar?

  Chapter 6

  Luke had been walking for a while. His backpack weighed down on his shoulders, it felt much heavier with the water Maxwell had provided. He breathed a sigh and tried to keep his mind on the task at hand, to get to the tram and find his sister. The name Maxwell Pearce still irritated him. He knew it, but he just couldn’t recall from where.

  He exited the power section of the ship, and followed the tram directions. They were lit up brightly after Luke restored power. He smiled as he looked at it, proud of what he had accomplished. Restoring the power will surely help someone aboard the ship. That is if there is anyone still sane aboard. Luke shrugged, the increased light is a good thing, I’m sure of it. It improves visibility, the creatures can’t approach suddenly from the dark shadows. There are fewer shadows for the creatures to hide in. It will improve my accuracy too, less of my ammunition will be needed. The lights are definitely a good thing... but why would I be advised otherwise? Why would the light attract the creatures? Luke didn't understand. There was a lot about the spaceship he did not understand or relate to, he just knew he had to find Megan. The thought of seeing his sister again spurred him on. She’s all I have left.


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